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佃松宜  向国菲  蒲明 《光学精密工程》2014,22(11):3067-3073
针对Sawyer电机驱动的平面定位台的多轴精密定位问题(X、Y和θz轴),提出了一种新的部分无传感控制方法。用激光干涉仪检测定位台一个方向上的平移运动和摆动,并构建相应的闭环控制;同时,应用滑模观测器估计另一个方向上的平移运动并构建对应轴的闭环控制。在此基础上,通过实验从开环控制、多轴全闭环控制及部分无传感控制三方面对比了定位性能。实验结果表明:采用部分无传感控制,多轴平面定位台的重复定位精度达到亚微米(0.25μm)级;部分无传感控制下的动子行程与开环控制相同(X轴300mm、Y轴300mm),远大于基于多轴位置传感的全闭环控制下的动子行程(X轴100mm、Y轴100mm);获得的结果可满足应用设计要求。  相似文献   

黄雷  崔迎 《机电工程》2012,29(11):1303-1305
为解决永磁同步电机(PMSM)控制中机械式位置传感器带来的成本及可靠性等问题,将滑模观测器技术应用到PMSM矢量控制系统中。该系统采用滑模面及滑模等效控制方法,通过选择足够大的滑模增益,在观测电流和实测电流之间的误差上构建滑模面,对电机反电势进行观测以得到转子位置角,并基于Lyapunov稳定性判据对滑模观测器的收敛性进行了分析;建立了应用滑模观测器的PMSM无传感器矢量控制实验系统,设计了位置及速度滑模控制器。进行了1500r/min稳态及正负转速切换的角度估算实验,实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。研究结果表明,基于滑模观测器的无传感器控制策略能准确估计出PMSM的转子位置角,从而得到转子速度,且系统具有较好的动、静态特性。  相似文献   

由于磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺转子的不平衡振动会造成控制力矩陀螺系统的同频扰动,影响卫星姿态控制精度与卫星载荷精度,本文提出了基于滑模变结构扰动观测器的磁轴承主动振动控制方法.首先,对不平衡扰动力和力矩作用下的磁轴承-转子系统进行建模;接着,设计了滑模变结构扰动观测器观测不平衡扰动力和力矩;然后,利用跟踪微分器估计位移传感器输出信号的微分获取速度信号,降低观测器的阶数;最后,将滑模扰动观测器的输出引入磁轴承控制器,对观测得到的同频不平衡扰动力和力矩进行补偿.仿真和试验结果均表明,设计的滑模变结构观测器实现了对不平衡扰动的观测,通过控制器有效地实现了对不平衡扰动的补偿,减少了72%的同频振动.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the application and demonstration of sliding mode observer for aeroelastic system, which is robust to model uncertainty including mass and stiffness of the system and various disturbances The performance of a sliding mode observer is compared with that of a conventional Kalman filter to demonstrate robustness and disturbance decoupling characteristics. Aeroelastic instability may occur when an elastic structure is moving even in subcritical flow speed region Simulation results using sliding mode observer are presented to control aeroelastic response of flapped wing system due to various external excitations as well as model uncertainty and sinusoidal disturbances in subcritical incompressible flow  相似文献   

针对复合干扰影响下机械臂的故障检测和控制精度问题,提出了一种基于滑模观测器的故障检测和控制优化方法。首先建立了带有电机故障、模型误差和机械摩擦等复合干扰的机械臂系统故障模型,然后设计了滑模观测器来实现在复合干扰下对电机故障的准确检测,最后引入滑模观测器对电机故障程度进行估计,并设计了反步容错控制方法,从而实现了对机械臂系统的精确控制。仿真结果表明,基于滑模观测器的故障检测和控制优化方法能够快速、准确检测和估计电机故障,确保机械臂系统准确跟踪指令信号,角度跟踪误差范围仅为-0.2°~0.2°,能够准确估计出复合干扰的大小,估计误差范围仅为-0.1~0.1 (°)/s2,大大改善了对机械臂的控制效果。  相似文献   

