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Osmotic hypersensitivity is manifested as cellular death at magnitudes of osmotic stress that can support growth. Cellular capacity for survival when plated onto high NaCl media was examined for a number of laboratory and industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During respiro-fermentative growth in rich medium with glucose as energy and carbon source, the hypersensitivity phenomenon was fairly strain invariant with a threshold value of about 1 M-NaCl; most strains fell within a 300 mM range in LD10 values (lethal dose yielding 10% survival). Furthermore, all but one of the strains displayed similar differential death responses above the threshold value, i.e. ten-fold decreased viability for every 250 mM increase in salinity. Addition of small amounts of salt to the growth medium drastically improved tolerance and shifted the hypersensitivity threshold to higher NaCl concentrations. This salt-instigated tolerance could partly be reversed by washing in water. The washing procedure depleted cells of the glycerol that they had accumulated under saline growth, and the contribution from glycerol to the improved tolerance was about 50% in the two strains examined. Growth on derepressing carbon sources like galactose, ethanol or glycerol gave strain-dependent responses. The laboratory strain X2180-1A drastically improved tolerance while the bakers' yeast strain Y41 did so only marginally. It was concluded that all strains of S. cerevisiae display the osmotic hypersensitivity phenomenon in qualitative terms while the quantitative values differ. It was also proposed that growth rate does not dictate the level of osmotic hypersensitivity of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Farmers lung disease is a common form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and is characterized by inflammation and granuloma formation in the lung. Interferon-gamma is important for the expression of granulomatous diseases caused by infectious agents; however, the role this mediator in regulating expression of the granulomatous response to inhaled antigen is not known. To evaluate this, we compared the response to inhaled antigen of mice that do not express the gene coding for interferon-gamma (GKO) with that of their normal littermates (WT). GKO and WT mice on a BALB/c background were exposed to 150 microg of the thermophilic bacteria Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula or saline alone, for three consecutive days a week, for 3 wk. After exposure to antigen, WT mice developed a marked granulomatous inflammation associated with an increase in lung weight and numbers of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL). Although GKO mice also exhibited an increase in lung weight and numbers of cells in BAL fluid, they developed minimal inflammation and no granulomas after a similar exposure to antigen. To further evaluate if the lack of a response to antigen in GKO mice was due to lack of IFN-gamma, we replaced this mediator via intraperitoneal injections. When given replacement IFN-gamma, the GKO mice developed granulomatous inflammation in the lung. These studies show that IFN-gamma is essential for the expression of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.  相似文献   

1. The effects of adenosine and its analogues on actin polymerization in human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) induced by three different chemotactic stimulants, platelet-activating factor (PAF), N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) and an activated fragment of C5 (C5a) were investigated. 2. Adenosine and its analogues inhibited the actin polymerization induced by these three agents in a concentration-dependent manner and theophylline, a competitive antagonist at adenosine receptors, abolished these inhibitory effects. 3. The adenosine analogue 5'-N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine (NECA) was a more potent inhibitor of actin polymerization than either L-N6-phenylisopropyladenosine (PIA) or adenosine itself; the rank order of potency of these agonists was characteristic of adenosine A2 receptors. 4. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) abolished the inhibitory effect of adenosine and augmented PAF-induced actin polymerization. 5. It was concluded that, at physiological concentrations, adenosine inhibits actin polymerization in PMN via activation of PMN surface membrane adenosine A2 receptors and thus modulates chemotactic stimulus-induced PMN motility.  相似文献   

Vestibular inputs to medullary respiratory interneurons were studied in decerebrated and artificially ventilated cats. Extracellular recordings were made from 40 neurons located in the area of pre-B?tzinger complex and activated antidromically from the contralateral ventral respiratory group. Neuronal populations analyzed included inspiratory and expiratory neurons with augmenting, constant and decrementing firing patterns, and a late inspiratory neuron. Seventeen neurons responded to ipsilateral and/or contralateral vestibular nerve electrical stimulation. These responses were observed in all seven cell types. Most neuronal reflex responses consisted of inhibition, while a few consisted of either excitation or a combination of both inhibition and excitation. These results indicate that pre-B?tzinger respiratory interneurons, which may be involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis, also participate in vestibulorespiratory responses.  相似文献   

