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We tested the efficacy of the All strain of Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) against larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). In laboratory bioassays we found that (1) commercially formulated nematodes produced in vitro were as effective as nematodes produced in vivo, (2) resistance of P. xylostella to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp. kurstaki did not confer cross-resistance to nematodes, (3) mortality caused by nematodes was higher for early than late 3rd-instar P. xylostella larvae, and (4) no interaction occurred when B. thuringiensis and nematodes were combined against a susceptible strain of P. xylostella, but an antagonistic interaction occurred between the 2 pathogens against a strain of P. xylostella resistant to B. thuringiensis. In field trials conducted on 2 watercress [Rorippa Nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek] farms in Hawaii, nematodes provided 41% control, B. thuringiensis subsp. aizawai gave 44% control, and the combined treatment (B. thuringiensis plus nematodes both at half rate) resulted in 58% control. Using nemodes to control diamondback moth can theoretically reduce resistance development in diamondback moth populations to B. thuringiensis products, but repeated applications of nematodes will probably be ineffective in attaining control (suggested in simulation model). The results of this study demonstrate that nematodes may be a useful component of integrated pest management programs if efficacy can be increased, especially for populations of P. xylostella that are resistant to B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

Using synthetic substrates we have characterised carboxypeptidase activity in gut extracts from Helicoverpa armigera larvae. Carboxypeptidase A activity predominates, with only low levels of carboxypeptidase B activity present. Maximum carboxypeptidase A activity occurs over a broad pH range and is inhibited by phenanthroline and potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor. A cDNA clone encoding carboxypeptidase (the first such sequence from a lepidopteran insect) was isolated from a larval gut library. The sequence predicts a secreted polypeptide of Mr 46.6 k with homology to metallocarboxypeptidases from mammalian and invertebrate species. The presence of a serine residue at the active site suggests carboxypeptidase A activity. To further characterise the gene product, the complete cDNA sequence was expressed in insect cells using the baculovirus system. Culture supernatant from these cells contained carboxypeptidase A activity, with no activity against a carboxypeptidase B substrate; the carboxypeptidase B activity in gut extracts must thus be due to a separate enzyme. In agreement with this conclusion, the expressed carboxypeptidase cDNA is a member of a small multigene family. Chronic ingestion of soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor by H. armigera larvae results in increased accumulation of carboxypeptidase mRNA in the midgut cells, and an increase in carboxypeptidase A activity detected in gut extract.  相似文献   

Blue biliproteins (BPs) are found in the hemolymph and integument of the fifth instar larvae of the saturniid silkworm, Rhodinia fugax. An efficient method of isolating BPs from the hemolymph, epidermis and cuticle using hydrophobic interaction chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography was devised. The BPs from the hemolymph, epidermis and cuticle have molecular weights of approximately 24,000, 48,000 and 23,000 Da by gel-filtration, respectively. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight/mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS), the respective molecular masses were determined to be 22,641, 22,908 and 22,737 Da. Based on these results, BP molecules from the hemolymph and cuticle are assumed to be monomers, whereas the epidermal BP is a dimer. The amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequences of the BPs from the hemolymph and cuticle (BP-I) are very similar, but the BP from the epidermis (BP-II) is quite different. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of these BPs share approximately 50% identity with the biliproteins from other lepidopteran insects. The blue color of BP is due to the presence of bile pigments, which are non-covalently bound to the apoprotein. The absorbance spectrum of BP-I from the hemolymph revealed maxima at 280 and 669 nm, while that of BP-II showed maxima at 280, 385 and 663 nm. The pigment dimethyl esters were extracted from BP-I and BP-II with acidic methanol and dichloromethane. The results of these analyses suggest that the blue pigments of BP-I and BP-II are different; BP-I contains a phorcabilin-like pigment while BP-II contains biliverdin IX gamma. In an immunoblot analysis, anti-BP-I antibodies, produced against hemolymph BP-I, reacted with immunoreactive proteins in the hemolymph and cuticle of R. fugax. These anti-BP-I antibodies did not react with BP-II and only cross-reacted weakly with Samia cynthia ricini biliverdin-binding protein (BBP)-II.  相似文献   

