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In the present study, the diffusion bonding of 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel to Ti alloy with and without nickel alloy as intermediate material was carried out in the temperature range of 1073 K to 1223 K (800 °C to 950 °C) in steps of 298 K (25 °C) for 60 minutes in vacuum. The effects of bonding temperature on interfaces microstructures of bonded joint were analyzed by light optical and scanning electron microscopy. In the case of directly bonded stainless steel and titanium alloy, the layerwise α-Fe + χ, χ, FeTi + λ, FeTi + β-Ti phase, and phase mixture were observed at the bond interface. However, when nickel alloy was used as an interlayer, the interfaces indicate that Ni3Ti, NiTi, and NiTi2 are formed at the nickel alloy-titanium alloy interface and the PHSS-nickel alloy interface is free from intermetallics up to 1148 K (875 °C) and above this temperature, intermetallics were formed. The irregular-shaped particles of Fe5Cr35Ni40Ti15 have been observed within the Ni3Ti intermetallic layer. The joint tensile and shear strength were measured; a maximum tensile strength of ~477 MPa and shear strength of ~356.9 MPa along with ~4.2 pct elongation were obtained for the direct bonded joint when processed at 1173 K (900 °C). However, when nickel base alloy was used as an interlayer in the same materials at the bonding temperature of 1148 K (875 °C), the bond tensile and shear strengths increase to ~523.6 and ~389.6 MPa, respectively, along with 6.2 pct elongation.  相似文献   

为了优化热静压扩散连接工艺参数,应用有限元法对Be/HR-1不锈钢扩散连接界面附近铁和铍元素的分布进行了计算机模拟,并通过俄歇电子能谱(AES)进行实验测定。结合计算机模拟结果和实验数据探讨了扩散连接界面附近铁和铍元素的分布、扩散宽度与温度、压力和时间的关系。结果表明:在1050℃/60 MPa/2 h和750℃/60 MPa/2 h热静压下,扩散连接界面附近Be,Fe元素分布的实测数据与计算机模拟结果基本吻合;在60 MPa/2 h热静压下,加热温度分别为1050和750℃时对扩散宽度影响的实测数据与计算机模拟结果基本吻合,1050℃时的扩散宽度是750℃时的2.5倍;在750℃/2 h热静压下,压力分别为30,40,50,60 MPa时对扩散宽度影响的实测数据与计算机模拟结果基本吻合,扩散宽度与压力成抛物线关系;在750℃/60 MPa热静压下,扩散宽度与扩散时间的模拟曲线也成抛物线关系。  相似文献   

Liquid-phase bonding between a Mg alloy (AZ31) and low-carbon steel was attempted at 773 K (500 °C) using Ag as an interlayer that forms a eutectic melt with the Mg alloy at this temperature. On the AZ31 side, eutectic melting and subsequent isothermal solidification were observed, and it was confirmed that the solidification of the eutectic liquid was promoted by the diffusion of Ag into the AZ31 base metal. On the steel side, Al was transported from AZ31 during the eutectic melting and isothermal solidification. This transported Al was enriched at the steel surface and reacted with steel to form a uniform, thin Fe-Al intermetallic compound layer. After the isothermal solidification, strong bonding was achieved via the thin intermetallic compound layer between AZ31 and steel, and no Ag remained at the bonding interface. The strength of the joint was found to be higher than the yield strength of AZ31.  相似文献   

采用电镀纳米镍中间层,对钛合金TA17与不锈钢0Cr18Ni9Ti进行扩散焊焊接试验研究.利用能谱对焊接接头的元素分布进行分析,结果表明:采用电镀纳米镍层作中间层能有效防止钛合金中的Ti、V、Al等元素与不锈钢中Fe、Ni、C等元素的相互扩散和迁移,很好地抑制了金属间化合物TiFe、TiFe2及脆性相TiC的形成.通过计算接头处扩散层的激活能可知纳米镍的扩散性能比镍箔的好.  相似文献   

Transient-liquid-phase bonding using Ni-P as an interlayer has been developed for H230 Ni-Cr-W solid-solution-strengthened Ni-based alloy. Two process parameters—composition of the interlayer and bonding time—have been varied to optimize the mechanical properties. H230 has been bonded into two sets of stacks (set I and II) for 8 and 4 hours using Ni-12P and Ni-6P interlayer, respectively, (wt pct) at 1423 K (1150 °C) and 12.7 MPa. The microstructure of both the stacks has three distinct regions—the joint centerline which showed the presence of pores, an isothermally solidified zone (ISZ) which did not have any carbide precipitates and base H230. Transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography showed a uniform microstructure, and an absence of any deleterious phases at the joint and in ISZ. Set I and set II had a yield strength of 76 and 86 pct of that of the H230 sheet, tested at 1023 K (750 °C). The measured elongation at fracture was negligible, but the fracture surfaces revealed a ductile cup-and-cone-type fracture occurring through the ISZ/joint region. Examination of broken tensile samples revealed that the plastic strain was constrained to within one joint region through which fracture occurred.  相似文献   

