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章鹏  方颖  李曦 《江西能源》2014,(1):1-5,34
气候变化是社会普遍关注的重大问题。以江西气候变化和影响事实为基础,总结了目前江西应对气候变化所采取的政策和效果,分析了未来江西应对气候变化面临的制约因素,并提出了完善江西应对气侯变化工作的政策建议。  相似文献   

旨在控制温室气体排放的国际协议《京都议定书》,在2012年后的第2减排承诺期问题上,发达国家和发展中国家就减排责任展开了漫长而又激烈的博弈。中国政府于2009年11月25日公布了新的控制温室气体排放的行动目标:到2020年我国单位GDP(国内生产总值)二氧化碳排放量将比2005年下降40%~45%。计划于2020年基本建成的中国坚强智能电网预计在未来十年将推动实现二氧化碳累计减排105亿t.对实现我国的减排目标的贡献度将超过20%。智能电网在中国应对气候变化的挑战过程中.既发挥了引导中国新能源与清洁能源稳步发展整合、优化国家能源资源配置和缓解国家能源安全压力的重要作用.又为中国政府的减排执行目标的实现体现了无可替代的战略价值。  相似文献   

气候灾难的频频警告,已使气候问题上升为全球关注的焦点。12月3日~14日在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行的2007年联合国气候变化大会,万人与会,意义不凡。联合国环境规划署发布《气候变化的影响和适应评估报告》,呼吁各国采取行动适应气候变化,在制  相似文献   

城市作为人类文明、社会进步的象征和生产力的空间载体,聚集了相应地域范围内的生产资料、资本、劳动力和科学技术,是一定地域内经济集聚实体和纵横交错经济网络的枢纽和区域经济活动中心。城市的规模越大,现代化水平越高,气候变化带来的灾害风险的种类越多,各种灾害发生的概率越高,危险性也越大。另一方面城市化与温室气体排放关系密切,一方面传统化石能源还是城市经济增长的动力因素和基础;另一方面不合理利用能源导致温室气体排放、环境恶化、资源匾乏反过来制约城市健康发展进一步成为整个区域经济发展过程中主要限制因素。适应和减缓由此成为世界城市时代命题。  相似文献   

叙述了应对气候变化给我们带来转型发展的机遇,提出,借应对气候变化的机遇,可以完善国家基础设施的建设,带动国家基础研究的进步,推动创新型国家的建设。  相似文献   

吴坤 《能源》2011,(1):57-57
国际能源署预测,未来20年里,增效节能的减排潜力远远超过其它所有方式的总和。  相似文献   

苏明 《中国能源》2010,32(6):7-11
近年来我国出台了多项支持新能源和节能减排的财政政策和措施,以积极应对气候变化。其中,在财政投入,税收政策,收费政策和政府采购政策方面都有相应的优惠和倾斜。文章指出现行财政政策在应对气候变化上存在不足,有待继续完善。  相似文献   

在过去的20年中,世界各国在了解气候变化的复杂性和原因方面取得了重大进展。国际社会在各种论坛上共同评估科学结果,制订政策和法律文书,并促使公众认识到迫切需要更好地保护受到人类有害干扰的地球大气层。主要活动有:  相似文献   

山西省政府正式向全省下发了《山西省应对气候变化办法》,这是继青海之后我国第二部应对气候变化的地方政府规章。  相似文献   

发达国家应对气候变化政策措施对我国的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
气候变化是当今世界面临的重大威胁,对能源发展的影响正逐步加大。能源既是各国经济发展的发动机,又是温室气体最主要的排放源。气候变化问题日益成为世界各国在制定本国能源战略上无法回避的重要因素。本文简要剖析发达国家近年来为应对气候变化采取的政策措施,主要考察这些政策措施对国际能源技术发展的作用,并探讨其对我国能源政策的相关影响。  相似文献   

Much discussion has surrounded possible alternatives for international agreements on climate change, particularly post-2012. Among these alternatives, technology-oriented agreements (TOAs) are perhaps the least well defined. We explore what TOAs may consist of, why they might be sensible, which TOAs already exist in international energy and environmental governance, and whether they could make a valuable contribution to addressing climate change. We find that TOAs aimed at knowledge sharing and coordination, research, development, or demonstration could increase the overall efficiency and effectiveness of international climate cooperation, but are likely to have limited environmental effectiveness on their own. Technology-transfer agreements are likely to have similar properties unless the level of resources expended is large, in which case they could be environmentally significant. Technology-specific mandates or incentives could be environmentally effective within the applicable sector, but are more likely to make a cost-effective contribution when viewed as a complement to rather than a substitute for flexible emissions-based policies. These results indicate that TOAs could potentially provide a valuable contribution to the global response to climate change. The success of specific TOAs will depend on their design, implementation, and the role they are expected to play relative to other components of the policy portfolio.  相似文献   

Pursuant to the commitments under the Framework Convention of Climate Change (FCCC), all Annex I Parties of FCCC have compiled their National Communications on Climate Change. There, Parties have reported the national greenhouse gas inventories, policies, and measures to address climate change, the greenhouse gas emissions projections, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and education and public awareness.

