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A new logic programming language, ShapeUp, is developed. ShapeUp is an expanded Prolog system with string matching facilities. The language has been developed to give programmers a new computer programming environment, especially for knowledge information processing. This area includes natural language comprehension and intelligent text processing systems with better man-machine interfaces. For this kind of application, character string data play a principal part rather than conventional numerical data. In ShapeUp, string patterns are introduced as Prolog ‘terms’. Their matching process is performed inside the unification. Thus, a program is far simpler and easier to write and read in ShapeUp, than in conventional Prolog systems, and program size is extremely reduced.  相似文献   

Multiway dynamic mergers with constant delay are an essential component of a parallel logic programming language. Previous attempts to defined efficient mergers have required complex optimising compilers and run-time support. This paper proposes a simple technique to implement mergers efficiently. The technique requires an additional data type and the definition of an operation on it. The operation allows multiple processes to access a stream without incurring the cost of searching for the end of stream. It is specified in Concurrent Prolog and is used to define multiple assignment variables using a monitor. The technique forms the basis for stream merging in Logix, a practical programming environment written in Flat Concurrent Prolog.  相似文献   

Modern systems present complex memory hierarchies and heterogeneity among cores and processors. As a consequence, efficient programming is challenging. An easy-to-understand performance model, offering guidelines and information about the behaviour of a code, may be useful to alleviate these issues. In this paper, we present two extensions of the well-known Berkeley Roofline Model. The first of these extensions, the Dynamic Roofline Model (DyRM), takes into consideration the complexities of multicore and heterogeneous systems, offering a more detailed view of the evolution of the execution of a code. The second, the 3DyRM, also adds information about the latency of memory accesses to better represent the behaviour on systems with complex memory hierarchies. A set of tools to obtain and represent the models has been implemented. These tools obtain the needed data from hardware counters, with low overhead. Different views are displayed by the tool that can be used to extract the main features of the code. Results of studying, with these tools, the NAS Parallel Benchmarks for OpenMP on two different systems are presented.  相似文献   

Multicore processors can provide sufficient computing power and flexibility for complex streaming applications, such as high-definition video processing. For less hardware complexity and power consumption, the distributed scratchpad memory architecture is considered, instead of the cache memory architecture. However, the distributed design poses new challenges to programming. It is difficult to exploit all available capabilities and achieve maximal throughput, due to the combined complexity of inter-processor communication, synchronization, and workload balancing. In this study, we developed an efficient design flow for parallelizing multimedia applications on a distributed scratchpad memory multicore architecture. An application is first partitioned into streaming components and then mapped onto multicore processors. Various hardware-dependent factors and application-specific characteristics are involved in generating efficient task partitions and allocating resources appropriately. To test and verify the proposed design flow, three popular multimedia applications were implemented: a full-HD motion JPEG decoder, an object detector, and a full-HD H.264/AVC decoder. For demonstration purposes, SONY PlayStation \(^{\circledR }\) 3 was selected as the target platform. Simulation results show that, on PS3, the full-HD motion JPEG decoder with the proposed design flow can decode about 108.9 frames per second (fps) in the 1080p format. The object detection application can perform real-time object detection at 2.84 fps at \(1280 \times 960\) resolution, 11.75 fps at \(640 \times 480\) resolution, and 62.52 fps at \(320 \times 240\) resolution. The full-HD H.264/AVC decoder applications can achieve nearly 50 fps.  相似文献   

This paper presents a parallel logic programming language named P-Prolog which is being developed as a logic programming language featuring both and- and or-parallelism. Compared with the other parallel logic programming languages, syntactic constructs such as read-only annotation,6) mode declaration2) and communication constraints7) are not used in P-Prolog. A new concept introduced in P-Prolog is the exclusive relation of guarded Horn clauses. Advances included in P-prolog. are:
  1. The synchronization mechanism can determine the direction of data flow dynamically.
  2. Guarded Horn clauses can be interpreted as eitherdon’t care nondeterminism ordon’t know non-determinism.
A prototype interpreter of P-Prolog has been implemented in C-Prolog. We are now implementing a P-Prolog interpreter in the C language.  相似文献   

