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Phase-field method can be used to describe the complicated morphologies of dendrite growth without explicitly tracking the complex phase boundaries. The influences of initial temperature and initial concentration on dendrite growth are investigated by using the phase-field model coupling concentration field equations. The calculated results indicate that the supersaturation, which is larger in lower initial temperature and lower concentration under isothermal condition, plays a very important role in microsegregation. It is found that the larger supersaturation causes higher degree microsegregation and faster dendrite growth, and the more serious side-branchs occur. The simulated results agree well with the solidification theory.  相似文献   

The liquid quenching method was adopted to study the solidification morphology and microstructure of AZglD Mg alloy in semisolid. The results indicate that cooling rate has important effects upon the solidification structures. Under the cooling rate of liquid quenching, primary α-phase grows first by attaching on the original α grains, or independent nucleation and growth. The high cooling rate makes primary α-phase grow in "rags" or dendrite shape. Eutectic solidification is carried out in terms of both dissociated growth and symbiotic growth. The dissociated growth forms rough and large β-phase at grain boundaries, while symbiotic growth forms eutectic of laminar structure. The small liquid pool inside the original α-phase solidifies basically in the same way as that of intergranular liquid, but owing to less amount of liquid phase, the eutectic solidification is mainly carried out in the dissociated pattern.  相似文献   

通过对凝固微观组织的模拟,能很好地预测材料的性能,对实际应用具有重要意义。对微观组织模拟中的3个主要模型(确定性模型、随机性模型和相场模型)及它们的应用现状进行了阐述,并分析了它们的优缺点。随着计算机技术的发展,新的计算模型的出现将使金属凝固微观组织的数值模拟向着高精度、高效率和高速度的方向发展。  相似文献   

凝固过程中枝晶组织形貌演变模拟进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细地介绍了近年来在凝固组织模拟上取得的进展,并介绍了在组织模拟中所选用的各种模拟方法,逐个分析了各种方法的优势与不足,进而提出凝固组织的发展方向,即朝着大规模、多尺度方向发展,使得组织模拟能够逐步与实际结合起来.  相似文献   

A directionally solidified sample of superalloy CMSX-4 was investigated to show the effect of crystal orientation on the segregation distribution. The solute distribution of alloying elements across a dendritic cell was measured. Due to the preferred crystal growth in <100> orientation the segregation profiles in this direction is much flatter than that in <110> orientation.  相似文献   

The squeeze casting of a 2024 Al alloy was carried out to investigate the effect on microsegregation in the alloy of the application of pressure followed by diffusion annealing. The experimental results indicate that an optimum applied pressure followed by an optimum diffusion annealing process can markedly reduce the degree of microsegregation and improve the mechanical properties to a degree that can approach the level of forged 2024 Al alloy.  相似文献   

The microstructure and microsegregation of atomized powder,which depend on their sizes,are of great importance to the mechanical properties of the consolidated bulk materials.Therefore,it is necessary to reveal the relationship between particle size and powder attributes.The effects of particle size on the so-lidification characterization of the atomized Ni-based superalloy powders were studied via finite element simulation.Based on the simulations,a model was developed to predict the microsegregation and mi-crostructure of atomized powders with different sizes and study the influence of thermal history on the powder attributes during the atomization processes.The radiation heat transfer and temperature gradi-ent within the rapid solidification alloy powders were taken into account in this model.For validating the accuracy of the model,the predictions of the present model were compared with the microsegregation and microstructure of the specific size powder close to the screen mesh size.The results showed that mi-crostructure depended primarily on the temperature gradient within the powder,while the solidification rate had a more significant effect on the microsegregation.The model predicted microstructure features in agreement with the experiment,and for microsegregation,the deviations of prediction for most ele-ments were less than 10%.This work provides a new model to precisely predict the microsegregation and microstructure of the atomized alloy powders and sets a foundation to control the powder features for various engineering applications.  相似文献   

建立了固液两相流凝固模型 ,用PHOENICS软件在三维柱坐标系中建模 ,用有限差分法离散 ,模拟了高铝锌合金凝固时的比重偏析。计算结果与试验结果基本吻合 ,表明该凝固模型能较好地模拟比重偏析现象。  相似文献   

The influence of melt superheating treatment on the solid/liquid (S/L) interface morphology of directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy DZ125 is investigated to elucidate the relationship between melt characteristic and S/L interface stability. The results indicate that the interface morphology is not only related to the withdrawal velocity (R) but also to the melt superheating temperature (Ts) when the thermal gradient of solidification interface remains constant for different Ts with appropriate superheating treatment regulation. The interface morphology changes from cell to plane at R of 1.1 μm/s when Ts increases from 1500°C to 1650°C, and maintains plane with further elevated Ts of 1750°C. However, the interface morphology changes from coarse dendrite to cell and then to cellular dendrite at R of 2.25 μm/s when Ts increases from 1500°C to 1650°C and then to 1750°C. It is proved that the solidification onset temperature and the solidification interval undergo the nonlinear variation when Ts increases from 1500°C to 1680°C, and the turning point is 1650°C at which the solidification onset temperature and the solidification interval are all minimum. This indicates that the melt superheating treatment enhances the solidification interface stability and has important effect on the solidification characteristics.  相似文献   

综述了凝固过程微观组织模拟的研究现状,重点介绍了微观组织演变过程中晶粒形核、长大、相关的理论模型和常用的数值模拟方法,并对微观组织模拟的未来发展进行了评价和展望.  相似文献   

