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The role of intracellular symbionts contributing to their host has been investigated in the planthoppers,Nilaparvata lugens Stal andLaodelphax striatellus Fallen. We have found that the isolated yeastlike symbionts, identified as a member of the genusCandida, from the host's egg produce ergosterol when cultured. A comparative study of sterols in the cultured symbionts, the host insects, aposymbiotic host insects, and dietary plants demonstrated that ergosterol produced in the symbiotes is provided to the host insects and possibly transformed in the host insects into cholesterol via 24-methylenecholesterol. The conversion of injected 24-methylenecholesterol-d3 into cholesterol has been shown in the brown planthopper (N. lugens).  相似文献   

Three species of planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens,Sogatella furcifera, andLaodelphax striatellus, showed characteristic behavior of stylet probing in parenchymal tissues of plants. Feeding experiments of planthoppers on aqueous sucrose solution containing the extract of rice plants or barnyard grass revealed the presence of the stimulant for the probing behavior in the plant tissues. EightC-glycosylflavones which stimulated stylet probing were isolated from rice plants. Four of them were identified to be schaftoside, neoschaftoside, carlinoside, and neocarlinoside, the last one being a new compound isolated from the plant. The isolatedC-glycosylflavones showed the same level of the activity for the probing ofN. lugens as the rice plant extract only when all of them were combined.  相似文献   

Originally isolated fromDipterocarpus kerrii, the two previously uncharacterized sesquiterpenes,1 and20, were synthesized from α-gurjunene. A novel process involvingm-chloroperoxybenzoic acid oxidation ofα-gurjunene produced20 in one step. Spectroscopic studies determined that the diene moiety in20 is nonconjugated and also found the C-4 tertiary alcohol center to have theα-configuration, while the other stereocenters have configurations matching the corresponding centers inα-gurjunene. Bioassays with termites demonstrated that20 was more toxic than1, resulting in a 50% mortality in seven days when offered toNeotermes ?dalbergiae on filter papers. The chemicals appear to result from biotransformation ofα-gurjunene. In view of its similarity to the known sesquiterpeneγ-gurjunene, we suggest that20 be referred to asγ-gurjunenol.  相似文献   

Rice plant volatiles extracted as steam distillates significantly affected the behavior and biology of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). In a multichoice test, more females settled and fed on tillers of a susceptible rice variety Taichung Native 1 (TN1), sprayed with its own extract or acetone than on TN1 tillers sprayed with the extract of the resistant variety ARC6650 or Ptb33. In another test,N. lugens females ingested significantly more of a 10% sucrose solution mixed with TN1 steam distillate extract than of plain sucrose solution or that mixed with extracts of resistant varieties. Topical application of the extracts of resistant varieties Mudgo, ASD7, Rathu Heenati, Babawee, Ptb33, and ARC6650 caused significantly higher mortality of females than did the TN1 extract. Likewise, significantly more first-instar nymphs died when they were caged on susceptible TN1 plants sprayed with the extracts of resistant varieties than on plants sprayed with TN1 extract. The extract of 60-day-old resistant plants was more toxic than the extract of 30-, 45-, or 100-day-old plants. However, toxicity of the extract from susceptible TN1 remained low at all plant growth stages.Principal Research Scientist (ICIPE), based at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines.  相似文献   

The protein-precipitating capacities of tanniferous extracts from immature and mature leaves of threeShorea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae) seedlings were measured by an adaptation of Goldstein and Swain's -glucosidase precipitation assay. Protein precipitation by the extracts was not correlated with total phenolics (Folin-Denis assay) or proanthocyanidin content (BuOH-HCl assay) as measured in an earlier study. Extracts ofS. maxwelliana mature leaves had much lower protein-precipitating capacity than those ofS. acuminata andS. leprosula, but fewer insect species feed on and cause less damage to the foliage ofS. maxwelliana compared with the other species' foliage. Immature leaf extracts ofS. leprosula andS. acuminata had substantial protein-precipitating capacities which in the latter species exceeded that of its mature leaf extracts. Leaf extracts precipitated less protein when initial protein concentration was reduced, although not limiting, but no effect or the reverse effect occurred with quebracho tannin and tannic acid. Problems in the characterization of foliage astringency and the interpretation of its role as a potential antiherbivore defense are discussed.  相似文献   

