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The paper discusses application of active and passive microwave data for assessment of time and space variations of first-year ice cover. The Caspian and Aral seas are chosen as main study areas. The Caspian Sea evolution is primarily climate driven, while for the Aral Sea there is a mix of anthropic and climate factors. We analyze ice cover conditions using a novel method that combines active and passive satellite measurements for ice discrimination. This method uses the synergy of simultaneous data from active (radar altimeter) and passive (radiometer) microwave instruments onboard the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) satellite, launched in 1992. The benefits, drawbacks, and potential of ice cover studies using the proposed method are discussed. We analyze in detail how this method is influenced by the difference in footprints of the T/P sensors and by the radiometric properties of ice and snow at different stages of ice cover evolution. In order to link the T/P-derived results to historical observations that end in the mid-1980s, long time series of passive microwave data from SMMR and SSM/I sensors have also been analyzed. Satellite time series of ice cover extent and duration of ice period have been obtained for the Caspian and Aral seas since 1978. A good agreement is obtained between historical and satellite data, with significant spatial and temporal variability of ice conditions. There is a marked decrease of both duration of ice season and ice extent during the winters 1998/1999-2001/2002. These satellite-derived time series of sea ice parameters are very valuable in view of the heterogeneous and mostly unpublished data on ice conditions over the Caspian and Aral seas since the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

A technique is presented to separate uncontaminated land and sea brightness temperatures from mixed coastal pixels in 37-GHz vertically polarized passive microwave data from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) instrument. Combining a mathematical model of the instrument response over several neighboring footprints with a GIS representation of the coastline yields a relationship between land and sea brightness temperatures and radiation measurements made at the satellite. Inverting this relationship allows separate land and sea brightness temperature values to be derived for each mixed coastal pixel in the original image. The technique has been successfully applied to 37-GHz vertically polarized SSM/I imagery for test areas covering the Gulf of Aden and the British Isles. Errors in the retrieved brightness temperatures were estimated to be of the order of 1-2 K  相似文献   

Airborne microwave measurements of precipitation associated with Super Typhoon Flo in the western North Pacific were conducted during September 16-18, 1990. The sensor package aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft included a dual-frequency precipitation radar at 10 GHz and 34 GHz and a host of radiometers operating at 10 GHz, 18 GHz, 19 GHz, 34 GHz, and 92 GHz, as well as three frequencies near the strong water vapor absorption line of 183.3 GHz. The measurements were made during a few passes over the storm center, and active and passive microwave signatures of the rainbands were detected with a fine spatial resolution. The relationship between the measured brightness temperature and radar-estimated rain rate is examined at the frequencies between 10-92 GHz. At both 34 and 92 GHz this relationship is analyzed with the 10 GHz radar reflectivity factor measured at altitudes above the freezing layer as a further constraint. The results show that frozen hydrometeors strongly scatter radiation at these frequencies, especially at 92 GHz. It was shown from a close examination of both active and passive microwave signatures that a significant scattering of radiation at frequencies 118 GHz occurred in the inner eyewall at altitudes of 3-8 km. This scattering of microwave radiation by hydrometeors in both liquid and frozen forms is discussed under the authors' current understanding of the scattering mechanism  相似文献   