Shared-memory based parallel programming with OpenMP and Posix-thread APIs becomes more common to fully take advantage of multiprocessor computing environments. One of the critical risks in multithreaded programming is data races that are hard to debug and greatly damaging to parallel applications if they are uncaught. Although ample effort has been made in building specialized data race detection techniques, the state of art tools such as the Intel Thread Checker still have various functionality and performance problems. In this paper, we present a Versatile On-the-fly Race Detection (VORD) tool that provides an agile, efficient, and scalable race detection environment for various parallel programming models. VORD can automatically construct an empirically optimal set of race engines by utilizing classification and adaptation mechanisms. A Race-Detection Classification (RDC) table is created to categorize adequate engines in the aspect of labeling, detecting, and filtering. An Engine Code Property Selector (ECPS) uses the RDC table to adapt optimal engines for the given target programming models. In addition to RDC and ECPS, we have also implemented an OpenMP parser and a source instrumentor. The functionality and efficiency of VORD were compared with those of the Intel Thread Checker by using a set of OpenMP based kernel programs. The experimental results show that VORD can detect data races in more challenging programming models such as nested thread and synchronization models, and can achieve a couple of orders of a magnitude faster processing time than the Intel Thread Checker in the large parallel programs.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a general method for compiling OR-parallelism into AND-parallelism. An interpreter for an AND/OR-parallel language written in the AND-parallel subset of the language induces a source-to-source transformation from the full language into the AND-parallel subset. This transformation can be identified and implemented as a special purpose compiler or applied using a general purpose partial evaluator. The method is demonstrated to compile a variant of Concurrent Prolog into an AND-parallel subset of the language called Flat Concurrent Prolog (FCP). It is also shown applicable to the compilation of OR-parallel Prolog to FCP. The transformation identified is simple and efficient. The performance of the method is discussed in the context of programming examples. These compare well with conventionally compiled Prolog programs.  相似文献   

A logic computer system consists of an inference machine and a compatible logic operating system. This paper describes prospective models for a logic computer system, and its hardware and software components. The language Concurrent Prolog serves as the single implementation, specification, and machine language. The computer system is represented as a logic programming goallogic_computer_system. Specification of the system corresponds to resolution of this goal. Clauses used to solve the goal — and ensuing subgoals — progressively refine the machine, operating system, and computer system designs. In addition, the accumulation of all clauses describing the logic operating system constitute its implementation. Logic computer systems with vastly different fundamental characteristics can be concisely specified in this manner. Two contrasting examples are given and discussed. An important characteristic of both peripheral devices and the overall computer system, whether they are restartable or perpetual, is examined. As well, a method for operational initialization of the logic computer system is presented. The same clauses which incrementally specify characteristics of the computer system also describe the manner in which this initialization takes place.  相似文献   

The basic constructs of SIMPOS (Sequential Inference Machine Programming and Operating System) are explained. SIMPOS is an operating system for a super-personal computer (SIM), based on logic programming language (a modified Prolog, called KL0). Our design principle is simplicity both in concept and structure. The entire system will be constructed using these basic constructs.  相似文献   

It is shown that the basic operations of object-oriented programming languages — creating an, object, sending and receiving messages, modifying an object’s state, and forming class-superclass hierarchies — can be implemented naturally in Concurrent Prolog. In addition, a new object-oriented programming paradigm, called incomplete messages, is presented. This paradigm subsumes stream communication, and greatly simplifies the complexity of programs defining communication networks and protocols for managing shared resources. Several interesting programs are presented, including a multiple-window manager. All programs have been developed and tested using the Concurrent Prolog interpreter described in.1)  相似文献   

A mobile service robot is a complex distributed system integrating various technologies and having large heterogeneity. In order to facilitate component development and system integration of the mobile service robots, a middleware-based simulation and control framework for system integration and application development, as well as the robotic functional component (RFC) framework with a simplified structure and an efficient transmission scheme, is proposed for mobile service robot systems. Designed to implement a distributed modular mechanism for a mobile service robot, the middleware-based framework for simulation and control is comprised of four layers: low-level abstraction layer, communication layer, high-level abstraction layer, and application layer. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Robot Technology Middleware (RTM) are employed as middleware for the development of RFCs and for system integration. Communication between the components and the graphical programming tool is done by the communication layer (CORBA ORB). The conducted experiments validated the proposed framework in terms of ideal performance of reusability, interoperability, and extensibility, as well as indicated that the proposed RFC framework is simplified and easy enough to perform well in data transmission, which will reduce the costs and the threshold of robot development.  相似文献   

