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Among the web application server resources, the most critical for their performance are those that are held exclusively by a service request for the duration of its execution (or some significant part of it). Such exclusively held server resources become performance bottleneck points, with failures to obtain such a resource constituting a major portion of request rejections under server overload conditions. In this paper, we propose a methodology that computes the optimal pool sizes for two such critical resources: web server threads and database connections. Our methodology uses information about incoming request flow and about fine‐grained server resource utilization by service requests of different types, obtained through offline and online request profiling. In our methodology, we advocate (and show its benefits) the use of a database connection pooling mechanism that caches database connections for the duration of a service request execution (so‐called request‐wide database connection caching). We evaluate our methodology by testing it on the TPC‐W web application. Our method is able to accurately compute the optimal number of server threads and database connections, and the value of sustainable request throughput computed by the method always lies within a 5% margin of the actual value determined experimentally. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李磊  薛洋  吕念玲  冯敏 《计算机应用》2019,39(2):494-500
为在保证任务服务质量(QoS)的条件下提高容器云资源利用率,提出一种基于李雅普诺夫的容器云队列任务和资源调度优化策略。首先,在云计算服务排队模型的基础上,通过李雅普诺夫函数分析任务队列长度的变化;然后,在任务QoS的约束下,构建资源功耗的最小化目标函数;最后,利用李雅普诺夫优化方法求解最小资源功耗目标函数,获得在线的任务和容器资源的优化调度策略,实现对任务和资源调度进行整体优化,从而保证任务的QoS并提高资源利用率。CloudSim仿真结果表明,所提的任务和资源调度策略在保证任务QoS的条件下能获得高的资源利用率,实现容器云在线任务和资源优化调度,并且为基于排队模型的云计算任务和资源整体优化提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

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