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全国铁路第六次大提速,提高了运输能力,促进了经济发展,是一个全国瞩目的重大事件。而无线电管理部门的细致工作,也为动车组的运行提供了安全保障。以下就介绍一起发生在铁路大提速期间的无线电干扰案例,与读者分享。  相似文献   

1 引言 信息产业部早在2001年就发布了《关于禁止非法研制、生产和使用无线电干扰设备的通知》,明确指出非法研制、生产和使用如"会场净化器"等无线电干扰设备的行为严重侵犯了移动电话用户合法的通信自由,未办理法定手续,研制、生产和使用无线电干扰设备均属非法行为,必须予以禁止.目前一些单位鉴于保密工作的需要,允许在涉密会议期间使用无线电信号干扰设备.但是使用的设备应该符合规定,不得干扰其他正常的电信业务的开展.  相似文献   

近期,我市某自来水公司的合法数传通信网多次受到干扰,导致数据误码无法正常接收信号。根据投诉用户的反映,该信号出现没有明显规律,出现时间较短,为语音内容。  相似文献   

在当前全球数字经济全面发展的大趋势下,新基建是我国的重要发展举措.5G作为新基建的"领头羊",其作用举足轻重,是数字经济时代的基础设施.为了推动5G网络建设,消除5G无线干扰信号,必须规范频谱资源使用,保障5G无线通信安全.  相似文献   

第29届奥运会帆船帆板比赛于2008年8月9日至21日在青岛举行,青岛无委办克服种种困难,出色地完成了无线电保障任务。期间,我们成功排除了一起对重要用户BOB和欧米茄的无线电干扰,保证了比赛和转播的正常进行。  相似文献   

2009年10月8日凌晨0时12分,新疆维吾尔自治区无线电监测站接到乌鲁木齐铁通公司的干扰申诉.称其乌鲁木齐铁路无线列调通信网频率受到干扰.干扰信号特征为信令信号。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯9月下旬,江苏省工信厅接南京供电公司来函反映,江浦火车站附近13座电力专网基站频繁受到外部信号干扰,对电力传输带来了很大隐患。经南京市无线电监测站监测排查,确定干扰信号来自安徽省马鞍山市和县宝塔山附近区域。为快速消除干扰,确保电力专网基站无线电安全,10月14日,安徽、江苏两省无线电管理机构在马鞍山举行了干扰协调会。安徽省经信厅党组副书记、副厅长杨明,  相似文献   

为了有效维护世博会期间的电波秩序。上海市无线电监测站根据世博会无线电保障工作的总体部署.构建了世博无线电专项管理平台。在世博无线电专项管理平台的建设过程中.上海市无线电监测站以“科学规划、合理布局、分步实施”为原则.  相似文献   

频谱仪在分析无线电干扰中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
频谱仪是一种将信号电压幅度随频率变化的规律予以显示的仪器.频谱仪在电磁兼容分析方面有着广泛的应用,它能够在扫描范围内精确地测量和显示各个频率上的信号特征,使我们能够"看到"电信号,从而为分析电信号带来方便.  相似文献   

本文具体说明如何对家用电器发出的无线电干扰进行测量。以便读者举一反三,更快地理解国家标准GB4343。  相似文献   

针对利用多旋翼无人机自主定位无线电干扰源问题,为研究自主定位过程中使得定位效率最高的参数设置,基于部分可观测马尔科夫决策过程(POMDP)理论构建了多旋翼无人机自主定位模型,采用控制变量法分析不同搜索区域下最大巡航速度对于搜索效率的影响,对比采用多点定位法进行实际测试的数据,验证了最佳工作速度参数的有效性.  相似文献   

Bidirectional stackable ROADMs (BS-ROADMs) with 3-port optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs) have been presented for minimizing the lightpath interference during reconfiguration of the ROADMs. The BS-ROADM is constructed by connecting some modules with different wavelengths, and it is reconfigured by adding new modules required in it. The reconfigurations of the BS-ROADMs are done for upgrading the in-service networks to support newly appeared traffic demand. The experimental results presented in this paper clarify that the BS-ROADM can multiplex and demultiplex the wavelengths successfully without limiting the pass-through wavelengths, providing the wavelength transparent networks. The reconfiguration of an in-service BS-ROADM can be made without influencing any lightpath in the network, and this type of BS-ROADMs is used for premium users. However, while adding a new module in comparatively low-cost BS-ROADMs in-service, the transmission break of some lightpaths might be taken place. The investigated transmission break time was limited within recovery time specified in the service level agreement for best-effort transmission, which has strong cost-effectiveness rather than high QoS. This upgradability of the BS-ROADMs adds more flexibility in coarse wavelength division multiplexing networks in terms of scalability and reconfigurability.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new practical dirty paper coding scheme and its extension is proposed for interference mitigation of a single TV broadcast station in uplink and downlink of a cognitive radio network using both a single secondary user (SU) and multiple SU scenarios. In the single SU scenario, which is called interference cognitive radio channel, derived simulation results show that the transmission rate of the SU archives the capacity of an AWGN channel with the cost of a 2.5 dB extra signal‐to‐noise ratio. In the sequel, the proposed scheme is extended to a multiple SU scenario using direct sequence spread spectrum technique in both uplink and downlink considering a TV band. Derived simulation results show that the number of supportable SUs in our proposed scheme increases to a fully loaded scenario of the same multiuser direct sequence spread spectrum system. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