Implementation of policies and measures to address climate change in economies in transition (EIT) is very complicated due to the experienced deep economic crisis. It is important to outline the efforts of EIT countries to identify their climate change policy and to recognize the most effective policies and measures achieved under these countries' special circumstances.

This paper compiles information from the policies and measures section of the National Communications of nine EIT countries. The analysis has been carried out in the framework of overall policy context and the national circumstances of EIT countries in terms of energy and economy development.

In general, policies and measures in EIT countries tend to follow the trends observed in the other Annex I Parties to the FCCC. They address primarily carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion as the most important greenhouse gas and the energy transformation sector as the major greenhouse emissions source. The most effective mitigation measures — in terms of both greenhouse gas emission reduction and costs — were energy efficiency and the promotion of non-fossil energy sources. A prevailing part of policies and measures implemented or under implementation in EIT countries were cost-effective and no-regret measures. It was considered very difficult in these countries to go beyond no-regret measures in a situation of deep economic crisis and insufficient investments.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》1986,14(1):81-85
The author outlines the main changes between 1973 and 1985 in the structure of energy supply and demand in FR Germany. A reduction in oil's share was compensated by increases in natural gas and nuclear energy, while coal's contribution remained the same. These changes are explained by the two oil price shocks and by government measures intended to conserve energy and substitute for oil. The most recent demand forecasts produced for the government by Prognos are discussed. In their reference case, assuming 2.5% per annum growth in real GDP, no increase in energy demand is expected up to 2000. In the alternative case, where Prognos assume for 2000 a real oil price 40% lower than in the reference case, energy demand is only 8% higher. Finally, the federal government's energy policy goals are summarized. The government is seen to have confirmed its reliance primarily on market forces to achieve further structural adjustments in energy supply and demand.  相似文献   

The idea to use the sun of the Sahara for European energy needs is simple to conceive, but not so simple to implement. This article reviews one tool in the arsenal of methods to come nearer to that goal—virtual trading using flexibility mechanisms. Flexibility mechanisms are established under the Kyoto Protocol and available in EU legislation. But restrictions exist and market forces, mostly generated by national emissions reduction obligations under climate policy, do not necessarily act in favor of renewable energy imports into Europe. The paper assesses the current situation, in view of EU member states' recently published positions on the use of flexibility mechanisms for cross-border trade.  相似文献   

After decades of strong opposition, several European countries are now in the process of implementing some kind of Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM). Unfortunately, these national initiatives seem to aim at energy autarky rather than seeking a wider regional coordination. This situation can significantly affect the potential benefits of an integrated long-term expansion of the European power system.In this paper the regulatory basis for the effective participation of foreign agents in national CRMs is discussed. The authors support that two pillars are required: (1) stronger coordination among TSOs1 and respect for the Security of Supply Directive and (2) introduce a particular type of firm cross-border nominations associated to the CRMs commitments. These proposed nominations are to be considered only in situations of system stress. As discussed here, this allows not requiring any type of ex-ante cross-border capacity reservation, thus avoiding many of the inefficiencies associated to traditional physical bilateral contracts.  相似文献   

The impact of transaction costs on the early emissions trading market is examined by applying an agent-based model and simulation (ABMS) approach. For a realistic model set up, bounded rationality, stochastic characteristics, and learning-by-doing are considered in our search processes. Marginal abatement cost parameters are obtained from Yoo et al. (2010), which is an experimental study on the emissions trading in the Korean power sector. Sensitivity analyses are performed on market performance indices with regard to transaction cost parameters, which represent scales and the learning elasticities of transaction costs. A total of 960 simulations were run in this sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis results consistently show that higher transaction costs worsen market performance. The most remarkable finding in these results is that welfare performance of all the transactions decreases by up to 50% as the scale parameters of transaction costs increase, implying that welfare gain from introducing emissions trading disappears significantly. However, with learning curve effect, welfare performance could be regained by up to 26%. In sum, although transaction costs significantly encroach upon trade gains at the early stage, based on our simulation results, the welfare loss by way of transaction costs is lessened as the knowledge of market participants progresses.  相似文献   

In this paper we use monthly data (over the period from January 1976 to December 2012) and a structural VAR model to disentangle demand and supply shocks in the global crude oil market and investigate their effects on the real price of natural gas in the United States. We identify the model by assuming that innovations to the real price of crude oil are predetermined with respect to the natural gas market and show that close to 45% of the variation in the real price of natural gas can be attributed to structural supply and demand shocks in the global crude oil market.  相似文献   

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