The melt period of the Arctic sea ice cover is of particular interest in studies of climate change due to the albedo feedback mechanisms associated with meltponds and openings in the ice pack. The traditionally used satellite passive microwave sea ice concentration algorithms have deficiencies during the summer months due to the period's highly variable surface properties. A newly developed ice concentration algorithm overcomes some of these deficiencies. It corrects for low ice concentration biases caused by surface effects through the use of 85 GHz data in addition to the commonly used 19 and 37 GHz data and, thus, the definition of an additional ice type representing layering and inhomogeneities in the snow layer. This new algorithm will be the standard algorithm for Arctic sea ice concentration retrievals with the EOS Aqua advanced microwave scanning radiometer (AMSR-E) instrument. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of this algorithm for the summer period of 1996 using data from the special sensor microwave imager (SSM/I) which has frequencies similar to the AMSR instrument. The temporal evolution of summertime passive microwave sea ice signatures are investigated and sea ice concentration retrievals from the standard NASA team and the new algorithm are compared. The results show that the introduction of the additional sea ice type in the new algorithm leads to improved summertime sea ice concentrations. The SSM/I sea ice retrievals are validated using SAR-derived ice concentrations that have been convolved with the SSM/I antenna pattern to ensure an appropriate comparison. For the marginal ice zone, with ice concentrations ranging from 40% to 100%, the correlation coefficient of SAR and SSM/I retrievals is 0.66 with a bias of 5% toward higher SAR ice concentrations. For the central Arctic, where ice concentrations varied between 60% and 100%, the correlation coefficient is 0.87 with a negligible bias  相似文献   

A statistical treatment of microwave remote sensing data of the Earth's surface is described. The statistical characteristics of radiothermal emission from such surfaces as pure water, oil spills on water, soils, and forests are analyzed, and the relationships between the statistics of the radiothermal emission and surface parameters are discussed. As an example of the utility of the statistical approach of microwave retrieval the author suggests a method of determining the danger of fires in forests  相似文献   

A novel broadband (including dc) microstrip-to-microstrip vertical transition for multilayer microwave circuits is proposed. This transition solves the problem of the discontinuity typically appearing in via hole transitions between two microstrip transmission lines in different layers. An analogy existing between this transition and a rectangular coaxial line is discussed. A parametric study alongside with the experimental results of the transition are presented. Reduction of local oscillator to radio frequency leakage in a mixer with this transition is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We provide a new fit for the microwave complex dielectric constant of water in the salinity range between 0-40 ppt using two Debye relaxation wavelengths. For pure water, the fit is based on laboratory measurements in the temperature range between -20/spl deg/C and +40/spl deg/C including supercooled water and for frequencies up to 500 GHz. For sea water, our fit is valid for temperatures between -2/spl deg/C and +29/spl deg/C and for frequencies up to at least 90 GHz. At low frequencies, our new model is a modified version of the Klein-Swift model. We compare the results of the new fit with various other models and provide a validation using an extensive analysis of brightness temperatures from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager.  相似文献   

By using the model of air-oil slick-sea water system, the influence of the oil slick thickness, operating frequency of the radiometer and incidence angle on the effective emissivity are calculated and analysed. The optimum scheme for passive microwave remote sensing of oil pollution on sea surface is also proposed and used successfully for airborne microwave remote sensing experiments.  相似文献   

This work investigates the potential use of passive and active microwave observations to monitor soil moisture and vegetation biomass over a soybean cover. The work is based on a sensitivity analysis from a large set of data generated by radiative-transfer models. Some appropriate configurations are identified. In particular, the combined use of passive data at 1.4 GHz, with multiangle active measurements at 5 GHz, is found to be promising  相似文献   

Water vapor profiling algorithms that treat liquid clouds explicitly yield a cloud base height as a byproduct. A single case of a water vapor profile retrieval using a combination of the SSM/T-2 on the DMSP satellite and cloud parameters from the AVHRR on the NOAA satellite retrieved a reasonable cloud base. While hardly definitive, this case is suggestive. The authors examine the cloud base signal in a combination of the SSM/1 and SSM/T-2 on the DMSP satellite from a theoretical point of view. It is shown that the signal is strong enough for a useful retrieval only over the ocean. For low altitudes, a cloud top temperature (CTT) constraint, as could be provided from an infrared radiometer, is required. While difficult with the DMSP-NOAA satellite combination, this has become much easier with the recent launch of NOAA-K with the AMSU-B and AVHRR. It is shown that the signal is acceptable over the relevant range of cloud liquid water content values. To achieve useful results, some local tuning of the algorithm will be necessary. This tuning could take the form of water vapor profile covariance matrices, climatological estimates of the cloud liquid water density, or purely empirical methods. Broken and multilayer clouds provide additional complications to the problem  相似文献   

