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湿地的退化越来越受到社会关注,湿地的生态恢复与重建已成为热点研究问题.在综述国内外湿地生态恢复研究进展的基础上,对深圳市凤塘河口湿地现状条件进行调查分析,提出河口水动力控导方案并建立河口物理模型进行试验,采用生态砾石系统进行水污染控制方案设计,恢复湿地植被的同时进行景观设计.通过对河口湿地生态恢复的全面研究,使凤塘河口...  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) organized a research program to assess the extent of and possible methods for managing contaminated sediments. As part of this program, we developed a method by which multiple forms of information on sediment contamination (i.e., chemistry, laboratory toxicity, and benthic community composition) could be combined to rank the relative hazard to aquatic life of a series of sediment samples. The process that was developed incorporates chemistry and bioavailability into the ranking as toxic units in pore water based on U.S. EPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria (AWQC). Laboratory toxicity is incorporated into the ranking process as mean response relative to control response. Benthic community information is incorporated into the ranking process through the use of relative tolerance to pollution among benthic invertebrate taxa, from which the mean tolerance to pollution of the benthic community is calculated. The three resulting ranks are then averaged to produce a relative ranking of risk to aquatic life among sediment samples. Our results demonstrate that, as long as a moderate list of laboratory toxicity test results are included in the ranking process (i.e., tests from a fish, a zooplankter, a benthic invertebrate, a phytoplankter, and a microbe), the resultant rankings among samples does not significantly change with inclusion of more laboratory toxicity test results. Without any benthic community structure information, with only laboratory toxicity test results from Microtox,® and with only a short list of chemicals, relative ranking among sites changes drastically. Our results demonstrate the general utility of the ranking process as one way of assessing the relative hazard among many sites when resource limitations necessitate prioritization of sites for remediation.  相似文献   

随着经济发展及规模的不断扩大,河流生态系统已受到来自自然和人为因素的巨大压力,工农业及生活污染,水质不断退化以及超量引水等已严重损害了河流健康,尤其是城市河流生态系统空间的萎缩及系统的脆弱性,不当的水资源利用方式对河流生态系统产生的胁迫更加剧了河流生态的健康发展,缓解自然和人为因素对河流生态系统的压力,恢复城市的自然景观及人文景观已至关重要.本文基于河流复合生态特性及系统受干扰的因素影响分析,探讨研究了城市河流生态系统修复设计原则,并结合实际河流建立了相应的生态修复工程模式,为维护河流健康及生态景观提供技术参考.  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于输电线路差动保护抗电流互感器(TA)饱和的新方法———电流极性比较法。该方法通过将输电线路二次电流和差流相应的瞬时值相乘再积分的方法来比较两电流的极性关系,以此区分内部故障和外部故障时的TA饱和。EMTP仿真计算表明,在输电线路外部故障且TA发生饱和时,电流极性比较法能够可靠地闭锁差动保护;而在内部故障尤其是外部转内部故障且发生TA饱和时,也能使保护快速开放。  相似文献   

文章分析了广西中小河流的水系特征,提出了广西山区中小河流治理的总体构想,生态整治的目标和任务,以及生态整治的规划与设计方法.  相似文献   

结合石羊河流域干旱缺水,地下水资源严重超采,生态环境严重恶化的实际,分析了水资源管理与生态修复的初步成效与存在问题,提出了严格总量控制和定额管理、强化过程控制和精细管理、深化水价改革、建立水权交易长效机制、加快末级渠系配套建设、优化农业结构和推行区域化种植六项对策措施,以实现农民增收、经济发展、生态修复及水资源可持续利用的目标。  相似文献   

