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Privacy,trust and control: Which relationships with online self-disclosure?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of studies have examined the relationship between privacy concerns, perceived control over information, trust and online self-disclosure, highlighting different points of view to understand this connection. This paper intends to compare these different models of explanation for self-disclosure behaviors in online social networks. Three different hypotheses are verified, using mediation and moderation analyses. The results allow underling the effect of the interaction between privacy concerns and trust on online self-disclosure, along with the absence of a direct influence of privacy concerns on disclosure itself. The results suggest practical implications for online social network providers, most of all with regard to privacy policies in online environments.  相似文献   

Online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a new but essential financing method for small and micro enterprises that is conducted on the Internet and excludes the involvement of collateral and financial institutions. To tackle the inherent risk of this new financing method, trust must be cultivated. Based on trust theories, the present study develops an integrated trust model specifically for the online P2P lending context, to better understand the critical factors that drive lenders’ trust. The model is empirically tested using surveyed data from 785 online lenders of PPDai, the first and largest online P2P platform in China. The results show that both trust in borrowers and trust in intermediaries are significant factors influencing lenders’ lending intention. However, trust in borrowers is more critical, and not only directly nurtures lenders’ lending intention more efficiently than trust in intermediaries, but also carries the impact of trust in intermediaries on lenders’ lending intention. To develop lenders’ trust, borrowers should provide high-quality information for their loan requests and intermediaries should provide high-quality services and sufficient security protection. The findings provide valuable insights for both borrowers and intermediaries.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationships among online trust and two of its most important antecedents, namely privacy and security, and explains how consumers’ characteristics (gender, age, education and extraversion), moderate the influence of both privacy and security in online trust. This study expands previous literature by identifying the conditions under which perceived privacy and security are likely to have the greatest positive effects on consumer trust in the online retailer. Based on data from 398 online consumers, the results revealed that the influence of both privacy and security on online trust was stronger for male, younger, more educated, and less extraverted consumers. Implications for theory and management are discussed.  相似文献   

The advent of social networks opened a myriad opportunities for merging the social character of trust with the technical possibilities offered by the Internet and its availability as a mobile service. While most of the computational trust models aim to detect trustworthy entities, much less attention is paid to how these models are perceived by the users who are the core of the system. This paper delves into the workings of online trust systems under user bias and analyses the user behaviour through biases defined by Prospect theory. By performing empirical study on an existing system, we are able to demonstrate that there is a huge discrepancy between the aim of implementation of the online trust models and the users’ perception of those models. Understanding of this relation by the system designers can reduce complexity and improve the user experience and the system performance. The results imply that the tendency of the users to exhibit cognitive biases is not only the cause, but also the effect from the trust system design. These results and the analysis are then used to propose to the system designers a methodology for user bias identification and mitigation in the form of a Choice architecture for trust systems.  相似文献   

《大话西游Online》是根据那两部《大话西游》电影改编的。电影的影响力毋庸质疑,现在常常能听到的“曾经有一份……”这类语式即是佐证。可中国玩家仍不满足,他们期待在游戏世界中“大话西游”,以延续电影《大话西游》带来的疯狂和痴迷,于是有了这国内第一款超大型武侠神怪网络游戏。这款游戏把单人游戏和多人互动同时表现,把角色性、冒险性、故事性等单机RPG的东西融合到多人共建网络世界中,并且拥有浓厚的中国文化特色。游戏讲述的是主角为了“天命”来到这个世界寻找西天取经之人,并历经种种磨难的故事——  相似文献   

游戏名称:寒冬游戏平台:PS2开发公司:Swordfish Studios《寒冬》的故事结构是相当直观和紧凑的,在游戏的每一个关卡中玩家都会得到一个核心目标任务,你一步步地向其靠近,干掉阻拦在前方的障碍,当然在每一关卡的最后阶段你将接受最主要目标的考验。除了核心任务外每一关中都会有  相似文献   

