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Recently a number of nonnatural prenyl groups containing alkynes and azides have been developed as handles to perform click chemistry on proteins and peptides ending in the sequence “CAAX”, where C is a cysteine that becomes alkylated, A is an aliphatic amino acid and X is any amino acid. When such molecules are modified, a tag containing a prenyl analogue and the “CAAX box” sequence remains. Here we report the synthesis of an alkyne‐containing substrate comprised of only nine nonhydrogen atoms. This substrate was synthesized in six steps from 3‐methylbut‐2‐en‐1‐ol and has been enzymatically incorporated into both proteins and peptides by using protein farnesyltransferase. After prenylation the final three amino acids required for enzymatic recognition can be removed by using carboxypeptidase Y, leaving a single residue (the cysteine from the “CAAX box”) and the prenyl analogue as the only modifications. We also demonstrate that this small tag minimizes the impact of the modification on the solubility of the targeted protein. Hence, this new approach should be useful for applications in which the presence of a large tag hinders the modified protein’s solubility, reactivity, or utility.  相似文献   

The last two decades have seen an increasing demand for new protein-modification methods from the biotech industry and biomedical research communities. Owing to their mild aqueous reaction conditions, enzymatic methods based on the use of peptide ligases are particularly desirable. In this regard, the recently discovered peptidyl Asx-specific ligases (PALs) have emerged as powerful biotechnological tools in recent years. However, as a new class of peptide ligases, their scope and application remain underexplored. Herein, we report the use of a new PAL, VyPAL2, for a diverse range of protein modifications. We successfully showed that VyPAL2 was an efficient biocatalyst for protein labelling, inter-protein ligation, and protein cyclization. The labelled or cyclized protein ligands remained functionally active in binding to their target receptors. We also demonstrated on-cell labelling of protein ligands pre-bound to cellular receptors and cell-surface engineering via modifying a covalently anchored peptide substrate pre-installed on cell-surface glycans. Together, these examples firmly establish Asx-specific ligases, such as VyPAL2, as the biocatalysts of the future for site-specific protein modification, with a myriad of applications in basic research and drug discovery.  相似文献   

Prenylation is a post‐translational modification wherein an isoprenoid group is attached to a protein substrate by a protein prenyltransferase. Hundreds of peptide sequences are in vitro substrates for protein farnesyltransferase (FTase), but it remains unknown which of these sequences can successfully compete for in vivo prenylation. Translating in vitro studies to predict in vivo protein farnesylation requires determining the minimum reactivity needed for modification by FTase within the cell. Towards this goal, we developed a reporter protein series spanning several orders of magnitude in FTase reactivity as a calibrated sensor for endogenous FTase activity. Our approach provides a minimally invasive method to monitor changes in cellular FTase activity in response to environmental or genetic factors. Determining the reactivity “threshold” for in vivo prenylation will help define the prenylated proteome and identify prenylation‐dependent pathways for therapeutic targeting.  相似文献   

It's raining, it's porin : Fragment ligation of OmpF ion channels was achieved by using the split Psp‐GBD Pol intein; this allowed reconstitution of active trimeric porin. In combination with cysteine modification at an internal position, the porin's conductance properties were altered.


Enzyme-catalysed site-specific protein modifications enable the precision manufacture of conjugates for the study of protein function and/or for therapeutic or diagnostic applications. Asparaginyl ligases are a class of highly efficient transpeptidases with the capacity to modify proteins bearing only a tripeptide recognition motif. Herein, we review the types of protein modification that are accessible using these enzymes, including N- and C-terminal protein labelling, head-to-tail cyclisation, and protein-protein conjugation. We describe the progress that has been made to engineer highly efficient ligases as well as efforts to chemically manipulate the enzyme reaction to favour product formation. These enzymes are powerful additions to the protein engineer‘s toolbox.  相似文献   

The Staudinger reduction and its variants have exceptional compatibility with live cells but can be limited by slow kinetics. Herein we report new small-molecule triggers that turn on proteins through a Staudinger reduction/self-immolation cascade with substantially improved kinetics and yields. We achieved this through site-specific incorporation of a new set of azidobenzyloxycarbonyl lysine derivatives in mammalian cells. This approach allowed us to activate proteins by adding a nontoxic, bioorthogonal phosphine trigger. We applied this methodology to control a post-translational modification (SUMOylation) in live cells, using native modification machinery. This work significantly improves the rate, yield, and tunability of the Staudinger reduction-based activation, paving the way for its application in other proteins and organisms.  相似文献   

