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《Information and Computation》2006,204(11):1620-1662
Current dynamic epistemic logics for analyzing effects of informational events often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. Still, postconditions involving common knowledge are essential to successful multi-agent communication. We propose new systems that extend the epistemic base language with a new notion of ‘relativized common knowledge’, in such a way that the resulting full dynamic logic of information flow allows for a compositional analysis of all epistemic postconditions via perspicuous ‘reduction axioms’. We also show how such systems can deal with factual alteration, rather than just information change, making them cover a much wider range of realistic events. After a warm-up stage of analyzing logics for public announcements, our main technical results are expressivity and completeness theorems for a much richer logic that we call LCC. This is a dynamic epistemic logic whose static base is propositional dynamic logic (PDL), interpreted epistemically. This system is capable of expressing all model-shifting operations with finite action models, while providing a compositional analysis for a wide range of informational events. This makes LCC a serious candidate for a standard in dynamic epistemic logic, as we illustrate by analyzing some complex communication scenarios, including sending successive emails with both ‘cc’ and ‘bcc’ lines, and other private announcements to subgroups. Our proofs involve standard modal techniques, combined with a new application of Kleene’s Theorem on finite automata, as well as new Ehrenfeucht games of model comparison.  相似文献   

The interface specification of a procedure describes the procedure's behaviour using pre- and postconditions. These pre- and postconditions are written using various functions. If some of these functions are partial, or underspecified, then the procedure specification may not be well-defined. We show how to write pre- and postcondition specifications that avoid such problems, by having the precondition “protect” the postcondition from the effects of partiality and underspecification. We formalize the notion of protection from partiality in the context of specification languages like VDM-SL and COLD-K. We also formalize the notion of protection from underspecification for the Larch family of specification languages, and for Larch show how one can prove that a procedure specification is protected from the effects of underspecification. Received October 1997 / Accepted in revised form March 1998  相似文献   

We introduce a generic notion of categorical propositional logic and provide a construction of a preorder-enriched institution out of such a logic, following the Curry-Howard-Tait paradigm. The logics are speci ed as theories of a meta-logic within the logical framework LF such that institution comorphisms are obtained from theory morphisms of the meta-logic. We prove several logic-independent results including soundness and completeness theorems and instantiate our framework with a number of examples: classical, intuitionistic,linear and modal propositional logic.  相似文献   

We propose a modular approach to defining notions of simulation, and modal logics which characterise them. We use coalgebras to model state-based systems, relators to define notions of simulation for such systems, and inductive techniques to define the syntax and semantics of modal logics for coalgebras. We show that the expressiveness of an inductively defined logic for coalgebras w.r.t. a notion of simulation follows from an expressivity condition involving one step in the definition of the logic, and the relator inducing that notion of simulation. Moreover, we show that notions of simulation and associated characterising logics for increasingly complex system types can be derived by lifting the operations used to combine system types, to a relational level as well as to a logical level. We use these results to obtain Baltag’s logic for coalgebraic simulation, as well as notions of simulation and associated logics for a large class of non-deterministic and probabilistic systems.  相似文献   

We consider classes of well-known program schemes from a complexity theoretic viewpoint. We define logics which express all those problems solvable using our program schemes and show that the class of problems so solved or expressed coincides exactly with the complexity classPSPACE (our problems are viewed as sets of finite structures over some vocabulary). We derive normal form theorems for our logics and use these normal form theorems to show that certain problems concerning acceptance and termination of our program schemes and satisfiability of our logical formulae arePSPACE-complete. Moreover, we show that a game problem, seemingly disjoint from logic and program schemes, isPSPACE-complete using the results described above. We also highlight similarities between the results of this paper and the literature, so providing the reader with an introduction to this area of research.  相似文献   

并发程序与并发系统可以拥有非常高的执行效率和相对串行系统较快的响应速度,在现实中有着非常广泛的应用。但是并发程序与并发系统往往难以保证其实现的正确性,实际应用程序运行中的错误会带来严重的后果。同时,并发程序执行时的不确定性会给其正确性验证带来巨大的困难。在形式化验证方法中,人们可以通过交互式定理证明器严格地对并发程序进行验证。本文对在交互式定理证明中可用于描述并发程序正确性的验证目标进行总结,它们包括霍尔三元组、可线性化、上下文精化和逻辑原子性。交互式定理证明方法中常用程序逻辑对程序进行验证,本文分析了基于并发分离逻辑、依赖保证逻辑、关系霍尔逻辑等理论研究的系列成果与相应形式化方案,并对使用了这些方法的程序验证工具和程序验证成果进行了总结。  相似文献   

