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A case of endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm is discussed along with a review of the literature. This recently introduced Food and Drug Administration Phase II treatment modality may have a significant impact on the approach to the treatment of aneurysmal disease. This discussion details the treatment of one typical patient and reviews the current status of endovascular therapy as it applies to infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on simplified surveillance methods conducted in 23 pilot counties in 11 provinces and municipalities in China where reside 15 million people and malaria control has been in the late consolidation phase. Two simplified surveillance Schemes (A and B) taking treatment of clinical cases as the main measure were implemented in 1992-1994. The rate of annual blood examination for case detection was 1.0% in pilot Scheme A, while in areas of scheme B it was 0.3%. The implementation of both Scheme A and Scheme B, simplified or without treatment of infection foci and management of mobile populations, acquired satisfactory effects against malaria. Consequently, malaria incidence was declining steadily, only a few indigenous and introduced cases were detected. The parasite rate in residents and the IFA positive rate in children were very low. The results of pilot studies and cost-effectiveness analysis indicated that Scheme B is effective, rational and economic, and can be implemented to replace the routine surveillance measures in areas where malaria has been at the late consolidation phase in China.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms (RAAA) can take place in one of the 4 following ways: 1. "Open" rupture in the free peritoneal cavity; 2. "Closed" rupture with formation of retroperitoneal haematoma; 3. Rupture into surrounding cavity structures, such as veins and bowels; 4. In rare cases rupture is effectively "sealed of" by the surrounding tissue reaction, and retroperitoneal haematoma is "chronically" contained [1]. The terms "sealed" [2], "spontaneously healed" [3], "leakig" [4] RAAA, were also used in the previous papers connected to this situation. The "sealed" rupture was first described by Szilagyi and associates in 1961 [2]. In their case the rupture was small and haemorrhage was effectively encircled by the tissue surrounding the aortic wall. The slow rate of blood loss contributed to the patient's haemodinamically stable condition. Christenson et al. reported a case of "spontaneously healed" RAAA [3]. Rosenthal and associates described 2 patients who had aortic aneuryms that ruptured several months before repair and contributed to the term "leaking AAA" [4], while Jones et al. introduced the term "chronic contained rupture" [1]. The aim of this paper is the presentation of 5 such patients. CASE REPORT: Between December 1, 1988 and May 30, 1997 411 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) have been operated at our institute. Of this number 137 (33%) had RAAA, while 5 patients (12%) had a contained RAAA (CRAAA). CRAAA were found in 3 male and two female patients, average age 62 years. All of them had a previously proved AAA and initial symptoms lasted for days or months before the admission. In all patients haematocrit, pulse rate and arterial tension during the admission, were normal. All typical signs of RAAA were absent in these patients. Patient 1. A 56-year-old man, smoker, with previous history of arterial hypertension had an isolated episode of abdominal pain and collapse 30 days before the admission. Physical examination revealed a pulsatile abdominal mass. Doppler ultrasonography identified an infrarenal AAA, with right lobular extraaneurysmal mass which displaced the inferior vena cava (ICV). Angiographically (Figure 1a) an unusual saccular intrarenal AAA was detected, while simultaneous cavography (Figure 1b) confirmed the-dislocated inferior vena cava to the right. The intraoperative finding showed infrarenal CRAAA with organized retroperitoneal haematoma between AAA, ICV and duodenum. After aortic cross clamping and aneurysmal opening, the rupture at the right posterior aneurysmal wall was discovered. The partial aneurysmactomy and aortobilliar bypass procedure with bifurcated knitted Dacron graft (16 x 8 mm), were performed. The patient recovered very well. After a 4-year follow-up period the graft is still patent. Patient 2. A 72-year-old woman with low back pain, fever and disuric problems was urgently admitted to the Institute of Urology and Nephrology. The standard urological examination (X-ray, intravenous pyelography, retrograde urography, kidney Duplex ultrasonography) excluded urological diseases. However, intrarenal AAA an a giant aneurysm of the right common iliac artery, were found. The proximal dilatation of the right excretory urinary system was also found by retrograde urography. The patient was transported to our Institute 20 days after the initial symptoms. Translumbar aortography (Figure 3) showed the right common iliac artery aneurysm and gave the false negative picture of normal abdominal aorta because of parietal thrombosis of AAA. The intraoperative finding showed chronic rupture of the posterior wall of the right common artery aneurysm. The retroperitoneal haematoma compressed the right ureter. Both aneurysm have been resected and replaced by bifurcated Dacron graft (16 x 8 mm). The patient recovered successfully. After a 2-year period of follow-up the graft is still patent. Patient 3. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

