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A transient simulation model characterizing groundwater flow in the coastal aquifer of Rhis-Nekor was constructed and calibrated. The flow model was then used in conjunction with a genetic algorithm based optimization model to explore the optimal pumping schemes that meet current and future water demands while minimizing the risks for several adverse environmental impacts, such as saltwater intrusion prevention, avoiding excessive drawdown, as well as controlling waterlogging and salinity problems. Modeling results demonstrate the importance of this combined simulation-optimization methodology for solving groundwater management problems associated with the Rhis-Nekor plain.  相似文献   

水厂生产废水回收工艺及其对出水水质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李田  陈晓玮  时珍宝 《给水排水》2003,29(12):34-38
通过总结国内外水厂生产废水回用的研究进展与运行经验 ,论述了该领域国内外存在的差距与需要注意的方面。并针对国内原水受到污染的现状 ,研究了污泥有机物含量较高对废水回用的影响 ,同时提出了相应的对策  相似文献   

Pressing water scarcity in Jordan rapidly increases the demands of marginal water resources for the agricultural sector. Water management studies reveal that no single source could fully solve the nation??s water shortage and many integrated actions are needed to ensure water availability, suitability and sustainability. Yet, among these options treated wastewater has the largest potential to augment water supply in the near future, thereby narrowing the gap between available freshwater and total demand. Indeed, treated wastewater could be a valuable source for irrigation in the agricultural sector and an increasing percentage of irrigated areas, especially in the Jordan Valley, are currently using treated wastewater. With a fast growing population and expansion of the irrigated areas to meet food demand, the pressure on water resources in Jordan remains of imminent importance. Hence, an urgent call to analyze the current and potential role of treated wastewater seems justified. Under the umbrella of the project on the Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies (SMART) funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research in Germany, an investigation has been carried out in the Jordan Valley to estimate the current wastewater reuse quantities and the potential to increase its utility for agricultural production. In general, the reuse as percentage of total treatment is applied for national and international comparisons. Yet, this index is of limited use for policy decisions as it does not reflect potentialities of wastewater use. Therefore, this study introduces a wastewater reuse index (WRI) that reflects the actual proportion of wastewater reused from the total generated wastewater. We found that the WRI in Jordan steadily increased from 30% in 2004 to 38 in 2007. Efficient use of treated wastewater requires the application of new technologies in Jordan like dwellings connected to the sewer system, decentralization of treatment plants to rural and urban settlements and prevention of high evaporation rates from stabilization ponds.  相似文献   

生活污水处理回用技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
余静  张林生 《给水排水》2001,27(4):31-34
研究了水解酸化 生物接触氧化 稳定塘工艺处理生活污水的主要技术参数及聚酯纺粘长丝布填料在生物接触氧化工艺中的特殊功能 ,认为该工艺在较高负荷下处理生活污水 ,出水可达《生活杂用水水质标准》(GJ2 5 1- 89)。  相似文献   

以山东滨海某人工填海区的原油储备库为例,选定石油污染组分溶解度为源强浓度,运用单向随流输移和一维扩散模型研究了地下水中石油污染物的运移规律.结果表明:①在单个油罐连续泄漏的情况下,石油污染组分在进入地下水后10 d、1个月、3个月、6个月、1 a、2 a和3 8后的运移距离分别为2.2、4.8、11.2、19.9、36.0、66.7m和96.6m;②石油一旦发生泄漏,在可能的条件下可采取包气带土层换填等措施来切断污染源;③在人工填海区,可以通过增加填埋黏土、加强场地碾压等措施人为改变水文地质条件,避免可能的污染.  相似文献   

