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统计降尺度方法研究进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计降尺度方法是将大气环流模式GCMs输出的低分辨率的气象资料转换为流域尺度的主要方法之一,现已发展成为气候学中较为完善的领域。简要介绍了统计降尺度方法的基本原理,包括基本假设条件及主要步骤和关键点;重点介绍统计降尺度方法,大致分为转换函数法、天气分析技术和天气发生器这三类,并对几种方法的国内外应用进展做了阐述;对统计降尺度方法的不确定性研究做了简要介绍。指出未来研究应重点研究统计降尺度模型的适用条件及范围、提高降水模拟的精度;统计降尺度与动力降尺度两种降尺度结合的方法将是降尺度主要发展方向之一。  相似文献   

Bermúdez  M.  Cea  L.  Van Uytven  E.  Willems  P.  Farfán  J.F.  Puertas  J. 《Water Resources Management》2020,34(14):4345-4362

Global warming is changing the magnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events. This requires updating local rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves and flood hazard maps according to the future climate scenarios. This is, however, far from straightforward, given our limited ability to model the effects of climate change on the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall at small scales. In this study, we develop a robust method to update local IDF relations for sub-daily rainfall extremes using Global Climate Model (GCM) data, and we apply it to a coastal town in NW Spain. First, the relationship between large-scale atmospheric circulation, described by means of Lamb Circulation Type classification (LCT), and rainfall events with potential for flood generation is analyzed. A broad ensemble set of GCM runs is used to identify frequency changes in LCTs, and to assess the occurrence of flood generating events in the future. In a parallel way, we use this Weather Type (WT) classification and climate-flood linkages to downscale rainfall from GCMs, and to determine the IDF curves for the future climate scenarios. A hydrological-hydraulic modeling chain is then used to quantify the changes in flood maps induced by the IDF changes. The results point to a future increase in rainfall intensity for all rainfall durations, which consequently results in an increased flood hazard in the urban area. While acknowledging the uncertainty in the GCM projections, the results show the need to update IDF standards and flood hazard maps to reflect potential changes in future extreme rainfall intensities.


Evaluating the impact of climate change at river basin level has become essential for proper management of the water resources. In the present study, Godavari River basin in India is taken as study area to project the monthly monsoon precipitation using statistical downscaling. The downscaling method used is a regression based downscaling termed as fuzzy clustering with multiple regression. Among the atmospheric variables simulated by global circulation/climate model (GCM) mean sea level pressure, specific humidity and 500 hPa geopotential height are used as predictors. 1o × 1o gridded rainfall data over Godavari river basin are collected from India Meteorological Department (IMD). A statistical relationship is established between the predictors and predictand (monsoon rainfall) to project the monsoon rainfall for the future using the Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM2) over IMD grid points under the Representative Concentration Pathways 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5 (RCP 2.6, 4.5, 8.5) scenarios of Fifth Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project (CMIP 5). Downscaling procedure is applied to all 25 IMD grid points over the basin to find out the spatial distribution of monsoon rainfall for the future scenarios. For 2.6 and 4.5 scenarios results show an increasing trend. For scenario 8.5 rainfall showed a mixed trend with rainfall decreasing in the first thirty years of prediction and then increasing gradually over the next sixty years.  相似文献   

Statistical Downscaling of River Runoff in a Semi Arid Catchment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Linear and non-linear statistical ‘downscaling’ study is applied to relate large-scale climate information from a general circulation model (GCM) to local-scale river flows in west Iran. This study aims to investigate and evaluate the more promising downscaling techniques, and provides a through inter comparison study using Karkheh catchment as an experimental site in a semi arid region for the years of 2040 to 2069. A hybrid conceptual hydrological model was used in conjunction with modeled outcomes from a General Circulation Model (GCM), HadCM3, along with two downscaling techniques, Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to determine how future streamflow may change in a semi arid catchment. The results show that the choice of a downscaling algorithm having a significant impact on the streamflow estimations for a semi-arid catchment, which are mainly, influenced, respectively, by atmospheric precipitation and temperature projections. According to the SDSM and ANN projections, daily temperature will increase up to +0.58 0C (+3.90 %) and +0.48 0C (+3.48 %), and daily precipitation will decrease up to ?0.1 mm (?2.56 %) and ?0.4 mm (?2.82 %) respectively. Moreover streamflow changes corresponding to downscaled future projections presented a reduction in mean annual flow of ?3.7 m^3/s and ?9.47 m^3/s using SDSM and ANN outputs respectively. The results suggest a significant reduction of streamflow in both downscaling projections, particularly in winter. The discussion considers the performance of each statistical method for downscaling future flow at catchment scale as well as the relationship between atmospheric processes and flow variability and changes.  相似文献   

