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This paper presents a new approach for audio watermarking using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) mathematical technique. The proposed approach can be used for data hiding in the audio signals transmitted over wireless networks and for multi-level security systems as will be stated in the applications section. This approach is based on embedding a chaotic encrypted watermark in the singular values of the audio signal after transforming it into a 2-D format. The selection of the chaotic encryption algorithm for watermark encryption is attributed to its permutation nature, which resists noise, filtering, and compression attacks. After watermark embedding, the audio signal is transformed again into a 1-D format. The transformation between the 1-D and 2-D formats is performed in the well-known lexicographic ordering method used in image processing. The proposed approach can be implemented on the audio signal as a whole or on a segment-by-segment basis. The segment-by-segment implementation allows embedding the same watermark several times in the audio signal, which enhances the detectability of the watermark in the presence of severe attacks. Experimental results show that the proposed audio watermarking approach maintains the high quality of the audio signal and that the watermark extraction and decryption are possible even in the presence of attacks.  相似文献   

We propose a new multipurpose audio watermarking scheme in which two complementary watermarks are used.For audio copyright protection,the watermark data with copyright information or signature are first encrypted by Arnold transformation.Then the watermark data are inserted in the low frequency largest significant discrete cosine transform(DCT) coefficients to obtain robustness performance.For audio authentication,a chaotic signal is inserted in the high frequency insignificant DCT coefficients to detect tampered regions.Furthermore,the synchronization code is embedded in the audio statistical characteristics to resist desynchronization attacks.Experimental results show that our proposed method can not only obtain satisfactory detection and tampered location,but also achieve imperceptibility and robustness to common signal processing attacks,such as cropping,shifting,and time scale modification(TSM).Comparison results show that our method outperforms some existing methods.  相似文献   

Part Ⅲ of AVS (China Audio and Video Coding Standard) is the first generic audio standard proposed in China and is becoming popular in some applications. For MP3 audio, some effiorts have been made to solve the copyright pirating and malicious modifications by the way of watermarking. To our best knowledge, similar work on the AVS audio has not been explored. In this paper, we present a novel robust watermarking algorithm for AVS audio. We find that the frame type in the AVS coded process can be used as a r...  相似文献   

In most watermarking schemes for copyright protection, a seller usually embeds a watermark in multimedia content to identify a buyer. When an unauthorized copy is found by the seller, the traitor’s identity can be traced by the embedded watermark. However, it incurs both repudiation issue and framing issue. To solve these problems, some buyer-seller watermarking protocols have been proposed based on watermarking scheme in the encrypted domain. In this paper, an enhanced watermarking scheme is presented. Compared with Solanki et al.’s scheme, the enhanced scheme increases effective watermarking capacity, avoids additional overhead and overcomes an inherent flaw that watermarking capacity depends on the probability distribution of input watermark sequence. Based on the security requirements of buyer-seller watermarking protocols, a new watermarking scheme in the encrypted domain with flexible watermarking capacity is proposed. It improves the robustness of watermark sequence against image compressions and enables image tampering detection. Watermark extraction is blind, which employs the same threshold criterion and secret keys as watermark embedding. Experimental results demonstrate that the enhanced watermarking scheme eliminates the drawbacks of Solanki et al.’s scheme and that the proposed watermarking scheme in the encrypted domain outperforms Kuribayashi and Tanaka’s scheme.  相似文献   

Robust and efficient content-based digital audio watermarking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a set of digital watermarking schemes for WAV audio, WAV-table synthesis audio and compressed audio. The watermark embedding scheme is closely related to audio content and based on the human auditory system. The experimental results in listening and robustness illustrate that the proposed watermarking schemes can achieve an optimal balance between audibility and robustness of the watermarked audio. The proposed methods are also very useful and effective for copyright protection, tracing illegal distribution and other applications.  相似文献   

Bilge  Umut  A.   《Pattern recognition》2002,35(12):2739-2747
This paper introduces two spatial methods in order to embed watermark data into fingerprint images, without corrupting their features. The first method inserts watermark data after feature extraction, thus preventing watermarking of regions used for fingerprint classification. The method utilizes an image adaptive strength adjustment technique which results in watermarks with low visibility. The second method introduces a feature adaptive watermarking technique for fingerprints, thus applicable before feature extraction. For both of the methods, decoding does not require original fingerprint image. Unlike most of the published spatial watermarking methods, the proposed methods provide high decoding accuracy for fingerprint images. High data hiding and decoding performance for color images is also observed.  相似文献   