杨晓京  李庭树  刘浩 《仪器仪表学报》2017,38(10):2492-2499
为了提高压电超精密定位台的建模精度,采用Backlash-Like迟滞非线性模型来描述压电超精密定位台的迟滞特性,采用基于遗传因子的递推最小二乘法来辨识Backlash-Like模型的参数,并结合压电超精密定位台的动态特性,建立了压电超精密定位台的二阶动态迟滞模型。通过实验得到,对比Backlash-Like模型,动态迟滞模型在频率为30和40 Hz时,最大输出位移误差由1.21和1.39μm下降到0.32和0.44μm,且最大相对误差分别仅为3.5%和4.4%,平均位移误差由0.53和0.76μm下降到0.17和0.21μm,平均相对误差由1.93%和3.38%下降到1.11%和1.37%。实验结果验证了提出的动态迟滞模型,既能减小了因压电超精密定位台的动态特性而引起的系统误差,又能很好地模拟其迟滞特性与动态特性,并且避免了不同频率下的模型参数反复辨识问题,提高了压电超精密定位台在高频、快速、大行程定位中的精度。该方法简单且适应性强,易于工程实现。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to model and design servo controllers for flexible ball screw drives with dynamic variations. A mathematical model describing the structural flexibility of the ball screw drive containing time-varying uncertainties and disturbances with unknown bounds is proposed. A mode-compensating adaptive backstepping sliding mode controller is designed to suppress the vibration. The time-varying uncertainties and disturbances represented in finite-term Fourier series can be estimated by updating the Fourier coefficients through function approximation technique. Adaptive laws are obtained from Lyapunov approach to guarantee the convergence and stability of the closed loop system. The simulation results indicate that the tracking accuracy is improved considerably with the proposed scheme when the time-varying parametric uncertainties and disturbances exist.  相似文献   

针对永磁直线同步电机激光切割运动平台的位置伺服控制低抖振、高精度、强鲁棒的要求,在传统双幂次滑模趋近律的基础上,提出一种变边界层的双幂次滑模趋近律带滑模扰动观测器的复合趋近律滑摸控制方法。变边界层方法是对控制系统的控制精度要求和降低抖振的权衡,而所提出的方法又继承了传统双幂次滑模趋近律方法的有限时间收敛特性。为了降低控制系统设计的保守性,设计了一种基于超螺旋算法的滑模扰动观测器对系统的未知扰动进行估计,并在此算法中添加一个幂指数,通过仿真实验证明了提高幂指数的数值可加快未知扰动的估计值的收敛速度。结合Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明了闭环系统的稳定性。最后,搭建了用于激光切割的永磁直线同步电机平移试验台对所提出的控制器进行测试。实验结果表明:本文所提出的控制器的位置跟踪误差不超过1μm,且误差波动较小,能够满足伺服控制系统的要求。  相似文献   

针对永磁同步电机无位置传感器高动态性能控制问题,对传统矢量控制存在电流内环PI控制器对系统性能的影响以及传统滑模观测器中动态转子位置角估计不准、稳态转速估计不精确等观测器性能进行了改进,提出了一种基于改进滑模观测器的永磁同步电机模型预测电流控制方法。根据永磁同步电机在同步旋转坐标系下的数学模型,选择了电机d、q电流作为状态变量,利用前向欧拉法推导出永磁同步电机d、q轴电流的预测模型。通过实时评估价值函数选出使得下一时刻电流跟踪效果最好的电压矢量,将其对应的开关状态作用于逆变器。同时,推导表贴式永磁同步电机的滑模观测器模型并对其观测出的转子位置角和转速进行补偿,得到较为精确的估算值。最后将算法在Matlab/Simulink进行了仿真试验。研究结果表明:所提出的控制方法动态性能好、稳态精度高。  相似文献   