Although e-commerce adoption and customers’ initial purchasing behavior have been well studied in the literature, repeat purchase intention and its antecedents remain understudied. This study proposes a model to understand the extent to which trust mediates the effects of vendor-specific factors on customers’ intention to repurchase from an online vendor. The model was tested and validated in two different country settings. We found that trust fully mediates the relationships between perceived reputation, perceived capability of order fulfillment, and repurchasing intention, and partially mediates the relationship between perceived website quality and repurchasing intention in both countries. Moreover, multi-group analysis reveals no significant between-country differences of the model with regards to the antecedents and outcomes of trust, except the effect of reputation on trust. Academic and practical implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

《孔雀王》的运营失败并没有让奥美动摇进军网游的决心,近日,奥美已决定运营韩国VanSoft研发的网游——《开天》,不知这款游戏是否能为奥美在网游市场上开出一片新天地? 《开天》的英文名叫Lateinos,这个单词出自《圣经》,它指的是从神明出现到基督降临人世之前的这个时间段,所以在游戏里,玩家将面对一个混沌的世界,这个世界需要有人来开天辟地,在混乱中的世界建立秩序。《开天》是一款采用Enigma引擎的全3D网络游戏,所有场景都是3D即时演算而成,支持360度自由视角,在画面上比较出色,但在细节处理上比《天  相似文献   

Fostering customer loyalty is a key objective for online businesses. Initial transactions with new customers are less profitable than transactions with existing customers, making loyalty an important strategy. Drawing on research examining online customer loyalty (termed e-loyalty), switching costs, and trust, this study provides an empirical test of the relative influence of trust vs switching costs on e-loyalty for e-service providers. We further examine whether trust moderates the relationship between switching costs and e-loyalty. We propose that in the presence of high customer trust, e-service providers should have less need to rely on switching costs as a driver of e-loyalty. We test the hypothesized relationships using data collected from 299 repeat users of online travel services. Our results confirm that trust is a more important predictor of e-loyalty than switching costs. In addition, we find that the impact of switching costs on e-loyalty depends on the level of trust felt by customers. This study extends our understanding of customer loyalty, switching costs, and trust in e-commerce environments and provides practical, theory-driven guidelines to e-businesses seeking to develop customer loyalty programmes.  相似文献   

《东方卫士online》是交大铭泰新近推出的一款真正意义上的在线杀毒软件,在国内率先实现了在线杀毒功能。现在,交大铭泰公司为用户提供1个月的免费试用版,让您领略在线杀毒的方便和安全。  相似文献   

18年前,倾盆坠落的流星雨席卷了亚洲地区,整片大陆进入了非常戒备状态。16年后,具有国家性规模和影响力的Saint财团建立了四个特殊教育机关,分别是:“圣文学院”、“玄岩学院”、“凤凰学院”、“号令学院”。四个学院从各个地区、各个学校选拔出运动特技天才,  相似文献   

野蛮人 “WAAAAAGHI I”传说这是在兽人语里,主要是批一种大规模迁徒/远征的行为。当一个星球的兽人人口达到爆炸程度的时候,兽人们就会想办法制造大型宇宙战舰舰去征服新的星球,  相似文献   

Boyle  J.M. Resler  R.D. Winter  V.L. 《Computer》1999,32(5):65-73
As our society becomes more technologically complex, computer systems are finding an alarming number of uses in safety-critical applications. In many such systems, the software component's reliability is essential to the system's safe operation, so it becomes natural to ask, “How can software be made to behave correctly when executed?” Using program transformations to produce trusted software simplifies verification. Program transformations use proven laws to manipulate programs in a manner analogous to algebraic transformations. The authors sketch how a formal method based on program transformations can be used to construct a verified compiler. Such a compiler has been proved to correctly compile any correct program into assembly language. While the compiler itself may not execute efficiently-after all, you need only use the verified compiler the last time you compile a program-the transformational approach should enable the verified compiler to produce efficient assembly code  相似文献   

