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由于存在空间位阻,二苯并噻吩(DBT)及其烷基化衍生物(Cx-DBT)中的硫原子很难与加氢催化剂接触.因此,作为柴油脱硫的主要工艺,加氢催化对于柴油中的主要有机硫化物DBT和Cx-DBT的脱除率比较低,难以实现深度脱硫.针对硫质量分数为3 358 μg/g的催化柴油,采用加氢脱硫与生物脱硫相结合的办法进行处理后,催化柴油的硫质量分数降低到20μg/g以下,使用气相色谱-原子发射仪对柴油脱硫前后的硫分布进行检测,发现2种工艺的结合能有效地脱除催化柴油组分中绝大多数的DBT和Cx-DBT,显示出良好的应用前景. 相似文献
Yu Guoxian Chen Hui Lu Shanxiang Zhu Zhongnan 《Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China》2007,1(2):162-166
Reaction feed was prepared by dissolving dibenzothiophene (DBT), which was selected as a model organosulfur compound in diesel
fuels, in n-octane. The oxidant was a 30 wt-% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. Catalytic performance of the activated carbons with
saturation adsorption of DBT was investigated in the presence of formic acid. In addition, the effects of activated carbon
dosage, formic acid concentration, initial concentration of hydrogen peroxide, initial concentration of DBT and reaction temperature
on the oxidation of DBT were investigated. Experimental results indicated that performic acid and the hydroxyl radicals produced
are coupled to oxidize DBT with a conversion ratio of 100%. Catalytic performance of the combination of activated carbon and
formic acid is higher than that of only formic acid. The concentration of formic acid, activated carbon dosage, initial concentration
of hydrogen peroxide and reaction temperature affect the oxidative removal of DBT. The higher the initial concentration of
DBT in the n-octane solution, the more difficult the deep desulfurization by oxidation is.
Translated from Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 2006, 20(4): 616–621 [译自: 高校化学工程学报] 相似文献
Wladmir F. de Souza Iara R. Guimares Mrio Csar Guerreiro Luiz C.A. Oliveira 《Applied Catalysis A: General》2009,360(2):205-209
The oxidation of nitrogen or sulfur pollutants, using organic substrates as model compounds, was monitored with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Quinoline, dibenzothiophene and methylene blue were found to be oxidized through a successive hydroxylation mechanism. These results strongly suggest that highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, generated during the reaction of H2O2 on the catalyst surface, are responsible for this oxidation, and confirm that the material is an efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst, which is able to eliminate around 90% of the sulfur molecules. This is, therefore, an important and useful tool for the elimination of refractory sulfur in the hydrotreatment process with potential application to meet future environmental legislation indexes. It is important to remember that only the heteroatom fraction is degraded, preserving the hydrocarbons of interest in the diesel flows. The catalyst showed activity in successive oxidation cycles presenting a high regeneration capacity. 相似文献
