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新时期我国物业管理发展新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国物业管理企业是随着社会经济的发展。人们对生活.工作环境的要求不断提高派生出的新兴的服务性行业。一个运行良好的物业管理体制,不仅是房地产成熟发展的标志。而且是房地产持续发展的保证。物业管理作为房地产开发过程中的最后一个重要环节,已经成为许多人选择物业时的一个很有份量的法码。作为一个新兴行业,物业管理诞生伊始,便显示出了强大的生命力。目前我国物业管理行业经过了20多年的经验和理论积累,正逐步走向成熟。实践证明,在这一前进过程中,物业管理企业必然向着规模化、区域化.专业化的方向发展。  相似文献   

<正>物业管理作为现代化城市管理和房地产经营管理的重要组成部分,已成为一个市场化、专业化、社会化的新型服务行业。我国内地物业管理发展起步较晚,物业管理行业经过近40年的发展有了一定的基础,有必要进行物业管理企业的品牌创建,进而推动物业管理行业的快速发展。物业服务企业的品牌建设,不仅是企业的事情,也是  相似文献   

<正>作为市场机制核心的价格机制更是成为物业服务企业,业主和政府关注的热点问题。物业管理作为不动产管理的一种模式,在我国已走过30多年的发展历程。随着市场经济的进一步成熟,物业管理行业已快速成长为房地产业发展的重要组成部分,成为与百姓生活密切相关的新型服务行业。但是,应当指出,我国房地产市场除了土地供应环节之外都已完全进入市场化运作,而作为房地产长期存续过程中的物业管理,其物业服务价格却一直受到政府不同程度的限制,扭曲的价格机制导致市场行为的扭曲,不利于行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

<正>2014年6月30日,花样年集团旗下的深圳彩生活物业服务公司(以下简称"彩生活")在香港分拆上市,成为中国内地首家上市的物业服务企业。彩生活的成功上市,使得人们对物业管理行业的市场前景开始充满期待。虽然在2015-2017年间,物业管理行业仅有中海物业、中奥到家、绿城  相似文献   

李东旭 《中州建设》2009,(4):111-112
随着近几年房地产行业的长足发展,物业管理逐渐地出现在老百姓的生活里。物业由于与商品房密不可分的关联性.使老百姓逐渐地明白,买套房子只是商品房生活的开始,享受合格规范的物业服务才是商品房生活的延续。由此,物业管理在人们的置业过程中.逐步被重视起来,甚至渐渐成为许多置业者首要关注的问题。  相似文献   

正基于生活艺术家的理解,像艺术家一样去思考和创造,打造满足人民对美好生活向往的产品和服务。随着物质生活发展水平的提高,人们对美好生活的向往,对于服务体验和品质的需求也日益增长。物业管理行业是顺应经济与房地产发展而诞生的朝阳行业,也是促使房地产行业进一步壮大发展的重要一环。通过高品质的服务,满足人民日益增长的美好生活需求,是每一位物业从业人员不断探索的课题。飞速发展的中国城市为物业服务企业提供了更广阔的舞台,物业服务企业从  相似文献   

<正>历经十载峥嵘岁月,我国房地产物业管理行业已发生巨变,经济平稳增长、城镇化加速推进、消费升级和居民收入水平提高,为物业服务市场提供旺盛需求,行业政策逐步由规范性向支持、鼓励性演变;互联网应用从无到有,从概念逐步走向现实,行业科技含量快速提升;资本市场上,从被冷落到受关注再到受重视,企业价值获得重新定位,资本成为企业加速发展的助推器。未来10年,随着我国房地产市场的持续发展,物业管理行业集中度将进一步扩大,不同企业规模出现明显分化,其各自发展路径也将不同。  相似文献   

我国物业管理行业服务质量和服务体系日益完善,部分物业服务企业的品牌逐渐被大众所熟知,物业品牌化的建设问题成为物业管理行业目前关注的热点。物业服务企业的品牌是一种重要的无形资产,对于提高物业管理行业总体行业影响力具有重要推动力。理清物业品牌化建设脉络,铺设物业品牌化建设道路可以有效地提升物业服务企业品牌影响力和经济效益。  相似文献   

