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Plasma HIV-1 RNA testing was used to monitor 43 HIV-1 infected patients newly placed on antiretroviral therapy or whose therapy had been recently changed. A polymerase chain reaction kit was used to measure HIV-1 RNA in clinical samples or frozen plasma. The cutoff of this test was 200 RNA copies/ml. The first group (11 patients) was stable on long-term zidovudine monotherapy when switched to stavudine. The HIV-1 RNA of three patients who had a regular decline in CD4+ T cell count did not change despite this switch, with a mean follow-up of 630 days. The HIV-1 RNA copy numbers of eight patients whose CD4+ T cell counts were stable declined an average of 0.53 log10 between days 90 and 650. The second group (14 patients) was on long-term zidovudine monotherapy and had declining CD4+ T cell counts over the past 6 months. Lamivudine was added to this regimen on day 0. HIV-1 RNA copy number decreased rapidly within 30 d, reaching -0.86 log10 on day 90, and this effect was maintained thereafter, with a mean follow-up of 161 days. There was a concomitant mean gain of +33 CD4+ T cells on day 90. The third group (nine patients) had never received anti-retroviral therapy and was given zidovudine+didanosine. HIV-1 RNA copy number decreased in all cases but one, reaching -1.31 log10 on day 150. This decrease was transient in three cases. The last group (nine patients) had also not had previous anti-retroviral therapy and was given zidovudine + didanosine + lamivudine in combination. HIV-1 RNA copy numbers declined rapidly in all cases, to below the cutoff in eight cases within a mean period of 50.5 days. The CD4+ cell counts increased by 164 cells/microliter on day 14 and by 201 cells/microliter on day 180. The response to therapy of the total population of 43 patients varied according to cases. The relative changes in p24 antigen compared to HIV-1 RNA also differed between patients. Measurement of HIV-1 viremia appears to be a valuable tool in current practice for individualizing therapy.  相似文献   

HLA-B27 is associated with the etiology of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and acute anterior uveitis (AAU). Transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) 1 and TAP2 polymorphism influences the range of peptide presented by HLA class I molecules. In this report, contribution of TAP polymorphism to the susceptibility to AS and AAU was studied in HLA-B27-positive Japanese individuals. Patients were classified into three groups: 16 AS patients, 14 AAU patients and 22 patients with both AS and AAU. Twelve HLA-B27-positive healthy individuals were included as a control. TAP polymorphism was detected by PCR-RFLP methods. Significant differences in frequencies of TAP1 alleles were not found between patient groups. None of the TAP2 frequencies showed increased or decreased frequencies compared with HLA-B27-positive healthy controls. In comparison with a random Japanese control, TAP2D allele frequency was significantly increased in the AAU group, but failed to reach a significant level in a group consisting of the AAU-only patients and the patients with both AS and AAU. All of the patient groups were noted to have a significantly increased prevalence of the TAP2H allele as compared to random controls; however, the higher frequency of this allele was detected in HLA-B27 healthy controls as well. These observations suggest a linkage disequilibrium between TAP2D, TAP2H and HLA-B27 in Japanese.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether, as predicted by predator-prey dynamics, early withdrawal of antiretroviral therapy, i.e. when the number of CD4+ lymphocytes is still elevated, results in an overshoot of HIV-1 viraemia due to infection of increased numbers of available target cells at that time. DESIGN AND METHODS: Five HIV-1-infected individuals were identified who discontinued antiretroviral therapy for various reasons after 8-19 days, and from whom stored serum samples obtained before, during, and shortly after treatment were available for measurement of HIV-1 RNA load. A mathematical model was designed to assess whether increased target cell availability could quantitatively explain the clinical observations. RESULTS: After therapy withdrawal, increases in the HIV-1 RNA load to levels exceeding pretreatment values by log10 0.6-1.5 copies/ml were observed after 2-17 days in all four of the individuals who had treatment-induced increases in CD4+ cell counts at the time of therapy withdrawal. Increases in viraemia were maximal within a few days, and subsequently seemed to wane until the pretreatment equilibrium between virus and its target cells was attained. Mathematical modelling confirms that these transient increases in viraemia can be explained by increased availability of target cells at the time of therapy withdrawal. CONCLUSIONS: Transient rises in HIV-1 viraemia do occur following early therapy withdrawal. These rises especially warrant consideration in short-term antiretroviral regimens for prevention of mother-to-child transmission, as are being studied in developing countries, since they could result in an increased transmission risk during the post-partum period through breast-feeding. This possibility needs to be investigated urgently.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that quiescent CD4+ T lymphocytes carrying proviral DNA provide a reservoir for human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1) in patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was examined. In a study of 22 patients successfully treated with HAART for up to 30 months, replication-competent virus was routinely recovered from resting CD4+ T lymphocytes. The frequency of resting CD4+ T cells harboring latent HIV-1 was low, 0.2 to 16.4 per 10(6) cells, and, in cross-sectional analysis, did not decrease with increasing time on therapy. The recovered viruses generally did not show mutations associated with resistance to the relevant antiretroviral drugs. This reservoir of nonevolving latent virus in resting CD4+ T cells should be considered in deciding whether to terminate treatment in patients who respond to HAART.  相似文献   