合成离子液体N-甲基吡咯烷酮磷酸二氢盐([Hnmp]H_2PO_4),用吡啶红外探针法测定其酸性。采用500μg/g的喹啉模型油考察其对油品中碱性氮化物的脱除性能。结果表明,在剂油质量比1∶7,反应温度为30℃,反应时间为30 min,静置时间120 min的条件下,模型油中碱性氮化物的脱除率可达到98.64%。在离子液体[Hnmp]H_2PO_4回收利用4次后,碱氮脱除率仍在96%以上。同时该离子液体也能有效脱除碱氮含量高达0.52%(质量分数)的抚顺页岩油柴油馏分中的氮化物,当剂油质量比为1∶1时,柴油馏分的碱氮脱除率可达94.25%。 相似文献
合成离子液体N-甲基吡咯烷酮磷酸二氢盐([Hnmp]H_2PO_4),用吡啶红外探针法测定其酸性。采用500μg/g的喹啉模型油考察其对油品中碱性氮化物的脱除性能。结果表明,在剂油质量比1∶7,反应温度为30℃,反应时间为30 min,静置时间120 min的条件下,模型油中碱性氮化物的脱除率可达到98.64%。在离子液体[Hnmp]H_2PO_4回收利用4次后,碱氮脱除率仍在96%以上。同时该离子液体也能有效脱除碱氮含量高达0.52%(质量分数)的抚顺页岩油柴油馏分中的氮化物,当剂油质量比为1∶1时,柴油馏分的碱氮脱除率可达94.25%。 相似文献
直馏柴油气-液相催化氧化脱硫研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
由于柴油加氢脱硫技术投资大、操作条件苛刻及污染严重等问题,氧化脱硫技术已成为研究热点。针对柴油H2O2氧化脱硫技术存在氧化剂价格高、柴油收率低和有含硫污水排放等技术经济问题,采用专用的柴油均相催化氧化脱硫催化剂TS-1和纯O2氧化剂,在高压反应釜中对直馏柴油进行催化氧化脱硫,可达到很好的脱硫效果且耗氧量少。实验结果表明,在150 ℃、08 MPa、反应时间60 min和m(催化剂)∶m(柴油)=1 500 μg·g-1的条件下,可将柴油硫含量从2 217.2 μg·g-1降到265 μg·g-1,脱硫柴油硫含量符合欧洲Ⅱ类柴油标准(≤300 μg·g-1),柴油收率达到95.2%。 相似文献
Fe2+液相催化氧化脱除烟气中SO2 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
提出了一种烟气脱硫新工艺。实验选用水作脱硫剂 ,在只以Fe为催化剂的条件下进行。加入吸收液槽中的铁屑可与脱硫产生的稀硫酸进行反应 ,不仅可维持较高的吸收液pH值 ,而且产生的Fe2 + 引发了液相催化氧化SO2 反应。连续运行实验结果表明脱硫过程在不同阶段分别受SO2 溶解、Fe2 + 液相催化氧化SO2 反应、气相中SO2 扩散和铁屑与酸反应控制。吸收液中Fe2 + 质量浓度的变化和初始Fe2 + 质量浓度对脱硫率及吸收液pH值影响显示 ,可直接由清水制取高浓度硫酸亚铁溶液。实验还调查了SO2 入口质量浓度、液气比、空塔气速和吸收温度对脱硫率和吸收液pH值的影响 相似文献
离子液体催化合成食用香料乳酸乙酯的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以离子液体[HSO3-pmim]HSO4为催化剂,乳酸和乙醇为原料合成乳酸乙酯。通过正交实验考察了影响酯化反应的主要因素,确定最佳合成条件为:[HSO3-pmim]HSO4用量10mL,酸醇摩尔比1.0∶1.5,反应温度110℃,反应时间2.0h,酯化率达96.7%。离子液体易分离回收,可重复使用。 相似文献
A systematic study of catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide in a fixed bed reactor operated in flow reversal mode was made. A heterogeneous transient model of the reactor was developed. The global rate equations and the heat transfer parameter correlation were obtained, based on a series of previous experiments. The experiments of unsteady-state oxidation of low concentration SO2 were conducted in a bench-scale fixed bed reactor, packed with a domestic commercial catalyst. The model can successfully predict the transient concentration and temperature profiles when a correction factor is introduced to the global rate equations. 相似文献
ABSTRACTA poly ionic liquid, poly(1-vinyl imidazole)-p-xylylene dichloride (PVIm-PXDC), was synthesized and used for fuel oil denitrogenation. The structure of PVIm-PXDC was characterized and the denitrogenation performance was investigated. Results indicate that the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir model are appropriate to describe the adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics, respectively. The adsorption ability of PVIm-PXDC for different nitrogen compounds follows the order of indole > pyrrole > quinoline > pyridine. The equilibrium adsorption amount decreased about 10% for all the nitrogen compounds after six regeneration cycles and the denitrogenation and regeneration processes have no influence on the structure of PVIm-PXDC. 相似文献