<正>随着政府"放管服"改革的不断深入,供给侧结构性改革对物业服务企业提出了新的更高要求,取消物业服务企业资质和物业管理市场准入门槛,对物业管理行业也带来了革命性影响,尤其是社会资本的涌入使物业管理行业成为又一投资热区,跨界大鲨开始争食行业蛋糕。以房地产开发商为依托的物业服务企业也加快了市场化改革进程,采取脱钩入股的形式,适应行业发展新变化。纯物业服务企业受物业费标准低、劳动力成本上升以及推行社保全覆盖等因素的  相似文献   

闻涛 《城市开发》2013,(10):1-1
适逢瓜果飘香、硕果累累的金秋时节,中国西部美丽的塞上明珠银川,迎来了第六届中国西部物业管理论坛.这是一场中国西部物业人的群英盛会,各路精英欢聚一堂共同探讨关于中国西部物业管理的现在与未来.借东风经过先后6届论坛的发展,从乌鲁木齐到呼和浩特,从南宁到西安,从拉萨到银川,西部物业管理论坛已由一般性经验介绍、参观交流,发展成为专业性学术交流和专题研讨的平台,由单纯的西部物业协会及物业服务企业参与,扩展为全国性的一个论坛,吸引了来自住房和城乡建设部房地产市场监管司、中国物业管理协会领导,以及来自东部的部分省市企业的积极参与,现已成为"承办城市为主导、立足西部、探讨物业管理行业发展"的重要行业交流活动.  相似文献   

本文针对当前物业管理中存在的问题,通过分析论证,提出物业管理各主体间应构筑如下新型关系;政府职能部门与其他相关主体是监督指导关系,业主及其业主委员会与物管企业之间是一种平等的民事合同关系;开发商与物管企业之间是一种互不隶属的平等关系,居委会与业主委员会之间是一种监督与协调的关系。  相似文献   

戚维平 《园林》2020,(2):54-58
常州园林局围绕"让公园为更多人提供更好的服务"的总体目标,进一步健全完善敞开公园管理体制机制,积极探索以"基本服务、特色景观服务、公益服务、文化服务、特色服务"为主要内容的敞开公园公共服务体系和标准化要求研究,努力打造常州敞开公园管理的升级版。敞开公园管理服务标准化试点项目是实现公园公共服务体系的重要基础工作,涉及植物养护、园容保洁、安全秩序、设施维护、经营服务等5个子课题,同时采用一线员工参与标准编制和标准信息化操作方式,确保标准的可操作性。  相似文献   

国家公园管护员制度既是生态环境实地保护的重要保障,也是满足社区发展、访客游憩服务管理等人类利用需求的重要手段,对于协调国家公园人与自然关系、实现“人与自然和谐相处”具有重要意义。针对中国国家公园管护员制度尚处起步阶段的现状,通过国际比较研究,对比美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、乌干达、英国国家公园管护员制度特征,提出我国国家公园管护员制度建设的6项建议:明确原则定位、坚持文化认同、优化管理体系、注重能力提升、建设执法队伍、强化科研服务。  相似文献   

Telecommunications is now an essential component of many industries and is becoming core to how businesses are run. Furthermore, telecommunications is vital for a country's competitiveness, its economic growth and development and its wealth creation. The nature of telecoms has changed, and will continue to change at ever increasing rates. As competition intensifies, the industry is increasingly characterised by a customer focused, marketing approach which is simultaneously driving down costs and driving up the amount of information that is being exchanged. To thrive in this marketplace, telecoms companies (telcos) need to combine market awareness and the technical capability to deliver a profitable, valued service to meet their customers' needs. To achieve this, it is important that operators keep their customers closely involved throughout the design, development and implementation of their services. This article examines the current state of the telecommunications industry and outlines how customer-driven data services will be the key to success over the coming years  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Planning has increasingly been portrayed as a “service” provided to “customers”. This paper challenges such a view, and highlights some important dimensions of the relationship between planners and users of the planning service that have been overlooked in previous studies. It draws on sociological research into consumption to interrogate the various logics that underlie the concept of “customer-focused” planning services, and shows that they are typically based on an oversimplification of the relationships involved in both producing and consuming planning services. In particular, analyses of these reforms tend to underplay the demands that are made of consumers of planning services. The new analytic framework that is presented is illustrated with a case study that investigates the experience of small businesses when applying for planning permission.  相似文献   

