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This study investigates the cognitive abilities involved in hypertext learning and design approaches that can help users. We examined the effects of two types of high-level content organizers - a graphic spatial map and an alphabetical list - on readers’ memory for hypertext structure. In the control condition, a simple “home” page with no navigational aid was offered. Subjects were asked to read the hypertext with the purpose of learning the content, but in the post test phase they also had to recall the layout of nodes and links. Memory for links and page places varied as a function of condition. When a spatial map was available participants reconstructed more accurate formal structure then in the two other conditions. Participants’ memory about page places was the least accurate in the list condition. Results also indicate that participants use the content organizer when it is available in order to orientate during learning from hypertext documents.Our results prove that a content organizer showing the formal structure can facilitate the spatial mapping process. However, an organizer exposing a different structure than the real one would generate a conflict.  相似文献   

Problems in learning with hypertext systems have been claimed to be caused by high levels of disorientation and cognitive load. This was recognized by DeStefano and LeFevre [DeStefano, D., & LeFevre, J. -A., (2007). Cognitive load in hypertext reading: A review. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1616–1641.] who predicted an increase of cognitive load and impairment of learning for hypertexts with a higher number of links per page. From a practical perspective, several navigation support techniques, such as providing link suggestions, have been proposed for guiding learners and reducing cognitive overload. In an experiment, we tested DeStefano and LeFevre’s predictions as well as the usefulness of link suggestions. Participants used different versions of a hypertext, either with 3-links or 8-links per page, presenting link suggestions or not. We tested their cognitive load and learning outcomes. Results showed that there was a benefit of using link suggestions for learning, but no effect of number of links on learning was found. Moreover, the effects of our manipulations on cognitive load were mediated by the reading order that participants selected. Implications for research and the design of navigation support systems are discussed.  相似文献   

A model of online reading engagement is outlined. This model proposes that online reading engagement predicts dedication in digital reading. Dedication in digital reading according to the model is reflected in task-adaptive navigation, and task-adaptive navigation predicts digital reading performance over and above print reading skill. Information engagement is assumed to positively predict task-adaptive navigation, while social engagement is assumed to negatively predict task-adaptive navigation. These hypotheses were tested using OECD PISA 2009 Digital Reading Assessment data from 17 countries and economies (N = 29,395). Individual task responses served as the primary unit of analysis. Linear mixed models were used to predict navigation behavior from the interaction of information and social online reading engagement with navigation demands. High information engagement was associated with more task-adaptive navigation behavior, as shown by significant positive interactions between information engagement and tasks’ navigation demands. In contrast, high social engagement was associated with less adaptive navigation behavior, as shown by negative interactions between social engagement and navigation demands. Generalized linear mixed models were used to predict task performance by the interaction of navigation demands and navigation behavior. Adaptive navigation behavior predicted digital reading task performance, as shown by significant interactions between navigation behavior and navigation demands. These results are in support of the proposed model of online reading engagement.  相似文献   

Newer interaction techniques enable users to explore interfaces in a more natural and intuitive way. However, we do not yet have a scientific understanding of their contribution to user experience and theoretical mechanisms underlying the impact. This study examines how a naturally mapped interface, page-flipping interface, can influence user learning and attitudes. An online experiment with two conditions (page flipping vs. clicking) tests the impact of this naturally mapped interaction technique on user learning and attitudes. The result shows that the page-flipping feature creates more positive evaluations of the website in terms of usability and engagement, as well as greater behavioral intention towards the website by evoking greater perception of natural mapping and greater feeling of presence. In terms of learning outcomes, however, participants who flip through the online magazine show less recall and recognition memory, unless they perceive page flipping as more natural and intuitive to interact with. Participants perceive the same content as more credible when they flip through the content, but only if they appreciate the coolness of the medium. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed.  相似文献   

While most research on website has focused on functional tasks, the Internet offers many opportunities for leisure as well as experiential activities. Because of the evolution of developed society toward an experience economy, analyzing the role of technologies in the presence of prior user experiences makes sense. This research identifies variables that play a role and influence online behaviors in a specific experiential environment, namely the high culture museum website. Relying on the literature on experience, we propose a research model tested with two different websites. The results of the free simulation experiment indicates that (1) esthetics is the most important design criteria for experiential interfaces and (2) that website design influences intentions to visit a physical place.  相似文献   