Percutaneous placement of an endovascular stent, with and without coils, in the treatment of large AAA in animal models is feasible, safe and effective. The covered stent sealed off AAA immediately after stent placement, however, it interrupted blood flow into arteries in the area covered by the stent. The uncovered stent prevented further expansion of the aneurysm and also significantly decreased the incidence of rupture. The long-term patency of branch arteries by the uncovered stent supported the possibility of safely using this approach in humans. Furthermore, either covered stent or uncovered stent with additional coils have the potential for treatment of acute aneurysm rupture or leaking. Most importantly, the aneurysm lumen in our model was gradually replaced by collagen after stent placement which further reduces the risk of aneurysm rupture: and this healing process was enhanced by the addition of coils. If proven safe and effective for humans as well, this technique has the potential for substantially reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with AAA.  相似文献   

Guinea pig pancreatic segments were superfused during 10 min with physiological saline solutions containing 10(-6) M acetylcholine (ACh) or histamine (10(-3)-10(-6) M) and the potassium concentration in the effluent [K+]o) was measured by flame photometry. Histamine evoked a transient increase in [K/]o. The removal of calcium from the superfusing solution and addition of 10(-4) M EGTA caused a significant reduction in the histamine-evoked potassium outflow. Replacement of chloride (Cl-) in the physiological salt solution by nitrate (NO3-) caused a significant reduction in the histamine-evoked potassium release. However, when Cl- was replaced by bromide (Br-) the response to histamine was unaffected. Pre-treatment of pancreatic segments with furosemide (10(-4 M) or ouabain (10(-3) M) caused a marked reduction in the histamine-induced potassium release. The results suggest that ionic requirements in histamine-evoked potassium release are the same as those in acetylcholine-evoked potassium efflux.  相似文献   

Abdominal aortic aneurysms occur in 5 to 7 percent of people over age 60 in the United States. An aneurysm is defined as a permanent localized dilatation of an artery, with an increase in diameter of greater than 1.5 times its normal diameter. Abdominal aortic aneurysms may be manifested by catastrophic rupture, signs of pressure on other viscera or an embolism originating in the aneurysmal wall, but most cases are asymptomatic. The diagnosis is often made by physical examination of the abdomen, which reveals a pulsatile mass left of the midline, between the xyphoid process and the umbilicus. The diagnosis may be confirmed by B-mode ultrasound. Ultrasound screening should be considered for individuals at risk for abdominal aortic aneurysms. This group includes individuals over age 60 who smoke, have hypertension or have vascular disease. Elective surgical intervention is indicated for most patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms greater than 5 cm in diameter to prevent rupture and death. Smaller abdominal aortic aneurysms should be monitored by regular ultrasound measurements. Screening and identification of abdominal aortic aneurysms by primary care physicians can have a significant impact on patient survival.  相似文献   

