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For many decades, synthetic streamflow series have been utilized in hydrology to analyze numerous stochastic problems whose solutions depend on the values of the streamflows and their temporal pattern. The stochastic generation of synthetic streamflows at a given time level can adopt two general approaches: the generation at the required time level by applying an appropriate model; or the generation of annual flows using a suitable annual model, followed by their disaggregation into flows at the required time level. The first approach is feasible for a seasonal or monthly level, but not for a daily level, while the latter can be applied to any level. It also has the advantage of allowing the preservation of the historical statistical properties at both the upper (year) and the lower (season, month or day) time levels. One of the simplest disaggregation models is the method of fragments. Based on the extensive application of that method to the generation of monthly flow series in more than 50 Portuguese river gauges (Silva and Portela, 2011, Hydrol Sci J 57(5): 942–955. doi:  10.1080/02626667.2012.686695, 2012), it was possible to establish a deterministic criterion to define the classes of fragments and to select the fragments that proved to be very robust. That criterion was revisited and modified and applied to the generation of synthetic daily flow series, with even better results. This paper describes the revisited method, presents the results from its application to a few case studies and discusses its relevance to analyze the uncertainty due to the temporal variability of the flow regime.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to introduce specific analytical meanings for the frequently used terms “water stress” (Falkenmark 1992 Falkenmark, M. and Widstrand, C. 1992. Population and water resources: a delicate balance. Population Bulletin, 47(3): 136. [PubMed] [Google Scholar], Vorosmarty et al. 2000 Vorosmarty, C. J. 2000. Global water resources: vulnerability from climate change and population growth. Science, 289: 284288. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2005 Vorosmarty, C. J. 2005. Geospatial indicators of emerging water stress: an application to Africa. AMBIO, 34(3): 230236. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and “water strain” (Haddadin 2007 Haddadin, M. J. 2007. Quantification and significance of shadow water in semi arid countries. Water Policy, 9: 435456. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by drawing an analogy from the science of engineering mechanics. It introduces “water characteristic curves” and a “water modulus” that defines the status of indigenous water of a given country. Compared to other tools that have been introduced to reflect the “water footprint” of a country (Hoekstra and Chapagain 2008 Hoekstra, A. Y. and Chapagain, A. K. 2008. Globalization of water: sharing the planet's freshwater resources, Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 53–65, Chapter 6.  [Google Scholar]), the water modulus is different in approach and meaning and is more reflective of the adequacy of indigenous water resources of countries.  相似文献   

The dam’s reservoir water level varies over the year according to the water inflow and outflow, as a function of environmental events but also of dam exploitation management policy and human decisions. In the Portuguese dam safety regulation (RSB 2007), the normal water level (NWL) is considered as the optimum exploitation level. However, as proved by the continuous monitoring over the lifetime of a set of dams, the NWL is occasionally exceeded for non-negligible time periods. The reservoir water level, to which the water pressure on the upstream face is related, is a fundamental parameter for the safety and reliability analysis of concrete dams. When water-induced actions are considering the leading loads, only the maximum reservoir water level, usually associated with a high-return-period flood, is relevant. However, for other combinations, in particular, earthquake scenarios, the consideration of the variability of the water level over time is crucial. In reliability analysis of concrete dams, the reservoir water level has been considered either as a deterministic variable, once the loading scenario analyzed assume water-induced actions as leading loads (Westberg 2010), or as a random variable defined using hydrological site information of a specific study case (Altarejos et al. Structural Safety 36-37:1–13 2012). This work proposes a probabilistic model of the reservoir water level of any new dam based only on its geometrical properties, which provides a low-cost alternative to in-depth hydrological analysis. The proposed model can be useful in two stages of the lifecycle of dams: (i) initial design and feasibility stages, and (ii) routine safety assessment of existing structures, as in both stages the costs of a complete hydrological analysis is too high for the level of detail required. For that, the recorded reservoir water level of 27 Portuguese large concrete dams is used. A normalized sinusoidal model, with annual period, is adjusted to the reservoir water level annual history of those dams by beta regression. Generally, a good agreement between observations and the proposed model, for most of the annual adjustments, was achieved. The distribution parameters of the random variables were estimated through the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method. The physical, model and statistical uncertainties were quantified and can now be included in a reliability analysis procedure.  相似文献   

