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Low density suburban development and excessive use of automobiles are associated with serious urban and environmental problems. Master planned development suggests itself as a possible palliative for these ills. This study examines the patterns and dynamics of movement in a selection of master planned estates in Australia with the aim of developing new approaches for assessing the containment of travel within planned development. A geographical information systems methodology is used to determine regional journey-to-work patterns and travel containment rates. Factors that influence self-containment patterns are estimated with a regression model. The findings of the pilot study demonstrate that the proposed model is a useful starting point for a systematic and detailed analysis of self-containment in master planned estates.  相似文献   

A critical step in improving the planning and development process is to modernize land records. Modernization requires the application of geographic information systems (GIS) concepts and technology. Two types of systems are involved. One is a generalized GIS for site selection and evaluation and for land value analysis, both of which are needed to make the land transaction and land development process more efficient and effective. The other is a more detailed multipurpose land information system to facilitate the detailed analysis for site planning purposes, and to plan and engineer infrastructure systems to service development. This article discusses ways in which GIS technology can assist planners and developers through the design of land information systems (LIS) that can serve both groups. This prospect promises to minimize the “my data are better than your data” argument. The promise is elusive, unless state government takes a strong role in dealing with the land data needs of public and private sectors. The article identifies problems with current systems and approaches and offers a strategy for building more powerful LIS.  相似文献   

Master planned estates (MPEs) are marketed, sold and purchased on the basis of powerful symbols of security and aesthetics, as well as shared aspirations, values and lifestyle patterns. Living in an MPE not only represents a significant economic investment, but also provides residents with symbolic capital that comes with living in a new, secure, and high status community. Drawing on a case study of an MPE in Brisbane, Queensland, this paper examines the discursive strategies used by residents when the symbolic representation of their suburb is challenged by an ongoing problem of delinquency. By reviewing resident ‘blogs’ on community forums, it examines how the dissonance between the representation and the experience of the MPE is collectively managed, through the medium of talk, to rationalise and neutralise the problem.  相似文献   

The impact of housing inheritance on housing provision has been overlooked in previous work, which has concentrated on quantifying housing wealth and ascertaining whether or not it results in or contributes to social stratification. However, Australian research shows that while housing inheritance may only have modest effects on the wealth of beneficiaries, most of whom are middle-aged home owners themselves, there are important implications for the Australian private rental sector. Many beneficiaries let their inherited dwellings while those dwellings that are sold are often attractive to investors because of their often low capital value and central city location. In contrast to most investors in private rental housing, beneficiaries who become landlords are not always motivated by financial gain. The results suggest that housing inheritance may offer an opportune new source of private rental housing, although like the sector itself, the supply of dwellings from this source is not directly amenable to government control.  相似文献   

Australian government housing policy relies on the private housing industry contributing to the supply of affordable and social housing in cities. However, the diminishing availability of suitable housing for many households raises the question of whether the private housing industry is interested in, or capable of, catering for this market segment. Engagement would require both inducements and regulation, partnerships with government and non-profit actors, and an alignment of attitudes regarding the need and responsibility for providing dwellings in housing sub-markets. This paper explores perceptions and strategies of actors regarding the role for the industry in the context of Melbourne.  相似文献   

农村集体资产股份制改革中,股权设置主要包括集体股和个人股,但是,集体股容易滋生管理层的腐败及侵害成员个人股的收益,而个人股设置的改革实践又非常混乱。因此,应当逐步取消集体股,以提取公益金的方式承接集体股的功能;个人股的设置需要首先明确集体成员资格的法律标准,有条件的村可优先探索政社分离体制,设置除了户籍股之外的股种,鼓励资金、人才和技术流入农村社区股份合作社;发展条件不成熟的村实行综合标准股权种类设置体制,可以户籍股为基本股并结合经常居住情况、土地承包关系、劳动活动情况等确定股权配置。  相似文献   

住户是住宅的最终消费者,开发商只有满足住户的需求才能成功。建立开发商、设计师、住户互通的住宅建设机制已成为一种需要和必然。设计师应当负起开发商与住户间“对话”的责任;开发商应以住户需要为市场定位;住户应变被动为主动,积极参与住宅设计。三位一体的设计机制,将带来良好的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   

This statement covers those phases of urban transportation in which the city planner and traffic engineer have common interests, such as, highways, transit, and terminal facilities, and services. It recommends the establishment of certain interprofessional relationships that normally should be followed to foster sound community development and to insure safe and efficient transportation service.