Huang  Guo-Yu  Lai  Chi-Ju  Pai  Ping-Feng 《Water Resources Management》2022,36(13):5207-5223

Accurate rainfall forecasting is essential in planning and managing water resource systems efficiently. However, intermittent rainfall patterns increase the difficulty of accurately forecasting rainfall values. Deep learning techniques have recently been popular and powerful in forecasting. Thus, this study employed deep belief networks with a simple exponential smoothing procedure (DBNSES) to forecast hourly intermittent rainfall values in Taiwan. Weather factors were used as independent variables to forecast rainfall volume. The simple exponential smoothing data preprocessing procedure was used to deal with the intermittent data patterns. The other three forecasting models, namely the least squares support vector regression (LSSVR), the generalized regression neural network (GRNN), and the backpropagation neural network (BPNN), were employed to forecast rainfall using the same data sets. In addition, genetic algorithms were utilized to determine the parameters of four forecasting models. The empirical results indicate that the developed DBNSES models are superior to the other forecasting models in terms of forecasting accuracy. In addition, the DBNSES can obtain smaller values of RMSE than those in the previous studies. Therefore, the DBNSES model is a suitable and effective way of forecasting rainfall with intermittent data patterns.


Two screening methods aimed at selection of predictor variables for use in a statistical downscaling (SD) model developed for precipitation are proposed and evaluated in this study. The SD model developed in this study relies heavily on appropriate predictors chosen and accurate relationships between site-specific predictand (i.e. precipitation) and general circulation model (GCM)-scale predictors for providing future projections at different spatial and temporal scales. Methods to characterize these relationships via rigid and flexible functional forms of relationships using mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation with binary variables, and artificial neural network (ANN) methods respectively are developed and evaluated in this study. The proposed methods and three additional methods based on the correlations between predictors and predictand, stepwise regression (SWR) and principal component analysis (PCA) are evaluated in this study. The screening methods are evaluated by employing them in conjunction with an SD model at 22 rain gauge locations in south Florida, USA. The predictor variables that are selected by different predictor selection methods are used in a statistical downscaling model developed in this study to downscale precipitation at a monthly temporal scale. Results suggest that optimal selection of variables using MINLP and ANN provided improved performance and error measures compared to two other models that did not use these methods for screening the variables. Results from application and evaluations of screening methods indicate improved downscaling of precipitation is possible by SD models when an optimal set of predictors are used and the selection of the predictors is site-specific.  相似文献   

The rainfall events of extreme magnitude over the past few decades have caused destructive damages to lives and properties, especially in the subcontinent (e.g. Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc). Rainfall hazard maps for these areas can be of great practical and theoretical interests. In our work, we used extreme value analysis and spatial interpolation techniques to provide such maps through a combination of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Precipitation (TRMM) 3B42 product and raingauge data. This mixed approach takes advantage of both the long time series available at a limited number of stations, and the large spatial coverage of the satellite data which, instead, has a poor temporal extent. The methodology is implemented by (1) creating a unique growth curve for the homogeneous region by utilizing in-situ rainfall data and (2) mapping the parameters of intensity-duration functions for the entire length of the study area by using TRMM 3B42 product. The regional results obtained by using mixed approach and TRMM 3B42 are compared with the estimates obtained by using in-situ data. The comparison showed that the overall output of mixed approach is more consistent with what transpired by in-situ data for a pre-defined return period.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Extreme rainfall events are among the natural hazards with catastrophic impacts on human society. Trend analysis is important to understand the effects of climate...  相似文献   

Pei  Wei  Fu  Qiang  Liu  Dong  Li  Tianxiao  Cheng  Kun  Cui  Song 《Water Resources Management》2019,33(6):2033-2047

Climate change, increased temperatures and imbalanced precipitation distributions will potentially increase the local drought risk in certain areas. Drought assessment can identify the hidden dangers of drought and provide a theoretical basis for disaster prevention and mitigation. In this paper, a new agricultural drought risk assessment method proposed from the perspective of grain yield. The first principal components of precipitation, temperature, humidity and soil moisture represent hazard factors. The sensitive yield, which represents the sensitivity, was separated from the grain yield using a regression method. Additionally, the trend component of the grain yield represents the adaptive capacity, and the crop planting area represents exposure. Based on these definitions, the concepts of unit drought risk and regional drought risk are proposed. Four cities in Heilongjiang Province, which has the highest grain yield of any province in China, were used as application examples, and the spatial and temporal variation in the agricultural drought risk were analyzed. Application example show that the method for evaluating agricultural drought presented in this paper is reasonable in a statistical sense. The process for calculating sensitivity and adaptability shows that this method is suitable for arid and semi-arid areas, where grain yield is sensitive to hazard factors, and areas where grain yield has a certain trend.