Due to modern living conditions the human cardiovascular system is frequently exposed to rapid or/and prolonged changes in gravitational forces. These transients are very short compared to the timescale of the evolution causing substantial difficulties in adaptation. As it has been many times proven experimentally since the first observation in 1922, the vestibular system affects directly the regulation of the cardiovascular system. For example, bilateral transsection of the vestibular nerve of cats significantly disturbs the compensation of acute hypotension induced by lowering the animal's head. The results of human studies also indicate the existence of vestibulo-sympathetic reflexes. Vestibular excitation caused by caloric to other stimuli results in increased sympathetic efferent activity. Several groups or nuclei in the brain-stem (medial vestibular ncl., subretrofacial ncl., the lateral area of tegmentum) were confirmed to have important mediatory function in the central organization of the vestibulo-sympathetic reflex. However, the role of vestibular system in long-term adaptive responses of the vascular system of chronic changes in body position is not classified yet. Such a possible role is suggested by our experimental findings during the last decade. Electronmicroscopic examinations indicated that two-week long orthostatic load due to head-up tilting changes significantly and differently the innervation density of blood vessels in the extremities of rats. There also have been a significant amplification of acute myogenic response to intraluminar pressure-elevation in the saphenous vein. We suppose that adrenergic mechanisms under vestibular control are at least in part responsible for the regionally different adaptive changes including structural remodelling. Spectral analysis of the arterial blood pressure suggested that a two week-long orthostatic load can already alter the overall control of the cardiovascular system in rats.  相似文献   

Lysin is a 16kDa acrosomal protein used by abalone sperm to create a hole in the egg vitelline envelope (VE). The interaction of lysin with the VE is species-selective and is one step in the multistep fertilization process that restricts heterospecific (cross-species) fertilization. For this reason, the evolution of lysin could play a role in establishing prezygotic reproductive isolation between species. Previously, we sequenced sperm lysin cDNAs from seven California abalone species and showed that positive Darwinian selection promotes their divergence. In this paper an additional 13 lysin sequences are presented representing species from Japan, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Europe. The total of 20 sequences represents the most extensive analysis of a fertilization protein to date. The phylogenetic analysis divides the sequences into two major clades, one composed of species from the northern Pacific (California and Japan) and the other composed of species from other parts of the world. Analysis of nucleotide substitution demonstrates that positive selection is a general process in the evolution of this fertilization protein. Analysis of nucleotide and codon usage bias shows that neither parameter can account for the robust data supporting positive selection. The selection pressure responsible for the positive selection on lysin remains unknown.  相似文献   

Effective therapeutic strategies for protecting the ischaemic myocardium are much sought after. Ischaemic heart disease in humans is a complex disorder, often associated with other systemic diseases such as dyslipidaemia, hypertension and diabetes that exert multiple biochemical effects on the heart, independently of ischaemia. Ischaemic preconditioning of myocardium is a well-described adaptive response in which brief exposure to ischaemia markedly enhances the ability of the heart to withstand a subsequent ischaemic insult. The underlying molecular mechanisms of this phenomenon have been extensively investigated in the hope of identifying new rational approaches to therapeutic protection of the ischaemic myocardium. However, most studies have been undertaken in animal models in which ischaemia is imposed in the absence of other disease processes. In this article, Peter Ferdinandy, Zoltan Szilvassy and Gary Baxter review the ways in which systemic diseases might modify the preconditioning response and they emphasize the importance of further preclinical studies that specifically examine preconditioning in relation to complicating disease states.  相似文献   

A suitable modification of the "skin window" method makes it possible to evaluate hypersensitivity reaction to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene at cellular level. Probands are sensitized by epicutaneous application of 0.2 ml of 1% solution of the tested substance, and after 14 days 1 drop of this solution is applied in the same manner on a freshly scraped area of the "skin window". An imprint preparation is taken 48 hours later and examined microscopically. Presence of lymphoid elements, eosinophils and basophils points to a normally developed hypersensitivity reaction. Presence at the same time of rather great amounts of large monocytogenic macrophages and neutrophilic granulocytes is an expression of an unspecific inflammatory reaction taking a normal course. Suitability of the described procedure for routine application is discussed.  相似文献   

The analysis of 76 case histories of children suffering from brain tumor revealed a majority in preschool age. The diagnosis at admission to the hospital was correct in 2/3 of the cases. The main causes for admission among unclear cases were headache, a history of head trauma, and epilepsy. An evaluation is made of the diagnostic value of symptoms, neurological signs, and of auxiliary investigations.  相似文献   