大势所趋,明年的主流网游产品将是画面表现和代入感觉更加逼真的全3D游戏!《天堂Ⅱ》、《WOW》等一批高水平3D游戏即将登陆中国大陆这块网游热土。国产游戏在积攒、追赶了几个年头之后,终于拿出了一款同等重量级的作品,那就是目标软件的《傲世online》。仅仅是放出了几张场景截图,其完美的画面质量便引起了玩家的高度关注和热情  相似文献   

万方 《电脑迷》2012,(5):80
说起热门电视剧改编网络游戏,相信许多朋友都不会感到陌生,不过若是说起将《还珠格格》改编成一款MMORPG游戏,那么足够震惊许多人了。作为一部言情作品,无论是剧情还是人物设定,《还珠格格》的内容都实在不足以撑起一款网络游戏。但是,作为一部红遍大江南北十几年的剧集,游戏制作者还是可以通过剑走偏锋的方式,获得其他游戏无法企及的成功。  相似文献   

Recent trust research in the information systems (IS) field has described trust as a primary predictor of technology usage and a fundamental construct for understanding user perceptions of technology. Initial trust formation is particularly relevant in an IS context, as users must overcome perceptions of risk and uncertainty before using a novel technology. With initial trust in a more complex, organizational information system, there are a number of external determinants, trusting bases, that may explain trust formation and provide organizations with the needed levers to form or change individuals’ initial trust in technology. In this study, a research model of initial trust formation is developed and includes trusting bases, trusting beliefs, trusting attitude and subjective norm, and trusting intentions. Eight trusting base factors are assessed including personality, cognitive, calculative, and both technology and organizational factors of the institutional base. The model is empirically tested with 443 subjects in the context of initial trust in a national identity system (NID). The proposed model was supported and the results indicate that subjective norm and the cognitive–reputation, calculative, and organizational situational normality base factors significantly influence initial trusting beliefs and other downstream trust constructs. Factors from some of the more commonly investigated bases, personality and technology institutional, did not significantly affect trusting beliefs. The findings have strategic implications for agencies implementing e-government systems and organizational information systems in general.  相似文献   

Online optimization has received numerous attention in recent two decades, mostly inspired by its potential applications to auctions, smart grids, portfolio management, dictionary learning, neural networks, and so on. Generally, online optimization is a sequence of decision making processes, where a sequence of time-varying loss functions are gradually revealed in a dynamic environment which may be adversarial. At each time instant, the loss function information at current time is revealed to the decision maker only after her/his decision is made. The objective of online optimization is to choose the best decision at each time step as far as possible, but unfortunately, this goal is generally diffcult or impossible to achieve. As such, to measure the performance for an algorithm, two metrics are usually exploited, i.e., regret and competitive ratio, for which the former one is leveraged more frequently in the literature. Moreover, two kinds of regrets, i.e., static and dynamic regrets, are usually considered by researchers, where the static regret is to compare the performance with a cumulative loss with respect to the same best decision through all the time horizons, while the dynamic regret is with respect to the best decision at each time instant. More recently, another regret, called adaptive regret , has been proposed and investigated as a suitable metric for changing environments, as dynamic regret does. Historically, centralized online optimization is first addressed, that is, there is a centralized decision maker who can access all the information on the revealed loss function at each time. Along this line, a wide range of results have thus far been reported in the literature. For example, online optimization was studied subject to feasible set constraints, where it has been shown that the optimal bound is O( √ T) for static regret....  相似文献   

一代海贼王蒙奇D路飞说过:“我是要成为海贼王的男人,因为我看了《海盗手册》,哈哈。”  相似文献   

A content analysis was conducted on five different white supremacist online forums to observe the discourse and types of activities occurring within. In addition, web link analysis was conducted on the forums to identify the presence of external links being posted and discussed by members. We found that members used the forums primarily for information provision, recruitment and networking. Based on these results, we discuss the implications that online hate speech have within offline settings, and the affects these activities have on Canadian citizens in light of the recent repeal of section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (1985), the primary tool in Canada with which to deal with hate speech and other activities observed. The insights extracted from this research have provided novel insight into the sentiments and activities of the white supremacist movement online, a relatively unexplored venue of hate speech and propaganda online.  相似文献   

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