Accurate prediction of river discharge is essential for the planning and management of water resources. This study proposes a novel hybrid method named HD-SKA by integrating two decomposition techniques (termed as HD) with support vector regression (SVR), K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and ARIMA models (combined as SKA) respectively. Firstly, the proposed method utilizes local mean decomposition (LMD) to decompose the original river discharge series into sub-series. Next, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) is employed to further decompose the LMD-based sub-series into intrinsic mode functions. Further, the EEMD decomposed components are used as inputs in three data-driven models to predict river discharge respectively. The prediction of all components is then aggregated to obtain the results of HD-SVR, HD-KNN and HD-ARIMA models. The final prediction is obtained by taking the average prediction of these models. The proposed method is illustrated using five rivers in Indus Basin System. In five case studies, six models were built to compare the performance of the proposed HD-SKA model. The data analysis results show that the HD-SKA model performs better than all other considered models. The Diebold-Mariano test confirms the superiority of the proposed HD-SKA model over ARIMA, SVR, KNN, EEMD-ARIMA, EEMD-KNN, and EEMD-SVR models.


Consideration of different Statistical Downscaling (SD) models and multi-sources global climate models’ (GCMs) data can provide a better range of uncertainty for climatic and statistical indices. In this study, results of two SD models, ASD (Automated Statistical Downscaling) and SDSM (Statistical Downscaling Model), were used for uncertainty analysis of temperature and precipitation prediction under climate change impacts for two meteorological stations in Iran. Uncertainty analysis was performed based on application of two GCMs and climate scenarios (A2, A1B, A2a and B2a) for 2011–2040, 2041–2070 and 2071–2100 future time slices. A new technique based on fuzzy logic was proposed and only used to describe uncertainties associated with downscaling methods in temperature and precipitation predictions. In this technique, different membership functions were defined to fuzzify results. Based on these functions width, precipitation had higher uncertainty in comparison with the temperature which could be attributed to the complexity of temporal and local distribution of rainfall. Moreover, little width of membership functions for temperatures in both stations indicated less uncertainty in cold months, whereas the results showed more uncertainty for summer. The results of this study highlight the significance of incorporating uncertainty associated with two downscaling approaches and outputs of GCMs (CGCM3 and HadCM3) under emission scenarios A2, A1B, A2a and B2a in hydrologic modeling and future predictions.  相似文献   


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges in the 21st century that may influence the long haul and the momentary changeability of water resources. The vacillations of precipitation and temperature will influence the runoff and water accessibility where it tends to be a major issue when the interest for consumable water will increase. Statistical downscaling model (SDSM) was utilized in the weather parameters forecasting process in every 30 years range (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) by considering Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5). The Linear Scaling (LS) method was carried out to treat the gaps between ground/ observed data and raw/ simulated results after SDSM. After the LS method was executed to raw/ simulated data after SDSM, the error decrease reaches over 13% for rainfall data. The Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) value clarifies the correlation of rainfall amount among observed and corrected data for all three (3) RCPs categories. There are very enormous contrasts in rainfall amount during the wet season where CCC-values recorded are 0.22 and beneath (low correlation). The findings demonstrated that the rainfall amount during the dry season will contrast for all RCPs with the CCC-values are between 0.44-0.53 (moderate correlation). RCP8.5 is the pathway with the the most elevated ozone-depleting substance emanations and demonstrated that the climate change impact is going on and turn out to be more awful step by step.


目前雨量的预报主要是依靠统计预报方法,应用较多的有回归、相似等预报方法,这些方法的本质大多数属于线性的顺序处理技术。由于线性的顺序处理技术对复杂变化过程的拟合有较大的局限性,所以这些预报方法的准确率难以令人满意。因此,科学地对雨量进行准确的预测具有十分重要的意义。文章对此进行阐述。  相似文献   


Today, various methods have been developed to extract drinking water resources, which scientists use to simulate the quantitative and qualitative water resources parameters. Due to Iran's geographical and climatic characteristics, this region is located on the drought belt in Asia. In this research, some Artificial Intelligence (AI) and mathematical models have been used for groundwater level prediction. The AI models used for this research are Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model. In this study, simultaneously, these models were used to simulate and estimate groundwater level (GWL). The database used in the simulation is the data related to the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Salinity (S), and Time (t) parameters. The results showed that ELM was more accurate than other methods. In Uncertainty Wilson Score Method (UWSM) analysis, ELM had an Underestimation performance and was determined as the more precise model.



