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本文介绍的是利用可饱和吸收体五甲川与100兆赫驻波型声光调制器联合运行的主被动锁模重复率Nd~(3 ):YAG激光器。在正常运转的情况下,它是借助于声光调制“窗口”有效地克服“尖峰”群的随机竞争,从而获得既稳又窄的光脉冲输出的。 通过下列途径和措施增强了稳定性和多功能性: 1.采用频率合成式高频大功率声光驱动源,有效地克服因环境温度变化、介质加工精度等因素造成的声光街射效率下降和消失的特点。 2.采用机械组合式的一体化染料盒,有效地克服籽腔振荡。  相似文献   

环形腔YAG:Nd~(3 )激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张贵芬 《中国激光》1982,9(12):757-760
在带有附加反馈镜的YAG:Nd~(3 )环形腔中,得到了定向比为30的单向输出。谱线宽度较之驻波腔压缩了十倍,输出功率并不降低。对其振荡时间特性提出了新的见解。  相似文献   

本文给出了钕激光器锁模用的五甲川染料的物理、化学和锁模特性。找出了影响溶于1,2-二氯乙烷的五甲川染料溶液稳定性的因素。提出了一种提高染料稳定性的方法。和十一甲川染料相比,五甲川染料是一种廉价而好的锁模染料。  相似文献   

Using a novel configuration of two coupled resonators, electroopticQ-switching of CW-pumped Nd3+:YAG lasers has been investigated. This technique yields two linearly polarized output beams with practically all the power contained in one beam. In the case of strong pumping, e.g., using high repetition rate flashlamp pumping, the optimization of mirror reflectivity leads to a single-resonator configuration.  相似文献   

Thermal effects in a Nd:YAG laser rod, which is pumped continuously by tungsten iodine lamps, are described. Measurements using a 0.6328-μman probe beam yielded temperature distribution in and at the boundary of the rod. The results of birefringence and focal length are consistent with theoretical treatments, if an effective heat conversion coefficient peculiar to the apparatus is assumed. The resonance condition of an optical resonator containing a rod exhibiting focusing effect is discussed.  相似文献   

连续Nd~(3 ):YAG激光对视网膜损伤阈值的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连续Nd~(3 ):YAG激光照射青紫蓝灰兔眼100只,1000个照射点,求得照射时间平均1.02s及0.12s,检眼镜可见视网膜损伤阈值,其ED_(50)分别为角膜平均入射2.52W/cm~2及5.42W/cm~2.  相似文献   

Optical pulses up to 1.25 Gbit/s were obtained with a Nd3+:YAG laser by multiple mode locking. The carrier frequency of mode-locked pulses was tuned through several tens of gigahertz by tilting an intracavity tuning etalon. Some detuning effects in forced mode locking will be also presented.  相似文献   

Energy transfer between Cr3+ and Nd3+ ions has been investigated in the 4.2-300-K temperature range by using steady-state and site-selective time-resolved laser spectroscopy. Radiative and nonradiative energy transfer has been studied from the time-resolved emission spectra and the donor fluorescence decays. The transfer efficiency was calculated as a function of temperature by using the Cr3+ lifetimes of the single doped and co-doped samples. Laser experiments were carried out in a diffusive cavity by pumping a co-doped rod 54 mm long and 5 mm in diameter with xenon flashlamps. The laser spectral emission shows a complex structure which varies as a function of pump energy. The temporal evolution of the laser spectrum is discussed in terms of a simple four-level spectral rate-equation laser model which takes into account the existence of two main broad Nd3+ site distributions with a large spectral overlap  相似文献   

一、引 言 新晶体双掺(Ce~(3+)、Nd~(3+)):YAG是一种具有高转换效率的激光增益介质~[1],它利用Ce~(3+)、Nd~(3+)的敏化途径提高激光效率。晶体中的Ce~(3+)离予通过辐射和非辐射二种方式向Nd~(3+)转  相似文献   