由低成本器件组成的卫星/惯性(GPS/INS)组合导航系统中,存在较大的非线性与不确定性,为改善这一问题,本文提出一种引入滑模观测器(SMO)的滤波方法。首先,该方法建立了组合导航系统模型,介绍了扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)计算过程并分析存在的不足。然后,介绍了滑模观测器的基本原理,根据系统构建观测器。最后,说明了引入滑模观测器的EKF组合导航算法实现流程,滑模观测器将模型误差、状态估计以及均值方差融入EKF算法,修正系统输出。通过轨迹仿真实验与车载实验验证了所提方法优于传统EKF算法,具有更高的滤波精度。在车载实验中,卫星信号失锁15 s情况下,与EKF方法相比,所提方法的东向位置误差降低了53%,北向位置误差降低了37%,证明该方法能够有效抑制GPS/INS组合导航误差发散,为以后工程实践提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The passivity-based sliding mode control (SMC) problem for a class of uncertain neutral systems with unmeasured states is investigated. Firstly, a particular non-fragile state observer is designed to generate the estimations of the system states, based upon which a novel integral-type sliding surface function is established for the control process. Secondly, a new sufficient condition for robust asymptotic stability and passivity of the resultant sliding mode dynamics (SMDs) is obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Thirdly, the finite-time reachability of the predesigned sliding surface is ensured by resorting to a novel adaptive SMC law. Finally, the validity and superiority of the scheme are justified via several examples.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design of attitude and airspeed controllers for a fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicle. An adaptive second order sliding mode control is proposed for improving performance under different operating conditions and is robust in presence of external disturbances. Moreover, this control does not require the knowledge of disturbance bounds and avoids overestimation of the control gains. Furthermore, in order to implement this controller, an extended observer is designed to estimate unmeasurable states as well as external disturbances. Additionally, sufficient conditions are given to guarantee the closed-loop stability of the observer based control. Finally, using a full 6 degree of freedom model, simulation results are obtained where the performance of the proposed method is compared against active disturbance rejection based on sliding mode control.  相似文献   

随着工业机器人与精密机床的发展,传统的三环控制策略无法满足伺服系统对动态响应速度、位置跟踪精度及超调量越来越高的要求.针对这一问题,结合已有的研究成果,提出微分前馈控制与终端滑模结合的控制策略,在负反馈基础上,添加位置前馈控制,实现位置信号的快速跟踪,将非奇异快速终端滑模控制方法应用到位置环与速度环,提高电机位置跟踪精...  相似文献   

基于扩张状态观测器的炮控系统串联滑模控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对坦克炮控系统中存在齿圈间隙、摩擦力矩和参数漂移等多种非线性因素造成系统驱动延时、换向振荡和低速“爬行”等问题,设计了一种基于扩张状态观测器(ESO)的炮控系统串联滑模控制器.首先,利用系统内部可测信息,将炮控系统分解为n个串联的一阶子系统;然后,引入ESO估计各子系统的不确定性.在此基础上,基于backsteppi...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stabilization and disturbance rejection for a class of fractional-order nonlinear dynamical systems with mismatched disturbances. To fulfill this purpose a new fractional-order sliding mode control (FOSMC) based on a nonlinear disturbance observer is proposed. In order to design the suitable fractional-order sliding mode controller, a proper switching surface is introduced. Afterward, by using the sliding mode theory and Lyapunov stability theory, a robust fractional-order control law via a nonlinear disturbance observer is proposed to assure the existence of the sliding motion in finite time. The proposed fractional-order sliding mode controller exposes better control performance, ensures fast and robust stability of the closed-loop system, eliminates the disturbances and diminishes the chattering problem. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed fractional-order controller is depicted via numerical simulation results of practical example and is compared with some other controllers.  相似文献   