Statistical downscaling of General Circulation Models (GCM) simulations is widely used for projecting precipitation at different spatiotemporal scales. However, the downscaling process is linked with different source of uncertainty including structural/parametric uncertainty of the model and output uncertainty. This research proposes a novel framework to assess the parametric uncertainty of downscaling model, and used this framework to assess the performance of different bias correction methods linked to the regression-based statistical downscaling model. The used downscaling framework in the current paper is Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM). The conventional bias correction method linked with SDSM is the Variance InFlation method (VIF), this paper substitutes this method with three different bias correction methods including Local Intensity Scaling (LOCI), Power Transformation (PT), and Quantile Mapping (QM) to assess the associated parametric and global uncertainty of each method in different climate by using a new approach. The proposed method is applied to six different stations located in Iran and United States with different climate status. Average Relative Interval Length (ARIL), P-level, and Normalized Uncertainty Efficiency (NUE) are used as uncertainty indicators to evaluate the results. Results represent that in every assessed climate class, LOCI, and PT, work better than conventional VIF in both amount and occurrence modules of SDSM framework. More precisely, LOCI works better in station that has wet summer, while PT performs well in the stations where there is no or very limited precipitation in summer. Substituting LOCI with VIF, result in increasing the value of NUE by at least factor of 3 in occurrence and amount model which means the significant reduction in structural uncertainty. Also applying PT in arid regions improves the NUE indicator at least by factor 2 in occurrence and amount model and by factor 3 in output uncertainty assessment, and results in less parametric and output uncertainty. Results illustrate the important role of bias correction approaches in reducing structural, and output uncertainty and improving the statistical efficiency of the downscaling model.


介绍了一种跨接器(Crowbar)回路检测方法,采用一种全新的试验方法验证了在发电机发生转子过压时,转折二极管(BOD)能在设定电压值时导通并触发跨接器中的可控硅准确动作,接通非线性灭磁电阻回路来吸收过压能量,确保发电机转子及相连接回路的安全。  相似文献   

在前期研究的直梁的独立覆盖分析方法基础上,提出曲梁的独立覆盖分析方法。采用实体分析模式,只需使多项式覆盖函数中的某些项不参与计算,就能模拟梁的基本假设,从而避免了推导曲梁控制方程及相应数值计算公式的复杂性。借助随中面参数方程变化的局部坐标系,并计算该坐标系的局部坐标和方向余弦关于整体坐标的导数,就能实现精确几何描述下的曲梁分析。采用常曲率的一段圆形曲梁和变曲率的一段椭圆形曲梁的算例,验证了方法的可行性。研究方法为曲梁和下一步的曲壳分析提供了全新的途径,也是除了等几何分析方法之外的实现几何保形性的新方式。  相似文献   

In this study, a new hybrid model integrated adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system with Firefly Optimization algorithm (ANFIS-FFA), is proposed for forecasting monthly rainfall with one-month lead time. The proposed ANFIS-FFA model is compared with standard ANFIS model, achieved using predictor-predictand data from the Pahang river catchment located in the Malaysian Peninsular. To develop the predictive models, a total of fifteen years of data were selected, split into nine years for training and six years for testing the accuracy of the proposed ANFIS-FFA model. To attain optimal models, several input combinations of antecedents’ rainfall data were used as predictor variables with sixteen different model combination considered for rainfall prediction. The performances of ANFIS-FFA models were evaluated using five statistical indices: the coefficient of determination (R 2 ), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), Willmott’s Index (WI), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE). The results attained show that, the ANFIS-FFA model performed better than the standard ANFIS model, with high values of R 2 , NSE and WI and low values of RMSE and MAE. In test phase, the monthly rainfall predictions using ANFIS-FFA yielded R 2 , NSE and WI of about 0.999, 0.998 and 0.999, respectively, while the RMSE and MAE values were found to be about 0.272 mm and 0.133 mm, respectively. It was also evident that the performances of the ANFIS-FFA and ANFIS models were very much governed by the input data size where the ANFIS-FFA model resulted in an increase in the value of R 2 , NSE and WI from 0.463, 0.207 and 0.548, using only one antecedent month of data as an input (t-1), to almost 0.999, 0.998 and 0.999, respectively, using five antecedent months of predictor data (t-1, t-2, t-3, t-6, t-12, t-24). We ascertain that the ANFIS-FFA is a prudent modelling approach that could be adopted for the simulation of monthly rainfall in the present study region.  相似文献   

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