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This essay analyzes the data of Chinese telecommuni-cation market, telecommunication investments and investment benefits over the past 20 years. On the basis of these data, the essay reviews Chinese changing telecommunication policies and discusses the major events in the course of China's telecommunication development. It is argued that telecommunication policies, regime backgrounds and market demand characteristics have a significant impact on investment decision mode in telecommunication industry. The evolution of network investments decision mode in China's telecommunication has corresponded to the transformation of these key factors. Considering the special events in the development of Chinese telecommunication as divisions, the essay discusses three stages of the evolution of investments decision mode in China's telecommunication. With the firm environment and problems that Chinese telecommunication operators have been facing since 2000 analyzed. it is demonstrated that Chinese telecommunication operators should change their mode of investment decision into the "profit-oriented investment decision mode" in order to achieve a high growth performance in the capital market,. This investment decision mode will result in increase of the investment profit with limited investment capital. The main procedure of profit-oriented investment decision mode is set out, which is abstracted to a mathematical model eventually.  相似文献   

基于决策树的数据挖掘在电信CRM中应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张伟阳  刘明举 《信息技术》2005,29(11):84-85,89
针对电信CRM中“数据丰富但知识贫乏”现象,提出数据挖掘技术,利用SUQ决策树构造算法建立一棵决策树模型,在CRM中根据客户的年龄、所属城市和性别对客户分类,预测客户类型,防止用户流失,争取新用户具有重要意义。  相似文献   

BOSS和CRM系统现用投资估算方法,不能很好地满足滚动规划的需要,本文通过对建设投资估算方法研究,结合BOSS和CRM系统投资特点,提出了一种新的估算方法。  相似文献   

In this article, an improved version of one of the most cited intra mode decision algorithms in H.264/AVC video coding is proposed with the aim to improve its efficiency and performance. The reference algorithm determines the interpolation/extrapolation spatial direction (mode) for achieving the best intra prediction using the Sobel gradient calculation. The proposed algorithm suggests reducing the number of gradients calculated and changing the Sobel operator to that of Roberts. In addition to this, it also proposes including the previously encoded neighboring block modes among the evaluated modes. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational load of the original algorithm and substantially improves its rate-distortion performance.  相似文献   

H.264/AVC以巨大编码复杂度为代价,在获得更高压缩率的同时,编码实时性也随之降低。针对视频编码中重要且耗时的帧间预测技术,分析了宏块平坦度和时空相关性,提出了一种快速的预测模式选择算法。仿真实验结果表明,本文提出算法与H.264/AVC(JM12.2)标准算法相比,在保持重建视频图像质量和输出码流结构的前提下,平均节省约70%的编码时间,并继承了H.264/AVC低码率的编码优势。  相似文献   

As the upcoming 3D video coding standard, high efficiency video coding (HEVC) based 3D video coding (3D-HEVC) has been drafted. In 3D-HEVC, the computational complexity of mode decision process is significantly high due to exhaustive modes’ checks for coding units (CU) derived from recursive quad-tree partitioning. In this paper, we propose an early merge mode decision method for complexity reduction of dependent texture views. First, inter-view correlation and hierarchical depth correlation of coding modes are separately analyzed for B frame and P frame. Then, conditions to early determine merge mode coded CUs are derived based on the correlations. All of the early determined CUs only check merge modes in the mode decision process, which brings considerable complexity reduction. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve average 20.4% of encoding time saving for dependent texture views with negligible rate distortion performance loss.  相似文献   

In the existing key node decision methods for wireless sensor network,the judgment index was so single that the result judged was deficient.In order to solve this problem,a new key node decision algorithm(KNDA)based on local information and energy factor was proposed.Firstly,the local information model based on the degree and neighbor information of node was established.Secondly,according to the residual energy of node and the change of network energy consumption after the node failed,the models of energy factors were established.Finally,an aggregative key node decision model was formed.Extensive simulation experiments were carried out in the MATLAB simulation platform,by comparing with other algorithms,the results verify that the key nodes obtained by this algorithm are more sufficient.Meanwhile when the key nodes judged by KNDA are protected,the network can show strong invulnerability.  相似文献   

为了解决多准则决策问题中准则权系数和准则属性的模糊性,将“熵权”引入到模糊决策方法中,构建了粗糙熵模糊多准则决策方法,最后将粗糙熵模糊决策法应用到建筑企业信用评级模式的选择中,验证了此方法是有效可行的,为建筑企业信用评级模式的选择提供一种新方法.  相似文献   

