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Oxidative metabolism in the in vivo canine myocardium was studied noninvasively using 13C-enriched acetate and non-steady state 13C NMR techniques. Under low workload conditions, the myocardium oxidized the infused [2-13C]acetate and incorporated the labeled carbon into the glutamate pool as expected. This conclusion stems from the rapid enrichment of the C-2, C-3, and C-4 carbons of glutamic acid both under in vivo conditions and in extracts. Surprisingly, [2-13C]acetate uptake was not observed at high workloads as reflected by an absence of glutamate pool enrichment at these rate pressure products. Rather, the myocardium selected its substrate from an endogenous pool. Since free acetate can directly cross the inner mitochondrial membrane and be converted to acetyl-CoA through acetyl-CoA synthetase, these results support workload-dependent regulation of substrate access to the mitochondrial CoASH pool. As such, we advance the hypothesis that the selection of substrate for condensation with CoASH and subsequent oxidation in the tricarboxylic acid cycle is regulated kinetically through the Km values of the appropriate condensation enzymes and through the absolute levels of free CoASH in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

The detection of lymphomatous infiltration of the liver has implications for the staging and treatment of this disease. Our studies of patients with Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma suggest that the involvement of the liver could be detected by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as an increase in the phosphomonoester/ATP and phosphomonoester/Pi ratios in the liver spectra in vivo. Studies of extracts of lymphomatous lymph nodes and of the lymphomatous mouse liver, showed that phosphoethanolamine was largely responsible for the increase in the phosphomonoester (PME) signal. This compound is involved in phospholipid metabolism, as a precursor and breakdown product of phosphatidylethanolamine. The kinetics of the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine from [13C2]ethanolamine were studied using 13C NMR spectroscopy. The increase in phosphoethanolamine in the lymphomatous liver was not found to be due to increased flux through the synthetic pathway to phosphatidylethanolamine, nor was it due to increased availability of ethanolamine.  相似文献   

13C and 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the metabolism of L-lactate and D-glucose in C6 glioma cells. The changing of lactate and glucose concentration in the extracellular medium of C6 glioma cells incubated with 5.5 mM glucose and 11 mM lactate indicated a net production of lactate as the consequence of an active aerobic glycolysis. The 13C enrichments of various metabolites were determined after 4-h cell incubation in media containing both substrates, each of them being alternatively labeled in the form of either [3-13C]L-lactate or [1-13C]D-glucose. Using 11 mM [3-13C]L-lactate, the enrichment of glutamate C4, 69%, was found higher than that of alanine C3, 32%, when that of acetyl-CoA C2 was 78%. These results indicated that exogenous lactate was the major substrate for the oxidative metabolism of the cells. Nevertheless, an active glycolysis occurred, leading to a net lactate production. This lactate was, however, metabolically different from the exogenous lactate as both lactate species did not mix into a unique compartment. The results were actually consistent with the concept of the existence of two pools of both lactate and pyruvate, wherein one pool was closely connected with exogenous lactate and was the main fuel for the oxidative metabolism, and the other pool was closely related to aerobic glycolysis.  相似文献   

Sorbitol biosynthesis and regulation in freeze tolerant pupae of Hyalophora cecropia have been investigated as a function of temperature by 19F and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy using several 13C-labeled and/or fluorine-substituted carbohydrates. 3-Deoxy-3-fluoro-D-glucose (3DFG) was metabolized to 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-D-sorbitol (3DFS), 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-D-fructose (3DFF), and 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-D-gluconic acid (3DFGA), indicating that the enzymes required for sorbitol biosynthesis and metabolism are active in H. cecropia at warm (22 degrees C) and cold (4 and -10 degrees C) temperatures. Two additional metabolites were produced when pupae were injected with either 3DFG, 3DFS, 3DFF, or 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-D-mannose (3DFM). One of these was identified as 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-D-mannitol (3DFML) by 13C NMR using [1-13C]3DFM and [1-13C]3DFG as metabolic probes. H. cecropia pupae injected with D-glucose labeled with 13C at C-1, C-2, or C-3 and subsequently analyzed by 13C NMR clearly demonstrated the ability to generate sorbitol and fructose. In contrast, gas chromatography/mass spectrometric analysis of hemolymph failed to detect sorbitol in pupae reared under natural conditions (i.e. in the absence of injected enriched sugars). Thus, although H. cecropia pupae have the enzymic machinery to biosynthesize sorbitol, they do not appear to accumulate high steady-state concentrations of this polyol over the temperature range studied. The specificity of the enzymes involved in alditol biosynthesis in H. cecropia was examined by 13C NMR with a wide range of aldoses enriched with 13C at C-1. Pupae were capable of converting these sugars to their corresponding [1-13C]alditols, indicating that nonspecific dehydrogenase(s), in addition to aldose reductase, is(are) involved in polyol biosynthesis in H. cecropia pupae.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte hormone that functions as an afferent signal in a negative feedback loop regulating body weight, and acts by interacting with a receptor in the hypothalamus and other tissues. Leptin treatment has potent effects on lipid metabolism, and leads to a large, specific reduction of adipose tissue mass after several days. Here we show that leptin also acts acutely to increase glucose metabolism, although studies of leptin's effect on glucose metabolism have typically been confounded by the weight-reducing actions of leptin treatment, which by itself could affect glucose homoeostasis. We have demonstrated acute in vivo effects of intravenous and intracerebroventricular administrations of leptin on glucose metabolism. A five-hour intravenous infusion of leptin into wild-type mice increased glucose turnover and glucose uptake, but decreased hepatic glycogen content. The plasma levels of insulin and glucose did not change. Similar effects were observed after both intravenous and intracerebroventricular infusion of leptin, suggesting that effects of leptin on glucose metabolism are mediated by the central nervous system (CNS). These data indicate that leptin induces a complex metabolic response with effects on glucose as well as lipid metabolism. This response is unique to leptin, which suggests that new efferent signals emanate from the CNS after leptin treatment.  相似文献   

