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In this paper we propose a multi-agent system modeling language (MAS-ML) that extends UML (Unified Modeling Language) based on structural and dynamic properties presented in a conceptual framework (metamodel) called Taming Agents and Objects (TAO). Our focus is the adaptation according to TAO concepts of the static Class diagram and the interaction Sequence diagram proposed by UML. These two diagrams have been chosen because they are the most commonly used and because it is possible to use them to illustrate both the structural and dynamic aspects of TAO metamodel. We propose a conservative extension of the UML metamodel, which includes agent-related notions that are part of the TAO conceptual framework while preserving all object-related concepts, which constitute the UML metamodel. The main difference between our approach and the others presented in the literature is the clear definition and representation of the elements that compose MASs and their corresponding behavior. In order to extend UML with TAO non-object concepts, it is not possible to use only the three basic extensions mechanisms provided by UML and new metaclasses and stereotypes have been created and associated with the UML metamodel.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an approach for the construction of meta-CASE workbenches, which suitably integrates the technology of visual language generation systems, UML metamodeling, and interoperability techniques based on the GXL (graph exchange language) format. The proposed system consists of two major components. Environments for single visual languages are generated by using the modeling language environment generator (MEG), which follows a metamodel/grammar-approach. The abstract syntax of a visual language is defined by UML class diagrams, which serve as a base for the grammar specification of the language. The workbench generator (WoG) allows designers to specify the target workbench by means of a process model given in terms of a suitable activity diagram. Starting from the supplied specification WoG generates the customized workbench by integrating the required environments.  相似文献   

Model transformation is a fundamental technology in the MDA. Therefore, model transformations should be treated as first class entities, that is, models. One could use the metamodel of SDM, a graph based object transformation language, as the metamodel of such transformation models. However, there are two problems associated with this. First, SDM has a non-standardized metamodel, meaning a specific tool (Fujaba) would be needed to write transformation specifications. Secondly, due to assumptions of the code generator, the transformations could only be deployed on the Fujaba tool itself. In this paper, we describe how these issues have been overcome through the development of a template based code generator that translates instances of a UML profile for SDM to complete model transformation code that complies to the JMI standard. We have validated this approach by specifying a simple visual refactoring in one UML tool and deploying the generated plugin on another UML tool.  相似文献   

Model transformations written for an input metamodel may often apply to other metamodels that share similar concepts. For example, a transformation written to refactor Java models can be applicable to refactoring UML class diagrams as both languages share concepts such as classes, methods, attributes, and inheritance. Deriving motivation from this example, we present an approach to make model transformations reusable such that they function correctly across several similar metamodels. Our approach relies on these principal steps: (1) We analyze a transformation to obtain an effective subset of used concepts. We prune the input metamodel of the transformation to obtain an effective input metamodel containing the effective subset. The effective input metamodel represents the true input domain of transformation. (2) We adapt a target input metamodel by weaving it with aspects such as properties derived from the effective input metamodel. This adaptation makes the target metamodel a subtype of the effective input metamodel. The subtype property ensures that the transformation can process models conforming to the target input metamodel without any change in the transformation itself. We validate our approach by adapting well known refactoring transformations (Encapsulate Field, Move Method, and Pull Up Method) written for an in-house domain-specific modeling language (DSML) to three different industry standard metamodels (Java, MOF, and UML).  相似文献   

在模型驱动开发的场景下,保证UML模型的一致性具有重要意义,但目前大多数UML/MDA工具仪提供了有限支持。该文提出了一种基于代数重写逻辑的UML模型一致性检查的方法。首先定义了基于两级代数规范的实施构架以分别检查UML模型的没讣时和运行时语义一致性,其次定义了检查包括类图、状态机图和顺序图在内的多图一致性的重写规则。该方法为保持面向可执行的UML模型的一致性提供了有效支持。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a temporal class diagram language useful to model temporal varying data. The atemporal portion of the language contains the core constructors available in both EER diagrams and UML class diagrams. The temporal part of the language is able to distinguish between temporal and atemporal constructs, and it has the ability to represent dynamic constraints between classes. The language is characterized by a model-theoretic (temporal) semantics. Reasoning services as logical implication and satisfiability are also defined. We show that reasoning on finite models is different from reasoning on unrestricted ones. Then, we prove that reasoning on temporal class diagrams is an undecidable problem on both unrestricted models and on finite ones.  相似文献   

In the paper we propose an approach for the construction of meta-CASE workbenches. The approach is based on the technology of visual language generation systems and on UML meta modeling. Visual modeling environments are generated starting from UML class diagrams specifying abstract syntax of the underlying visual language. The meta-CASE generates a workbench by integrating a set of visual modeling environments through inter-consistency constraints defined on the corresponding UML class diagrams.  相似文献   