This study characterized the chemical response of healthy red pine to artificial inoculation with the bark beetle-vectored fungusLeptographium terebrantis. In addition, we sought to determine whether stress altered this induced response and to understand the implications of these interactions to the study of decline diseases. Twenty-five-year-old trees responded to mechanical wounding or inoculation withL. terebrantis by producing resinous reaction lesions in the phloem. Aseptically wounded and wound-inoculated phloem contained higher concentrations of phenolics than did constitutive tissue. Trees inoculated withL. terebrantis also contained higher concentrations of six monoterpenes,-pinene,-pinene, 3-carene, limonene, camphene, and myrcene, and higher total monoterpenes than did trees that were mechanically wounded or left unwounded. Concentrations of these monoterpenes increased with time after inoculation. Total phenolic concentrations in unwounded stem tissue did not differ between healthy and root-diseased trees. Likewise, constitutive monoterpene concentrations in stem phloem were similar between healthy and root-diseased trees. However, when stem phloem tissue was challenged with fungal inoculations, reaction tissue from root-diseased trees contained lower concentrations of-pinene, the predominant monoterpene in red pine, than did reaction tissue from healthy trees. Seedlings stressed by exposure to low light levels exhibited less extensive induced chemical changes when challenge inoculated withL. terebrantis than did seedlings growing under higher light. Stem phloem tissue in these seedlings contained lower concentrations of-pinene than did nonstressed seedlings also challenge inoculated withL. terebrantis. It is hypothesized that monoterpenes and phenolics play a role in the defensive response of red pine against insect-fungal attack, that stress may predispose red pine to attack by insect-fungal complexes, and that such interactions are involved in red pine decline disease. Implications to plant defense theory and interactions among multiple stress agents in forest decline are discussed.To whom correspondence should be addressed at USDA Forest Service, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville, Louisiana 71360.  相似文献   

Extracts of volatiles from foliage of three plants in the Apiaceae, Conium maculatum L. (hemlock), Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander), and Petroselinum crispum Mill. (Nym.) (parsley), previously shown to exhibit antifeedant activity in assays with the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum (Muller) (Limacidae: Pulmonata), were studied further to identify the active components. Coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and neurophysiological assays using tentacle nerve preparations resulted in the identification of 11 active compounds from the three extracts. Wheat flour feeding bioassays were used to determine which of these compounds had the highest antifeedant activity. One of the most active compounds was the alkaloid gamma-coniceine, from C. maculatum. The role of potentially toxic alkaloids as semiochemicals and the potential for using such compounds as crop protection agents to prevent slug feeding damage is discussed.  相似文献   

Salvia leucophylla, a shrub observed in coastal south California, produces several volatile monoterpenoids (camphor, 1,8-cineole, -pinene, -pinene, and camphene) that potentially act as allelochemicals. The effects of these were examined using Brassica campestris as the test plant. Camphor, 1,8-cineole, and -pinene inhibited germination of B. campestris seeds at high concentrations, whereas -pinene and camphene did not. Root growth was inhibited by all five monoterpenoids in a dose-dependent manner, but hypocotyl growth was largely unaffected. The monoterpenoids did not alter the sizes of matured cells in either hypocotyls or roots, indicating that cell expansion is relatively insensitive to these compounds. They did not decrease the mitotic index in the shoot apical region, but specifically lowered mitotic index in the root apical meristem. Moreover, morphological and biochemical analyses on the incorporation of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine into DNA demonstrated that the monoterpenoids inhibit both cell-nuclear and organelle DNA synthesis in the root apical meristem. These results suggest that the monoterpenoids produced by S. leucophylla could interfere with the growth of other plants in its vicinity through inhibition of cell proliferation in the root apical meristem.  相似文献   

Two sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, -copaene and -ylangene, were isolated from bioactive fractions of angelica seed oil and were shown by field bioassays to be attractive to the male Mediterranean fruit fly. Their relative attractiveness, compared with the(+)-and (–)--copaene enantiomers, are: (+)--copaene>angelica -copaene>angelica -ylangene>(–)--copaene. The enantiomer ratios for the two compounds are: -copaene, 61.4% (+), 38.6% (–); -ylangene, 91.9% (+), 8.1% (–).trans--Bergamotene was also isolated from the same fractions, but in sufficient quantity for bioassay [enantiomer ratio: 95.7% (+), 4.3% (–)].  相似文献   