Temperature dependencies of 1H non-selective NMR T1 and T2 relaxation times measured at two resonance frequencies and natural abundance 13C NMR relaxation times T1 and T1r measured at room temperature have been studied in a set of dry and wet solid proteins - Bacterial RNase, lysozyme and Bovine serum albumin (BSA). The proton and carbon data were interpreted in terms of a model supposing three kinds of internal motions in a protein. These are rotation of the methyl protons around the axis of symmetry of the methyl group, and fast and slow oscillations of all atoms. The correlation times of these motions in solid state are found around 10(-11), 10(-9) and 10(-6)s, respectively. All kinds of motion are characterized by the inhomogeneous distribution of the correlation times. The protein dehydration affects only the slow internal motion. The amplitude of the slow motion obtained from the carbon data is substantially less than that obtained from the proton data. This difference can be explained by taking into account different relative inter- and intra- chemical group contributions to the proton and carbon second moments. The comparison of the solid state and solution proton relaxation data showed that the internal protein dynamics in these states is different: the slow motion seems to be few orders of magnitude faster in solution.  相似文献   

The natural-abundance 13C NMR spectrum of gramicidin A in a lipid membrane was acquired under magic-angle spinning conditions. With fast sample spinning (15 kHz) at approximately 65 degrees C the peaks from several of the aliphatic, beta-, alpha-, aromatic, and carbonyl carbons in the peptide could be resolved. The resolution in the 13C spectrum was superior that observed with 1H NMR under similar conditions. The 13C linewidths were in the range 30-100 Hz, except for the alpha- and beta-carbons, the widths of which were approximately 350 Hz. The beta-sheet-like local structure of gramicidin A was observed as an upfield shift of the gramicidin alpha and carbonyl resonances. Under slow sample spinning (500 Hz), the intensity of the spinning sidebands from 13C in the backbone carbonyls was used to determine the residual chemical shift tensor. As expected, the elements of the residual chemical shift tensor were consistent with the single-stranded, right-handed beta6.3 helix structure proposed for gramicidin A in lipid membranes.  相似文献   

Following the observation of increased trough whole blood cyclosporin A (CyA) concentrations and reduced renal function in a patient with recalcitrant generalized pustular psoriasis treated with a combination of CyA and etretinate, the effect of vitamin A analogues on human microsomal cytochrome P450-dependent CyA metabolism was investigated in vitro. In addition, the effect of terbinafine, a new allylamine antifungal agent, was also tested. Etretinate, its major metabolite acitretin, and isotretinoin, each at a single concentration of 100 microM, inhibited total hepatic microsomal CyA metabolism to a similar extent (33-45%, compared with control values). The generation of total primary and total secondary CyA metabolites was also inhibited to a similar extent by each of the retinoids. Conversely, terbinafine was without significant effect on CyA metabolism in vitro. The results, which suggest that inhibition of hepatic CyA metabolism by retinoids may contribute to increased circulating CyA concentrations, are discussed in relation to other potential drug interactions, and to the use of etretinate in reducing the CyA administered dose.  相似文献   

The presence of secondary sensory cells in the Octopus gravity receptor system has been demonstrated. In serial thin sections of the receptor cells (hair cells) no axons were found leaving the cells. Instead, synapses were observed with synaptic vesicles lying inside the receptor cells. Both data clearly indicate that the receptor hair cells represent secondary sensory cells. In addition, efferent contacts to the receptor cells could be confirmed.  相似文献   

A "chronic" study of an implantable bladder pacemaker revealed that, although the electrode array did not significantly impair vesical function during the 10 weeks of research, electric stimulation did spread to the voluntary perineal musculature. There was also a drop in bladder response to the same stimulation parameters, probably due to progressive development of fibrous reaction and encasement of electrodes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate a computer program to modulate the visual impairment caused by intraocular lens (IOL) misalignment and visualize results obtained by numerical calculations. SETTING: Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. METHODS: The optic imagery of a Landolt circle was calculated using a ray-tracing computer program. Visual aberrations resulting from a decentered and/or tilted IOL were studied using this program and compared with theoretical calculations. RESULTS: The IOL decentration and/or tilt shifted the postoperative refractive errors toward myopia and astigmatism (oblique). The combination of IOL decentration and tilt produced a refractive error that depended on the relationship between the geometrical axes of the decentration and tilt. The refractive error can be enhanced or diminished depending on the relationship of these axes. CONCLUSIONS: These findings verify the results calculated by paraxial vergence equations. A ray-tracing program simulated the optic imagery for various kinds of IOL misalignment and IOL optic properties.  相似文献   

Proton decoupled, cross-polarization magic-angle spinning 13C NMR spectra of four polymorphic forms (A, B, C, and D) and a monohydrate form (M1) of the histamine H2 antagonist cimetidine were obtained, and the chemical shifts of the various forms were tabulated. A modified polarization inversion pulse sequence was used to distinguish quaternary, methine, methylene, and methyl carbon resonances and thereby assist spectral assignment. It is also shown that the solid-state form of cimetidine in a commercial formulation can be reliably ascertained by NMR, despite the presence in the spectrum of signals from organic excipients that are much more intense than those from the compound.  相似文献   

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