Techniques of hierarchical specification and verification of hardware with temporal logic and Prolog are presented by example. Both hardware designs in gates and state-diagrams are translated into a relation between the present and the next state, which is represented in Prolog.1) Specifications are constructed by temporal logic that can express state sequences (e.g. timing diagrams) easily and also are translated into a relation between the present and the next state in Prolog. The verification method is based upon the temporal logic decision procedure in Ref. 2) and, referring to the relation tables between the present state and the next state, the verifier can reason in both directions—forward and backward in temporal sequences. Prolog has very powerful pattern matching, and its automatic backtracking capabilities facilitate easy-to-write verifier programs. It is concluded that a total verification system handling various design levels can be constructed with temporal logic and Prolog.  相似文献   

Aurora is a prototype or-parallel implementation of the full Prolog language for shared-memory multiprocessors, developed as part of an informal research collaboration known as the “Gigalips Project”. It currently runs on Sequent and Encore machines. It has been constructed by adapting Sicstus Prolog, a fast, portable, sequential Prolog system. The techniques for constructing a portable multiprocessor version follow those pioneered in a predecessor system, ANL-WAM. The SRI model was adopted as the means to extend the Sicstus Prolog engine for or-parallel operation. We describe the design and main implementation features of the current Aurora system, and present some experimental results. For a range of benchmarks, Aurora on a 20-processor Sequent Symmetry is 4 to 7 times faster than Quintus Prolog on a Sun 3/75. Good performance is also reported on some large-scale Prolog applications.  相似文献   

Several attempts have been made to design a production system using Prolog. To construct a forward reasoning system, the rule interpreter is often written in Prolog, but its execution is slow. To develop an efficient production system, we propose a rule translation method where production rules are translated into a Prolog program and forward reasoning is done by the translated program. To translate the rules, we adopted the technique developed in BUP, the bottom-up parsing system in Prolog. Man-machine dialogue functions were added to the production system and showed the potential of our method to be applied to expert systems.  相似文献   

We present a logic programming language, GCLA*** (Generalized horn Clause LAnguage), that is based on a generalization of Prolog. This generalization is unusual in that it takes a quite different view of the meaning of a logic program—a “definitional” view rather than the traditional logical view. GCLA has a number of noteworthy properties, for instance hypothetical and non-monotonic reasoning. This makes implementation of reasoning in knowledge-based systems more direct in GCLA than in Prolog. GCLA is also general enough to incorporate functional programming as a special case. GCLA and its syntax and semantics are described. The use of various language constructs are illustrated with several examples.  相似文献   

Within the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, state of the art computer graphics animation is done in the Computer Graphics Laboratory. The topics of the animations cover many scientific disciplines. Specific features of the system developed there, both hardware and software, are discussed. The prime mover of the effort is Dr. James F. Blinn of Pasadena; his role and experiences are elaborated. Their current largest project is The Mechanical Universe; the system is used for its production.  相似文献   

We believe that currently marketed programs leave unexploited much of the potential of the spreadsheet interface. The purpose of our work is to obtain suggestions for wider application of this interface by showing how to obtain its main features as a subset of logic programming. Our work is based on two observations. The first is that spreadsheets would already be a useful enhancement to interactive languages such as APL and Basic. Although Prolog is also an interactive language, this interface cannot be used in the same direct way. Hence our second observation: the usual query mechanism of Prolog does not provide the kind of interaction this application requires. But it can be provided by the Incremental Query, a new query mechanism for Prolog. The two observations together yield the spreadsheet as a display of the state of the substitution of an incremental query in Prolog. Recalculation of dependent cells is achieved by automatic modification of the query in response to a new increment that would make it unsolvable without the modification.  相似文献   

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