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在无焦煤的炼焦条件下,将徐州气煤和枣庄肥煤两种煤混合,以此混煤为基础煤料,添加不同粒度的焦粉、瘦煤、无烟煤进行坩埚焦炼焦实验,对所炼制的坩埚焦进行焦炭光学组织、焦炭显微强度和结构强度分析测试。结果表明,添加惰性物使焦炭的各向异性指数(OTI)增大,I+Mf+FF减小;3种惰性物中,添加焦粉对提高焦炭显微强度和结构强度效果最好;惰性物的粒度越小,提高焦炭质量效果越明显。  相似文献   

Determinations of weathered coal by petrographic methods, and coking tests in an 18-inch (12m) test oven were used to quantify the effects of weathered coal on coking properties and coke quality. The results show that the presence of weathered coal causes a decrease in coke stability and coking rate and an increase in coke reactivity and coke-breeze generation. Because these effects contribute to increased costs in both the coke plant and the blast furnace, every effort should be made to reduce the amount of weathered coal in coking coal mixes.  相似文献   

以水分含量为2%左右的干燥煤为实验原料,采用5 kg实验焦炉炼制焦炭,探讨了加热制度对干燥煤炼焦焦炭质量的影响,并运用XRD分析了加热制度对焦炭微晶结构的影响。结果表明,优化炼焦加热制度可以有效改善焦炭质量,随着炼焦终温、保温时间、升温速率的增加,焦炭的抗碎强度和反应后强度均先增大后减小,耐磨强度和反应性均先减小后增大;焦炭微晶结构中层间距d_(002)均有所减小,石墨化度升高,焦炭结构强度增大;在炼焦终温、保温时间、升温速率分别为1 150℃、2.5 h、2.5℃/min时,焦炭的质量最好。  相似文献   

Industrial tests show that the enrichment of coal batch containing more than 70% Zh coal must be increased in order to boost coke strength. However, it makes more sense to replace some of the Zh coal in the batch with an optimal quantity of G coal, and to reduce the degree of crushing, so as to ensure coke quality consistent with blast-furnace requirements (minimum strength M 25 = 90%, M 10 = 6%).  相似文献   

炼焦生产过程质量产量能耗的集成优化控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王伟  吴敏  雷琪  曹卫华 《化工学报》2008,59(7):1749-1754
针对炼焦生产过程强非线性、大时滞等特点,基于过程参数的主元分析和灰色关联分析,建立了焦炭质量、产量及焦炉能耗的神经网络预测模型和以焦炭质量为约束条件,产量、能耗为目标函数的优化控制模型。提出一种融合模糊C均值聚类粗优化和差分进化细优化的集成优化控制方法,进行过程参数的优化并给出操作优化指导。系统仿真结果表明,该方法能有效地抑制工况的波动,达到高产、优质、低耗的生产目标,为复杂工业过程的建模和优化控制提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Given the shortage of coal with good coking properties, a petroleum coking additive is introduced in coal batch so as to expand the range of plasticity. This additive improves coke quality in every respect, except the total sulfur content. Measures to reduce the additive’s negative impact on the coal pitch are considered.  相似文献   

The influence of various technological factors on the high-temperature properties of coke is investigated. It is found that factors facilitating an orderly organic structure of the coke (fine grinding and compaction of the batch, increased conditioning of the coke, dry slaking, the introduction of lubricant additives in the batch) reduce the reactivity of the coke; by contrast, introducing coke fines, intermediate product, and red mud in the batch increases the reactivity.  相似文献   

Seiji Nomura  Kenji Kato 《Fuel》2006,85(1):47-56
In the recycling process of waste plastics using coke ovens, coals and added plastics are carbonized and changed into coke, tar, oil and coke oven gas in a coke oven chamber. In this study, the effect of added plastic size on coke quality and the effect of plastic addition on coking pressure was investigated. In the case of a plastic addition rate of 2%, the coke strength reached a minimum at the particle size of 10 mm for polyethylene (PE) and 3 mm for polystyrene (PS). The mechanism was attributed to the weak coke structure formed on the interface between plastic and coal. The result indicates that large or small plastic particles are favorable in order to add waste plastics to blended coals for coke making without affecting coke strength . Furthermore, it was also shown that a 1% addition of large size agglomerated waste plastics to blended coals did not increase coking pressure. Based on this fundamental study, and considering the ease of handling plastics, we have determined that the size of waste plastic used in a commercial-scale recycling process of waste plastics using coke ovens is about 25 mm. Nippon Steel Corporation started to operate a waste plastic recycling process using coke ovens at Nagoya and Kimitsu works in 2000 and at Yawata and Muroran works in 2002. Now the total capacity is 120,000 tons per year as of 2003 and this process is operating smoothly.  相似文献   

通过测定入炉煤水分分别为1%、6%和12%时煤料堆密度、升温速度及坩埚焦性质,得出入炉煤水分对其性质的影响。降低入炉煤水分虽然对煤料本身性质影响不大,但是其在炭化室内结焦过程的动态发生了显著变化,可显著提高焦炉生产能力及改善焦炭质量。入炉煤水分为1%时,煤料堆密度、升温速度及坩埚焦的性质都大大好于入炉煤水分为6%和12%这两种情况。  相似文献   