The governing bodies of the American Institute of Planners and the Institute of Traffic Engineers have adopted this as their interprofessional policy statement.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is to clarify the preconditions for the successful leverage of private investment to help both maintain and expand the affordable housing stock in Australia. To do this we examine a range of initiatives that have enabled such leverage in the UK and explore the lessons that can be drawn for Australia from this experience. The article provides an overview of UK experience since the 1980s and, from this, identifies the key factors that have both contributed to and constrained the expansion of affordable housing in the UK. It signals the key barriers and emerging challenges for the continued operation of this system of affordable housing provision in the UK and draws out the lessons, both positive and negative, that might help determine what is needed in Australia in order to fulfil the stated objective of the current Commonwealth State Housing Agreement—namely, to attract significant private investment into the provision of affordable housing. The concluding section addressing what might be done to increase the potential for leverage in the Australian situation, in the context of this policy goal.  相似文献   

An increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Through the use of semi-structured in-depth interviews, the life circumstances of older renters (65 plus) in both public housing and private rented accommodation in Sydney are explored and compared. Using Amartya Sen's concepts of capabilities and functionings, the study illustrates that due mainly to lower accommodation costs and greater security of tenure, the public housing tenants interviewed had far greater capability to live a life they valued. In contrast, most interviewees in the private rental market were struggling financially and were extremely anxious about their security of tenure. Their capacity to control their present and their future was very limited.  相似文献   

The process of negotiation has long been recognized as central in plan creation and development assessment. Nevertheless, the appropriateness and willingness to engage in negotiated planning and development outcomes varies between planning systems, development locations and individuals. On one hand, negotiation is seen to facilitate responsive planning outcomes that recognize the unique institutional and development environment. Alternatively, the process of negotiation has been identified as one that delays plan making and development assessment, while simultaneously opening the door for corruption and regulatory capture. Drawing on the reflections and experiences of senior local council officers and private development actors, this article explores the process of negotiation in development assessment in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Within the context of neoliberal planning reform in NSW, the article explores the appropriateness and willingness of different types of councils and developers to pursue negotiated outcomes. The article also identifies the types of developments/developers councils are more likely to negotiate with, and explores how the process of planning reform constrains the scope for negotiated outcomes.  相似文献   

新加坡野生动物保护协会创办并管理着裕廊飞禽公园、新加坡动物园、夜间野生动物园和河川生态园4座各具特色的动物园。研究阐述该协会的构成、理念、目标与运营管理模式,考察所属4座动物园的园区规划设计,剖析各园的展区划分、分布与设计特点,揭示其基于展区特点的规划设计和游览模式。前述4座动物园区充分考虑新加坡高密度城市环境与旅游业兴盛的背景,其特色规划设计理念体现于开放互动性展示、兼顾旅游业发展、野生动物保护与青少年自然教育。  相似文献   

Darwin, in Australia's Northern Territory, faces urban planning challenges consistent with those reported in ‘resource peripheries’ around the world. The city has recently experienced strong population growth associated with resources and construction projects, and an increase in public sector workers sent to address the challenges faced by remote (particularly Indigenous) populations. The Northern Territory Government is determined to foster further growth, and promotes ‘major projects’ in urban development as the key. Analysis of the public debates about two recent major projects (the Waterfront Development and the Lyons residential development) reveal a planning process consistent with the clientelism observed by Rayner and Howlett (2009) in resource peripheries in Canada. The risks of clientelism are both the marginalisation of important internal publics and the institutionalisation of ‘temporariness’ as the driver of growth. Shifting to a more consultative planning process might help stimulate internal development, but could also put at risk the relationships that the Northern Territory Government has established with external investors.