It is a challenging work to design a robust audio watermarking scheme against various attacks. Wavelet moment invariances are new features combining the moment invariant features and the wavelet features, and they have some excellent characteristics, such as the ability to capture local information, robustness against common signal processing, and the linear relationship between a signal and its wavelet moments etc. Based on wavelet moment and synchronization code, we propose a new digital audio watermarking algorithm with good auditory quality and reasonable resistance against most attacks in this paper. Firstly, the origin digital audio is segmented and then each segment is cut into two parts. Secondly, with the spatial watermarking technique, synchronization code is embedded into the statistics average value of audio samples in the first part. And then, map 1D digital audio signal in the second part into 2D form, and calculate its wavelet moments. Finally, the watermark bit is embedded into the average value of modulus of the low-order wavelet moments. Meanwhile combining the two adjacent synchronization code searching technology, the algorithm can extract the watermark without the help from the origin digital audio signal. Simulation results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is not only inaudible and robust against common signals processing such as MP3 compression, noise addition, resampling, and re-quantization etc., but also robust against the desynchronization attacks such as random cropping, amplitude variation, pitch shifting, and jittering etc.  相似文献   

We proposed a novel discrete fractional Sine transform (DFRST) based watermarking scheme for audio data copyright protection. Chaotic sequences were adopted to improve the security of the proposed watermarking scheme. Simulations under various conditions were given to verify the effectiveness of the audio watermarking scheme. The results show the proposed scheme is secure, and the watermark is imperceptible and robust against various audio signal processing attacks.  相似文献   

An adjusted-purpose digital watermarking technique   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Yi-Ta Wu  Frank Y. Shih   《Pattern recognition》2004,37(12):787-2359
Selection of a suitable watermarking technique is not easy since there exist many kinds of watermarking techniques for variant types of watermarks. In this paper, a novel adjusted-purpose digital watermarking technique is presented to simplify the selection and to integrate different watermarking techniques. The quantity factor is used to affect the embedded watermarks to become fragile, semi-fragile or robust watermarks. The varying sized transform window is designed to determine whether the embedded strategy should be in spatial or frequency domains. Furthermore, by extracting pixel-based features, our watermarking technique cannot only improve robustness of embedded watermarks, but also provide an integrated view in studies of digital watermarking.  相似文献   

数字水印技术可用于内容的鉴定及防止伪造,被看作是对已发布内容避免其受到未经授权的复用的重要技术。所有权信息以水印的方式嵌入至数字内容中,从而能够提供版权保护、所有权声明、数码内容完整性核查及其在遭受攻击时提供版权侵害的证据,因而水印技术成为构造数字媒体版权备选的方案。本文介绍了水印方法与有信编码与嵌入的关联性,设计了一个有效的方法,使用码字子集来代表预插入的0或1数据位。此外,还提出了一个码字生成方案,能控制码间距,从而保证了水印的鲁棒性与信号的保真度。通过比较测试可以看出,我们提出的方法在视频压缩方面具备出色的稳健性。  相似文献   

A fast two-layer image watermarking without referring to the original image and watermark is proposed in this study. Two layers of algorithms are employed to simultaneously hide the same watermarks in the spatial domain. More specifically, the first layer watermarking resists high-frequency destruction, while that in layer two resists low-frequency destruction. Although the image is modified through two layers of watermarking, the watermarks are still invisible. In addition, the proposed watermarking has other advantages. First, the proposed embedding technique is based on an intra-relationship within the original image rather than an inter-relationship between the original and watermarked images so that the original image is not required during the detection process. Second, the proposed watermark is composed of fixed and variable parts. The fixed part allows the detection of the watermark existence and location without referring to the original watermark. The variable part permits greater flexibility and variety of watermarks. Third, the proposed watermark is a short serial number, which allows it to be duplicated. Because of the duplication, a majority voting strategy can be employed to facilitate watermark detection. Finally, the proposed method is fast and simple. It takes only one or two seconds for either the embedding stage or the detection stage. Various experiments have been conducted to verify the above advantages of the two layer watermarking.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, there have been more and more robust watermarking schemes proposed for copyright protection of digital documents. The authors combine cryptography with watermarking to simultaneously address the problems of protecting the owner's copyright and the legal customer's ownership. The authors propose a robust watermarking scheme based on visual cryptography and a watermarking protocol based on asymmetric cryptography. It is worthwhile to note that the proposed schemes are resistant to counterfeit, collusion, averaging, and copy attacks, while the large majority of robust watermarking schemes are not. Furthermore, the application of digital signature and timestamp makes public verification possible.  相似文献   

We present a new method for watermarking which is based on redundant wavelet transform (RDWT) and independent component analysis (ICA) for authenticity protection of multimedia products. RDWT gives an over complete presentation of the input sequences and functions as a better approximation to the wavelet transform, and therefore, is well-suitable for watermarking. An advantage of using a large logo is the ability to carry redundant information about copyright, increasing the robustness. By exploiting RDWT, we can embed a large binary logo watermark, which has the same size as the host image. The watermark is detected by a new intelligent ICA-based detector, with which we can directly extract the watermark in spatial domain without transformation steps. Our findings are that RDWT-based watermarking out-performs against image compression, and produces less image distortion than conventional DWT. The robustness of the proposed method is demonstrated and tested under various attacks  相似文献   