针对微波与激光混合链路中继卫星在执行初始调度方案过程中发生的各种动态扰动变化,分析研究各类扰动特点,把不同扰动下的动态问题归结为一类复杂约束下的任务插入问题。建立混合链路中继卫星动态调度问题的约束满足模型。提出基于启发式信息的动态调度算法对模型进行求解,基于初始调度方案的优良特性,极大降低动态调度复杂性。仿真结果验证了模型和算法的可行性,能够有效解决微波与激光混合链路中继卫星动态调度问题,对解决实际问题具有一定理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Like-polarized backscattering from randomly tilted ice blocks in deformed first-year sea ice is modeled. An approximation for the coherent and incoherent scattering cross section of a single ice block is formulated and validated by comparison with moment method computations. It is found that the model is accurate for lossy ice blocks but underestimates the scattering when the loss is low, which is attributed to multiple scattering within the blocks. The backscattering coefficient is evaluated by averaging over an ensemble of blocks with a distribution of slopes and effects of shadowing are estimated. In situ measurements of ice ridge properties in the Baltic Sea are used as input when comparing the model results with coincident ERS-1 SAR data. The model is found to agree with the data to within 1.5 dB, where the discrepancies are mainly due to the uncertainty of the dielectric loss factor in the ice blocks. The model also shows good agreement with airborne 5.3 GHz SAR data of a first-year shear ridge in the Beaufort Sea for incidence angles between 25-50  相似文献   

Electromagnetic models are used as the basis for a least squares inversion technique to estimate the dry snow zone surface properties of the terrestrial ice sheets from active and passive microwave satellite data. Retrieved parameters include grain size, density, layer thickness, and accumulation rate. The prime motivation is to provide information of direct value to the Cryosat altimeter mission. The derived parameters can be used to convert from elevation change to snow mass change. They can also be used to predict geophysical retracking errors in altimeter data and to estimate the resulting uncertainty in the altimeter elevation measurement. With this technique, snow accumulation rate can also be estimated using passive microwave data. These data can then be compared to historical European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellite altimeter data in order to assess the impact of interannual variability in accumulation rate on the significance of rates of elevation change. The technique is in the preliminary stages of assessment, but is demonstrated using ERS-2 altimeter data in conjunction with spatio-temporally colocated Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and QuikSCAT data. It is planned to apply the technique ultimately to Cryosat.  相似文献   

为了全天时、全天候、隐蔽性探测海面舰船目标,提出将高分辨率综合孔径微波辐射计作为星载微波辐射无源探测系统,用于探测海面舰船目标.提出一种新方法用于定量化评估微波辐射无源探测系统探测目标的能力;建立系统关键指标、目标微波辐射截面和探测距离间的关系,分别推导微波辐射无源探测系统的探测概率方程和探测距离方程;开展仿真分析和机载验证实验,其结果均表明高分辨率星载综合孔径微波辐射无源探测技术探测海面舰船目标是可行的.高分辨率星载微波辐射无源探测系统可作为我国天基预警体系的重要补充.  相似文献   

For dual linearly polarised microwave links (especially to satellites), in situations where differential phase shift is the dominant cause of crosspolarisation, it is proposed to perform adaptive cancellation of crosspolarisation by means of a simplified network having only one variable parameter. A possible construction of the device is suggested and its performance in various situations assessed.  相似文献   

星载微波估计热带气旋中心气压的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在准静力近似条件下,热带气旋上层的暖心强度与气旋中心最低海平面气压相关.根据飞机观测到的平均热带气旋的暖核距平廓线构造一个由单因子--250hPa温度距平--控制的热带气旋中心暖距平模型,建立利用NOAA16/17/AMSU观测反演热带气旋中心暖核强度和最低海平面气压的算法;并对发生在西北太平洋上的热带气旋的最低海平面气压进行反演试验,反演的结果与利用Dvorak(1984)可见光和红外技术估计结果相比,平均偏差大约为11hPa;反演结果的时间序列能够显示气旋强度演变的过程.  相似文献   