本文回顾近年来产业规划以及低碳理论在城市总体规划中的应用和新进展,以低碳的视角重新审视北戴河新区总体规划中的产业专项规划,试图将低碳理念融入到传统产业规划的产业现状分析、产业目标确定、产业体系调整和产业用地布局等各个环节中,从而形成总体规划低碳产业规划的技术路线,应用到北戴河新区总体规划中。  相似文献   

将GIS和RS技术引入城市总体规划教学的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵红红  王成芳  阎瑾 《规划师》2005,21(4):65-67
城市总体规划教学采用现场实习教学,案例教学、讨论教学等多种方式,有意识地将GIS和RS技术引人到教学的各个阶段,探索、研究GIS和RS技术在城市规划教学和课程设计中的实际应用,并注意保持GIS课程与总体规划课程的相互衔接。  相似文献   

This article presents empirical evidence linking recent fluctuations in regional temperatures to enhanced ozone formation within the country's 50 largest metropolitan regions. The results of an analysis of regional climate and ozone formation during the 1990s indicate that annual violations of the national ozone standard were more strongly associated with regional temperatures than with the emissions of regulated ozone precursors from mobile and stationary sources. Based on the results of this analysis, I argue that the air quality management strategies outlined in the Clean Air Act may be insufficient to control ozone formation due to ongoing and unanticipated changes in global and regional climate. I further argue that the emergence of urban heat as a significant air “pollutant” demands a strategic response from the field of urban planning. The article concludes with a discussion of the linkages between urban form and regional temperature and outlines a set of design strategies that have proven successful in mitigating urban heat production.  相似文献   

书斋是传统私家园林中书房、山斋的统称,而其功能又不止于文艺活动。书斋随着中国古代士大夫文人的人格和艺术体系的发展和完善而变迁,经历了汉魏六朝在私家园林中无特定选址、唐宋作为宅园的中心,以及明清蜷于园内一隅这3个主要演变阶段。至明清,书斋往往自成一处独立的小院,除了书房的基本功能以外,还可以独立承载园主人的日常起居、爱好雅嗜等,是明清文人宇宙观日益狭小的真实写照。  相似文献   

The outcomes from a survey of developer and related organizations active in a local industrial property market in mid-1998 are reported in respect of the use and reuse of industrial buildings. The discussion focuses on both refurbishment and reuse and new build sectors, and draws out some evidence on sustainability issues. Despite a relatively limited understanding of sustainability as a concept, developers are found to have a positive attitude to reuse when conditions allow it. Indeed, those more actively involved in reuse have sometimes engaged in a variety of practical, sustainable solutions to refurbishment needs. Most are open to influence on questions of good practice and sustainability. This all suggests that legislation designed to turn the development and construction industry towards brownfield opportunities and the sustainable reuse of existing infrastructure is likely to induce a favourable response. Cet article presente les resultats, a la mi-1998, d'une etude menee par des promoteurs et des entreprises du secteur actives sur le marche de la propriete industrielle locale sur l'utilisation et la reutilisation des batiments industriels. Le debat porte, pour l'essentiel, sur la remise en etat, la reutilisation et les constructions nouvelles; les conclusions mettent en lumiere des evidences en ce qui concerne les questions de durabilite. Malgre une comprehension relativement limitee du concept de durabilite, il s'avere que les promoteurs ont une attitude positive en ce qui concerne la reutilisation de batiments lorsque les conditions le permettent. Certes, les plus actifs dans le secteur de la reutilisation se sont parfois orientes vers l'option de la remise en etat en proposant une grande variete de solutions pratiques et durables. La plupart d'entre eux restent ouverts aux questions de bonne pratique et de durabilite. Tout cela suggere que la legislation visant a orienter les promoteurs et les entreprises du batiment vers des opportunites d'investissement dans des installations existantes et vers la reutilisation durable d'infrastructures existantes est susceptible d'entrainer une reponse favorable.  相似文献   

从资产重组的数学模型及其局限性角度来研究资产重组实证研究的基础,以期资产重组操作中充分利用基本和个别模型而使得资产重组的决策数量化和科学化。  相似文献   

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