A straightforward strategy is presented for the site‐specific incorporation of fluorophores or reactive probes into the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein fibronectin (Fn) by using the enzyme‐catalyzed transamidation by activated factor XIII. Characterization by SDS‐PAGE, western blotting, absorption measurements, mass spectrometry, and stepwise photobleaching for labeling quantification at the single‐molecule level showed that the labeling was efficient and restricted to the N‐terminal tails. The introduction of labels did not interfere with Fn fibrillogenesis, as verified by the incorporation of fluorescently labeled Fn into ECM and manually pulled Fn fibers. Site‐specific incorporation of an azide was used to create a template for bioorthogonal click chemistry reactions in a second bioconjugation step, thus offering versatile modification and application possibilities in the context of matrix biology and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Construction of artificial metalloenzymes based on protein assemblies is a promising strategy for the development of new catalysts, because the three-dimensional nanostructures of proteins with defined individual sizes can be used as molecular platforms that allow the arrangement of catalytic active centers on their surfaces. Protein needles/tubes/fibers are suitable for supporting various functional molecules, including metal complexes, synthetic molecules, metal nanoparticles, and enzymes with high densities and precise locations. Compared with bulk systems, the protein tube- and fiber-based materials have higher activities for catalytic reactions and electron transfer, as well as enhanced functions when used in electronic devices. The natural and synthetic protein tubes and fibers are constructed by self-assembly of monomer proteins or peptides. For more precise designs of arrangements of metal complexes, we have developed a new conceptual framework, based on the isolation of a robust needle structure from the cell-puncturing domains of a bacteriophage. The artificial protein needle shows great promise for use in creating efficient catalytic systems by providing the means to arrange the locations of various metal complexes on the protein surface. In this account, we discuss the recent development of protein needle-based metalloenzymes, and the future developments we are anticipating in this field.  相似文献   

Sortase‐catalyzed transacylation reactions are widely used for the construction of non‐natural protein derivatives. However, the most commonly used enzyme for these strategies (sortase A from Staphylococcus aureus) is limited by its narrow substrate scope. To expand the range of substrates compatible with sortase‐mediated reactions, we characterized the in vitro substrate preferences of eight sortase A homologues. From these studies, we identified sortase A enzymes that recognize multiple substrates that are unreactive toward sortase A from S. aureus. We further exploited the ability of sortase A from Streptococcus pneumoniae to recognize an LPATS substrate to perform a site‐specific modification of the N‐terminal serine residue in the naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide DCD‐1L. Finally, we unexpectedly observed that certain substrates (LPATXG, X=Nle, Leu, Phe, Tyr) were susceptible to transacylation at alternative sites within the substrate motif, and sortase A from S. pneumoniae was capable of forming oligomers. Overall, this work provides a foundation for the further development of sortase enzymes for use in protein modification.  相似文献   

Antibody‐like proteins selected from discovery platforms are preferentially functionalized by site‐specific modification as this approach preserves the binding abilities and allows a side‐by‐side comparison of multiple conjugates. Here we present an enzymatic bioconjugation platform that targets the c‐myc‐tag peptide sequence (EQKLISEEDL) as a handle for the site‐specific modification of antibody‐like proteins. Microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) was exploited to form a stable isopeptide bond between the glutamine on the c‐myc‐tag and various primary‐amine‐functionalized substrates. We attached eight different functionalities to a c‐myc‐tagged antibody fragment and used these bioconjugates for downstream applications such as protein multimerization, immobilization on surfaces, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence‐activated cell sorting, and in vivo nuclear imaging. The results demonstrate the versatility of our conjugation strategy for transforming a c‐myc‐tagged protein into any desired probe.  相似文献   

The ability to specifically attach chemical probes to individual proteins represents a powerful approach to the study and manipulation of protein function in living cells. It provides a simple, robust and versatile approach to the imaging of fusion proteins in a wide range of experimental settings. However, a potential drawback of detection using chemical probes is the fluorescence background from unreacted or nonspecifically bound probes. In this report we present the design and application of novel fluorogenic probes for labeling SNAP-tag fusion proteins in living cells. SNAP-tag is an engineered variant of the human repair protein O(6)-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (hAGT) that covalently reacts with benzylguanine derivatives. Reporter groups attached to the benzyl moiety become covalently attached to the SNAP tag while the guanine acts as a leaving group. Incorporation of a quencher on the guanine group ensures that the benzylguanine probe becomes highly fluorescent only upon labeling of the SNAP-tag protein. We describe the use of intramolecularly quenched probes for wash-free labeling of cell surface-localized epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) fused to SNAP-tag and for direct quantification of SNAP-tagged β-tubulin in cell lysates. In addition, we have characterized a fast-labeling variant of SNAP-tag, termed SNAP(f), which displays up to a tenfold increase in its reactivity towards benzylguanine substrates. The presented data demonstrate that the combination of SNAP(f) and the fluorogenic substrates greatly reduces the background fluorescence for labeling and imaging applications. This approach enables highly sensitive spatiotemporal investigation of protein dynamics in living cells.  相似文献   