钛合金-不锈钢相变超塑性扩散连接接头分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了TA17钛合金和OCr18Ni9Ti不锈钢相变超塑性扩散连接工艺;分析了接头微观组织结构,元素的扩散及断口形貌。结果表明,钛合金和不锈钢两侧的元素有不同程度的扩散,在界面处形成β-Ti、TiFe和TiFe2。控制金属间化合物厚度在5μm以内可以提高接头强度。接头受力的主要物相是以β-Ti为基的固溶体,该物相的面积对接头的强度影响很大,面积越大,接头强度越高;反之越低。  相似文献   

 采用镍基、铁镍基和铁基3种中间层合金进行了TP304H不锈钢的瞬间液相(TLP)连接试验,利用电子探针和能谱分析了中间层成分对接头组织和成分的影响。结果表明,镍基接头组织为固溶体,接头区出现了跨界面晶粒。虽然接头拉伸断裂于焊缝处,但强度、塑性已达到母材水平。铁镍基接头组织与母材组织不同,元素扩散差,焊缝界限清晰,接头性能低。铁基接头组织与母材组织相同,成分连续均匀分布,实现了真正的TLP连接。挂管试验结果表明,铁基接头不仅具有很好的强度和塑性,而且接头抗腐蚀性能好,可满足实际工业应用。  相似文献   

The surface properties such as wear, corrosion, oxidation resistance etc., can be improved by using suitable cladding technique. The most commonly used cladding material is stainless steel for cladding on carbon and low alloy steel base materials. Mechanical properties are considered important for satisfactory performance of clad joints used in several defence applications. In this work, cladding of a high strength low alloy steel with stainless steel was carried out using explosive cladding and electroslag strip cladding processes. The relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure of clad materials was evaluated. The bond interface in explosively clad material shows a wavy interface compared to strip clad interface. Electron probe microanalysis revealed that inter-diffusion of elements was significant in strip clad joints and insignificant in explosively clad joints. Shear strength, notch tensile strength and impact toughness of explosive clad joints are much superior compared to those in strip clad joints.  相似文献   

In the present study, impulse pressure assisted diffusion bonding of low carbon steel was carried out using silver interlayer. To study the influence of input process parameters namely bonding temperature (T), maximum pulse pressure (P), and number of pulses (N), experiments of diffusion bonding were conducted according to the Taguchi L9 orthogonal array. To reveal the typical bond interface characteristics, selected samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The EDS analysis revealed a diffusion affected zone at the interface due to the diffusion of silver and iron across the interface. Lap joints were developed to measure the shear strength of the diffusion bonds. The optimum level of bonding temperature, maximum pulse pressure and number of pulses (875 °C, 10 MPa and 10 pulses) were identified. The ANOVA results indicated that bonding temperature had the highest statistical effect of 66.37% on shear strength followed by number of pulses and maximum pulse pressure. The fracture surface of the lap joints was also examined by FESEM and X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties and the fracture of the joints between a PT3V titanium alloy and 12Cr18Ni10Ti stainless steel formed by diffusion welding through ultrafine-grained layers of nickel and a Cr2Ni98 alloy are studied. The highest strength of the joint (about 390 MPa) is achieved upon welding at T = 700°C, 20 min irrespective of the interlayer material. However, in the case of the nickel interlayer, fracture occurs in the regions adjacent to the TiNi layer; in the case of the Cr2Ni98 alloy, along the alloy/steel interface.  相似文献   

合金元素对2Cr13马氏体不锈钢组织及性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ni,Mo,V均是影响13Cr型马氏体不锈钢性能的主要元素.研究了在普通2Cr13基础上添加不同含量的Ni,Mo以及微量V对其力学性能、耐腐蚀性能的影响.研究表明:单独添加Ni或Mo元素均未能明显改善2Cr13型马氏体不锈钢的综合力学性能,但同时添加适量的Ni,Mo等合金元素能明显提高材料的力学及耐CO2腐蚀性能.  相似文献   

对原位合成TiC强化304不锈钢的显微组织和性能进行了研究。试验结果表明:在304不锈钢中产生TiC颗粒后,热处理态组织中的孪晶得到明显细化,同时出现了很多纳米级的未固溶的方形颗粒Cr23C6和圆形颗粒TiC。TiC颗粒的产生,使304不锈钢强度有较大提高而塑性有一定的下降。在TiC强化钢磨损过程中,TiC颗粒暴露于磨损表面起承载和形成油膜的作用,从而保护基体不发生严重磨损。随着钢中TiC含量的增加,强度和磨损性能的提高越明显。  相似文献   

