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This study aims to model a high school time-tabling task using the knowledge-based approach. The body of knowledge consists of a structural data set, rules sets and heuristics. A scheduling model is articulated to allocate teaching assignments to the time slot system by applying appropriate heuristics and rule sets. A scheduling engine is devised to allow the defining of assignments in any desired order using a heuristic function for enhancing the performance of the system; and to allow a search for the best slot on multiple feasible slots. The rule priorities may facilitate different time-tabling approaches.  相似文献   

提出一种面向虚拟采办全寿命周期、全系统、全方位决策的智能决策支持系统SBA—IDSS概念框架.作为真实世界采办最终需求的抽象描述,它属于与实现无关的规范性模型体系,由它定义应用领域、用户概念和环境特征.同时它是数字世界中拟实现的初始工程模型,包括与实现无关的设计可行性模型、规划模型及功能顶层分解.该框架支持系统的自组织、自适应智能行为,预期可按需组成模型与仿真、文件、知识、通信及数据驱动的各类实用决策支持系统.该框架通过一项SBA实例的验证,得到可用性的正面评价.  相似文献   

This article presents a multi-stage model for bilateral negotiation support. It continues from the work of Lim and Benbasat [L.H. Lim, I. Benbasat, A theoretical perspective of negotiation support systems, Journal of Management Information Systems 19(3) (1992) 27-44], in which a two-dimensional approach to negotiation support is advocated. Based on that approach, the current work identifies generic types of DSS and communication tools necessary to support the requirements and strategic analyses. An actual system built based on this conceptualisation, is then described.  相似文献   

Designers often have difficulty in fulfilling creative conceptual designs of multi-disciplinary systems due to the lack of sufficient multi-disciplinary knowledge. Therefore, this paper proposes a knowledge-based framework for the creative conceptual design of multi-disciplinary systems through reusing and synthesizing known principle solutions in various disciplines together. It comprises a formal constraints-based approach for representing the desired functions, a domain-independent approach for modeling functional knowledge of known principle solutions, and a heterogeneous-object-state-search-based approach for synthesizing known principle solutions together for achieving the desired functions. A design case illustrates that the proposed framework can successfully achieve creative conceptual design of multi-disciplinary systems. A prototype system, called the Intelligent Creative Conceptual Design Platform, is implemented based on this framework.  相似文献   

This paper describes ROGET, a knowledge-based system that assists a domain expert with an important design task encountered during the early phases of expert-system construction. ROGET conducts a dialogue with the expert to acquire the expert system's conceptual structure, a representation of the kinds of domain-specific inferences that the consultant will perform and the facts that will support these inferences. ROGET guides this dialogue on the basis of a set of advice and evidence categories. These abstract categories are domain independent and can be employed to guide initial knowledge acquisition dialogues with experts for new applications. This paper discusses the nature of an expert system's conceptual structure and describes the organization and operation of the ROGET system that supports the acquisition of conceptual structures.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that a refinement tool capable of assisting the maintainer of a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) with updating and upgrading of its knowledge base can substantially expand the scope of his activities and prolong the life of the system. We show that refinement tasks involved in KBS maintenance are similar to those taking place at the development stage, and thus a uniform refinement framework can be designed to support both activities. After defining refinement tasks expected to take place at different stages of a KBS's life cycle, we present a refinement framework capable of supporting them. It utilizes a small number of domain-independent heuristics to search for possible rule revisions which are expected to eliminate errors detected during KBS validation. An extended example is given to illustrate how different refinement tasks are carried out.  相似文献   

Inspired by the operation of human social organisation, this paper presents a new architecture—a pyramid-committee—for developing society-oriented intelligence, whose structure imitates the organisation of human society in its decision making. The system takes a pyramid-like hierarchical structure with links in the pyramid forming a semi-lattice, which relate not only to nodes in the same layer, but also to others in different layers. The output of the system is a result of the negotiation and balancing of different interests. For such a system to function, the main difficulties concern the complicated relationships between different factors or agents. Focussing on the airport environment audit, we discuss the development of a model framework and the role of neural networks.  相似文献   

UML-B is a development process framework for Event-B based on a “UML-like” graphical formal notation that provides support for object-oriented modelling concepts, in particular, for class and state machine diagrams. However, this methodology has a gap for mapping requirements to formal specifications. To overcome this issue, we present a proposal for extending UML-B to support a conceptual model to provide an easier starting point for the actual development process. More precisely, we propose two diagrams to facilitate the passing from requirements to the initial formal model: a first one to represent system behavior based on UML 2 interaction overview diagram (IOD) and a second one for system structure based on boundary-control-entity stereotyped class diagram (BCE). We show how to translate the former into an Event-B specification and explain how to link the latter to the original UML-B using a simple ATM example as proof of concept.  相似文献   

An exploratory study was conducted to identify factors affecting the intention to adopt negotiation support systems (NSS) by managers and executives. Drawing from past literature, the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Technology Acceptance Model provided basis for analyzing our results. Overall, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control emerged as strongest determinants of intention to adopt NSS. Further probing of subjective norm revealed organizational culture and industrial characteristics to play significant roles. A new conceptual framework is proposed which would be of both theoretical and practical importance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual definition of an information fusion (IF) processing framework. Several concepts borrowed from complex systems theory, informational philosophy and computer sciences have been integrated to conceptualize that framework. The concepts of holon and informon developed by Koestler, Sulis, Alonso, Paggi et al. are exploited here to develop an information fusion processing framework. The proposed functional holonic structure is suitable for processing any level of information abstraction of the Joint Directors of Laboratory (JDL) data fusion model. The framework comprises the characterization of a basic element of information and the definition of an IF cell as a basic IF system unit to achieve fusion of information. The framework advocates a goal-driven approach with notions coming from business sciences to take into account quality of information for managing the fusion process. The framework is illustrated through several examples namely with an elaborated case in remote sensing.  相似文献   