针对传统带有滑模观测器的永磁同步电机控制系统中转矩脉动大、抖振明显、反电动势估计精度差等问题,提出基于模糊滑模控制和两级滤波滑模观测器的PMSM改进控制策略.首先,在速度环提出基于双曲正弦函数的新型趋近率,结合模糊控制思想对趋近率参数实现自整定,设计了一种基于新型趋近率的模糊积分滑模速度环控制器,并且对新型趋近率的抖振抑制效果给出严格分析.其次,提出基于变截止频率低通滤波器和修正反电动势观测器的两级滤波结构,抑制反电动势中的高频分量和测量噪声,并对转子位置进行合理补偿,继而设计了两级滤波滑模观测器;通过Lyapunov判据对本文提出控制策略的稳定性进行了推导证明.仿真和实验结果表明,与传统滑模观测器相比,改进的控制器使电机在启动和受到外部扰动时系统响应良好,有效改善了转矩脉动、抖振、反电动势的估计精度等问题.  相似文献   

To improve the speed and position observation performance of a Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (SM-PMSM), an improved sliding mode observer (SMO) based on the adaptive synchronization filter (ASF) and quadrature phase-lock loop (QPLL) is proposed. An adaptive synchronous filter based on feedback rotor position estimation from a QPLL is proposed to extract the fundamental signal of the back electromotive force (back-EMF). Then, a QPLL is linked to calculate the rotor position and speed according to the fundamental signal of the back-EMF, in order to effectively suppress the estimated harmonics and chattering and improve the observation accuracy of speed and position. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed observer approach are verified by simulation and dSPACE.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a sensorless speed control strategy for ship propulsion interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) based on a new sliding-mode observer (SMO). In the SMO the low-pass filter and the method of arc-tangent calculation of extended electromotive force (EMF) or phase-locked loop (PLL) technique are not used. The calculation of the rotor speed is deduced from the Lyapunov function stability analysis. In order to reduce system chattering, sigmoid functions with switching gains being adaptively updated by fuzzy logic systems are innovatively incorporated into the SMO. Finally, simulation results for a 4.088 MW ship propulsion IPMSM and experimental results from a 7.5 kW IPMSM drive are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed SMO method.  相似文献   

针对扰动对永磁同步电机转速伺服系统性能的影响,提出了基于扰动观测器的电流环自适应滑模控制方法。设计了自适应律在线估计系统的内部参数摄动以补偿模型不确定性扰动。同时,设计了滑模扰动观测器实时估计系统外部负载扰动,并将观测值前馈补偿到电流环自适应滑模控制器,在提高系统鲁棒性的同时降低滑模控制系统的抖振。实验结果显示,采用基于扰动观测器的电流环自适应滑模控制方法,系统可快速、准确、无超调地跟踪900r/min的速度指令,调节时间为0.08s,稳态误差为±5r/min。加入0.6N·m的负载扰动,该控制方法的最大转速波动为21r/min,比PI控制方法的转速波动减小了3.4%。仿真和实验结果表明,基于扰动观测器的电流环自适应控制方法提高了永磁同步电机转速伺服系统的鲁棒性和动态响应性能,同时可有效抑制滑模控制系统的抖振。  相似文献   

The Stewart platform manipulator is a closed-kinematics chain robot manipulator that is capable of providing high structural rigidity and positional accuracy. However, this is a complex and nonlinear system, so the control performance of the system is not so good. In this paper, a new robust motion control algorithm is proposed. The algorithm uses partial state feedback for a class of nonlinear systems with modeling uncertainties and external disturbances. The major contribution is the design of a robust observer for the state and the perturbation of the Stewart platform, which is combined with a variable structure controller (VSC). The combination of controller and observer provides the robust routine called sliding mode control with sliding perturbation observer (SMCSPO). The optimal gains of SMCSPO, which is determined by nominal eigenvalues, are easily obtained by genetic algorithm. The proposed fitness function that evaluates the gain optimization is to put sliding function. The control performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by the simulation and experiment to apply to the Stewart platform. The results showed high accuracy and good performance.  相似文献   

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