通过在GIS空间数据中隐藏标识数据生产单位版权和用户使用权属的数字水印的数据安全技术,来跟踪、抵制GIS空间数据的非法流通、非法复制,有效保护数据生产单位的合法权益,推动GIS空间数据的安全共享.方法无论是对于地理空间数据安全管理,还是对于数字水印信息隐藏技术应用领域的扩展都属新的探索.运用所研究的技术方法已开发出相应的应用软件,并利用江苏省1∶ 1万数字地形图数据进行了检验测试,证明该技术方法是可行的.  相似文献   

Here we study a recently proposed watermarking scheme based on the paper “Wavelet Tree Quantization” (WTQ) by Wang and Lin (IEEE Trans Image Process 13(2):154–165, 2004). In given scheme, wavelet coefficients corresponding to the same spatial locations are grouped together. Two such groups, selected at random, constitute a supertree. Some of these supertrees are quantized to embed the watermark information in the image. In the process of cryptanalysis we first identify the groups which are quantized during the watermark insertion process. Then we select the non-quantized groups and quantize them too, to remove the watermark. Experimental results show that the watermark is completely removed by this attack. The cryptanalysis falls under the cipher text only jamming attack which requires only a single watermarked copy. Further, we suitably modify the WTQ scheme to make it robust against such cryptanalytic attacks.This is an extended and revised version of the paper Cryptanalysis of “Wavelet Tree Quantization” Watermarking Scheme presented at the International Workshop on Distributed Computing, IWDC 2004, Kolkata, 27–30 December 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3326, pp. 219–230. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York (2004). Section 4 of this paper introduces a modified scheme which is an addition over the conference version. Part of this work has been done while the author T. K. Das was visiting Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata during 2004.  相似文献   

A robust software watermarking for copyright protection   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper advocates protecting software copyright through hiding watermarks in various data structures used by the code, e.g., B+-trees, R-trees, linked lists, etc. Prior proposals hide the watermarks in dummy data structures, e.g., linked lists and graphs that are created, solely for this reason, during the execution of the hosting software. This makes them vulnerable to subtractive attacks, because the attacker can remove the dummy data structures without altering the functionality or the semantic of the software program. We argue that hiding watermarks in one or more data structures that are used by the program would make the watermark more robust because disturbing the watermark would affect the semantic and the functionality of the underlying software. The challenge is that the insertion of the watermark should have a minimal effect on the operations and performance of the data structure.This paper proposes a novel method for watermarking R-tree data structure and its variants. The proposed watermarking technique does not change the values of the stored data objects. It takes advantage of the redundancy in the order of entries inside the R-tree nodes. Entries are arranged relative to a “secret” initial order, known only to the software owner, using a technique based on a numbering system that uses variable radix with factorial base. The addition of the watermark in the R-tree data structure does not affect the performance nor does it increase the size of the R-tree. The paper provides a detailed security analysis and performance evaluation to show that the embedded watermarks are robust and can withstand various types of attacks.  相似文献   

多媒体信息版权保护新技术--数字水印   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着网络多媒体系统的不断发展,在丰富人们精神生活的同时,盗版现象也愈演愈烈,这大大侵害了创作者的合法权益,成为影响多媒体产品市场版权保护的重大问题。更使得多媒体信息的版权保护问题变得十分重要。由于数字水印的出现,让人们找到了有效保护多媒体信息版权的一种新方法,目前已经在多媒体信息安全研究领域得到广泛的研究和应用。文章介绍了数字水印的概念、特征及由来,重点分析其技术原理和较常用的算法,最后简单讨论数字水印技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel logo watermarking technique with key concept is proposed using fractional wavelet packet transform (FrWPT), non-linear chaotic map and singular value decomposition (SVD). The core idea is to use biometrically generated keys in the embedding process of gray-scale watermark. Therefore, this paper first proposes a method for generating keys from biometrics efficiently. Then the host image is first randomized with the help of non-linear chaotic map followed by the embedding in the FrWPT domain by modifying the singular values of the randomized image. Further, in order to enhance the security, an authentication key is formed to authenticate the watermarked image. Finally, a reliable extraction process is proposed to extracted watermark from the possibly attacked authenticate watermarked image. The security, attack and comparative analysis confirm high security, efficiency and robustness of the proposed watermarking technique. Further, an efficient solution is also proposed to deal with the ambiguous situations created by SVD in watermarking.  相似文献   

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