Two diterpenoid alcohols, ent-kauran-16-ol (1) and ent-atisan-16-ol (2), were isolated from pre bloom (R3-R4 stage) sunflower heads as oviposition stimulants for the banded sunflower moth, Cochylis hospes. Fractionation of a sunflower head extract, by normal-phase flash column chromatography, resulted in an early eluting fraction exhibiting significant activity in an egg-laying bioassay. Compounds 1 and 2, along with ent-trachyloban- 19-oic acid (3) and ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (4), were isolated as the major components of this fraction and identified by their NMR and mass spectra. The purified compounds were individually tested for ovipositional activity in dose-response bioassays. In these bioassays, compounds 1 and 2 gave linear dose responses, with increasing numbers of eggs laid as the dosage of either increased. Compounds 3 and 4 failed to stimulate significant egg-laying at any of the dosages tested. A factorial design bioassay, using compounds 1 and 2, showed that 1 was relatively more stimulatory than 2, and that there was no synergistic effect on oviposition when the two compounds were combined.  相似文献   

The antennal response ofDendroctonus valens to host monoterpenes from the resin of ponderosa pine was studied using the electroantennogram (EAG) technique. Male and female beetles were given a single dose of each of 11 different monoterpenes. Response amplitude to the different compounds did not vary between sexes and was generally well correlated with results from field attraction studies. Response to (S)-(–)--pinene was greatest. The relative amplitude of the responses to the (R)-(+) and (S)-(–) enantiomers of a-pinene, however, were reversed from their relative attractiveness in the field. A dose-response study was conducted for the (R)-(+) and (S) -(–) enantiomers of a-pinene, plus a reciprocal differential saturation test with successive doses of first one enantiomer of-pinene and then the other. Comparison of EAG traces suggests different receptors for the two stereoisomers of-pinene. Differential saturation curves suggest that while one set of receptors may respond to both enantiomers, some receptors respond only to the (S)-(–) enantiomer.  相似文献   

Parameters which affect the electrosynthesis of 4,4-dinitroazobenzene from p-nitroaniline on platinum and PbO2 electrodes were investigated and optimum conditions were determined. Maximum conversion efficiency for electrosynthesis was 95% with a pure -PbO2 electrode. It was found that the electrocatalytic activity of a PbO2 electrode depends upon its / ratio and its degree of crystallinity. The effects of the added base and water on the conversion efficiency were also elucidated.  相似文献   

A volatile kairomone of the two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae, elicits a searching response of the phytoseiid predatorAmblyseius potentillae, only when the predator is reared on a carotenoid-free diet. However, after addition of crystalline -carotene or vitamin A acetate to the predator's rearing diet this searching response was absent. Because vitamin A and -carotene are indispensable nutrients for diapause induction, the carotenoid-deficient predators increase their fitness by searching for two-spotted spider mites, when other spider mites are unavailable. Two-spotted spider mites, among others, contain the carotenoids required for diapause induction, but are an inferior prey due to the dense webbing they produce. When the predators have carotenoids at their disposal, they do better by searching for other spider mites that are more profitable in terms of reproductive success. Such a prey is the European red spide mite,Panonychus ulmi. The volatile kairomone of this prey elicits a searching response of the predator whether it has a carotenoid deficiency or not.  相似文献   

Pea (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) and blue alfalfa aphid (A. kondoi Shinji) deterrency in alfalfa (Medicago saliva L.) may result from incorporating higher levels of the aphid alarm pheromone,(E)--farnesene relative to(E)--caryophyllene. We evaluated five eglandular and two glandular-haired alfalfa accessions for differences in(E)--farnesene and(E)--caryophyllene content under glasshouse conditions using supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatography. In addition, pea and blue alfalfa aphid olfactory behavioral tests were conducted uponMedicago species containing different ratios of(E)--famesene relative to(E)--caryophyllene. No differences in(E)--caryophyllene content were observed among the seven entries (=0.42 ng/g plant material). Significant differences (P 0.05) among entries were observed for(E)--famesene content, with KS94GH6 exhibiting the highest (1.18 ng/g), and CUF 101 the lowest levels (0.35 ng/g). Elite tetraploid sources possessed significantly lower levels (=0.42 ng/g) of(E)--farnesene than did wild and cultivated diploid accessions (=0.83 ng/g). Olfactory behavioral tests for both the pea and blue alfalfa aphids demonstrated KS94GH6 repelled aphids while cultivated alfalfa types attracted aphids in each case. Previously demonstrated aphid resistance in diploid KS94GH6 may result from superior(E)-- farnesene levels, but(E)--farnesene is probably not a factor in cultivated alfalfa resistance. Finally, accession KS94GH6 could act as an excellent germplasm resource for the incorporation of higher(E)--farnesene levels into cultivated alfalfa.Research supported by the New Mexico State University Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