The control of groundwater abstraction from coastal aquifers is typically aimed at minimizing the risk of seawater intrusion, excessive storage depletion and adverse impacts on groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Published approaches to the operational management of groundwater abstraction from regulated coastal aquifers comprise elements of “trigger-level management” and “flux-based management”. Trigger-level management relies on measured groundwater levels, groundwater salinities and/or ecosystem health indicators, which are compared to objective values (trigger levels), thereby invoking management responses (e.g. pumping cut-backs). Flux-based management apportions groundwater abstraction rates based on estimates of aquifer recharge and discharge (including environmental water requirements). This paper offers a critical evaluation of coastal aquifer management paradigms using published coastal aquifer case studies combined with a simple evaluation of the Uley South coastal aquifer, South Australia. There is evidence that trigger-level management offers advantages over flux-based approaches through the evaluation of real-time resource conditions and trends, allowing for management responses aimed at protecting against water quality deterioration and excessive storage depletion. However, flux-based approaches are critical for planning purposes, and are required to predict aquifer responses to climatic and pumping stresses. A simplified modelling analysis of the Uley South basin responses to different management strategies demonstrates the advantages of considering a hybrid management approach that includes both trigger-level and flux-based controls. It is recommended that where possible, trigger-level and flux-based approaches be adopted conjunctively to minimize the risk of coastal groundwater degradation and to underpin strategies for future aquifer management and well-field operation.  相似文献   

水资源严重短缺已经成为制约我国经济社会可持续发展的瓶颈,而且受生态环境用水不断加强的影响,农业用水变的愈加紧张,再生水的农业利用是缓解这种紧张局势的重要举措之一.现详细总结了国内外再生水的农业利用现状,从再生水灌溉水质标准、再生水灌溉对作物生长、土壤及作物生长环境的影响、再生水灌溉技术及灌溉制度等几个方面论述了其研究进展;最后对再生水灌溉存在的问题及今后的重要研究方向进行了分析.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of chemical pollution in the environment that is related to urban wastewaters?? discharge and reuse until recently was focused almost exclusively on conventional pollutants. During the last several years though there has been a growing level of concern related to the hypothesis that various chemicals may exhibit endocrine disrupting effects. In addition, thousands of tons of pharmacologically active substances are used annually ending up in the wastewaters. In many countries facing prolonged droughts and implementing wastewater reuse schemes for irrigation and groundwater discharge, the existence of xenobiotic compounds in the tertiary treated wastewaters constitutes a new concern. This study describes the application of a recently developed multi-residue method for the determination of 29 multi-class pharmaceuticals using off line solid phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography?Ctriple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC?CMS?CMS). The method was applied for the analysis of pharmaceutical residues at three sewage treatment plants in Cyprus serving major coastal Mediterranean cities. The presence of 19 pharmaceuticals was confirmed. For some of the compounds high concentrations were obtained for the final effluents (e.g. ofloxacin: 4.82 ??g/L, diclofenac: 5.51 ??g/L, carbamazepine: 27.27 ??g/L, metoprolol: 9.59 ??g/L). Concerning the elimination potential, what was derived from the study is that the biological treatment step contributes the most to the removal of the compounds while sand filtration and chlorination steps reduce slightly the residual concentrations.  相似文献   

随着城镇化水平的提高,城市杂用水量激增,污水资源化过程中传统的除氮成本又难以承受。试验采用人工快滤(CRI)技术,运用室内土柱模拟的方法,得出3种湿干比(3 h/9 h,6 h/18 h,8 h/40 h)条件下,渗滤介质不同的两土柱对氨氮的去除率分别为73.61%、69.68%、67.59%和79.57%、75.27%、71.38%;同一土柱相同湿干比条件下,运行时间越短氨氮去除率越高。试验结果对比得出人工土壤配比柱2优于柱1,说明选择合适的介质对污染物去除的重要性,而缩短运行周期对去除率的影响不很明显。  相似文献   

随着城镇化水平的提高,城市杂用水量激增,污水资源化过程中传统的除氮成本又难以承受.试验采用人工快滤(CRI)技术,运用室内土柱模拟的方法,得出3种湿干比(3 h/9 h,6 h/18 h,8 h/40 h)条件下,渗滤介质不同的两土柱对氨氮的去除率分别为73.61%、69.68%、67.59%和79.57%、75.27%、71.38%;同一土柱相同湿干比条件下,运行时间越短氨氮去除率越高.试验结果对比得出人工土壤配比柱2优于柱1,说明选择合适的介质对污染物去除的重要性,而缩短运行周期对去除率的影响不很明显.  相似文献   