赵炎生 《中国激光》1982,9(8):527-528
将不稳定光学谐振腔光再生电光调Q Nd~(3 ):YAG激光器用于显微光谱分析。使激光稳定性在自由振荡情况下相对均方误差达0.92%,调Q时<5%,取样直径5~450微米,对样品的适应性和可靠性有较大提高。  相似文献   

Sinusoidal perturbations are applied to the resonator of a CW Nd3+:YAG laser to study the response of the system. Two kinds of resonances are observed. The resonant AM mode exhibits a sinusoidal modulation in the output and its frequency is determined by the pumping power and cavity losses. The spiking mode shows a train of regular pulses and its frequency is constant. Nonlinear coupled rate equations are solved to show solutions in good agreement with the experimental observations. The effect of nonresonant perturbation on the output is also presented.  相似文献   

It has been observed that the frequency difference between the two modes for the mode-locked Nd3+:YAG laser by synchronous internal phase modulation depends on the pumping power and is several hundreds of kilohertz for a realistic pumping power. By finely tuning the mode-locking frequency, the two modes can be excited separately.  相似文献   

This correspondence reports oscillation of the4F_{32} rightarrow4I_{15/2}, 1.833-mutransition in Nd3+:YAG. PeakQ-switched output powers of 10 kW at 50 pps have been obtained.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a YAG: Nd3+-laser and the influence of pump-power level and of spectral filtering the pump light was studied. The laser was pulsed high above threshold. Without filtering the pump light, the maximum laser emission was reached 30 μs before the maximum pump power. With filtered pump light, the efficiency is doubled and the laser emission roughly follows the pump power. Dynamic input-output characteristics show an efficiency minimum at the pump-power maximum.  相似文献   

An efficient, integrated, low-threshold, tunable, laser-diode pumped Nd3+ fiber laser has been fabricated. The integrated fiber laser incorporated two highly reflecting intracore Bragg reflectors, which were formed holographically by transversely exposing the core to a UV two-beam interference pattern. When the fiber laser was diode pumped, a maximum output of 2.3 mW was observed at 1.088 μm, and a slope efficiency of 41% was measured  相似文献   

根据速率方程,解出了FTIR-Q开关下YAG:Nd~(3 )的激光输出特性。给出了FTIR-Q  相似文献   

1.3 μm Nd3+:YAG脉冲激光器的特性与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对Nd3+:YAG 1.3 μm波段的脉冲激光器进行了特性分析和实验研制。尤其是输出腔镜的最佳透过率的选择,谐振腔类型的选择,以及与1.06 μm脉冲器件的比较和改造。文中给出了最佳透过率,1.32 μm,1.34 μm两波长激光能量与输出镜透过率的关系等实验数据。  相似文献   

张秀荣  吴光照 《中国激光》1982,9(9):594-595
报导了1.3188微米和1.3382微米钇铝石榴石连续激光的阈值、输出功率和激光谱。并且用LiNbO_3倍频出6690孟和6590且红光。  相似文献   

By using a GaAs as both an output coupler and a saturable absorber, we present a doubly passively self-Q-switched Cr4+:Nd3+:YAG laser in a short cavity for the first time to our knowledge. This laser can generate more symmetric pulse shape and shorter pulsewidth in comparison with the solely self-Q-switched Cr4+:Nd3+:YAG laser. The output pulse energy and peak powers are higher than those in our previous doubly passively Q-switched lasers. By considering the Gaussian spatial distribution of the intra-cavity photon density and the free carrier absorption (FCA) in GaAs wafer, a set of modified rate equations have been introduced to describe the performances of the doubly Q-switched Cr 4+:Nd3+:YAG laser with GaAs coupler. The numerical solutions of the equations and the experimental results are found to agree with each other very well. The effect of FCA process in GaAs wafer has been discussed and proved to play an important role in the pulse compression and symmetry  相似文献   

Laser action at high repetition rates with flashlamp pumping has been achieved in a YAG:Nd3+laser rod. With the resonant charging techniques used in the experiments, the repetition rate is limited by the heating of the laser rod.  相似文献   

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