飞机使用的无线电设备,从奥米伽/甚低频(OMEGA/VLF)导航系统、低频自动罗盘(LF-ADF)、高频单边带调幅电台(HF SSB)、伏尔导航/仪表着陆(VOR/ILS)系统、甚高频(VHF)电台、特高频(UHF)电台、无线电高度表、多普勒雷达、气象雷达、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)、空中交通管制系统、飞机防撞系统、测距器(DME)、塔康系统,到直升机专用的红外线电视扫描系统,种类繁多,功能各异,使用无线电频谱资源广泛。随着无线电通信事业的发展和地面发射台站的增加,航空无线电设备遭受的干扰也越来越多,航空导航干扰也成为一个非常热门的话题。本文从机载甚高频设备的具体情况出发,讨论航空无线电干扰。  相似文献   

2006年12月8日.我们接到中国联通有限公司潍坊分公司的干扰投诉称:市区盐业公司基站第三扇区283频点出现较强干扰.基站不能正常工作.大量用户不能接通。我们立即驱车前往干扰地点.经测试.发现干扰源中心频率是83382MHz.带宽为400kHZ.初步断定干扰源是在月河路与胜利街交叉口处工商银行办公楼内。图1为干扰图形。  相似文献   

A comprehensive system model for characterizing the effects of multipath propagation on digital radio systems in the 4-6-GHz band is shown in this paper. The effects of terrain-induced multipath propagation in the presence of atmospheric anomalies are studied using data from experimental microwave links in the field and in the laboratory. This technique, which treats multipath propagation as digital signal distortions caused by interference from ground reflections, has not been shown previously. A forward multipath propagation model is used to identify the critical propagation parameters for a quadrature amplitude modulated (QAM) signal. A normalized two-ray channel model is developed to approximate the frequency response produced by interference from a ground reflection in a narrow band. The effectiveness of this channel model is evaluated using measured data from the test radio link in the laboratory and in the field  相似文献   

无线电同址干扰定量分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对同址干扰对车载通信系统的影响,提出了定量分析模型。首先,对功率耦合度进行了理论和实验分析,特别是对接收机的干扰抑制性能进行了研究。通过对常用的调制、编码、交织模式的分析,建立了误码率计算函数库,作为调用子模块。为了验证定量分析模型的准确性、有效性,基于需求分析构建了有线实验平台。结果表明:理论和实验结果相符,模型的建立为配置电台工作参数,设计通信系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Several next-generation radio telescopes, now in the planning stages, are based on phased-array technology. One reason for this is to make use of adaptive nulling techniques to combat radio frequency interference, which is a growing problem for radio astronomy. This paper presents a low-complexity approach to interference nulling which is suitable for use in such systems. The approach uses subspace-tracking to identify interference, followed by spatial projections to place deep nulls in the directions of interferers. This technique overcomes two limitations of power-minimization algorithms (e.g., "minimum variance"), namely power inversion and pattern rumble, which create serious problems for radio astronomy. Furthermore, this technique imposes a lower computational burden and provides side information which is useful in later stages of data processing. Performance results from a phased array demonstrator system and a simulation are presented  相似文献   

郭玮 《中国无线电》2005,(11):36-38
近年来,随着民用无线电设备的激增,无线电干扰事件日益频繁,“中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》第44条规定“违反本条例规定,给国家、集体或者个人造成重大损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任”。因此基层无线电管理部门大都依照此规范化解干扰赔偿纠纷。但是由于形成《条例》时的历史条件限制,“条例》不可能就干扰引起的各类赔偿问题进行详尽的法律解释,本文试以一起无线电干扰索赔实例,探究无线电干扰赔偿问题在法制化管理体系中的内容和方向。  相似文献   

一种用于高速快跳频电台的均衡算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了一种用于高速快跳频电台的基于信道估值的均衡算法。信道冲激响应采用伪随机序列进行时域快速信道估值得到,然后将信道冲激响应映射为均衡器系数的最优解。理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明,该算法能够较好地克服码间干扰,相比传统的自适应迭代调整均衡器系数的方法,其计算量大大减小、更为有效。  相似文献   

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