A strategy for labeling native enzymes in a manner that preserves their activity is reported: capture–tag–release (CTR). Key to this approach is the small molecule CTR probe that contains an enzyme inhibitor, benzophenone crosslinker, and aryl phosphine ester. After UV‐derived capture of the enzyme, addition of an azide‐containing tag triggers a Staudinger ligation that labels the enzyme. A further consequence of the Staudinger ligation is fragmentation of the CTR probe, thus releasing the inhibitor and restoring enzymatic activity. As a proof‐of‐principle, the CTR strategy was applied to the hydrolase β‐galactosidase. The enzyme was efficiently labeled with biotin, and the kinetic data for the biotinylated enzyme were comparable to those for unlabeled β‐galactosidase. The CTR probe exhibits excellent targeting specificity, as it selectively labeled β‐galactosidase in a complex protein mixture.  相似文献   

Bioconjugates, such as antibody–drug conjugates, have gained recent attention because of their increasing use in therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Commonly used conjugation reactions based upon chemoselective reagents exhibit a number of drawbacks: most of these reactions lack regio‐ and stereospecificity, thus resulting in loss of protein functionality due to random modifications. Enzymes provide an obvious solution to this problem, but the intrinsic (natural) substrate specificities of existing enzymes pose severe limitations to the kind of modifications that can be introduced. Here we describe the application of the novel trypsin variant trypsiligase for site‐specific modification of the C terminus of a Fab antibody fragment via a stable peptide bond. The suitability of this designed biocatalyst was demonstrated by coupling the Her2‐specific Fab to artificial functionalities of either therapeutic (PEG) or diagnostic (fluorescein) relevance. In both cases we obtained homogeneously modified Fab products bearing the artificial functionality exclusively at the desired position.  相似文献   

Protein arginine deiminases (PADs) have recently emerged at the forefront of drug‐discovery programs for several human disorders. Despite this, a precise understanding of their functional roles in human biology remains to be fully elucidated. This report highlights a recent development of next‐generation activity‐based PAD probes that are highly efficient, cell active, and metabolically stable. This discovery should rapidly expedite functional assignments of PAD biology in both normal and diseased cells, thereby leading to the development of PAD‐targeted therapeutics in the near future.  相似文献   

Methods for facile site-selective modifications of proteins are in high demand. We have recently shown that a flavin transferase can be used for site-specific covalent attachment of a chromo- and fluorogenic flavin (FMN) to any targeted protein. Although this Flavin-tag method resulted in efficient labeling of proteins in vitro, labelling in E. coli cells resulted in partial flavin incorporation. It was also restricted in the type of installed label with only one type of flavin, FMN, being incorporated. Here, we report on an extension of the Flavin-tag method that addresses previous limitations. We demonstrate that co-expression of FAD synthetase improves the flavin incorporation efficiency, allowing complete flavin-labeling of a target protein in E. coli cells. Furthermore, we have found that various flavin derivatives and even a nicotinamide can be covalently attached to a target protein, rendering this method even more versatile and valuable.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been widely used in several molecular and cellular biology applications, since it is remarkably stable in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, native GFP is resistant to the most common chemical denaturants; however, a low fluorescence signal has been observed after acid-induced denaturation. Furthermore, this acid-denatured GFP has been used as substrate in studies of the folding activity of some bacterial chaperones and other chaperone-like molecules. Protein disulfide isomerase enzymes, a family of eukaryotic oxidoreductases that catalyze the oxidation and isomerization of disulfide bonds in nascent polypeptides, play a key role in protein folding and it could display chaperone activity. However, contrasting results have been reported using different proteins as model substrates. Here, we report the further application of GFP as a model substrate to study the chaperone activity of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) enzymes. Since refolding of acid-denatured GFP can be easily and directly monitored, a simple micro-assay was used to study the effect of the molecular participants in protein refolding assisted by PDI. Additionally, the effect of a well-known inhibitor of PDI chaperone activity was also analyzed. Because of the diversity their functional activities, PDI enzymes are potentially interesting drug targets. Since PDI may be implicated in the protection of cells against ER stress, including cancer cells, inhibitors of PDI might be able to enhance the efficacy of cancer chemotherapy; furthermore, it has been demonstrated that blocking the reductive cleavage of disulfide bonds of proteins associated with the cell surface markedly reduces the infectivity of the human immunodeficiency virus. Although several high-throughput screening (HTS) assays to test PDI reductase activity have been described, we report here a novel and simple micro-assay to test the chaperone activity of PDI enzymes, which is amenable for HTS of PDI inhibitors.  相似文献   

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