计算机物流仿真技术在我国企业决策方面逐渐发挥出重要作用,但是我国在物流发展水平以及研究应用能力方面还比较差。在企业进行相应的物流系统改造或者创建新的物流工程项目的时候,信息数据不够准确丰富,物流仿真系统等级较低,从而导致企业在进行物流项目的建设投入上没有明确的方向,致使资金流失。利用计算机来真实模仿物流系统,并且物流工程项目建设的好坏、优化的程度均是经过从仿真实验中获得的哪些仿效记录来证实的,这就是物流仿真技术,它对于物流系统有着十分重要的意义。本文简单阐述了探究计算机物流仿真技术在企业决策上应用的背景,并分析了物流仿真技术在未来的物流行业将占据重要地位。  相似文献   

针对密钥生成系统中传统量化算法导致合法双方初始不一致率较高从而降低最终的密钥生成长度的问题,提出了双门限量化的基本模型,合法双方同时设置一个上门限和下门限,将高于上门限的采样值量化为1,低于下门限的采样值量化为0,同时将上、下门限之间的采样值舍弃。通过分析可知,这种量化方法有较高的可靠性,并且不会泄露有关密钥的任何信息。本文分析了其在密钥生成中的具体应用,并以合法双方最终生成的密钥的长度为目标函数,推导得到了双门限量化时最优的量化因子。进一步的仿真表明,相比较传统的等概量化,通过选择合适的量化因子,合法双方能够生成更长的密钥。在信噪比为15 dB-25 dB时,密钥长度的提升在0.1比特以上。   相似文献   

亚运专网采用移动数字电视多媒体(CMMB)向与会人员提供赛事转播和信息服务,介绍了亚运期间CMMB如何在一个8 MHz的频点内采用QPSK和16QAM的混合调制以及不同的信道编码,传输14套节目和1套数据广播,从而充分利用资源,大大降低覆盖成本.  相似文献   

刘启能  龙涛  林睿  胡莉 《激光技术》2010,34(3):363-366
为了研究1维平板掺杂光子晶体中电磁波的模式及其缺陷模特性,推导出1维平板掺杂光子晶体中电磁波的各个模式满足的条件,利用特征矩阵法计算出TE波和TM波各模式的缺陷模随模式量子数和平板厚度的变化规律,得出了一些不同于1维非受限掺杂光子晶体缺陷模的新特征。结果表明,电磁波的模式由模式量子数确定,缺陷模与模式量子数和平板厚度有关。  相似文献   

为解析长株潭地区 PM2:5 演化的多尺度特征, 阐释其演化的主要动力机制, 提出了一种集合经验模态分解 (EEMD) 和多重分形消除趋势波动分析 (MFDFA) 的新模型, 研究了该区域 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 2019 年 12 月 31 日 PM2:5 浓度的动力演化。利用 EEMD 方法获得了各城市 PM2:5 的高频模态以及趋势项, 趋势项结果表明 PM2:5 浓度呈 下降趋势, 而 PM2:5 的高频模态反映了 PM2:5 浓度波动的非线性特征。进一步采用 MFDFA 方法对其高频累加模态进 行分析, 研究表明 PM2:5 高频分量存在较强的多重分形特征。此外, 还利用相位随机替代法和随机重构法研究了其多 重分形的主要来源, 结果表明 PM2:5 浓度波动在不同时间尺度内的长期持续作用是造成高浓度 PM2:5 污染涌现的主要 动力因素。最后, 讨论了气象条件对其高频分量多重分形强度的影响, 结果发现, 相对于其他季节, 冬季 PM2:5 高频模 态的多重分形强度更强。分析表明, 尽管该区域通过大气污染行动计划已取得积极的污染控制效果, 但在冬季, 污染 物演化的长期持续动力机制对 PM2:5 高频模态的演化发挥着更加主导的控制作用, 不同时间尺度上 PM2:5 非线性长期 持续动力机制导致冬季仍有高浓度 PM2:5 涌现的风险, 甚至出现更为严重的污染。本研究结果对于区域 PM2:5 多时间 尺度演化动力特征的研究以及大气污染预测预警机制的建立具有重要意义。  相似文献   

