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We study the order, stability, and convergence properties of 4-point spline collocation methods if applied to differential/algebraic systems with index greater than or equal one. These methods do not in general attain the same order of accuracy for higher index differential/algebraic systems as they do for index-1 systems and for purely differential systems. We show that the 4-point spline collocation methods applied to differential/algebraic systems with index-ν are stable and the order of convergence is 8???ν, ν?=?2(1)7. For both index-1 and purely differential systems the order is seven. Finally, some numerical experiments are presented that illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper we find that the two-round (extended) Lai–Massey scheme is not pseudorandom and three-round (extended) Lai–Massey scheme is not strong pseudorandom. Combined with previous work, we prove that three rounds are necessary and sufficient for the pseudorandomness and four rounds are necessary and sufficient for the strong pseudorandomness.  相似文献   

A new calculated phase diagram of pentaerythritol [PE: C(CH2OH)4]–2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol [AMPL: (NH2)(CH3)C(CH2OH)2] ‘plastic crystals’ is presented. The low temperature PE-rich α phase has a tetragonal structure whereas the AMPL-rich β phase has a monoclinic structure. Upon heating, these low temperature α or β phases transform to high temperature γ or γ′ plastic crystal phases. The PE-rich γ phase has an FCC structure and the AMPL-rich γ′ phase has a BCC structure. The system exhibits complex behavior with one low temperature peritectoid, a high temperature eutectoid, and a peritectic. The α and β phases are assumed to be regular solutions and the plastic crystal phases (γ and γ′) are described using sub-regular solution models. The optimization for excess Gibbs energy parameters was performed using Thermo-Calc (TCC) software. The magnitudes of the interaction parameters are relatively large compared to those for similar plastic crystal binary systems.  相似文献   

Dell电脑公司推出了采用4个Xeon处理器、100MHz总线的PowerEdge 6300服务器。在ZD实验室对PowerEdge 6300进行的独家测试中,这种服务器同前一代采用4个Pentium Pro处理器的服务器相比,速度几乎提高了一倍。在7月中旬以前,PowerEdge 6300服务器不会正式上市发行,这是由于最近在英特尔公司的450NX芯片中发现了错误。  相似文献   

Conventional inventory models mostly cope with a known demand and adequate supply, but are not realistic for many industries. In this research, the fuzzy inference system (FIS) model, FIS with artificial neural network (ANN) model and FIS with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model in which both supply and demand are uncertain were applied for the inventory system. For FIS model, the generated fuzzy rules were applied to draw out the fuzzy order quantity continuously. The order quantity was adjusted according to the FIS model with the evaluation algorithm for the inventory model. The output of FIS model was also used as data for FIS + ANN and FIS + ANFIS models. The FIS + ANFIS model was studied with three membership functions; trapezoidal and triangular (Trap), Gaussian and bell shape. Inventory costs of the proposed models were compared with the stochastic economic order quantity (EOQ) models based on previous data of a case study factory. The results showed that the FIS + ANFIS_Gauss model gave the best performance of total inventory cost saving by more than 75 % compared to stochastic EOQ model.  相似文献   

常用工具 Go2map的电子地图还为您备好了各种方便易用的小工具,有了它们的帮助,您查地图就更得心应手了。 放大/缩小。在查纸地图时,要想把一个地方看得更清楚一点一般会怎么做呢?也许您会用放大镜。在go2map您不用放大镜也能做到这一点,这里为您提供了好几种放大/缩小地图的方法:①单击地图上某一点;②在地图上画框;③直接拖动图框边红色小球或点  相似文献   

我的天下 这是go2map设计的一个匠心独运的功能,可以让您随心所欲地保存10幅您自己定制的地图。小C给大家留的聚会地点图就是在这里做的。怎么样,还不错吧? “我的天下”用起来很方便,它的设计和windows的“记事本”有点类似,或者可以把它称做“带地图的记事本”。就象一打开“记事本”就可以随意写东西一样,您只要进入随便一个地图页  相似文献   

5.4 Avionics Avionics for aeronautical satellite communications have been developed for many years. The E-systems have been pioneers in the research of airborne commercial satellite communication systems for use on aircraft. Research efforts begun in 1981 resulted in the development of three generations of airborne satellite communications systems using the existing INMARSAT network [49]. In 1986, INMARSAT awarded contracts of about  相似文献   

(c) Ground Earth Station (GES) whichinterface with the space segment at C- and L-band, and with terrestrial voice and data net-works; and (d ) Ground network. 5. 1 Space Segment ·International Maritime Satellite Orga-nization (INMARSAT) Satellites INMARSAT was established in 1979 to  相似文献   

7. Possible Future Satellite Systems Up to now aeronautical mobile satellite communications have been based on the geostationary satellites. As is well known, the geostationary satellite communication system has some shortcomings, such as large path loss, longer time delay of transition, and no  相似文献   

4. New Communication System Concept Air navigation systems which promote both flight safety and regularity of aircraft are called Communications Navigation Surveillance  相似文献   

The wabot-2 is an anthropomorphic robot playing keyboard instruments, developed by the study group of Waseda University's Science and Engineering Department.The wabot-2 is equipped with hands tapping softly on keys, with legs handling bass keys and expression pedal, with eyes reading a score, and with a mouth and ears to converse with humans. Based on wabot-2, wasubot has been developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., whose artistic skill has been demonstrated in performing music at the Japanese Government Pavillion in Expo'85.The present paper summarizes the wabot-2's motion, visual and vocal subsystems as well as its supervisory system and singing voice-tracking subsystem.  相似文献   

The Convergence of TD(λ) for General λ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peter Dayan 《Machine Learning》1992,8(3-4):341-362
The method of temporal differences (TD) is one way of making consistent predictions about the future. This paper uses some analysis of Watkins (1989) to extend a convergence theorem due to Sutton (1988) from the case which only uses information from adjacent time steps to that involving information from arbitrary ones.It also considers how this version of TD behaves in the face of linearly dependent representations for states—demonstrating that it still converges, but to a different answer from the least mean squares algorithm. Finally it adapts Watkins' theorem that -learning, his closely related prediction and action learning method, converges with probability one, to demonstrate this strong form of convergence for a slightly modified version of TD.  相似文献   

元烬 《电脑》1998,(12)
据可靠消息报告,《帝国时代Ⅱ》需要到明年才能跟大家见面。而在这秋冬交接之际,微软官方发布的资料片——《罗马复兴》(TheRise of Rome)正好为大家充实一下因漫长等待而多少有点寂寞的生  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的多叉树——紧凑(a,b)树。它通过一种整编操作对树中内结点的儿子和孙子个数之间建立制约关系。在元素个数n→∞,树结点的最大儿子个数b>>4时,使树在最坏情况下的高度和空间利用率都接近最优。它的查找运算比B类树都快,它的更新运算(插入和删除)在折算意义下,即在以整个运算序列的最坏时间为代价下,与B类树的性能相同。  相似文献   

We give sufficient and necessary conditions to guarantee that a pseudo-effect algebra admits an (n + 1)-valued discrete state. We introduce n-perfect pseudo-effect algebras as algebras which can be split into n + 1 comparable slices. We prove that the category of strong n-perfect pseudo-effect algebras is categorically equivalent to the category of torsion-free directed partially ordered groups of a special type.  相似文献   

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