Many of the observed problems of water management in developing countries are linked to inefficient institutional structures of property rights. This is particularly the case with many public irrigation systems that have never achieved the expected social and economic benefits. In this paper it is argued that the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) can be applied to evaluate the degree of inefficiency of such institutional structure for the case of one of the most important irrigation systems in Ecuador in the Peninsula of Santa Elena (PSE). The procedure applied consists of eliciting an economic value among irrigators. Thus, Willingness to Pay (WTP) questions are used to value a specific outcome of a policy intended to assure the right to have an efficient management of the canals. The evaluation criterion consists of comparing the resulting economic value with the price currently charged to irrigators. Any deviation is considered an economic rent which is wasted. Thus, CVM is used to investigate the potential benefits of a hypothetical change in the existing property rights structure. The estimation results assert that the proposed change would provide positive net benefits to water users in the PSE.
Figure 1. Predicted probabilities of accepting the price bid for different scenarios of land use and income  相似文献   

The international community has affirmed the human right to water in a number of international treaties, declarations and other documents. Most notably, the United Nations (UN) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted in November 2002 a General Comment on the Right to Water setting out international standards and obligations relating to the right to water. Based on the UN concept of water as a human right for selected Arab countries in the Middle East (Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon), the paper analyses if and to what extent these concepts are acknowledged. It aims to identify the scale of knowledge of and commitment to the UN concept in the region, and the main areas of concern in each country regarding water as a human right. The paper summarizes the main challenges facing strategic and coordinated action towards the UN concept of water as a human right, identifies what types of processes and institutions need to be developed to meet the challenges of the concept, and provides best practice examples from countries that have shown innovation. Objectives and priority ideas for activities of non-governmental organizations are recommended.

Table 1.?Egypt: evaluation of the UN criteria

Table 2.?Palestine: evaluation of the UN criteria

Table 3.?Jordan: evaluation of the UN criteria

Table 4.?Lebanon: evaluation of the UN criteria


Groundwater investigations in Linz have shown, that the temperature in the groundwater reservoir has increased significantly compared to the temperature of the environment. To investigate whether the existing groundwater facilities for cooling have a quantifiable impact on groundwater temperatures all given permissions regarding groundwater usage for cooling premises were analyzed in detail. Therefore data on the yearly amount and type of groundwater usage were collected and sorted for further analyses. Based on these data the length and the width of the temperature flags in the groundwater reservoir were calculated with the thermal formula of Ingerle (1988), modified by Rauch (1992) and corresponding to the ÖVAW technical rule 207. The temperature flags of every groundwater user with cooling purposes were visualized with the software ARCMAP 10.1 and compared with real data from field measurements. Furthermore an analyses of uncertainty for the length of the temperature flags was involved in the study. With this method the areas where a thermic impact to the groundwater reservoir is of a high likelihood because of existing groundwater usage for cooling purposes were identified. Based on this in a next step different alternatives for district cooling were developed involving both central (covering all existing groundwater users) and semi central (covering only parts of existing users) solutions. To compare and evaluate the difference an efficiency analysis was undertaken. In this article the calculation and results of the thermal flag analysis of all relevant groundwater users are presented. Two of the seven alternatives for district cooling are then introduced more detailed. Further the efficiency analysis of the different alternatives is described using economical, ecological and social criteria.  相似文献   

Despite since the mid-90s the regulation has encouraged horizontal and vertical bundling, the Italian water and sewerage industry is still largely fragmented. This work investigates the potential benefits of the process of consolidation, relying on realistic ex-ante merger hypotheses. A parametric methodology is used to implement the Bogetoft and Wang 2005’s decomposition of potential gains from mergers (J Prod Anal 23:145–171). When looking at strictly technological aspects, results do not provide univocal evidence in favor or against merger strategies, recommending a case-by-case approach in evaluating real merger projects. Moreover, the largest potential gains are due to managerial rather than technological inefficiency, thus their effective ex-post attainment ultimately depend on the ability to tackle the change and on political will.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of regional climate variability on the elasticity of price for residential water demand in Spain. The data comes from the Spanish Survey of Family Budget (INE 2012), a national based survey of household living conditions including more than 15,000 observations. The econometric analysis included other determinants of residential water demand in Spain such as income and household characteristics. In line with the broad literature, the demand for water in Spain is found to be inelastic, although price elasticity differs notably when accounting for different climatic regions in the territory. The results have noteworthy policy implications as water pricing is considered an efficient means of long term sustainable planning of water resources management. The results imply that policy makers may have reasons to explore differentiating the impacts of water efficiency measures by region.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the Helsinki Rules (1966 Helsinki Rules, 1966. http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/aguaysociedad/proyectofrontera/Helsinki%20Rules%201966.pdf (http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/aguaysociedad/proyectofrontera/Helsinki%20Rules%201966.pdf) (Accessed: April 2010).  [Google Scholar]), the United Nations Convention (1997) and the Berlin Rules (2004 Berlin Rules, 2004. http://www.cawater-info.net/library/eng/l/berlin_rules.pdf (http://www.cawater-info.net/library/eng/l/berlin_rules.pdf) (Accessed: April 2010).  [Google Scholar]), looking at their emphasis on the principle either of equitable utilization or of doing no harm and analysing the effect of these principles on late developers within a river basin. The analysis reveals that these rules increasingly favour first developers. Today, late developers have even less incentive to subscribe to these rules, but instead must either utilize their own dominance or have a powerful ally to develop their water resources. Given the Millennium Development Goals, the existing recommendations on the sharing of international rivers should be revised so as not to favour the early developers.  相似文献   