Between February, 1981, and April, 1989, 20 patients underwent surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. Most of the patients were operated under temporary external bypass. For Group I and III aneurysms without reconstruction of renal arteries, a modified Crawford's graft inclusion technique was employed to shorten abdominal visceral ischemic time. This modification consists of (1) using adjuncts to perfuse the distal aorta during aortic clamp, (2) starting the first anasistomosis from the distal end of the graft, and (3) shifting the distal aortic clamp on the graft after completing the anastomosis in order to restore abdominal visceral circulation as soon as possible. For Group III and IV aneurysms with reconstruction of renal arteries as well as celiac and superior mesenteric arteries, a modified DeBakey's procedure was employed. This modification consists of (1) using the spiral opening method, (2) doing end-to-end anastomosis at the proximal aortic site, and (3) maintaining the circulation of abdominal organs and spinal cord by using adjuncts during the anastomosis of the proximal end. There were one operative death and two hospital deaths. Paraplegia developed in two cases, one of which was a ruptured case. Renal dysfunction was not found in any case. The survivors were followed from 5 to 103 months, and there was no late death. The results suggest that our modified procedures for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms are useful and reliable ones.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The ability of magnetic resonance (MR) angiography to depict visceral and renal vessels was evaluated in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). PATIENTS AND METHODS: MR sequences (sagittal T1-weighted, two-dimensional coronal, and three-dimensional axial time-of-flight) were compared in a prospective blinded fashion with conventional angiograms obtained preoperatively in 23 patients with AAAs. Results were correlated with surgical findings when available. RESULTS: Operative aortic clamp site was correctly predicted with conventional angiography in 95% of patients and with MR angiography in 86% (P > .1). Aneurysm neck measurements obtained with the two modalities were within 1 cm in 91% of cases. With conventional angiography as the standard of reference, 96% of all renal arteries were identified on MR angiograms but 36% of accessory arteries were missed. MR angiography enabled identification of patients who had at least one renal artery stenosis greater than 50% with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 89%. For identifying individual renal artery, celiac artery, and superior mesenteric artery stenoses of similar severity, the sensitivity and specificity were 67% and in excess of 96%, respectively. The celiac artery could not be evaluated in one case. CONCLUSION: The results of this small study suggest that the role of MR angiography in the preoperative evaluation of AAA warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The natural history of unruptured asymptomatic aneurysms in nuclear. Because of this uncertainty regarding risk of ultimate enlargement and/or hemorrhage, and in view of the significant mortality and morbidity traditionally involved in aneurysm surgery, clinicans have varied in their advocacy of surgical management of such lesions. Forty-nine consecutive patients harboring 52 such aneurysms were treated surgically over a 57-month period. There were no surgical deaths and morbidity was within acceptable limits. Patient population characteristic and surgical technique are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes results of 5-year surgical treatment of patients with ruptured abdominal aorta aneurysms (1991.-1995.) at the Clinic for Vascular and Transplantation Surgery of the Institute of Surgery in Novi Sad. 105 patients with abdominal aorta aneurysm underwent surgery, whereas in 31 patients there was a suspicion of rupture and it was confirmed by US and CT examination. One of basic factors to decrease mortality in these patients is early diagnosis and surgery before hemorrhagic shock occurs. Results in hemodynamic stabile patients with blood pressure over 100 mmHg and regular diuresis are much better with mortality of 20%. In order to estimate the correlation of hemodynamic state and outcome of the operation, patients were divided into three groups--hemodynamic stable with blood pressure over 100 mmHg and regular diuresis at admission: hemodynamic unstable patients with signs of mild or moderate shock and blood pressure under 100 mmHg and without initial diuresis which was regulated at the beginning of therapy and hemodynamic unstable patients in severe shock and unmeasurable blood pressure. The highest survival rate (10% mortality) and the least complications occurred in the first group of patients. The total mortality of patients after surgery was 48.48%. Timely diagnosis, suspicion of rupture and adequate first and with urgent transfer to a competent surgical institution are key factors in treatment of this disease and its outcome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aortic aneurysm anatomy is crucial when considering patients for endovascular repair. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of patients with aortic aneurysm suitable for endovascular repair with three different graft-stent systems. METHODS: Spiral computed tomographic angiography was used to assess the anatomy of 154 abdominal aortic aneurysms. Measurements were made of aneurysm neck length and diameter, renal artery to aortic bifurcation length, common iliac artery diameter and length, and external iliac artery diameter. Aneurysms were assessed for anatomical suitability for currently available aortoaortic, aortobi-iliac and aortouni-iliac devices. RESULTS: Six patients (4 per cent) had a distal aortic neck suitable for implantation of a straight aortic graft. Fifteen patients (10 per cent) had arterial anatomy suitable for implantation of a bifurcated graft and 85 (55 per cent) patients were suitable for endovascular repair with an aortouni-iliac graft. The primary reasons for unsuitability were: proximal neck length less than 1.5 cm (44 patients), proximal neck diameter greater than 3.0 cm (12), and angulation of the proximal neck (three). A further ten patients were considered unsuitable for an aortouni-iliac graft because of bilateral common iliac artery aneurysms (four), tortuous iliac arteries (four) and narrow external iliac arteries (two). CONCLUSION: The aortouni-iliac device has the widest applicability of the currently available endovascular systems but open repair remains the only option for a large proportion of patients.  相似文献   

An increasing number of inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms are reported today, although it is not clear whether these are nosologically independent lesions or a particular evolution of atherosclerotic aneurysms with enhanced phlogistic processes and fibrous reaction. Several pathogenetic theories have been proposed (microfissuration, autoimmunity, lymphatic stasis); clinical symptoms are characterised by the frequent involvement of contiguous retroperineal structures (in particular the urinary excretory tract and duodenum) which may be dislocated or compressed by the neoformation. CT or NMR appear to be the instrumental tests which give the most reliable diagnosis regarding the suspected inflammatory nature of the aneurysm. A correct pre-operative diagnosis is particularly important given that the morphological peculiarities (fibrosis and tenacious synechiae) add considerable pitfalls and difficulties to the operation. In this respect, the use of special technical devices, such as minimum dissection, permit a marked reduction of perioperative complications.  相似文献   

Long-term experience with 63 polyurethane, pail handle, coiled tip peritoneal dialysis catheters surgically implanted in 57 consecutive patients with renal failure is presented. One hundred percent follow-up of the study group represented 1,248 patient-months of observation. Cumulative catheter survival rates were 80.8% at 12 months, 62.3% at 24 months, and 48.1% through 51 months. Catheter half-life was 32.6 months. Infection was the most frequent catheter related complication. Incidence rate of peritonitis was 0.73, and exit site/tunnel infection was 0.42 episodes per patient-year. Median time to first episode was 11.7 months for peritonitis, and 26.3 months for exit site/tunnel infection. Infection led to removal of 28.6% of implanted devices, mechanical blockage resulted in 6.4% loss, and pericatheter leak and tubing break each accounted for 1.6% of catheter removals. The polyurethane, pail handle, coiled tip peritoneal catheter was found to be a reliable long-term access device compared with reported performances of other catheter types. An adverse outcome was identified in the current clinical series with a model design using a permanently attached catheter adapter that caused large exit site wounds that were predisposed to infection and catheter loss.  相似文献   