《Landscape Research》2008,33(2):197-209
The present suite of perceived exclusive private property rights for Victoria's farmers to manage land and the services it provides began with allocation of Crown land in the early 19th century. Since then successive governments attempted to balance the needs of the people for food, fibre and shelter with the private rights of farmers, and demands from conservationists. More integrated systems of natural resource management have developed from an increased understanding of environmental management on the part of both primary producers and conservationists, and recognition of the services provided by ecosystems. Now the nature of property rights over natural resources is being transformed. A feature of the shift towards land stewardship and sustainable agriculture is the use of market-based instruments and trading in ecosystem services. But who owns the right to ecosystem services? Are the values from ecosystems a common right for all or property to be traded by farmers?  相似文献   

任雨菲  杨镜立  吴雪飞 《中国园林》2022,38(11):106-111
在城市双修和韧性城市的双重背景下,绿色基础设施作为一种基于自然的解决方案,提供综合的生态系统服务,其中的降温调节服务能有效缓解城市高温风险,改善人体热舒适度。在降温调节服务供需视角下,提出一套针对高温灾害问题的街区GI精准调控方法,即深化降温调节服务评估框架-识别优先级空间-实施GI调控策略-提出降温目标-模拟验证策略效益,并以武汉市武昌区为例,进行了方法实操。从需求识别到模拟验证可知:城市街区绿色基础设施对温度精准调控方法,能有效提高降温调节服务效益,为城市微小尺度级别管理提供了普适的参考框架,在高度城市化中具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

C. Njiru  BSc  MSc  CEng  MICE  I. K. Smout  BA  MSc  CEng  FICE  MIAgrE  K. Sansom  BSc  MSc  CEng  MICE 《Water and Environment Journal》2001,15(4):277-281
A key challenge for managers of water utilities in developing countries is to provide services to the rising urban population in a financially sustainable manner. The paper examines the management of water services in an African city which piloted service differentiation and pricing. Among the key findings was that substantial improvement in the provision of water services to the urban poor was attained. Cost recovery was achieved through innovative structuring of public/private partnerships, an appropriate pricing policy, and flexible payment systems. The project demonstrates that (a) by structuring service delivery with appropriate pricing, utilities could serve more customers (including people living in informal settlements) at affordable cost and achieve financial sustainability, and (b) service differentiation and appropriate pricing has the potential to improve urban water services in low-income countries.  相似文献   

As the literature examining the relationship between immigration and crime continues to evolve, scholars are now searching for ways to expand this link conceptually. Hand in hand with immigration, the number of Hispanic‐owned businesses has grown at rates far exceeding the growth rate for all US businesses over the past two decades, carrying the expectation of local and national government officials of bringing jobs and revenue back into the economy. Yet research on how this growth in minority‐owned businesses can help explain ecological crime variation is scarce. This study examines the role of Hispanic‐owned businesses in the relationship between immigration and total property and violent crime rates, confirming that cities with higher rates of new immigration are not associated with higher violent crime rates, and have significantly lower property crime rates. Additional analyses examining whether this relationship is mediated by the presence of Hispanic‐owned businesses also yield empirical support. The presence of Hispanic‐owned businesses was found to attenuate the new immigration–property crime relationship significantly, and to render the association of immigration and property crime rates nonsignificant. The implications of these findings will be discussed, in so far as they relate to both public policy and research on immigration and crime.  相似文献   

生态系统服务综合管理是保障城市生态安全和优化国 土空间格局的重要途径。城市中心城区生态空间稀缺、生态环 境压力大、居民需求多样,面临着生态系统服务供需空间分异 大、生态管控复杂的问题。因此,量化城市生态系统服务供给 和需求,识别生态供给与居民需求的空间分布差异,是提升生 态系统服务供给效率的重要途径,也是支撑城市用地空间进行 科学规划管控的关键。以桂林市中心城区为例,利用生态系统 服务供需比测度城市水源涵养、降温效益、雨洪调节、碳汇服 务、土壤保持、生物多样性保护和游憩服务7项生态系统服务供 需水平,并基于聚类分析识别了5类生态系统服务供需簇,耦合 供需匹配与失衡区、生态保护区,划定三级生态保护与管控区 和两类生态修复与功能提升区。依据分区的生态本底特点、分 区内各类服务供需水平等,提出分级分类的管控指引和优化策 略,以期为城市生态空间的规划与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

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