In watershed ecological risk management, a series of alternatives will be analyzed in terms of multiple complex criteria, and different stakeholders with conflicting risk attitudes will be involved, which means that ecological risk management decision-making is a process surrounded by a wide range of uncertainties derived from scarcity of data, lack of knowledge, deficiency of assumptions and lexical vagueness. Based on modified Borda scoring method, this paper discusses how to apply a fuzzy multi-criteria group decision-making (FMCGDM) model into such a process. Then, a two-stage, 12-step MCDM methodology is proposed to obtain the optimal alternative decided by multiple decision-makers (DMs) from a given alternatives set. Firstly, all DMs make their own independent choice respectively, then, all the independent conclusions are integrated by using their subjective/objective weights. A modified Borda method is followed to rate and rank the weighted alternatives; in which the one with the highest score will be selected as the final preferable option. This model is demonstrated to be applicable and reliable by an application in the ecological risk decision making process of Three Gorges Reservoir area located in the upper reaches of Yangtze River in China. Of course, this method can also be applied in other research fields of environmental management.  相似文献   

水利水电建设项目对河流生态的影响及保护修复对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘湘春  彭金涛 《水电站设计》2011,27(1):58-61,66
由于水利水电工程的兴建,原河流水域形态和水文情势发生了很大的变化,带来了一系列生态环境问题,从而影响河流生态的可持续发展。水利水电工程建设对河流生态的影响主要表现为大坝分割阻隔、水生生物生存空间的变化、水体环境的变化以及人为活动的影响。针对不利影响,应科学地研究其发生、传播及消散规律,采取相应的避免或减缓措施,如修建过鱼设施、下泄生态流量、鱼类增殖放流及加强防范等,使得水利水电工程在流域水资源开发利用中充分发挥经济、社会与生态环境的综合效益。本文对此进行了综述。  相似文献   

A design hyetograph represents the temporal distribution of rainfall intensity associated with a return period. The choice of the design hyetograph will have a significant influence on the shape and peak value of the hydrograph. Hence, the determination of design hyetographs is an important task in the hydrologic designs. In this paper, an approach is proposed to develop design hyetographs for ungauged sites. The proposed approach is composed of four steps: principal component analysis (PCA), self-organizing map (SOM)-based clustering, region delineation, and kriging-based construction. Firstly, PCA is applied to obtain the principal components of the design hyetographs. Then the transformed data resulting from PCA and the three geographic characters of the gauges are used as input data to the SOM, which is applied to group the rain gauges into specific clusters. Thirdly, the regions for these clusters are delineated and then the regions map is made. Finally, the design hyetographs for ungauged sites is constructed by using the kriging method. The proposed approach is applied to estimate the design hyetographs of ungauged sites in Taiwan. For comparison with the proposed approach, three other approaches are executed. Four gauges are treated as ungauged and the three approaches are used to construct the design hyetographs. The results show that accurate estimated design hyetographs can be obtained by the proposed approach. Cross-validation tests further have been performed to examine the stability and the accuracy of these approaches. Again, the results indicate that the proposed approach is more accurate and stable than the other approaches. Overall, the results demonstrate that the proposed approach is useful to develop design hyetographs for ungauged sites.  相似文献   