By some estimates, there are 47,000 large dams in the world. India had 4,635 “large dams” as per ICOLD definition. Only technical criteria such as height and storage volume are used for this classification. Large dam projects increasingly face opposition from the environmental lobby from around the world for their negative social and environmental impacts, while their role in development was largely ignored. There are three issues being investigated in this paper. First: the role of water in human development and economic growth, and the role of large storages. Second: what should be the best criterion for classifying dams in a way that they truly reflect the engineering, social and environmental challenges posed by dams? Three: what new objectives and criteria, and variables need to be incorporated in the cost–benefit analysis of dams so as to make it comprehensive? The authors have derived a new index called sustainable water use index (SWUI) from the composite water poverty index (WPI) developed by C. Sullivan (2002), to assess the water situation of a country. It includes four of the five sub-indices of WPI, to capture attributes such as access to and use of water, water environment and institutional capacities in water sector, each having equal weightage. The SWUI was calculated for 145 countries using data from Laurence et al. (2003). Analyses suggest that improving the water situation can drive its economic growth, through the human development route. It is further argued that building large storages would be crucial for improving the water situation of a country on a sustainable basis. The analysis based on data of 13,631 large dams across the world shows that the height of the dam does not have any bearing on the volume of water stored, a strong indicator of the safety hazard posed by dams. Further analysis using data of 9,878 large dams shows that the height has no bearing on the area of land submerged, again an indicator of the negative social and environmental effects. The regression using data on 156 large dams across India shows that normative relationship exists between the area of submergence and numbers of people displaced by dams. Therefore, a combination of criteria such as height, storage volume and the area under submergence needs to be considered for assessing the negative social and environmental consequences of dams. Further analysis shows that the available estimates of dam displacement could be “gross over-estimates” in the order of magnitude of eight. By illustrating the significant positive impact of large reservoir project on stabilizing national food prices, contributing clean energy, improving recharge to groundwater in semi arid and arid regions, and ensuring social security, the authors argue that economic viability of these projects should be assessed in relation these positive externalities they create. The authors estimate the benefit due to lower food prices attributed to large dams in India as Rs. 42.90 billion annually. At the same time, the negative externality effects of large dams should be built in the cost of dam projects to increase the accountability on the part of water development agencies in less developed countries, towards the communities, which are adversely affected by large dams.  相似文献   