反向凝固复合不锈钢带的轧制工艺及界面结合   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
针对用反向凝固法生产不锈钢复合带的工艺,研究了轧制温度、轧制速度及轧制变形率对母带与凝固层间结合的影响。结果表明:轧制温度为1250℃、两道次的轧制变形率为50%时,界面结合较好,轧制速度对界面结合的影响不明显。经分析得知 喧与凝固层的界面结合是靠元素相互扩散形成过渡区实现的。  相似文献   

研究了在白口铸铁工件中埋入一定数量的钢筋制成加筋式复合白口铸铁的界面结合强度及其影响因素.实验表明,钢筋表面除锈后再经过3种防锈处理都能提高加筋复合白口铸铁的界面结合强度,但效果相差不大.正交试验结果表明,在镶铸工艺因素中,液固体积比(白口铁铁水体积:埋入钢筋的体积)对界面结合强度影响最大,浇注温度和钢筋预热温度也有显著的影响.  相似文献   

李龙  张心金  刘会云  祝志超 《钢铁》2013,48(12):52-56
 为了相对精确测定复合板结合界面的剪切强度,对热轧不锈钢复合板进行了系列剪切试验。利用扫描电镜和EDS能谱仪对热轧不锈钢复合板剪切后的界面微观特征进行了研究,发现剪切断裂一般发生在界面区域中强度较低的部位,温轧及冷轧复合板的经验公式并不适合预测热轧不锈钢复合板的剪切强度。根据台阶根部加工在不同位置的系列剪切试验可相对准确确定热轧不锈钢复合板的剪切强度。  相似文献   

Ti90合金是我国自主研发的一种新型近α型钛合金,具有高比强度、高韧性、耐蚀和加工性能好等优点。本课题组前期对Ti90合金进行了成分优化,得到一种名义成分为Ti-5. 5Al-4. 0Zr-1. 0Sn-0. 3Mo-1. 0Nb的优化合金。利用X射线衍射仪、金相显微镜、电子探针显微分析仪、电子万能试验机和电化学工作站等检测仪器,对Ti90及其优化合金的组织与力学性能进行对比分析。结果表明,优化合金组织为带有网篮特征的魏氏组织,原始β晶界和α集束清晰可见,有少量残留β相分布于α片层之间。与Ti90合金相比,优化合金的压缩屈服强度与断裂韧性得到了显著的提高,极限应变量有所增加,电化学腐蚀性能较好。  相似文献   

探讨了过渡族金属作为过渡层金属时,其焊接工艺条件对硬质合金和合金工具钢在扩散焊接时,对结合部的强度的影响。同时还研究了过渡层金属的种类、厚度及线膨胀系数对接合强度的影响。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the interfacial microstructure of a steel/liquid aluminium and its evolution during the bonding rolling process. The effects of wetting time and deformation on the diffusion layer and on the bonding strength were examined. By means of electron microscopy and electron probe analysis, it was found that the diffusion layer is mainly composed of FeAI3. For a steel temperature of 250℃ and an aluminium temperature of 850 ~C, the diffusion layer was formed within 3 s, and the shear strength of the samples increased after 8 to 14 s. Although the interface was not damaged, it was deformed notably. For an aluminium temperature of 750℃ and a wetting time of 11 to 17 s, the shear strength of the interface remained high, but the interface was obviously broken during rolling, leading to reduced bonding strength.  相似文献   

研究了Ti60高温钛合金环材的组织和性能。结果表明,该合金环材经双重退火后的显微组织为双态组织,并含有强化相α2相及硅化物相;这种组织的环材具有良好的室温拉伸、高温拉伸、热稳定、蠕变和断裂韧性等性能匹配,它的各项主要性能与IM I834钛合金相当,可用于制作航空发动机压气机压气盘、叶片等构件。  相似文献   

李建新  王飞  翟羽佳  王瑞 《特殊钢》2020,41(2):47-49
采用OM、SEM、JMatPro7.0分析技术,研究了热处理工艺(860~950℃淬火+200~400℃回火)对新型中碳40CrMnSiB低合金超高强度钢(0.41C,0.84Cr,0.76Mn,1.44Si,0.006B)微观组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明:920℃淬火和300℃回火钢的力学性能达到最佳强韧性匹配,即抗拉强度为1 943 MPa、屈服强度为1 931 MPa、延伸率为9%、断面收缩率为39.5%、冲击吸收功为44J、HRC硬度值为52.7。  相似文献   

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