Reading hypertext documents is more difficult than reading traditional linear text. Text highlighting plays the role of encoding for reading comprehension and may play the roles of contextual cues and landmarks for hypertext navigation. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of text highlight and organizing highlighted text into a hierarchical structure on browsing, reading, and navigation performance in a network hypertext system. A randomized experiment was conducted. Ninety participants were randomly assigned to three conditions: a reading system with text highlighting, with text highlighting and organizing highlighted text, and without any aids. Dependent variables included browsing performance: time spent and the length of navigational path for reading; reading performance: recall and inference scores, navigational performance: scores of landmark and route knowledge and time spent and the length of navigational path for completing nine navigational tasks. The results showed that text highlight did not improve reading and navigational performance. By contrast, organizing highlighted text yielded significantly worst performance in reading and navigation. According to the results, we propose several suggestions for the design of reading instruction and digital highlighters.  相似文献   

Emotions always play an important role in users' experience and performance. However, not many studies have attempted to investigate the user emotional experience through fully considering the related sensory interactions. To address this gap, this study aims to provide a multi-sensory user experiment approach to evaluate user emotional experience on bicycle saddles. For this purpose, two semantic spaces, viz., sport emotion and product personality were utilized. Forty regular road cyclists were invited to evaluate two bicycle saddles by looking at, touching and riding it on a seven-point scale. The results showed that the perceived emotional intensity of Kansei words was affected by the types of user-product interaction and the riding postures. Moreover, the opposite effect of visual appearance and cycling performance was found in correlation with the cyclists’ level of involvement in the activity. Finally, more impressions of pleasure, comfortable, cute, warm, friendly and less traditional were recommended for further bicycle saddle design, particularly for female road cyclists.  相似文献   



User participation in information system (IS) development has received much research attention. However, prior empirical research regarding the effect of user participation on IS success is inconclusive. This might be because previous studies overlook the effect of the particular components of user participation and other possible mediating factors.


The objective of this study is to empirically examine how user influence and user responsibility affect IS project performance. We inspect whether user influence and user responsibility improve the quality of the IS development process and in turn leads to project success, or if they have a direct positive influence on project success.


We conducted a survey of 151 IS project managers in order to understand the impact of user influence and user responsibility on IS project performance. Regression analysis was conducted to assess the relationship among user influence, user responsibility, organizational technology learning, project control, user-developer interaction, and IS project management performance.


This study shows that user responsibility and user influence have a positive effect on project performance through the promotion of IS development processes as mediators, including organizational technology learning, project control, and user-IS interaction.


Our results suggest that user responsibility and user influence respectively play an important role in indirectly and directly impacting project management performance. Results of the analysis imply that organizations and project managers should use both user participation and user influence to improve processes performance, and in turn, increase project success.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of general, medium specificity, and specific instructions on hypertext navigation and comprehension scores. Undergraduate students (N = 45) were assigned to the different hypertext conditions, and navigation patterns were extracted through cluster analysis. Control subjects (N = 45) performed the same tasks, but using paper texts. Our results suggest that novices are only affected by the specificity of instructions after an exploration phase. Also, an ANOVA showed no significant differences in comprehension scores across conditions, supporting the fact that hypertext comprehension is directly affected by navigation paths. Implications for research and education are discussed.  相似文献   

This study focused on the use of reflective learning e-journals in a university web-based English as a foreign language (EFL) course. In the study, a multimedia-based English programme comprising fifteen different units was delivered online as a one-semester instructional course. Ninety-eight undergraduate students participated, and they were divided into two groups: the treatment group used reflective learning e-journals, while the control group completed content-related exercises. The study investigated the effects of reflective learning e-journals and how students used them to aid learning. Results show that when learning from web-based instruction, students who used reflective learning e-journals outperformed students who did not do so in terms of reading comprehension. Using reflective e-journals improved the academic performance of learners in the online course. In addition, journal writing students claimed that they also improved their organisational skills and writing abilities through their reflective learning e-journal writing and found the journal writing to be a very helpful tool in reviewing the course and preparing for the exam.  相似文献   