Since nerve termini on Langerhans cells (LC) contain calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and since ultraviolet B radiation (UVR) causes CGRP to be released from cutaneous nerve endings, we examined whether CGRP participates in the immune aberrations caused in skin by UVR. First, intradermally injected CGRP, in a dose-dependent manner, reduced LC density and impaired CH induction when hapten was painted on the injected site. Second, CGRP antagonist restored CH induction after UVR. Third, anti-TNF-alpha Abs injected before CGRP prevented the loss of LC density and restored CH induction. Fourth, CGRP failed to impair CH induction in mast cell-deficient mice. Fifth, CGRP induced mast cells to release TNF-alpha. We conclude that CGRP plays an essential role in the loss of CH induction after UVR. These data indicate that UVR, by causing the release of CGRP from cutaneous nerve endings, triggers mast cell release of TNF-alpha, which impairs CH induction.  相似文献   

A polygenic system of expression of the quantitative character radius incompletus was shown to be sensitive to external and physiological stresses: heat shock, gamma-irradiation, isogenization, etc. This stress response involved mobilization of retrotransposons. Heavy heat shock induced transpositions of Dm412 and B104 in three and one isogenic lines, respectively. The induced transposition rate was (2.5-11.0) x 10(-2) per site per sperm per generation, i.e., 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than for spontaneous transpositions. Induction of transpositions by gamma-radiation yielded similar estimates. Recently, induction of transpositions and excisions by isogenization was demonstrated; transposition and excision rates were, respectively, 0.35 and 0.13 per site per sperm per generation, which was 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than in control lines. In all these cases, stress induction of retrotransposon transpositions was mediated by molecular mechanisms of the heat shock system-the general system of cell resistance to external and physiological stress factors. From the viewpoint of evolution, stress induction of transpositions is a powerful factor generating new genetic variation in populations under stressful environmental conditions. Passing through a "bottleneck," a population can rapidly and significantly alter its population norm and become the founder of new, normal forms.  相似文献   

A child with a 4-year history of acute and chronic respiratory symptoms of unknown aetiology was investigated for hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Lung disease due to inhalation of material from a contaminated central humidifier was suggested by the clinical history, the presence of precipitating antibodies in the serum against the humidifier water, a pulmonary response to challenge with the humidifier water, and marked improvement after removal of the humidifier. No fungi were cultured from the humidifier nor were antibodies against a number of fungal antigens identified by radioimmunoassay inhibition techniques. Antigenic material was found in the humidifier water and the household water prior to its reaching the humidifier. This antigenic material was not found in laboratory tap water supplied from the same general source (Lake Michigan) but from a different pumping station. Three of the child's siblings gave histories suggestive of a single concurrent episode of acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis and one sibling had a history suggestive of chronic hypersensitivity lung disease. No association could be found between HLA-haplotypy and disease in the patient and the siblings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the natural recovery of visuospatial neglect in stroke patients and the distribution of errors made on cancellation tests using a standardised neuropsychological test battery. METHOD: A prospective study of acute (< seven days) patients with right hemispheric stroke. Patients identified with visuospatial neglect were followed up for three months with monthly clinical and neuropsychological testing RESULTS: There were 66 patients with acute right hemispheric stroke assessed of whom 27 (40.9%) had evidence of visuospatial neglect. Patients with neglect, on admission, had a mean behavioural inattention test (BIT) score of 56.3, range 10-126 (normal>129). Three of the subtests identified errors being made in both the right and left hemispaces. During follow up, recovery occurred across both hemispaces, maximal in the right hemispace. Recovery from visuospatial neglect was associated with improvement in function as assessed by the Barthel score. At the end of the study period only six (31.5%) patients had persisting evidence of neglect. On admission the best predictor of recovery of visuospatial neglect was the line cancellation test (Spearman's rank correlation r=-0.4217, p=0.028). CONCLUSION: The demonstration of errors in both hemispaces has implications for the theory that neglect is a lateralised attentional problem and is important to recognise in planning the rehabilitation of stroke patients.  相似文献   

During the period 1977-1996 142 vestibular schwannomas in 138 patients in a well-defined population in the County of Aarhus, Denmark were registered. The incidence of vestibular schwannomas changed from approximately six tumours pr. million inhabitants in the years 1977-1981 to 18 tumours pr. million in the period 1992-1996. Most tumours were operated, a smaller group of vestibular schwannomas were observed by repetitive tomographic imaging, due to small tumour size, advanced age, poor health conditions or the patient's refusal of operation. Whether the strategy for the treatment of vestibular schwannomas is an immediate operation or observation of selected patients, the future management of the increasing number of vestibular schwannomas will require an extension of the present surgical and MR-imaging capacity.  相似文献   