In this series of papers we set out to generalize the notion of classical analytic deduction (i.e., deduction via elimination rules) by combining the methodology of labelled deductive systems (LDS) with the classical systemKE. LDS is a unifying framework for the study of logics and of their interactions. In the LDS approach the basic units of logical derivation are not just formulae butlabelled formulae, where the labels belong to a given labelling algebra. The derivation rules act on the labels as well as on the formulae, according to certain fixed rules of propagation. By virtue of the extra power of the labelling algebras, standard (classical or intuitionistic) proof systems can be extended to cover a much wider territory without modifying their structure. The systemKE is a new tree method for classical analytic deduction based on analytic cut.KE is a refutation system, like analytic tableaux and resolution, but it is essentially more efficient than tableaux and, unlike resolution, does not require any reduction to normal form.We start our investigation with the family of substructural logics. These are logical systems (such as Lambek's calculus, Anderson and Belnap's relevance logic, and Girard's linear logic) which arise from disallowing some or all of the usual structural properties of the notion of logical consequence. This extension of traditional logic yields a subtle analysis of the logical operators which is more in tune with the needs of applications. In this paper we generalize the classicalKE system via the LDS methodology to provide a uniform refutation system for the family of substructural logics.The main features of this generalized method are the following: (a) each logic in the family is associated with a labelling algebra; (b) the tree-expansion rules (for labelled formulae) are the same for all the logics in the family; (c) the difference between one logic and the other is captured by the conditions under which a branch is declared closed; (d) such conditions depend only on the labelling algebra associated with each logic; and (e) classical and intuitionistic negations are characterized uniformly, by means of the same tree-expansion rules, and their difference is reduced to a difference in the labelling algebra used in closing a branch. In this first part we lay the theoretical foundations of our method. In the second part we shall continue our investigation of substructural logics and discuss the algorithmic aspects of our approach.  相似文献   

We develop a quantifier-free logic for deriving consequences of multialgebraic theories. Multialgebras are used as models for nondeterminism in the context of algebraic specifications. They are many sorted algebras with set-valued operations. Formulae are sequents over atoms allowing one to state set-inclusion or identity of 1-element sets (determinacy). We introduce a sound and weakly complete Rasiowa–Sikorski (R–S) logic for proving multialgebraic tautologies. We then extend this system for proving consequences of specifications based on translation of finite theories into logical formulae. Finally, we show how such a translation may be avoided—introduction of the specific cut rules leads to a sound and strongly complete Gentzen system for proving directly consequences of specifications. Besides giving examples of the general techniques of R–S and the specific cut rules, we improve the earlier logics for multialgebras by providing means to handle empty carriers (as well as empty result-sets) without the use of quantifiers, and to derive consequences of theories without translation into another format and without using general cut.  相似文献   

We consider multi-agent scenarios where each agent controls a surveillance camera in the plane, with fixed position and angle of vision, but rotating freely. The agents can thus observe the surroundings and each other. They can also reason about each other’s observation abilities and knowledge derived from these observations. We introduce suitable logical languages for reasoning about such scenarios which involve atomic formulae stating what agents can see, multi-agent epistemic operators for individual, distributed and common knowledge, as well as dynamic operators reflecting the ability of cameras to turn around in order to reach positions satisfying formulae in the language. We also consider effects of public announcements. We introduce several different but equivalent versions of the semantics for these languages, discuss their expressiveness and provide translations in PDL style. Using these translations we develop algorithms and obtain complexity results for model checking and satisfiability testing for the basic logic BBL that we introduce here and for some of its extensions. Notably, we show that even for the extension with common knowledge, model checking and satisfiability testing remain in PSPACE. We also discuss the sensitivity of the set of validities to the admissible angles of vision of the agents’ cameras. Finally, we discuss some further extensions: adding obstacles, positioning the cameras in 3D or enabling them to change positions. Our work has potential applications to automated reasoning, formal specification and verification of observational abilities and knowledge of multi-robot systems.  相似文献   

Diversity of agents occurs naturally in epistemic logic, and dynamic logics of information update and belief revision. In this paper we provide a systematic discussion of different sources of diversity, such as introspection ability, powers of observation, memory capacity, and revision policies, and we show how these can be encoded in dynamic epistemic logics allowing for individual variation among agents. Next, we explore the interaction of diverse agents by looking at some concrete scenarios of communication and learning, and we propose a logical methodology to deal with these as well. We conclude with some further questions on the logic of diversity and interaction. This work was supported by the Chinese National Social Science Foundation (Grant Number: 04CZX011) and the Dutch Science Organization NWO.  相似文献   