采用国内有代表性的焦炉进行配煤炼焦试验,探讨不同炼焦方式对焦炭质量的影响,结果表明,捣固、配型煤、配沥青炼焦均能改善焦炭质量。当入炉煤的挥发分较高、黏结性偏低时,焦炭质量改善的效果较为显著;采用捣固炼焦比配型煤、配沥青炼焦更能有效地改善焦炭的反应性和反应后强度。  相似文献   

介绍了炼焦行业煤焦分析研究及各种焦炭质量预测的方法和应用情况;总结了目前各焦化企业普遍采用的优化炼焦配煤的原理、方法和工艺现状,同时分析了中煤九鑫焦化公司优化配煤的原则和应用效果。  相似文献   

对于煤系针状焦生产,延迟焦化装置无论从产量还是质量考虑都是核心部分。而延迟焦化加热炉则是延迟焦化装置的核心部分。在延迟焦化生产中,加热炉为焦化反应提供足够热量。物料在加热炉管中停留一定的时间,达到成焦温度,经转油线进入焦炭塔成焦。在该过程中,由于物料高残炭、高密度、高黏度,临界反应温度低的特性,经长期运行  相似文献   

焦炭热反应性和热强度是考核焦炭热性质的重要指标,其影响因素很多。结合生产实际,根据邯钢集团邯宝公司焦化厂从开工焦炭热性质的偏低、不稳定到达标、稳定积累的数据,从炼焦煤的质量和配煤结构2个方面对焦炭热反应性和热强度进行了分析。  相似文献   

At OAO Zapadno-Sibirskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat (ZSMK), research is undertaken to improve the optimization of coking batch. The basic approach, proposed by specialists from OAO Nizhne-tagil’skii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat, employs the coefficient K opt, which characterizes the deviation of the batch from its optimal composition. The coking properties of the OAO ZSMK coal batch over the last few years are analyzed. After laboratory and industrial coking of batch with different K opt, the strength and reactivity of the resulting coke is investigated. Evaluation of coke-grade coal in terms of its rank according to State Standard GOST 25543-88 proves inadequate, since coal of the same rank may differ markedly in coking properties. A method is established for assessing the optimality of the coal batch at OAO ZSMK.  相似文献   

On the basis of laboratory data for production batch employed at AO Evraz NTMK and AO Evraz ZSMK, including batch that contains Ulug-Khem coal, a coking characteristic is proposed. This characteristic permits relatively precise prediction of CSR and CRI. Its relation with the quality of coke produced by the classical method and from rammed coal batch is analyzed.  相似文献   

研究了炼焦煤的灰分和催化指数,通过小焦炉实验进行了焦炭的反应性和反应后强度的测定。结果表明,灰分催化指数对焦炭的反应性和反应后强度的影响显著。焦炭的反应性与灰分碱性催化指数呈正线性相关,焦炭的反应后强度与灰分碱性催化指数呈负线性相关。  相似文献   

通过40 kg焦炉炼焦实验,研究了加热速率、焦饼终温、焖炉时间、入炉煤堆密度及入炉煤细度等对焦炭的CRI(焦炭反应性)、CSR(反应后强度)的影响。结果表明:为保证焦炭成熟和获得较低的CRI值,较高的CSR值,焦饼终温应控制在1000~1050℃范围内。炼焦时焖炉时间应控制在3 h以上。提高入炉煤堆密度,可显著改善焦炭的热性质。入炉煤细度控制在90%左右时,CRI、CSR值较佳。提高加热速率,特别是粘结阶段的升温速率,有利于改善焦炭的热性质。  相似文献   

炼焦机理和焦炭质量预测的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了煤的热塑性、炼焦机理和焦炭质量预测的研究进展。煤的化学结构如煤中镜质组的烷基侧链和移动氢的含量决定了煤的热塑性,核磁共振、质子磁共振热分析、拉曼光谱和电子顺磁共振谱等从分子水平解释煤的热塑性、配合煤的相互作用和炼焦机理。塑性成焦机理认为,良好的氢传递和分子重排是炼焦中获得优质焦炭的重要条件,塑性成分在焦炭光学组织形成中非常关键,改变加热速率可使煤的光学组织形成机理改变。碱度指数(modified basicity index,MBI)、复合焦势(composite coking potential,CCP)和组合煤指数(combined coal index,CCI)等参数可精确地预测焦炭反应后强度和焦炭反应性。矿物质对焦炭强度的影响是研究热点,控制焦炭的裂纹和尺寸是未来焦炭质量的要求。  相似文献   

针对延迟焦化生产中延迟焦化加热炉炉管结焦的现象,研究了现有清焦工艺,提出对于煤系针状焦延迟焦化加热炉采用传统的蒸汽-空气清焦工艺技术是可行的,并给出了具体实施方案与操作要点。  相似文献   

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