磁流体的有效介电常数 与磁性粒子体积分数P和外加磁场因子 有关。本文首先计算了水基MnFe2O4磁流体的有效折射率随纳米磁性粒子体积分数P和外加磁场强度因子 的变化关系,发现通过调节外加磁场因子 的大小可实现不同纳米磁性粒子体积分数P的磁流体具有相同的有效折射率。然后,应用传输矩阵法,数值模拟了水基MnFe2O4磁流体中的纳米磁性粒子体积分数P=0.745时结构为(AB)8C(BA)8的一维磁流体掺杂光子晶体的透射谱。结果表明:缺陷模随着磁流体有效折射率nc的增大出现红移现象,即缺陷模中心波长随着随有效折射率nc的增大而变长,最大改变量为36.6nm。最后讨论了缺陷模品质因子 ,发现缺陷模半峰值带宽 不变,缺陷模品质因子 与缺陷模波长 随磁流体有效折射率nc的变化具有相同的线性变化特性,即品质因子 随有效折射率nc的增大而增大。  相似文献   

This paper first studies the phase errors for fine-resolution spotlight mode SAR imaging and decomposes the phase errors into two kinds, one is caused by translation and the other by rotation.Mathematical analysis and computer simulations show the sbove mentioned motion kinds and their corresponding damages on spotlight mode SAR imaging.Based on this analysis, a single PPP is introduced for spotlight mode SAR imaging with the PFA on the assumption that relative rotation between APC and imaged sceme is uniform.The selected single point is used first to correct the quadratic and higher order phase errors and then to adjust the linear errors.After this compensation, the space-invariant phase errors caused by translation are almost corrected.Finally results are presented with the simulated data.  相似文献   

冯显杰 《光通信技术》2001,25(4):314-317
首先介绍了不同种双折射率差Δn的光纤制成的啁啾光纤光栅中偏振模色散现象 ,然后说明了光栅中偏振模色散的大小与 Δ n的相关性 ,并阐述了对用于色散补偿作用的啁啾光纤光栅中偏振模色散的消除 (补偿 )方法 ,最后指出利用啁啾光纤光栅中大的偏振模色散对高速光通信系统传输线路中偏振模色散的补偿方法。  相似文献   

Research in the adoption of innovative services in mobile communications markets has not offered a comprehensive explanation of how the individual makes a choice. This article proposes a theoretical framework for the analysis of the adoption decision of innovative mobile services such as mobile TV. The decision to adopt the service can be viewed as a choice based on two cognitive processes of reasoning and referencing, as postulated in behavioural decision making. The framework has both theoretical and practical value. From a theoretical perspective, it illustrates the manner in which referencing and reasoning influence the individual’s decision to adopt innovative services in the mobile telecommunications market. From a practical perspective the framework offers a market analysis tool which can generate useful insights for the vendors.  相似文献   

单级反激式PFC连续模式下电流有效值计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单级反激式连续工作模式下功率因数校正电路的输入电压在半个工频周期内呈正弦变化。变压器绕组中的电流是一系列梯形脉冲,并且脉冲宽度以及电流的变化率都随着输入电压的瞬时值变化。依据有效值定义推导出了变压器原副边电流有效值的解析解;在相同的假设条件下,利用积分得出了电流有效值数值计算公式。解析解和数值解分析对比结果表明,两种计算结果具有很好的一致性。通过实验验证,用这种方法设计的变压器在同样温升的前提下,变压器体积大大减小。  相似文献   

一维掺杂光子晶体的缺陷模和偏振特性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
刘启能 《激光杂志》2007,28(1):37-38
利用特征矩阵法研究了两种偏振光通过一维掺杂光子晶体的缺陷模特征和偏振特性,结果表明:S偏振光的缺陷模对应的入射角随着入射波长的增大而增大,而P偏振光的缺陷模对应的入射角却随着入射波长的增大而减小;P偏振光存在明显的"广义布儒斯特角"对应的允许带,其"广义布儒斯特角"随着入射波长的增大而减小,S偏振光不存在"广义布儒斯特角".  相似文献   

Agent是人工智能领域的一个重要分支,多Agent的智能决策系统是当今决策系统的一个新的研究方向。文章在讨论多Agent技术、辅助决策技术的基础上,提出了多Agent的智能决策系统的体系结构。基于本文提出的MAS体系结构,将回归预测分析、判别分析等辅助决策模型应用到火力发电的机组效能分析中.从而提高了电厂的工作效率。  相似文献   

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