基于规则的UML设计模型的一致性检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统一建模语言(UML)是业界公认的主流面向对象建模语言,为系统开发提供了丰富的建模元素。由于UML不同建模元素之间缺乏准确定义的关系,因此UML模型往往会出现不一致性问题。针对该问题,提出了一种基于规则的检验方法。该方法把UML设计模型和一致性条件分别映射为规则系统的事实库和规则库,如果事实库与规则库不匹配,则表示设计模型中存在不一致性。我们使用自主开发的一种“面向对象-规则语言系统”作为检验一致性的规则系统,它集成了面向对象语言和规则语言两种范型,有利于统一使用C++语言来设计并实现一致性检验工具,提高一致性检验效率。  相似文献   

ContextGeneralization is a fundamental relationship in object orientation and in the UML (Unified Modeling Language). The generalization relationship is represented in the UML metamodel as a “directed relationship”.ObjectiveBeing a directed relationship corresponds to the nature of generalization in the semantic domain of object orientation: a relationship that is directed from the subclass to the superclass. However, we claim that the particular form this relationship adopts in the metamodel is erroneous, which entails a series of inconveniencies for model manipulation tools that try to adhere to the UML specification. Moreover, we think that this error could be due to a misinterpretation of the relationships between metamodeling levels in the UML: represented reality (M0), model (M1) and metamodel (M2). This problem also affects other directed relationships: Dependency and its various subtypes, Include and Extend between use cases, and others.MethodWe analyze the features of the generalization relationship in various domains and how it has been metamodeled in UML. We examine the problems, both theoretical and technological, posed by the UML metamodel of generalization. We then compare it with the metamodel of other directed relationships.ResultsWe arrive at the conclusion that the metamodel of all directed relationships could be improved. Namely, we claim that, at level M2, the metamodel should not contain any one-way meta-associations: all meta-associations should be two-way, both for practical and theoretical reasons.ConclusionsThe rationale for our main claim can be summarized as follows: connected graphical symbols do know each other, and the goal of a metamodel is to specify the syntactic properties of a language, ergo meta-associations must be two-way. This, of course, does not preclude at all the use of one-way associations at the user model level (M1).  相似文献   

In the process of extending the UML metamodel for a specific domain, the metamodel specifier introduces frequently some metaassociations at MOF level M2 with the aim that they induce some specific associations at MOF level M1. For instance, if a metamodel for software process modelling states that a “Role” is responsible for an “Artifact”, we can interpret that its specifier intended to model two aspects: (1) the implications of this metaassociation at level M1 (e.g., the specific instance of Role “TestEngineer” is responsible for the specific instance of Artifact “TestPlans”); and (2) the implications of this metaassociation at level M0 (e.g., “John Doe” is the responsible test engineer for elaborating the test plans for the package “Foo”). Unfortunately, the second aspect is often not enforced by the metamodel and, as a result, the models which are defined as its instances may not incorporate it. This problem, consequence of the so-called “shallow instantiation” in Atkinson and Kühne (Procs. UML’01, LNCS 2185, Springer, 2001), prevents these models from being accurate enough in the sense that they do not express all the information intended by the metamodel specifier and consequently do not distinguish metaassociations that induce associations at M1 from those that do not. In this article we introduce the concept of induced association that may come up when an extension of the UML metamodel is developed. The implications that this concept has both in the extended metamodel and in its instances are discussed. We also present a methodology to enforce that M1 models incorporate the associations induced by the metamodel which they are instances from. Next, as an example of application we present a quality metamodel for software artifacts which makes intensive use of induced associations. Finally, we introduce a software tool to assist the development of quality models as correct instantiations of the metamodel, assuring the proper application of the induced associations as required by the metamodel.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe successive versions of a metamodeling language using a set-theoretic formalization. We focus on language extension mechanisms, particularly on the relatively new subset and union properties of MOF 2.0 and the UML 2.0 Infrastructure. We use Liskov substitutability as the rationale for our formalization. We also show that property redefinitions are not a safe language extension mechanism. Each language version provides new features, and we note how such features cannot be mixed arbitrarily. Instead, constraints over the metamodel and model structures must be established. We expect that this article provides a better understanding of the foundations of MOF 2.0, which is necessary to define new extensions, model transformation languages and tools.  相似文献   

A number of proposals for integrating geographical (Geographical Information Systems—GIS) and multidimensional (data warehouse—DW and online analytical processing—OLAP) processing are found in the database literature. However, most of the current approaches do not take into account the use of a GDW (geographical data warehouse) metamodel or query language to make available the simultaneous specification of multidimensional and spatial operators. To address this, this paper discusses the UML class diagram of a GDW metamodel and proposes its formal specifications. We then present a formal metamodel for a geographical data cube and propose the Geographical Multidimensional Query Language (GeoMDQL) as well. GeoMDQL is based on well-known standards such as the MultiDimensional eXpressions (MDX) language and OGC simple features specification for SQL and has been specifically defined for spatial OLAP environments based on a GDW. We also present the GeoMDQL syntax and a discussion regarding the taxonomy of GeoMDQL query types. Additionally, aspects related to the GeoMDQL architecture implementation are described, along with a case study involving the Brazilian public healthcare system in order to illustrate the proposed query language.  相似文献   