Chronic lung disease (CLD) of prematurity may be caused by a number of insults during mechanical ventilation, including barotrauma and hyperoxia. To evaluate bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) in infants with CLD of prematurity, we measured changes in transcutaneous oxygen tensions (tcPO2) during methacholine inhalation challenge. Twelve infants with CLD and 22 age-matched children without respiratory diseases were enrolled in this study (ages--5 to 36 months; mean age--16.2 months). Serial doses of methacholine were doubled until a 10% decrease in tcPO2 from baseline was reached. The cumulative dose of methacholine inhaled by the time tcPO2 had been reached (Dmin-PO2) was considered to represent the dose at which reactivity to methacholine (RO2meth) had occurred. In the CLD group, Dmin-PO2 (3.50 +/- 0.1 log x milli-units) was significantly lower than in the preterm control infant group (4.31 +/- 0.2 log x milli-units) and the term infant group (4.21 +/- 0.1 log x milli-units) (P = 0.004, P < 0.001). Dmin-PO2 in the preterm control infant group was not significantly different than in the term infant group (P > 0.5). These results suggest that infants who require additional therapeutic oxygen and mechanical ventilation during the early months of life are at risk of developing early-onset, long-lasting respiratory disease that is related to an acquired BHR.  相似文献   

We experienced 8 cases who required reoperations, including 2 re-redo operations, after repairs of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms. Of 8 patients, one patient developed a new aneurysm due to atherosclerosis in thoraco-abdominal aorta involving all visceral arteries and other 7 patients had aneurysmal formations at proximal anastomotic sites, including 3 suprarenal, 2 juxtarenal and 2 infrarenal aortic lesions. Etiology at initial operation in patients who subsequently developed anastomotic aneurysms included vasculo-Beh?et disease in 4, atherosclerosis in 2 and dissecting aortic aneurysms type III due to Marfan syndrome in 1. At reoperation, all who had vasculo-Beh?et disease had ruptures of anastomotic sites and 2 patients underwent repairs of dehiscent patch, 1 extra-anatomic bypass between ascending and abdominal aorta and 1 interposition of graft. One patient who had graft infection after repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm required axillo-femoral bypass with removal of infected graft. A patient who had dehiscence of proximal anastomosis after repair of aortoiliac occlusive disease required interposition of graft. Two patients, Marfan syndrome and aneurysm in thoraco-abdominal aorta, underwent graft replacement of thoraco-abdominal aorta concomitant with reconstruction of all visceral arteries. There were 8 patients who required reoperations for aneurysms at distal anastomotic sites after repairs of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Five patients underwent repairs of new aneurysms, including replacement of total arch in 3, descending aorta in 1 and iliac artery in 1. In all cases, no hospital death was noted, however, late deaths were occurred in vasculo-Beh?et disease, Marfan syndrome and graft infection. Thus, late result depends on etiology of disease. Although patients who requires reoperation after repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms have higher operative risk factors, early and late results are satisfactory compared to initial operations.  相似文献   

The surgical management of regional nodes in patients with cancer has been controversial for many years. This paper reviews the role of elective lymph node dissection in the management of malignant melanoma. The evidence for and against elective lymphadenectomy is discussed and a policy of therapeutic, rather than elective, lymph node excision recommended.  相似文献   

Hyperamylasaemia may occur following abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture and its use as a prognostic indicator has been suggested. However, the isoenzyme responsible for the rise in serum amylase has not been investigated. In this study, isoenzyme analysis was performed on the serum of patients noted to have a raised amylase from their routine biochemistry samples. Individual cases were then reviewed regarding clinical course and outcome. The pancreas has been thought to be the predominant source of the observed hyperamylasaemia. However, in this study a mixed picture of pancreatic and salivary isoenzymes was found. Of the four highest recorded amylase levels two were salivary in origin, one pancreatic and one mixed. The highest recorded amylase level was of salivary origin in a patient that survived without any major complication. The four patients that died all showed evidence of gut infarction/ischaemia. Two had hyperamylasaemia of a mixed pattern, one pancreatic and one of salivary origin.  相似文献   

A study of 150 patients examined by ultrasonography is described. It was designed specifically to diagnose and investigate abdominal aortic aneurysms. Sixty-four aneurysms were found. Ultrasonography was useful in distinguishing aneurysms from other conditions and there was a high degree of correlation between size measured by scanning and operative size. In addition to the demonstration of rupture it was possible to perform serial measurements. The technique is simple and quick and causes minimal disturbance to the patient.  相似文献   

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