This work presents the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) as a decision tool to facilitate the process of prioritization of drinking wells that would need more protection before contamination risk. In this study, three aspects of the protection of the groundwater quality were taken into account: natural, anthropic and technical. From these aspects, elements more representative were selected, which can be quantified with available and easily accessible information. Considering those elements, selection criteria were defined which have been represented by: population distribution indicator, human development index, land use, index for aquifer vulnerability to contamination, well age and well yearly pumping rate. The developed method has been applied to drinking supply wells located in the Toluca Valley aquifer (Mexico), and implied the generation of the thematic maps of the defined selection criteria. For the MCDA, the values of each map were converted to the same scale, each criterion was weighted in function of its importance according to the objective and there were aggregated by the way of a lineal combination. The obtained result is a map that shows the level of protection priority of the supply wells. This map can offer information to the stakeholder in a relative short time and contribute to accelerate the actions aimed to protect the quality of the vital underground liquid.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River (UMR) has been developed and subsequently managed for commercial navigation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The navigation pools created by a series of lock and dams initially provided a complex of aquatic habitats that supported a variety of fish and wildlife. However, biological productivity declined as the pools aged. The River Resources Forum, an advisory body to the St. Paul District of the USACE, established a multiagency Water Level Management Task Force (WLMTF) to evaluate the potential of water level management to improve ecological function and restore the distribution and abundance of fish and wildlife habitat. The WLMTF identified several water level management options and concluded that summer growing season drawdowns at the pool scale offered the greatest potential to provide habitat benefits over a large area. Here we summarize the process followed to plan and implement pool‐wide drawdowns on the UMR, including involvement of stakeholders in decision making, addressing requirements to modify reservoir operating plans, development and evaluation of drawdown alternatives, pool selection, establishment of a monitoring plan, interagency coordination, and a public information campaign. Three pool‐wide drawdowns were implemented within the St. Paul District and deemed successful in providing ecological benefits without adversely affecting commercial navigation and recreational use of the pools. Insights are provided based on more than 17 years of experience in planning and implementing drawdowns on the UMR. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

表层腐殖层土壤是大自然赐予人类的难以再生的宝贵财富。表土具有较高的经济生产力,属于难以再生的资源,是生态建设的基础。从资源、生态方面考虑,生产建设项目进行表土剥离保护利用十分必要。本文分析了巴彦淖尔市表土剥离存在的主要问题,提出了表土剥离利用主要措施及有关技术要求。  相似文献   

Water management agencies throughout Australia are attempting to find a balance between the water requirements of ecological and socio‐economic environments as part of a holistic approach to managing flow‐dependent river ecosystems. Environmental water provisions are under consideration for the Ord River in far northern Western Australia. This river has been regulated for irrigation and there are plans for substantial expansion. Like other semi‐arid and tropical rivers, however, the hydrology of the Ord River is highly variable and unpredictable, and therefore, proportionate water release strategies for the environment that are based on average monthly flows are unsuitable. Regulation continues to produce pronounced ecological changes throughout the river system as the impacts of flow regime are negated. There is a dichotomy in optimal flow regimes for the contrasting management aspirations of ecological restoration based on low seasonal flows, and the dilution flows required for the drainage of agricultural effluent. Whilst current agricultural land and water management practices continue, the two cannot coincide, and consequently, a decision should be made regarding which environmental water allocation holds the primary value. Such a decision would guide the appropriate dry season flow regime on the lower Ord River. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Both water balance (WB) and rating curve (RC) are methods for estimating streamflow. The first is mostly used to estimate reservoir outflows, while the second is usually adopted in hydrometeorological network streamflow gauges. While WB uses hourly collected data, the RC estimates streamflow using current water level and extrapolation techniques. The objective of this study was to analyze variations in the reservoir’s hourly outflow at Queimado Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP Queimado) and to propose a method to evaluate whether the estimate of the daily outflows, obtained by the WB method, is similar to the flow values obtained at a conventional station. The logistic regression (LR) model was used because it is a method that adopts binary, categorically dependent variables to identify the event of interest. The results showed that the values of streamflow, obtained from an average of two daily readings, were a good representation of the flows in the region. The LR was able to identify atypical data, especially in the rainy season. This means that data consistency analysis can be faster and safer, when adequately employed and considering the proposed conditions, contributing to both management policies and the management of water resources.