The reduced levels of normal immunoglobulin in patients with myeloma may be due to suppression of normal B-cell differentiation. However, reports on the numbers of B cells vary, with some finding decreases consistent with immunoparesis, and others reporting expansions of phenotypically aberrant cells. We have therefore assessed the phenotype and levels of B lymphocytes in patients at presentation (n = 23), in plateau or complete remission (PB n = 42, BM n = 18), and in relapse (PB n = 17, BM n = 14), in comparison to normal individuals (n = 10). Phenotypic analysis was performed using five-parameter flow cytometry, with CD14 used to exclude monocytes where necessary. We found no evidence of a phenotypically distinctive blood or marrow B-cell population in patients with myeloma, nor of an increase in the levels of any B-cell subset. Numbers of blood CD19+ 38+ normal plasma cell precursors were significantly reduced in presentation/relapse patients, but not in patients in plateau/remission. Total CD19+ cells were significantly reduced only in patients with circulating myeloma cells, detected by IgH-PCR. In the marrow, CD19+ B cells expressing CD5, CD10, CD34, CD38, CD45(low) and Syndecan-1 were significantly decreased at presentation/relapse, but not in patients in plateau/remission. The majority of these antigens are expressed by normal B-cell progenitors, indicating that myeloma also affects the early stages of B-cell development. The suppression of progenitor cells was not restricted to B-lymphoid differentiation, as total CD34+ cells were also significantly reduced in the marrow of myeloma patients at presentation. These results indicate that, if neoplastic B cells are present in myeloma, they are low in number and have a phenotype similar to their normal counterparts. Furthermore, there is a reversible suppression of CD19+ B lymphocytes that correlates inversely with disease stage, and specifically affects the early and late stages of normal B-cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Eleven peaks were separated by Carboxymethyl-cellulose column chromatography of peptic digest of lysozyme. Being stronger in antigenic activity two peaks of them, P-3 and P-9, were selected and purified further respectively by Amberlite IRC-50 and Sephadex G-50 column chromatography. As the results, PP-3 and PP-9 were obtained each as a single peak. For estimation of their capacities to induce delayed-type hypersensitivity, the antigen-induced 3H-thymidine incorporation, the migration inhibition of peritoneal cells and the delayed-type skin reaction were tested in guinea pigs immunized with native lysozyme or any of its fractions. PP-9 was almost as active as intact lysozyme in these capacities. On the other hand, PP-3 showed a slight inhibition of migration of peritoneal cells and no stimulation of 3H-thymidine incorporation into the lymph node cells. Moreover, the delayed-type skin reaction elicited by PP-3 was always weaker than that elicited by PP-9. Guinea pigs immunized with either PP-3 or PP-9 were also tested for these reactions. PP-9 and native lysozyme elicited these reactions in guinea pigs immunized with PP-9, but PP-3 did not. On the other hand, PP-3 and lysozyme elicited these reactions in those immunized with PP-3, but PP-9 did not. The possibility of recognition of two functionally different areas, one for production of the circulating antibody and the other for induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity, on the lysozyme molecule was discussed.  相似文献   

Neuronal survival during mammalian development crucially depends on target-derived neurotrophic factors. Target loss removes this trophic support and leads in most cases to the transsynaptic retrograde degeneration of the respective afferents. Primary vestibular afferents (PVA) originating from bipolar neurons in the vestibular ganglion (VG) are the first mossy fibers that enter the cerebellum, but little is known about the survival requirements of VG neurons. In the present study the influence of the differential granule cell (GC) target loss on the survival of VG neurons was studied quantitatively using unbiased stereological methods in the cerebellar mutants Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd/pcd), Lurcher (Lc/+), and Weaver (wv/wv). Neither the secondary GC loss in the Purkinje cell deficient mutants pcd/pcd and Lc/+, nor the primary loss of GCs in wv/wv produced any significant reduction in the total number of bipolar neurons in the VG compared to controls. So, PVA neurons are highly resistant to cerebellar target deprivation and survive in the absence of cerebellar granule and Purkinje cells, regardless of whether the target loss occurs before (in wv/wv), during (in Lc/+) or after (in pcd/pcd) the mossy fiber-granule cell synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

The wild-type TMP kinases from Escherichia coli and from a strain hypersensitive to 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine were characterized comparatively. The mutation at codon 146 causes the substitution of an alanine residue for glycine in the enzyme, which is accompanied by changes in the relative affinities for 5-Br-UMP and TMP compared to those of the wild-type TMP kinase. Plasmids carrying the wild-type tmk gene from Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, but not the defective tmk gene, restored the resistance to bromodeoxyuridine of an E. coli mutant strain.  相似文献   

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