Systems analysis and design methods (SADMs), such as Jackson system development (JSD), have been proposed as a means of improving software quality. This is contrasted with the role of improving software usability proposed for human factors (HF). The paper argues the need for an explicit user interface specification stage in system development to ensure the usability of proposed systems. It is suggested that JSD supplemented by the specialist knowledge of HF can support such a specification stage. For HF and JSD to be successfully integrated, contributions from both need to be appropriately timed and structured. A model of the system development process that incorporates HF contributions is proposed. A means by which the HF contributions, in the form of a user interface specification, can be integrated with the JSD specification is developed and illustrated through examples.  相似文献   

Critical user interface design features of computer-assisted instruction programs in mathematics for students with learning disabilities and corresponding implementation guidelines were identified in this study. Based on the identified features and guidelines, a multimedia computer-assisted instruction program, ‘Math Explorer’, which delivers addition and subtraction word problem-solving instruction for students with learning disabilities at the early elementary level, was designed and developed. Lastly, usability testing was conducted to assess whether Math Explorer was well-designed in terms of the interface for students with learning disabilities. Given the results of the usability testing, this study corroborated the fact that the critical user interface design features and guidelines in mathematics computer-assisted instruction programs would be essential for facilitating the mathematical learning of students with learning disabilities. Implications for practice and future research were discussed.  相似文献   

With the advent of Web 2.0, the number of IT systems used in university courses is growing. Yet research consistently shows that a significant proportion of students are anxious about computer use. The quality of first experience with computers has been consistently mentioned as a significant contributor to anxiety onset. However the effect of users’ first experience on system related anxiety has not to the authors’ knowledge been researched using controlled experiments. Indeed little experiment based research has been conducted on the wiki user experience, specifically users’ evaluations and emotional reactions towards editing. This research uses usability engineering principles to engineer four different wiki experiences for novice wiki users and measures the effect each has on usability, anxiety during editing and on anxiety about future wiki editing. Each experience varied in the type of training spaces available before completing six live wiki editing tasks. We found that anxiety experienced by users was not related to computer anxiety but was wiki specific. Users in the in-built tutorial conditions also rated the usability of the editing interface higher than users in the non-tutorial conditions. The tutorial conditions also led to a significant reduction in wiki anxiety during interaction but did not significantly affect future editing anxiety. The findings suggest that the use of an in-built tutorial reduces emotional and technological barriers to wiki editing and that controlled experiments can help in discovering how aspects of the system experience can be designed to affect usability and anxiety towards editing wikis.  相似文献   

In classical design methods, intuitive consideration is given to how the product, or the system that is the subject of the design, is used. How the product is used is defined in a product manual. It is taken into account in the final phase of the techno-centric process, which leads not only to modifications of the late design phases, but also to difficulties using the product. Product manual also helps businesses save significant staff training and customer service costs. Anthropocentric methods are rarely used by the general public, and are in fact too expensive. We propose to take product use into account by integrating behavioral analyses (the behavior of the product and of its user) with functional analyses. This will allow us to set out instructions for using the product right at the design stage. An analysis of techno- and anthropocentric approaches is presented in this work in a bid to position our approach. Next, a functional and behavioral analysis is proposed based on a car seat case study. The proposed method also calls for a phase dedicated to the collection of product use information and data on user feedback or legislatives data. These analyses are carried out using the QFD method in order to assist the designer in structuring knowledge, taking into account the functions of the product, the characteristics or criteria of its use, and the points to be developed when drawing up operating instructions.  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that online shopping has both utilitarian as well as hedonic components. The primary focus of this investigation is to examine task framing (either utilitarian or hedonic) and length of viewing time (unlimited or 5 s) as conditions that influence user website perceptions and viewing behavior. Whether a task is framed as either hedonic or utilitarian received limited support. However, viewing time does make a difference and unconstrained viewing versus 5 s of viewing time results in higher levels of perceived involvement, enjoyment, trust, and effectiveness. In addition, eye-tracking results indicate that users tend to focus more on hedonic zones versus utilitarian zones (i.e. exhibit higher number of fixations and longer viewing times). Interview data provide additional support and insights. In sum, these findings contribute to understanding the complex and dynamic perceptions of online shoppers.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships among perceived usability before actual use, task completion time, and preference, and the effects of design attributes on user preference for e-commerce web sites. Nine online bookstore web sites were used by ten participants. Results indicate: (1) pre-use usability and task completion time were correlated; (2) the relationship between pre-use usability and preference was greater than that of task completion time and preference; (3) design attribute assessments after actual use were highly intercorrelated; and (4) organizational structure and layout had a greater effect on user preference than aesthetic aspects, such as color and typography. These findings can be used to construct a conceptual framework for understanding user preferences and to develop design guidelines to yield more highly preferred e-commerce web sites. Also, the methodology in this study can be applied to other computerized-applications.  相似文献   