(E)--Farnesene, the major component of the alarm pheromone of many aphids, is prepared in 65% yield by passing commercial nerolidol through an evacuated column of alumina, treated with pyridine, at 200° C. The product is stored without air and applied to aphids as vapor at low speed (ca. 230 mm/sec) in air or nitrogen. The response of eight economically important aphid species was assessed in the laboratory; over 90% ofMyzus persicae responded in a large scale trial.  相似文献   

Chemical defense in larvae of the plant bugHotea gambiae has been investigated. Results of analyses (GC, GC-MS) on the secretions from the three dorsally situated larval abdominal defense (scent) glands are reported. The secretion from the first abdominal gland consists of a mixture of C10 and C15 isoprenoids: (C10) -pinene, -pinene, limonene, -phellandrene; (C15) -caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, -humulene, and (the major component) humulene epoxide II. The secretions from the second and third abdominal glands are similar mixtures consisting of (E)-2-decenal, (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal, andn-tridecane together with lesser amounts of (E)-2-hexenal,n-dodecane, and other materials. Isoprenoid defense is now known from four species of plant bugs (Heteroptera) associated with Malvaceae.  相似文献   

The reaction of tannin fractions isolated from the bark of Betula, Salix, and Pinus species with two enzymes, -glucosidase and esterase, was investigated. The influence of precipitation to the hydrolytic capacity of -glucosidase also was studied. All tannins studied precipitated -glucosidase and esterase, and moderate differences in the precipitating capacities of the tannins were observed. Interestingly, complex formation between -glucosidase and tannin did not markedly affect the activity of the enzyme. Therefore, complex formation during the insect/herbivore feeding does not necessarily change the defense activity of phenolic glycosides or decrease activity of digestive enzymes.  相似文献   

The catalytic reaction of benzaldehyde with n-heptaldehyde was studied at 100–175°C in a stirred batch autoclave reactor using mesoporous molecular sieve Al-MCM-41 supported MgO. Competitive reactions of cross- versus self-aldolization produce -pentylcinnamaldehyde (-PC) and 2-pentyl-2-nonenal, respectively. Both reactions exhibit similar activation energies. Increasing the deposited amount of MgO on Al-MCM-41 enhances the catalyst base amount but diminishes the surface area. The conversion of n-heptaldehyde increases with catalyst base amount, reaction temperature and reaction time, whereas the -PC selectivity exhibits only small variation with reaction conditions. The catalytic activity of Al-MCM-41 is significantly enhanced by the deposition of MgO.  相似文献   

Behavioral studies using an olfactometer demonstrated that spring migrants of the damson-hop aphid,Phorodon humuli, respond to semiochemicals released by spring migrants feeding on hop leaves. Samples of the total volatiles released on feeding were analyzed by coupled gas chromatographysingle cell recording techniques and showed the presence of several active components. Three compounds were identified, using coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, as methyl salicylate, (E)-2-hexenal and-caryophyllene. These three compounds elicited responses from separate olfactory receptors on the antenna. In the olfactometer, both (E)-2-hexenal and-caryophyllene gave positive responses from spring migrants, and a mixture of the two compounds in the natural ratio was more attractive than (E)-2-hexenal alone. Addition of methyl salicylate eliminated the response to the active binary mixture.  相似文献   

The polysilicic acid nanoparticle (PN) was modified by the reaction of silanol group on its surface with silyl group (–Si(OR)3) containing modifiers such as phenyltrimethoxylsilane (PTS), 2-(p-styryl)ethyltrimethoxylsilane (SETS), and 3-(trimethoxylsilyl)propyl methacrylate (TPMA), respectively, to afford modified PNs (M-PNs) including P-PN, S-PN, and T-PN. P-PN, S-PN and T-PN were mixed, respectively, with unsaturated polyester resin (UP) in styrene, UP/St, and then let homogeneous solutions cure at 150°C to produce transparent hybrid materials, UP/St/P-PN, UP/St/S-PN, and UP/St/T-PN. It was found that the M-PNs could not only act as low-profile additives (LPAs) to reduce the shrinkage of the hybrids during curing but also enhance their dynamic mechanical properties. The shrinking mechanism of the hybrids during curing and the interfacial force between M-PNs and UP/St matrix, which plays an important role in shrinking control and properties of hybrid, were studied in detail.  相似文献   

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