The functional projection of the medial perforant path (MPP) to different CA3 subfields was studied in urethan-anesthetized rats using current source density analysis. MPP stimulation resulted in an early-latency (presumed monosynaptic) sink with onset of 2-3 ms at the distal apical dendritic layer of CA3 (stratum lacunosum molecule) and a long-latency (presumed disynaptic, >7 ms) sink at stratum lucidum and radiatum of CA3. The population spike (onset 5. 3-6.1 ms), a sink at CA3 pyramidal cell layer, was observed 67% of the time (12 of 18 rats) in CA3a, 44% (8 of 18) in CA3b and 58% (7 of 12 rats) in CA3c following MPP stimulation. Population spike was not observed during presumed disynaptic excitation of CA3. Both early-latency sink (excitatory postsynaptic potential) and population spike in CA3 revealed robust paired-pulse facilitation (PPF). In contrast, little PPF was found for the MPP-evoked excitatory sink at the middle molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. The data suggested that the entorhinal cortex provides a strong monosynaptic excitation of different subfields of CA3. A direct entorhinal to CA3 input bypasses the dentate gyrus and may play a role in normal hippocampal signal processing and neural plasticity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prognostic value of HIV RNA levels measured shortly after HIV seroconversion and whether markers of immune response (CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts, IgA and IgG) measured at the same time, continue to provide prognostic information once the HIV RNA level is known. DESIGN AND METHODS: HIV RNA levels were measured approximately 2.5 years after seroconversion in 97 haemophilic men followed for up to 17 years. Levels of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, IgA and IgG were measured within 1 year of the HIV RNA level. The relationships between these markers and progression to AIDS and death were studied using Kaplan-Meier plots and proportional hazards regression models. RESULTS: High HIV RNA levels were associated with faster progression to AIDS and shorter survival in univariate Cox regression models. High IgA and IgG levels were also associated with faster disease progression. In multivariate models, high HIV RNA levels remained independently associated with faster disease progression [relative hazard (RH), 1.86; P = 0.01 for AIDS; RH, 1.66; P = 0.05 for death). However, high IgA and IgG levels provided strong independent prognostic information for AIDS and death (IgA: RH, 1.38; P = 0.006 for AIDS; RH, 1.33; P = 0.07 for death; IgG: RH, 1.10; P = 0.02 for AIDS; RH, 1.12; P = 0.01 for death). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm the importance of the HIV RNA level in assessing the long-term prognosis in individuals infected with HIV. However, our results suggest that immune activation markers, rather than merely reflecting high HIV RNA levels are important in assessing prognosis in their own right. These findings may improve our understanding of HIV pathogenesis and may aid clinical management of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES AND DESIGN: The dynamics uf viral decline following the initiation of antiretroviral treatment were studied in 29 HIV-1-infected patients participating in a two-arm trial comparing immediate (group A: ritonavir, zidovudine and lamivudine) and delayed (group B: ritonavir supplemented by zidovudine and lamivudine on day 21) triple therapy. Parameters underlying viral dynamics were estimated using mathematical models tailored to these treatment protocols. RESULTS: The decline in plasma HIV-1 density between day 0 and 21 was steeper in group A (-2.27+/- 0.46 log10) than group B (-1.87+/-0.56 log10). In a subset of patients amenable to full mathematical analysis, a short-lived productively infected cell compartment (producing approximately 97% of total virions) decayed with a half-life of 1.0-2.5 days, whereas a long-lived infected cell compartment decayed with a half-life of 18.8-32.8 days. Estimates for the time for the elimination of virus from these two cell populations ranged from 474 to 802 days. The rate of loss of productively infected CD4+ T cells was positively correlated with baseline viral load in group A and in the combined dataset. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that HIV-infected cell populations may have a faster turnover in patients with higher viral loads due to higher infection rate parameters, higher rates of virus production, or lower virus clearance rates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prophylactic drugs for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) are strongly recommended for HIV-1-infected patients with CD4 cell counts of less than 200 cells/microL. Because of the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) currently available, we speculated that prophylaxis can be discontinued in patients with CD4 cell counts of more than 200 cells/microL. METHODS: In this prospective observational study, PCP prophylaxis (primary or secondary) was discontinued in HIV-1-infected patients whose CD4 cell count had increased above 200 cells/microL (documented twice with an interval of at least 1 month) as a result of HAART. Patients and their CD4 cell counts were monitored every 3 months. The primary endpoint of the study was the occurrence or reoccurrence of PCP. FINDINGS: 78 patients were enrolled: 62 patients were receiving prophylaxis for primary prevention of PCP and 16 patients for secondary prevention of PCP. At the time of discontinuation of prophylaxis, the mean CD4 cell count was 347 cells/microL, and HIV-1-RNA was not detectable in 61 patients. The lowest mean CD4 cell count during prophylaxis was 79 cells/microL. Patients stopped prophylaxis 9.8 (SD 6.4) months after they started HAART. The mean follow-up after discontinuation of prophylaxis was 12.7 (SD 7.6) months, and none of the patients developed PCP (97.5% one-sided CI 0-4.4%). INTERPRETATION: The preliminary results of this study indicate that PCP prophylaxis can be stopped safely in HIV-1-infected patients whose CD4 cell counts have increased above 200 cells/microL after treatment with HAART.  相似文献   