The LA-logics (“logics with Local Agreement”) are polymodal logics defined semantically such that at any world of a model, the sets of successors for the different accessibility relations can be linearly ordered and the accessibility relations are equivalence relations. In a previous work, we have shown that every LA-logic defined with a finite set of modal indices has an NP-complete satisfiability problem. In this paper, we introduce a class of LA-logics with a countably infinite set of modal indices and we show that the satisfiability problem is PSPACE-complete for every logic of such a class. The upper bound is shown by exhibiting a tree structure of the models. This allows us to establish a surprising correspondence between the modal depth of formulae and the number of occurrences of distinct modal connectives. More importantly, as a consequence, we can show the PSPACE-completeness of Gargov's logic DALLA and Nakamura's logic LGM restricted to modal indices that are rational numbers, for which the computational complexity characterization has been open until now. These logics are known to belong to the class of information logics and fuzzy modal logics, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new way of certifying assembly programs. Unlike previous program logics, we extract the control-flow information from the code and generate an intermediate trail between the specification and the real code. Trails are auxiliary specifications and treated as modules in the certification process. We define a simple modular program logic called trail-based certified assembly programming (TCAP) to certify and link different parts of a program using the corresponding trails. Because the control flow information in trails is explicit, the rules are easier to design. We show that our logic is powerful enough to prove partial correctness of assembly programs with features including stack-based abstractions and self-modifying code.We also provide a semantics for TCAP and prove that the logic is sound with respect to the semantics.  相似文献   

A model checker is described that supports proving logical properties of concurrent systems. The logical properties can be described in different action-based logics (variants of Hennessy-Milner logic). The tools is based on the EMC model checker for the logic CTL. It therefore employs a set of translation functions from the considered logics to CTL, as well as a model translation function from labeled transition systems (models of the action-based logics) to Kripke structures (models for CTL). The obtained tool performs model checking in linear time complexity, and its correctness is guaranteed by the proof that the set of translation functions, coupled with the model translation function, preserves satisfiability of logical formulae.  相似文献   

TestEra: Specification-Based Testing of Java Programs Using SAT   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TestEra is a framework for automated specification-based testing of Java programs. TestEra requires as input a Java method (in sourcecode or bytecode), a formal specification of the pre- and post-conditions of that method, and a bound that limits the size of the test cases to be generated. Using the method's pre-condition, TestEra automatically generates all nonisomorphic test inputs up to the given bound. It executes the method on each test input, and uses the method postcondition as an oracle to check the correctness of each output. Specifications are first-order logic formulae. As an enabling technology, TestEra uses the Alloy toolset, which provides an automatic SAT-based tool for analyzing first-order logic formulae. We have used TestEra to check several Java programs including an architecture for dynamic networks, the Alloy-alpha analyzer, a fault-tree analyzer, and methods from the Java Collection Framework.  相似文献   

Both knowledge and social commitments have received considerable attention in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs), specially for multi-agent communication. Plenty of work has been carried out to define their semantics. However, the relationship between social commitments and knowledge has not been investigated yet. In this paper, we aim to explore such a relationship from the semantics and model checking perspectives with respect to CTLK logic (an extension of CTL logic with modality for reasoning about knowledge) and CTLC logic (an extension of CTL with modalities for reasoning about commitments and their fulfillments). To analyze this logical relationship, we simply combine the two logics in one new logic named CTLKC. The purpose of such a combination is not to advocate a new logic, but only to express and figure out some reasoning postulates merging both knowledge and commitments as they are currently defined in the literature. By so doing, we identify some paradoxes in the new logic showing that simply combining current versions of commitment and knowledge logics results in a logical language that violates some fundamental intuitions. Consequently, we propose CTLKC+, a new logic that fixes the identified paradoxes and allows us to reason about social commitments and knowledge simultaneously in a consistent manner. Furthermore, we address the problem of model checking CTLKC+ by reducing it to the problem of model checking GCTL?, a generalized version of CTL? with action formulae. By doing so, we directly benefit from CWB-NC, the model checker of GCTL?. Using this reduction, we also prove that the computational complexity of model checking CTLKC+ is still PSPACE-complete for concurrent programs as the complexity of model checking CTLK and CTLC separately.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a generalized extension principle by substituting a more general triangular norm T for the min intersection operator in Zadeh's extension principle. We also introduce a family of propositional logics, sup- T extension logics, obtained by the extension of classical-logical functions. A few general properties of these sup-T extension logics are derived. It is also shown that classical binary logic and the Kleene ternary logic are special cases of these logics for any choice of T, obtained by a convenient restriction of the truth domain. the very practical decomposability property of classical logic is furthermore shown to hold for the sup-min extension logic, albeit in a somewhat more limited form.  相似文献   

First-order temporal logic is a concise and powerful notation, with many potential applications in both Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. While the full logic is highly complex, recent work on monodic first-order temporal logics has identified important enumerable and even decidable fragments. Although a complete and correct resolution-style calculus has already been suggested for this specific fragment, this calculus involves constructions too complex to be of practical value. In this paper, we develop a machine-oriented clausal resolution method which features radically simplified proof search. We first define a normal form for monodic formulae and then introduce a novel resolution calculus that can be applied to formulae in this normal form. By careful encoding, parts of the calculus can be implemented using classical first-order resolution and can, thus, be efficiently implemented. We prove correctness and completeness results for the calculus and illustrate it on a comprehensive example. An implementation of the method is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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