A one-step high-yielding procedure is presented for the purification of a trypsin-like proteinase from Ostrinia nubilalis larvae, consisting of benzamidine-sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as judged by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme presents a molecular mass of 24 650 Da, a maximum pH activity profile of 9.5, a remarkable thermal stability and an optimum temperature of about 53 degrees C Km values determined using N alpha-benzoyl-DL-arginine-ethylester and N alpha-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitro-anilide were 3.2 x 10(-5) M and 4.1 x 10(-4) M respectively. The proteinase was inhibited by some typical serine proteinase inhibitors such as N alpha-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, soybean trypsin inhibitors, benzamidine and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. In particular, it was competitively inhibited by benzamidine with a Ki of 1.2 x 10(-5) M, whereas it was not affected by cysteine proteinases inhibitors. Comparative analysis of the amino acid composition and N-terminal sequence of O. nubilalis proteinase confirmed that this enzyme is very similar to other serine proteinases from lepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   

It is known that human serum contains natural antibodies to self and non-self proteins. We wished to determine whether normal human serum contains antibodies to dietary proteins that were never injected. We found that human serum contains antibodies to the two major proteins from cloves of garlic (Allium sativum) which is used as a flavorigard dietary food additive. The antibodies found were directed against alliinase and mannose-specific Allium sativum agglutinin (ASA). The antibodies were purified by affinity chromatography on their corresponding antigens. The purified immunoglobulins were mainly of the IgG and IgM classes and could be divided into two categories--specific and crossreactive. The anti-alliinase antibodies were highly specific, while anti-ASA antibodies were polyreactive. Some of the possible reasons for this difference in specificity are suggested.  相似文献   

Although there are noteworthy commonalities among disparate theories of hypnosis, they are neither as readily integrated nor as complementary as J. E Kihlstrom (1998) and E. Woody and P. Sadler (1998) implied. All current theories of hypnosis, including our social cognitive model, are provisional and incomplete, and each has something of value to offer. However, the multiple streams of consciousness hypothesis and the hypnotic state hypothesis should be abandoned because they are neither well supported by data nor consistent with current research and theory in social and cognitive psychology. In their place, the authors propose theoretical formulations based on such concepts as response sets, hierarchical control systems, associative memory networks, automatic activation of behavior, motivation, intention, and response expectancy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

S. C. Draine and A. G. Greenwald (see record 1999-10824-004) demonstrated replicable unconscious semantic priming by combining a response window procedure, which increases priming effects by requiring rapid responding, and a regression analysis in which the regression intercept is a marker for unconscious cognition. The commentaries by B. A. Dosher (see record 1999-10824-006) and by P. M. Merikle and E. A. Reingold (see record 1999-10824-005) raise two questions about conclusions based on these methods: (a) Did Draine and Greenwald (1998) demonstrate an indirect effect (subliminal priming) in the absence of a direct effect (i.e., visibility of the subliminal priming words)? and (b) Did Draine and Greenwald (1998) demonstrate dissociation of conscious from unconscious cognition? The first question has reassuring responses that are reviewed here. The second question is answered by pointing out that although Draine and Greenwald (1998) did not claim to have established such dissociation, they provided data that advance the plausibility of that conclusion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

GM and KM immunoglobulin (Ig) allotypes have been tested in 310 autochthonous Basques from the three subpopulations of Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, and Alava, Spain. They are compared with allotypes occurring in autochthonous French Basques, some Pyrenean subpopulations in France, and European populations. The analysis suggests that the Basque subpopulations show noticeable genetic distances between them and with other European populations. The genetic similarity between Basques and European populations is greater in the Basques from France than in the Basques from Spain. The genetic distances between Basque subpopulations in Spain fit well with the different historical levels of the spatial implantation of the Basque language. Guipúzcoa, the Basque province with the highest number of Basque-speaking people, shows the most genetic distinctiveness. The main underlying cause of this spatial genetic pattern seems to be admixture with surrounding populations. Our results do not support the hypothesis that Basques are a relict population of ancient Europeans. They might be a consequence of the colonization of the Basque area by a long-distance migrating group, probably a small Neolithic North Caucasian population that introduced agriculture in the region. They experienced early, rapid demographic growth, and they did not breed with the few hunter-gatherers wandering throughout the area. The North Caucasian migrants could have admixed with North Asian groups dating from many centuries before. Furthermore, Basques present polymorphic frequencies of a common African haplotype, suggesting that they have not been completely isolated from populations of Africa. However, another focus of the African haplotype has been detected in Central Asia, and the Basque frequencies alternatively might be due to North Asian groups.  相似文献   