炼油废水的处理和回用进展   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
总结了国内外炼油废水深度处理和回用的研究与生产应用的现状及近 10年来处理炼油废水回用深度处理的一些新的工艺、技术和工业化应用的进展 ,指出了我国炼油废水回用的发展趋势  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) schemes are promising solutions in water management. It is important to ensure the economic feasibility and viability of MAR schemes....  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In this study, a methodology was developed for AGR assessment, including site selection, non-stationary kriging, numerical modeling, and the long-term supply and demand...  相似文献   

采用双段曝气过滤与气浮、快滤组合工艺对造纸中段废水的循环利用进行了工业性试验。并对曝气过滤的效果及稀土瓷砂和石英砂、无烟煤混合滤料的性能进行了试验研究。结果表明 ,该流程切实可行并具有良好的处理效果。  相似文献   

A novel approach that borrows methods commonly used in environmental geophysics was developed for obtaining the estimates of the aquifer parameters. Specifically, estimates of hydraulic conductivity were obtained from field measurements of the electrical resistivity while accounting for the karsticity of the geological formations in the area of study. Geophysically determined hydraulic conductivity estimates were introduced to a 3-D groundwater numerical simulator (Princeton Transport Code – PTC) to compute the hydraulic heads distribution of the area of interest. The calibration of the numerical model was obtained matching the hydraulic-heads predicted by the simulator with the hydraulic-heads measured at specific well locations. Simulated hydraulic-heads were used with the Chyben-Herzberg equation to approximate the position of the sharp freshwater/saltwater interface of the base of the water supply aquifer. The existence of the faults impacts the groundwater flow and the distribution of the freshwater/saltwater interface.  相似文献   


Responsibility for water resources is shared between the federal and provincial governments. Education is primarily a provincial responsibility, but the federal government does provide financial support to colleges and universities and is a major source of research funds for the Universities.

Training for water technicians is provided at community colleges. In universities, education programs oriented to water are available in engineering, science and social science. At the undergraduate level, students are introduced to a variety of water problems, but are not able to specialize in water. Specialization normally occurs during graduate programs. Several interdisciplinary graduate programs and research centres or institutes provide alternative ways for students and faculty to address water problems.

Water research attracts interest from the federal and provincial governments, the universities, and the private sector. The federal government provides nearly 75% of the funding for water research, and in turn consumes about 50% of available research funds. Measured in constant dollars, research funding for water has been decreasing in Canada during the 1980's. Water quality and protection was receiving over 50% of all research funds by the mid 1980's. Second in importance was research on the water cycle, although funding for that aspect of water research has fallen by over 20% since the mid 1960's.

The reality of fragmentation of responsibility for water and education, and the presence of diverse interests, suggests that a national strategy for water resources research is needed if resources are to be allocated and used effectively. The federal government needs to show initiative if a national strategy is to be developed.  相似文献   

浙江省城市污水处理与回用战略对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从浙江城市用水紧张与城市污水处理及回用设施水平整体滞后的实际出发 ,论述了城市污水处理及回用工程的基本思路 ,为浙江城市社会经济的可持续发展提出了不同时期的发展目标 ,并且进一步探索了推进城市污水处理及回用工程建设与发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamic response of phreatic aquifers due to recharge is most important for the proper management of ground-water systems. In this paper an analytical solution is developed to describe the water-table fluctuation in a finite aquifer system due to transient recharge from two parallel strip basins. Application of the solution in the prediction of spatiotemporal variation of the water table and in the sensitivity analysis of the effects of various controlling parameters on the water-table fluctuation is demonstrated with the help of an example problem.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - ELECTRE I method was coupled with GIS to develop a model for determining the appropriate location of artificial aquifer recharge (AAR) through the floodwater spreading...  相似文献   

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