An accurate representation of sea ice concentration is valuable to operational ice analyses, process studies, model inputs, and detection of long-term climate change. Passive microwave imagery, such as from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I), are particularly valuable for monitoring of sea ice conditions because of their daily, basin-scale coverage under all sky conditions. SSM/I-derived sea ice concentration estimates using four common algorithms [Bootstrap (BT), Cal/Val (CV), NASA Team (NT), and NASA Team 2 (N2)] are compared with concentrations computed from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) visible and infrared imagery. Comparisons are made over approximately an eight-month period in three regions of the Arctic and focus on areas near the ice edge where differences between the algorithms are likely to be most apparent. The results indicate that CV and N2 have the smallest mean error relative to AVHRR. CV tends to overestimate concentration, while the other three algorithms underestimate concentration. NT has the largest underestimation of nearly 10% on average and much higher in some instances. In most cases, mean errors of the SSM/I algorithm were significantly different from each other at the 95% significance level. The BT algorithm has the lowest error standard deviation, but none of the considered algorithms was found to have statistically significantly different error standard deviations in most cases. This indicates that spatial resolution is likely a limiting factor of SSM/I in regions near the ice edge in that none of the algorithms satisfactorily resolve mixed pixels. Statistical breakdowns by season, region, ice conditions, and AVHRR scene generally agree with the overall results. Representative case studies are presented to illustrate the statistical results.  相似文献   

New multiscale research datasets were acquired in central Saskatchewan, Canada during February 2003 to quantify the effect of spatially heterogeneous land cover and snowpack properties on passive microwave snow water equivalent (SWE) retrievals. Microwave brightness temperature data at various spatial resolutions were acquired from tower and airborne microwave radiometers, complemented by spaceborne Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) data for a 25/spl times/25 km study area centered on the Old Jack Pine tower in the Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS). To best address scaling issues, the airborne data were acquired over an intensively spaced grid of north-south and east-west oriented flight lines. A coincident ground sampling program characterized in situ snow cover for all representative land cover types found in the study area. A suite of micrometeorological data from seven sites within the study area was acquired to aid interpretation of the passive microwave brightness temperatures. The in situ data were used to determine variability in SWE, snow depth, and density within and between forest stands and land cover types within the 25/spl times/25 km SSM/I grid cell. Statistically significant subgrid scale SWE variability in this mixed forest environment was controlled by variations in snow depth, not density. Spaceborne passive microwave SWE retrievals derived using the Meteorological Service of Canada land cover sensitive algorithm suite were near the center of the normally distributed in situ measurements, providing a reasonable estimate of the mean grid cell SWE. A realistic level of SWE variability was captured by the high-resolution airborne data, showing that passive microwave retrievals are capable of capturing stand-to-stand SWE variability if the imaging footprint is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

The coming generations of portable products require significant improvement of packaging technologies, mainly due to increasing signal frequencies and the demand for higher density of functions. State of the art are organic substrates with high-density build-up layers and micro-vias, equipped on both sides with discrete passive and active components. The space requirement of active chips can be already reduced to a minimum by implementing CSPs (chip size packages) or flip chips. A further miniaturization however requires a 3-dimensional integration of components. Besides miniaturization the new applications require signal frequencies of several GHz. In order to maintain signal integrity, much shorter and impedance-matched interconnects between chips and other components are required. Here a new approach will be described which allows extreme dense 3-dimensional integration and very short interconnects combined with the generation of integrated resistors. This approach, called ?Chip in Polymer“ is based on the integration of extremely thin components into build-up layers of printed circuit boards.  相似文献   

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