The popularity of online ordering services is increasing daily, with food pictures playing a critical role in influencing user attention and experience. In this study, 58 participants were enrolled in a 2 (saturation: higher vs. lower) × 3 (Area of interest: category vs. picture vs. text) within-subject experiment using large and small pictures to evaluate the impact of picture attributes on user responses. A combination of eye-tracking technology and a questionnaire survey was used for the measurement. The results suggest that for larger food pictures, the picture area received more attention than the category and text areas when pictures were highly saturated, whereas the category information was more appealing than other areas when pictures were low saturated, and the user experience of the overall page was higher than in other cases. For smaller food pictures, the picture area attracted initial attention, whereas the text area gained more fixation than the other areas. The findings of this study provide empirical suggestions for designing online interfaces for ordering services and webpages.  相似文献   

In recent years, with the changes in the international energy situation, new energy vehicles (NEVs) have become an essential choice for people to travel. The center control touch screen (CCTS) of NEVs is an important part of the user's interaction with the vehicle, which is quite different from a conventional fuel vehicle. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the CCTS of NVEs. This study integrates multiple research methods to investigate the visual imagery and user preferences for CCTSs in NEVs. The results of the study show that the horizontal version with small rounded angles without a border is the optimal design solution for the visual imagery dimension, whereas the vertical version with large rounded angles and a border is the worst design solution in terms of the visual imagery dimension. The design without a border can increase users' preference and purchase intention to a certain extent. The results of the above study can effectively reflect the potential user demand for NEVs’ CCTSs, which also has positive implications for enhancing the overall user experience of NEVs.  相似文献   

Two experiments examine the effects of two computer-based interventions, one with grapho-syllabic training (GST) and another with grapho-phonemic training (GPT) on the development of word recognition and reading comprehension in French children during Grade 1 and Grade 2. In Exp 1, poor readers (N = 27) in second grade were selected and divided into three equal groups, one GST group, one GPT group and a control group. After the session training (10 h), the children from the grapho-syllabic training group outperformed their counterparts in word reading. In Exp 2, poor readers in first grade (N = 18) were divided in two groups, a GST group and a GPT group. Six sessions were conducted in order to examine the possible long-term effect of training (10 h) during 16 months. The results revealed an effect of grapho-syllabic training on silent word recognition, word reading aloud and reading comprehension. A computer-assisted learning (CAL) system based on the syllable, which is considered to be the phonological and orthographic unit that is used by French young readers, could be a promising tool to help poor readers decode words and consequently boost their word recognition and reading comprehension capabilities.  相似文献   

To be effective, instructional animations should avoid causing high extraneous cognitive load imposed by the high attentional requirements of selecting and processing relevant elements. In accordance with the attention-guiding principle (Bétrancourt, 2005), a study was carried out concerning the impact of cueing on cognitive load and comprehension of animations which depicted a dynamic process in a neurobiology domain. Cueing consisted of zooming in important information at each step of the process. Thirty-six undergraduate psychology students were exposed to an animation three times. Half of the participants received an animation without cueing while the other half received the same animation with cueing. Measures of cognitive load and comprehension performance (questions on isolated elements and on high-element interactivity material) were administered twice, after one and three exposures to the animation. The analyses revealed two main results. First, extraneous cognitive load was reduced by cueing after three exposures. Second, retention of the isolated elements was improved in both animation groups, whereas comprehension of high-element interactive material (i.e., the causal relations between elements) increased only in the cueing condition. Furthermore, a problem solving task showed that cueing supported the development of a more elaborate mental model.  相似文献   

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