In one of the widely used methods to estimate surface runoff - Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN), the antecedent moisture condition (AMC) is categorized into three AMC levels causing irrational abrupt jumps in estimated runoff. A few improved SCS-CN methods have been developed to overcome several in-built inconsistencies in the soil moisture accounting (SMA) procedure that lies behind the SCS-CN method. However, these methods still inherit the structural inconsistency in the SMA procedure. In this study, a modified SCS-CN method was proposed based on the revised SMA procedure incorporating storm duration and a physical formulation for estimating antecedent soil moisture (V 0 ). The proposed formulation for V 0 estimation has shown a high degree of applicability in simulating the temporal pattern of soil moisture in the experimental plot. The modified method was calibrated and validated using a dataset of 189 storm-runoff events from two experimental watersheds in the Chinese Loess Plateau. The results indicated that the proposed method, which boosted the model efficiencies to 88% in both calibration and validation cases, performed better than the original SCS-CN and the Singh et al. (2015) method, a modified SCS-CN method based on SMA. The proposed method was then applied to a third watershed using the tabulated CN value and the parameters of the minimum infiltration rate (f c ) and coefficient (β) derived for the first two watersheds. The root mean square error between the measured and predicted runoff values was improved from 6 mm to 1 mm. Moreover, the parameter sensitivity analysis indicated that the potential maximum retention (S) parameter is the most sensitive, followed by f c . It can be concluded that the modified SCS-CN method, may predict surface runoff more accurately in the Chinese Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Investigation of drought event has a great importance in the natural erctt management and water resources management planning. One of the important indexes of drought severity assessment is RDIst index, this index is B35based on ratio of precipitation (P) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) factors. Many different methods have been introduced for PET calculation. In this study results of monthly RDIst index (1 month) based on some popular PET calculation methods include: Jensen-Haise, Modified Jensen-Haise, Thornthwaite, Hargreaves-Samani, Blaney-Criddle and FAO Penman-Monteith (this method was used as reference method) with minimum data requirements were compared. In this research climatic data of 17 synoptic stations (with different climate conditions) in Iran during 1967–2014 were used to estimate PET and monthly RDIst index. Results of this paper showed that different methods of PET calculation had significant impact on RDIst index. According to results based on RMSE index Hargreaves- Samani had the most similarities with FAO Penman-Monteith method. Based on means comparison test, Blaney-Criddle and Modified Jensen-Haise methods had the most similarities with FAO Penman-Monteith (mean of RDIst index in 58.8% of stations in Thornthwaite method, 52.9% of stations in Jensen-Haise and Hargreaves-Samani methods and 71% of stations in Blaney-Criddle and Modified Jensen- Haise methods had not different by FAO Penman-Monteith).  相似文献   

Qanats (Kanats) have been an ancient, sustainable system facilitating the harvesting of water for centuries in Iran, and more than 34 additional countries of the world. These subterranean channels have been used for the transference of snowmelt water from the mountainous terrain for thousands of years. Agricultural, industrial and urban demands for fresh water have brought about increasing demands for water, the elixir of life. In response, the harvesting of water via deep groundwater wells throughout arid zones has disturbed the aquifers, and resulted in the abandonment of some qanats. Qanats in the province of Yazd City are witnessing this depletion. This paper introduces qanats, objectives causing their creation, construction materials, locations and their importance in different times, as well as their present role in Iran. Further, current qualitative and quantitative analyses of the qanats in Tehran are identified.  相似文献   


In France, responsibility for potable water supply and wastewater services has been allocated to the municipal level of government. Water supply and wastewater services can be managed and operated under the authority of municipal governments (la régie) or can be delegated to the private sector through turnkey or full service contracts (concession), leasing arrangements (affermage), or management contracts (prestations de service). About 80 per cent of French people receive their water supply under public-private contracts, and about half the sewage treatment plants in France are operated by private firms.

Relatively few private companies dominate the water supply and wastewater industry. Three are examined here. The Compagnie Générale des Eaux, founded in 1853, is the largest. By the late 1980.7, it employed 138,000 people and supplied water to 22 million people in France and another eight million people through its operations in Europe, North America, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. It also has diversified its activities, and is involved in waste management, energy management, construction, transportation, real estate development. health clinics, and leisure facilities. The Société Lyonnaise des Eaux-DUMEZ, established in 1880, provides water to 10 million people in France and to another 11 million people worldwide. It also is a diversified company and is the largest mortuary company in France. The Société de Distributions d'Eau Intercommunales, created in 1928, is much smaller, distributing water to about 2.4 million people in the South of France. These companies illustrate some alternative ways in which public-private contracts for water supply and wastewater services have been developed in France.  相似文献   

Non-point source (NPS) pollution, unlike point source pollution from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants, comes from many diffuse sources. It is caused by the movement of rainfall or snowmelt that picks up and carries pollutants to receiving waters. NPS pollution represents the main cause of contamination of many rivers, streams and other water bodies of many developed countries. Best management practices (BMPs) are intended to reduce NPS pollutants, particularly those from highway runoff, e.g., oil and grit separators, grassed swales, vegetated filter strips, retention ponds, and catch basin inserts. A catch basin insert (CBIs) is a device that reduces stormwater pollution from runoff, without requiring any land use because it is typically mounted within a catch basin. In this study, six commercially-available CBIs were installed and monitored at sites along highways in Westchester County that are under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of Transportation. The study focused on the CBI installation characteristics, durability and maintenance of the catch basin inserts, as well as whether the inserts can be conveniently, safely, and economically installed and maintained. The CBIs were the Ultra-Urban® Filter, StreamGuard $_{\mbox{{\texttrademark}}}$ Passive Skimmer, StreamGuard $_{\mbox{{\texttrademark}}}$ Catch Basin Insert, FloGard Filter $_{\mbox{{\texttrademark}}}$ , Hydro-Kleen $_{\mbox{{\texttrademark}}}$ Filtration System, Silt Sack®.  相似文献   