铝镍钴定向凝固过程的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用有限元模拟分析方法,模拟铝镍钴磁钢定向凝固过程的瞬态温度场,分析了不同工艺条件下液固界面前沿的温度梯度和生长速度的变化规律.结果表明:随钢水温度的不同,液固界面前沿的温度梯度与生长速度之比在凝固初期呈跳跃性增长,然后其值在2000~6000℃*s*cm-2范围变化,在生长到5~6cm时,该值迅速下降且趋于重叠.模拟结果能为铝镍钴定向凝固工艺优化提供重要参考.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Due to the stunning development of the computer performance and numerical solution techniques, great progress has been made in numerical simulation of the solidification microstructure since the last three decades. Among a variety of numerical techniques used to simu- late microstructure, the phase-field method is considered to be a viable computational tool, by which realistic pat- terns of grain growth can be freely obtained. The ap- peal of the phase-field method can be expr…  相似文献   

利用单辊急冷法制备了一种锌铝合金,通过XRD分析表明,合金相组成主要为过饱和相α’和富锌相η,以及微量的介稳定相ε-CuZn4。ESEM及TEM观察结果发现,快速凝固所得合金晶粒为等轴晶,并且极其细化,甚至达到纳米级别,其中Si元素以特殊圆薄片状单质存在,较高含量的Si元素未出现偏析,均匀分散在基体中。  相似文献   

温度梯度对Ti-45Al合金定向凝固组织演化影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用基于溶质扩散控制模型结合CA方法对Ti-45Al合金定向凝固过程中温度梯度对显微组织演化影响进行了数值模拟.模拟结果表明,随着温度梯度增加,凝固形态经历了树枝晶→胞/枝混合结构→粗胞晶→细胞晶→超细胞晶的转变,而一次胞/枝晶臂间距随着凝固组织变化不断减小.此外,温度梯度很高时,固液界面处溶质富集程度很小,界面处出现溶质截流.  相似文献   

The segregation and precipitation behavior of Alloy 690 containing 0.001-0.11 wt% nitrogen during isothermal solidification at 1370 and 1355 ℃ have been investigated using optical microscopy (OM),electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).The results indicate that the volume fraction of TiN-type nitride formed during isothermal solidification increases with the nitrogen content of Alloy 690.Segregation of Ti and Cr exists in samples solidified at 1370 and 1355℃.The Ti content in the residual liquid markedly decreases and the concentration of Cr increases when the nitrogen content of Alloy 690 increases.Furthermore,N and S also show segregation to some extent in the residual liquids at 1355℃.Accompanying by the segregation of Cr,Ti,C,N and S,sulfides and chromium nitrides form.In a low nitrogen content Alloy 690,sulfur segregates and precipitates in the form of Ti 4 C 2 S 2 and (Cr,Ti)S,but in the form of (Cr,Ti)S or CrS in a high nitrogen content Alloy 690.(Cr,Ti)N-type nitrides with an fcc crystal structure have been identified in a sample with 0.11 wt% nitrogen.  相似文献   

The mold filling and solidification simulation for the high pressure die casting (HPDC) and low pressure die casting (LPDC) processes were studied.A mathematical model considering the turbulent flow and heat transfer phenomenon during the HPDC process has been established and paralled computation technique was used for the mold filling simulation of the process.The laminar flow characteristics of the LPDC process were studied and a simplified model for the mold filling process of wheel castings has been developed.For the solidification simulation under pressure conditions,the cyclic characteristics and the complicated boundary conditions were considered and techniques to improve the computational efficiency are discussed.A new criterion for predicting shrinkage porosity of Al alloy under low pressure condition has been developed in the solidification simulation process.  相似文献   

利用有限元法对镁合金挤压铸造凝固过程进行数值模拟,分析了铸件的凝固收缩和凝固时间,预测铸件可能发生缺陷的位置,对比挤压压力对铸件缺陷的影响。 结果发现,与重力铸造相比,挤压铸造的凝固收缩小,铸件在挤压铸造的压力作用下可缩短凝固时间;缺陷模拟结果与实验相符,加大挤压铸造压力有助于减少缺陷的产生。  相似文献   

The three dimensional solidification simulation of the single crystal investment castings at withdrawal rates of 2 mm/min ,4.5 mm/min and 7 mm/min was performed with the finite element thermal analysis method.The calculated result were in accordance with the experimental ones.The results showed that with the increase of with-drawal rate the concave curvature of the liquidus isotherm was bigger and bigger and the temperature gradient of the castings decreased.No effects of withdrawal rate on the distribution of the temperature gradient of the starter and helical grain selector of the castings were observed at withdrawal rates of 2 mm/min ,4.5 mm/min and 7 mm/min.The relatively high temperature gradient between 500℃/cm and 100℃/cm in the starter and helical grain selector was obtained at three withdrawal rates.The study indicates the three dimensional solidification simulation by finite element method is a powerful tool for understanding solidification and predicting defects in single crystal investment castings.  相似文献   

铸造合金的微观组织模拟研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
凝固过程的数值模拟正在由宏观向微观转变。微观模拟不仅可以得到材料的凝固组织,而且还能为宏观模拟提供准确的潜热释放信息。针对目前微观组织模拟的研究现状,分析了几种主要的模拟研究方法,如确定性模拟方法、随机性模拟方法和相场方法等,阐述了其主要特征和模拟微观组织时存在的优缺点。最后对微观模拟中现存的问题及发展方向作了分析。  相似文献   

张国伟  侯华  徐宏 《材料导报》2004,18(10):6-9
综述了铸件凝固微观组织数值模拟在国内外的研究进展,阐述了该研究领域主要采用的3种模拟方法(确定性方法、随机性方法、相场方法),指出了该研究领域目前存在的问题及今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

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