A cohort of 79 homosexual men with documented dates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) seroconversion and baseline CD4 cell counts of > or = 500/microL were followed for up to 11.5 years. HIV-1 RNA was measured from stored sera obtained a median of 7 months after the estimated seroconversion date. AIDS progression and mortality among the men were studied, stratified by median baseline levels of HIV-1 RNA. AIDS progression rates at 11.5 years were 69% and 34%, respectively, among those with higher versus lower than median baseline virus loads (> or = 3040 copies/mL; P = .002), and mortality rates were 61% and 27%, respectively (P = .003). Survival curves continued to diverge throughout the 11.5 years, suggesting that the future clinical course of HIV-1 infection may already be determined at the earliest phases of disease. Initiation of definitive treatment very early in HIV-1 infection may be essential.  相似文献   

HISTORY AND FINDINGS: A 30-year-old man with a known HIV infection for 7 years presented for treatment with antiretroviral drugs. He was known to have had herpes zoster, oral hairy leukoplakia and recurrent Candida stomatitis, but was otherwise without symptoms. INVESTIGATIONS: The CD4 lymphocyte count was 19 cells/mm3 and there were 41,000 HIV-RNA copies/ml. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: The HIV infection was in CDC stage B3, indicating the need for combined antiretroviral treatment. A week after starting stavudine, saquinavir and ritonavir he had to be admitted because of nausea and vomiting, colicky abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever up to 39 degrees C and a rise of C-reactive protein to 207 mg/dl. Bacteriological examination of feces and biopsy of an enlarged retroperitoneal lymph node revealed atypical mycobacteria. Antituberculosis treatment was started. The CD4 cell count rose to 56/mm3 and the viral count fell to 11,000/ml. Each time after initiating a different antiviral regimen the symptoms recurred. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates an atypical manifestation of on opportunistic infection: during combined antiviral treatment the CD4 cell count rose and thus precipitated an heretofore subclinical mycobacterial infection with focal lymphadenitis. If, on starting antiretroviral treatment at a late HIV stage, new symptoms develop within 1-3 weeks, one should consider drug-induced side effects or the onset of an opportunistic infection that has become manifest as the result of an improved immunological state.  相似文献   

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