In model driven architecture (MDA), system requirements are first captured by UML (unified mod- eling language) use cases with sequence diagrams to describe their intended use and implemented by classes of objected-oriented languages in the subsequent design stages. It is important that the dynamic behavior specified by the sequence diagrams is in full compliance with the implementation classes. This paper proposes an auto- matic approach and tool support for generating class contracts, which define a precondition and a postcondition for each operation of the class. The former serves as a guard to ensure invocations of the operations respect the semantics introduced by the sequence diagrams, and the latter places the system in a legal state to facilitate the succeeding operation calls. The contracts can be easily mapped to code of an object-oriented language such as Java. Thus, the approach helps to bridge the gap between the requirements and design stages of system development process. We use our model transformation tool to first generate a UML protocol state machine from the sequence diagrams, and then derive the contracts for a controller class. The transformations take into account the concurrency and critical constructs of the respective UML diagrams.  相似文献   

ContextModel-Driven Development (MDD) is an alternative approach for information systems development. The basic underlying concept of this approach is the definition of abstract models that can be transformed to obtain models near implementation. One fairly widespread proposal in this sphere is that of Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Business process models are abstract models which additionally contain key information about the tasks that are being carried out to achieve the company’s goals, and two notations currently exist for modelling business processes: the Unified Modelling Language (UML), through activity diagrams, and the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN).ObjectiveOur research is particularly focused on security requirements, in such a way that security is modelled along with the other aspects that are included in a business process. To this end, in earlier works we have defined a metamodel called secure business process (SBP), which may assist in the process of developing software as a source of highly valuable requirements (including very abstract security requirements), which are transformed into models with a lower abstraction level, such as analysis class diagrams and use case diagrams through the approach presented in this paper.MethodWe have defined all the transformation rules necessary to obtain analysis class diagrams and use case diagrams from SBP, and refined them through the characteristic iterative process of the action-research method.ResultsWe have obtained a set of rules and a checklist that make it possible to automatically obtain a set of UML analysis classes and use cases, starting from SBP models. Our approach has additionally been applied in a real environment in the area of the payment of electrical energy consumption.ConclusionsThe application of our proposal shows that our semi-automatic process can be used to obtain a set of useful artifacts for software development processes.  相似文献   

UML is currently the most widely used modeling language for the specification of the conceptual schema (CS) of an information system (IS). However, UML falls short when it comes to allow business people to define in their own language (e.g. using their own terms in natural language) the policies and rules by which they run their business. To this purpose, the semantics of business vocabulary and business rules (SBVR) metamodel specification was proposed. SBVR is conceptualized optimally for business people and it is designed to be used for business purposes, independently of information systems designs.  相似文献   

Recently, we proposed an integrated formal semantics based on graph transformation for central aspects of UML class, object and state diagrams. In this paper, we explain the basic ideas of that approach and show how two more UML diagram types, sequence and collaboration diagrams, can be captured. For UML models consisting of a class diagram and particular state diagrams, a graph transformation system can be defined. Its graphs are associated with system states and its rules with operations in the class diagram and transitions in the state diagrams. Sequence and collaboration diagrams then characterize sequences of operation applications and therefore sequences of transformation rule applications. Thus valid sequence and collaboration diagrams correspond to derivations induced by the graph transformation system. Proceeding this way, it can be checked for example whether such an operation application sequence may be applied in a specific system state.  相似文献   

Despite the status of united modeling language (UML) as the de facto standard for object oriented modeling, it has received controversial reviews. The most controversial diagram in UML is the use case diagram. Some practitioners claim that use case diagrams are not valuable in requirements analysis and some have even argued that use case diagrams should not be part of UML. This research examined the values of use case diagram in interpreting requirements when use case diagrams are used in conjunction with class diagrams. In other words, the study investigated the possible synergetic values and relationships between the use case and class diagrams in the context of requirements analysis. This study used theories from cognitive psychology as its theoretical and conceptual foundation. The data collection utilized the verbal protocol technique in which subjects were asked to think aloud as they interpreted the use case and class diagrams. The results show that the use case diagrams were more completely interpreted than the class diagrams. The presence or absence of one diagram when interpreting another diagram had no effect on the outcome of the interpretation. From the results, we argue that the use case diagrams and class diagrams depict different aspects of the problem domain, they have very little overlap in the information captured, and both are necessary in requirements analysis.  相似文献   

The unified modeling language (UML) is one of the most commonly used modeling languages in the software industry. It simplifies the complex process of design by providing a set of graphical notations, which helps express the objectoriented analysis and design of software projects. Although UML is applicable to different types of systems, domains, methods, and processes, it cannot express certain problem domain needs. Therefore, many extensions to UML have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a framework for integrating the UML extensions and then use the framework to propose an integrated unified modeling language-graphical (iUML-g) form. iUML-g integrates the existing UML extensions into one integrated form. This includes an integrated diagram for UML class, sequence, and use case diagrams. The proposed approach is evaluated using a case study. The proposed iUML-g is capable of modeling systems that use different domains.  相似文献   

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