以雅砻江水库群生态调度决策支持系统为背景,研究生态调度优化计算方法,建立了生态调度模型,同时介绍水库群生态调度决策支持系统的体系结构、功能和特点,探讨构建该决策支持系统的解决方案和关键技术;并基于RIA(Rich Internet Applications)和Web Service技术,ASP.NET技术开发出了体系先进、实用可靠和界面友好的分布式、可扩展性系统。  相似文献   

抗震救灾工作刚告一段落,华能四川水电公司就立即安排落实太平驿电站恢复重建工作。几个月以来,华能四川水电公司组织各方面专家,克服余震不断、山体滑坡、道路不通等诸多困难,对生产设备设施及闸坝现场进行了检查评估,确定了生产恢复方案。按照“以人为本、尊重自然、统筹兼顾、科学重建”的原则,太平驿电站恢复重建进度不断加快。  相似文献   

本文通过对吉林省西部水资源及其开发利用的初步分析,论述了水利对当地经济和社会发展的保障和促进作用,以及改善西部生态环境的重要意义。笔者还提出了西部地区防洪抗旱新的思路、方法和措施,这对西部地区经济,生态问题的解决以及可持续发展都有积极作用。  相似文献   

采用模糊层析分析法(FAHP),建立长大隧道涌水量影响因素层析分析模型,并进行分析计算。依据模糊层析分析法,确定各因素的权重系数,并对其进行分析、排序。结果表明:地层岩性、断层破碎带长度是影响长大隧道涌水量的主要因素。该FAHP的应用为涌水量预测和相应防治措施的制定,提供了科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

Lake Pamvotis, NW Greece is a shallow Mediterranean eutrophic lake that has changed drastically over the past 50 years. Strong effects, resulted mainly from anthropogenic causes, in the hydrological regime are shown for this area using long term hydrological data and a GIS system for extracting land cover/use changes. A set of aerial imagery acquired in 1945 through 2002 were used to monitor and assess the spatial and temporal changes in land cover/use, focused mainly on the lake’s surface area and its surrounding ecosystem (Natura 2000 area). The significance of the changes in land cover/use distribution within Pamvotis wetland is further discussed depicting the role of the anthropogenic influence on the fragile ecosystem that resulted in the shrinkage of lake’s habitats extent. The purpose of this analysis was to examine the long-term changes on macrophyte community composition, species occurrence and relative abundance with water quality and water level changes over the past century, using historical data, aerial photos and GIS techniques. The results showed that for the last 25 years annual water level fluctuation ranged from 70 to 159 cm. Water level starts decreasing in mid June and increasing again gradually from November until March–April. Intra annual water level fluctuation seems to be affected by land use for agricultural purpose through intensive irrigation and the summer drought as well. A dramatic decline of the submerged vegetation is apparent mainly attributed to anthropogenic pressures. Regarding the land cover/use changes, the most notable and significant alterations are concerning the urban development around the lake, the disappearance of wet meadows and the extension of reed beds. Finally it seems that water budget data as well as the response of the key eutrophication parameters are affected from both hydrological alterations and point/non-point pollution sources.  相似文献   

提出一种基于生态保护对象的生活习性和流量变化的河道生态需水(EIFR)估算方法,简记为习变法(LiHaflo-Va)。方法通过建立流量变化与生物习性的定量联系,确定主要生态保护对象生活习性关键月份,既具有水文学方法的简便优势,又能尽可能多地考虑生物学特性,能较好地解决资料缺乏地区的生态需水估算问题。EFIR的计算包括两部分,对关键月,EIFR为该月中值流量与该月的流量变异系数的乘积。对其它月份,EIFR为90%超过概率流量与全年各月流量变异系数最小值之乘积。应用该法计算了南水北调西线一期工程包括达曲、泥曲、色曲、杜柯河、玛柯河和阿柯河等6条调水河流的生态需水。结果表明,河道内多年平均状态每年需保持的水量占多年平均年径流量的比例在达曲至少为24.7%,泥曲为46.4%,色曲为21.7%,杜柯河为21.6%,玛柯河为15.0%,阿柯河为15.7%。该比例系数基于研究区生态保护对象的生活习性,是流域的客观反映,可以作为制定工程最大可调水量的依据。计算表明,在工农业生产及居民生活用水大约占多年平均年径流量的6%的条件下,6条河多年平均意义上每年最大可调水总量为41.87×108m3,占6条河多年平均总径流量(60.5×108m3)的69.2%。  相似文献   

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