《Robotics and Computer》1994,11(3):137-166
This paper describes a knowledge-based approach to the domain independent conceptual design phase. We describe the development of “ECDEX”, the “Engineering Conceptual Design Expert” that generates concept variants (concept alternatives) during the conceptual design phase of engineering systems. ECDEX was developed using an expert system shell called CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) and a C-program interface to aid the quantitative phase of concept evaluation. ECDEX internally develops function structures that are dependent on the number of solution principles for each sub-function selected during the process. After the function structures are developed, ECDEX searches for solution principles for each of the sub-functions considering that every combination needs to begin with the system input and end with the system output. After all combinations are developed, ECDEX performs the concept evaluation using evaluation criteria defined by the designer providing a set of ‘concept variants’. ECDEX is applied to three test cases; an impulse loading test rig, a hydro-electric generation plant and a fishing reel. The results from these three test cases demonstrate that ECDEX generates satisfactory conceptual designs of engineering systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Previse system for preparing and verifying operations procedures, developed in the frame of a project conducted by Matra Marconi Space for the European Space Agency ESA/ESTEC. This knowledge-based system supports an evolutive procedures language (syntax and vocabulary). It improves the efficiency of procedures preparation by providing powerful editing facilities, by checking the validity of the syntax used by procedures writers, and by automating the formatting task. It also provides a set of verification mechanisms allowing to detect different types of semantic errors in procedures.  相似文献   

The operational complexity of modern ships requires the use of advanced applications, called damage control systems (DCSs), able to assist crew members in the effective handling of dangerous events and accidents. In this article we describe the development of a knowledge-based decision support system (KDSS) integrated within a DCS designed for a national navy. The KDSS uses a hybrid design and runtime knowledge model to assist damage control operators through a kill card function which supports damage identification, action scheduling and system reconfiguration. We report a fire fighting scenario as illustrative application and discuss a preliminary evaluation of benefits allowed by the system in terms of critical performance measures. Our work can support further research aimed to apply expert systems to improve shipboard security and suggest similar applications in other contexts where situational awareness and damage management are crucial.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a conceptual model and a research framework for study of the economic, social and environmental sustainability of digital libraries. The major factors that are related to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of digital libraries have been identified. Relevant research in digital information systems and services in general, and digital libraries in particular, have been discussed to illustrate different issues and challenges associated with each of the three forms of sustainability. Based on the discussions of relevant research that have implications on sustainability of information systems and services, the paper proposes a conceptual model and a theoretical research framework for study of the sustainability of digital libraries. It shows that the sustainable business models to support digital libraries should also support equitable access supported by specific design and usability guidelines that facilitate easier, better and cheaper access; support the personal, institutional and social culture of users; and at the same time conform with the policy and regulatory frameworks of the respective regions, countries and institutions. It is also shown that measures taken to improve the economic and social sustainability should also support the environmental sustainability guidelines, i.e. reduce the overall environmental impact of digital libraries. It is argued that the various factors affecting the different sustainability issues of digital libraries need to be studied together to build digital libraries that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.  相似文献   

A framework for knowledge-based control is proposed. The approach presented is suitable for control systems and control support of systems which have no adequate mathematical models. Thus, the control is performed by using knowledge engineering methods rather than pure mathematical control methods. The domain expert's knowledge is assumed to be encoded in the form of simple statements (facts) and special reasoning rules, which form the core of the Knowledge-Based Control System (KBCS). The control system reads the input information, and on the basis of the current state of its knowledge base, together with the application of supplied inference rules updates the knowledge base and performs the required control actions. Moreover, some inference control knowledge, reflecting the expert's way of reasoning, is to be incorporated in the KBCS. The main idea of the system consists of selecting an appropriate set of actions to be executed, with regard to the current state specification and the control goal given. An abstract mathematical model of the control process is formulated and a suitable language for knowledge representation is proposed. The reasoning scheme is discussed and the structure of the control system is outlined. A representative application example is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Object-Inferencing Framework (OIF) is a knowledge-based system developed for intelligent-data migration. The framework provides a mechanism to integrate relational data which represents a source model; a project-specific rulebase which specifies plausible migration scenarios; and a deduction system to facilitate the migration of source data to a new, complex target model. Typically, the target model includes constituents that possess both graphic and tabular components. Although the framework is experimental, industrial applications built upon OIF have been successfully deployed in scenarios in which the source data contained implicit information in that semantic relationships and structure conveyed by the data had to be inferred by a domain expert. This framework provides a substrate for migration from any unstructured or semi-structured data representation to a complex, semantically rich target data model. Examples of the migration of CAD data, which represents an electrical-distribution system, to a client-server based Automated Mapping/Facilities Management (AM/FM) platform are presented to convey the salient features of the design and utility of the OIF. Even though the examples are taken from a specific domain, the approach has potential applications in a myriad of domains, including business enterprises in which the migration of data created and managed by legacy systems to object-oriented and clientserver environments is an area of intense research and development.  相似文献   

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