J. H. Bray's (see record 1995-11196-001) and R. D. Parke's (see record 1995-11204-001) comments on M. A. Fine and L. A. Kurdek's (see record 1995-11198-001) article are constructive, and their efforts have extended the dialogue on the important issue of publishing multiple journal articles from a single data set. This article identifies areas of agreement with Bray and Parke and comments on additional issues that they raised. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine responses to a short-term separation from the partner in 2 species of pair-bonding primates: lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) and marmosets (Callithrix kuhli). Observations were conducted on well-established pairs during a preseparation baseline, a 1-hr separation, and a postseparation reunion. Lion tamarins responded to separation with increased levels of distress, relative to marmosets. Affiliative behavior increased in marmosets upon reunion, whereas affiliative behavior decreased upon reunion in lion tamarins. In marmosets, there were more trials in which sexual interactions were recorded during the postseparation reunion, whereas in lion tamarins, no increases were observed. The results indicate that the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of social and sexual relationships may differ in these 2 species. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Potential toxicity from exposure to mercury vapor (Hg(o)) from dental amalgam fillings is the subject of current public health debate in many countries. We evaluated potential central nervous system (CNS) toxicity associated with handling Hg-containing amalgam materials among dental personnel with very low levels of Hg(o) exposure (i.e., urinary Hg <4 microg/l), applying a neurobehavioral test battery to evaluate CNS functions in relation to both recent exposure and Hg body burden. New distinctions between subtle preclinical effects on symptoms, mood, motor function, and cognition were found associated with Hg body burden as compared with those associated with recent exposure. The pattern of results, comparable to findings previously reported among subjects with urinary Hg >50 microg/l, presents convincing new evidence of adverse behavioral effects associated with low Hg(o) exposures within the range of that received by the general population.  相似文献   

PCB levels in cod, flounder, mussel and shrimp, covering a ten-year period, were assessed for temporal trends and their relation to biological parameters. A significant relation was found between the PCB levels on a wet weight basis and the total lipid content. Normalising on the total lipid content reduced the differences in PCB levels between the organisms and between different tissues within the organisms. A general downward trend was observed for the PCB levels on the Belgian continental shelf.  相似文献   

According to B. P. Karon and A. J. Widener (1997), who recently published an article in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, it is astounding that so many authoritative statements by contemporary psychologists and psychiatrists refer to repression and repressed memories as myths. The present contribution examines and critiques the evidence for this assertion. The author concludes that Karon and Widener insufficiently support their claim, that a considerable amount of evidence stands against it, and that no reliable or valid demonstration of repression exists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study provides the first autoradiographic evidence of age-dependent regional changes in the density of serotonin (5-HT) transporters in offspring following prenatal exposure to fluoxetine. Pregnant rats received either saline or fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, s.c.) daily from gestational day 13 through 20. The density of [3H]citalopram-labeled 5-HT transporters was determined in forebrain regions and in midbrain raphe nuclei of prepubescent and adult male offspring. Brain regions representing integral components of the limbic system were particularly sensitive to the prenatal treatment. For example, prenatal fluoxetine exposure significantly altered the density of 5-HT transporters in subregions of the hypothalamus (dorsomedial nucleus, -21%; lateral hypothalamus, +21%), hippocampus (CA2, +47%; CA3, +38%), and amygdala (basolateral nucleus, +32%; medial nucleus, +44%) in prepubescent offspring. However, 5-HT transporter density in the dorsal and median raphe was unaltered in this same group of offspring. In adult offspring, 5-HT transporter densities, in all brain regions examined, were not significantly altered by prenatal exposure to fluoxetine. The present study also identifies significant age-related differences in 5-HT transporter densities between prepubescent and adult control offspring. For example, in adult control offspring, densities of 5-HT transporters were significantly greater in the cingulate cortex (+33%), basolateral amygdala (+58%), and CA1 area of the hippocampus (+78%); but significantly lower in the temporal cortex (-65%) and median raphe (-25%). The age-dependent and site-specific alterations in the density of 5-HT transporters suggests that either 5-HT innervation and/or 5-HT neuron function in various forebrain regions may be altered by prenatal exposure to fluoxetine.  相似文献   

The myocardium of the left ventricle of the heart is a fibrous structure, the fibres being wound helically anticlockwise on the epicardium and changing progressively through the wall thickness to being wound helically clockwise on the endocardium. At any point, therefore, the material can be considered as transversely isotropic. For mechanically modelling the ventricle, two independent material properties, the along-fibre and across-fibre moduli of elasticity are required. This paper describes a computer method for determining these by using a finite element model and matching cavity volume and ventricle length against values derived from cineangiographic and pressure data. The method is applied to a group of patients with various cardiac diagnoses and the modular ratios for their myocardia are derived.  相似文献   

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