The surrogate worth trade-off method has been extended to a quadratic programming optimization model and risk has been incorporated into the vector of objective functions which explicitly shows the decision maker the trade-offs between net benefits and increased reliability of the system or the trade-offs between competing reliabilities such as flood control and water supply. The approach is called the Nonlinear Risk-Benefit (NRB) Algorithm. The NRB Algorithm is applied to the Broken Bow Reservoir to illustrate the increased information made available by this approach.  相似文献   

Urban stormwater runoff could have negative impacts on water resources and the environment. Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) can serve both as a stormwater control and water conservation measure. Cistern size and irrigation scheduling are two of the factors that directly impact the total runoff from a residential unit with a RWH system and the amount of potable water used for irrigation. The effectiveness of RWH was evaluated for four soil types; Sand, Sandy Loam, Loamy Sand, and Silty Clay, with a root zone of 15.2 cm using three irrigation scheduling methods (Evapotranspiration (ET)-based, soil moisture-based, and time-based), and five cistern sizes. Total runoff volumes and total supplemental potable water used were compared among the three irrigation scheduling systems and a control treatment without RWH. A model was developed to simulate the daily water balance for the treatments. Irrigation and runoff volumes were compared for the various scenarios. Silty clay soil resulted with 83 % more runoff than Sandy soil, while Sandy soil required on average 58 % more supplemental water than Silty Clay soil. On average, the 833 L cistern resulted with 41 % savings in water supply and 45 % reduction in total runoff. Results showed that the greatest volumes of runoff predicted were for the silty clay soil Control Treatment using a time-based irrigation scheduling method, while the least volumes calculated were for the sandy loam soil time-based irrigation scheduling treatment with 833 L cistern size. The greatest volumes of total supplemental water predicted were for sandy loam soil Control Treatment, while the least volumes were for silty clay soil ET-based irrigation scheduling treatment with 833 L cistern size. Regression equations were developed to allow for users to select a RWH cistern size based on the amount of water they want to save or runoff to reduce.  相似文献   

Small Amplitude Sharp Pressure Waves to Diagnose Pipe Systems   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In this paper the possibility of using transient tests, generated by the Portable Pressure Wave Maker (PPWM) device, as a powerful tool in the management of pipe systems, is demonstrated. Specifically, tests carried out in different experimental set-ups at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia, Italy show that small amplitude sharp pressure waves produced by the PPWM allow to locate and evaluate the entity of anomalies, such as leaks, illegal branches, partial blockages, and negligently partially closed in-line valves. To improve the precision of localization of anomalies, arrival times of pressure waves are detected by means of wavelet analysis. Simple relations based on the water hammer theory are proposed to evaluate the entity of the anomalies.  相似文献   

This paper explored the potential of Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) and M5 model tree based regression approach to estimate the mean annual flood. Data used in this study were taken from an earlier study by Swamee et al. (J Water Resour Plan Manage 121:403–407, 1995) for 93 Indian catchments spread over the entire country. The relationship proposed by Swamee et al. (J Water Resour Plan Manage 121:403–407, 1995) was compared with the predictive accuracy of a BNN and M5 model tree approach. The data were analyzed using a tenfold cross-validation. Comparison of the results showed that predictions with the backpropagation neural network fell within a scatter line of ±30% with a correlation coefficient of 0.975. Furthermore, predictions with the M5 model tree fell well within a scatter line of ±15% with a correlation coefficient as high as 0.994. The results also showed that predicted values with neural network and M5 model tree were within about 1.25 times the actual values. However, the predicted values obtained using the Swamee et al. (J Water Resour Plan Manage 121:403–407, 1995) approach fell much beyond the scatter line of ±50% and the predicted mean annual flood values were sometimes as high as eight times the actual values. The correlation coefficient with this approach was 0.897. The results from this study suggest that backpropagation neural network and M5 model tree-based modeling approaches are superior in accuracy to the model proposed by Swamee et al. (J Water Resour Plan Manage 121:403–407, 1995). This study also suggests that M5 model trees, being analogous to piecewise linear functions, have certain advantages over neural networks as they offer more insight into the generated model, are acceptable to decision makers and are very efficient in training, and always converge.  相似文献   

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