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构建了含电气体发电的ORC系统并对比于传统的汽轮机-发电机的发电方式,以发电功率和火用效率作为目标函数,基于热力学和电学理论,计算分析了亚临界状态下7种不同工质相应目标。研究表明,蒸发温度升高,系统发电功率增加。相同条件下,R134a有较大的输出电功率;热源进口温度一定,窄点温差越小,系统火用效率越大;同一窄点温差,热源进口温度不高于临界温度约2倍的窄点温差时,火用效率存在最大值;反之,火用效率则随蒸发温度单调递增。本研究将为ORC新型发电技术在工质选择和性能优化方面提供理论指导。  相似文献   

张历华  吴俐俊  胡颢然  高秀晶 《热能动力工程》2013,28(3):257-261,323,324
为高效利用钢铁厂200~450℃烟气余热,利用EES软件模拟计算了水蒸气朗肯循环(SRC)4种有机朗肯循环(ORC)和水蒸气-有机物联合双循环(S-ORC)的热效率、火用效率和单位质量工质的发电能力。通过比较各发电系统的性能,探讨了低温发电系统的优化措施。为进一步利用ORC系统透平机乏汽余热,针对300℃以上的热源设计了梯级有机朗肯循环(CORC)。综合考虑各发电系统的性能,得出:对于200~300℃的烟气,可采用以R141b为工质的ORC发电系统;对于300~450℃的烟气,可采用CORC发电系统。由于S-ORC的热效率、火用效率、发电功率比传统SRC的高,且能有效减小工质在冷凝器的负压,对于450℃以上的热源,可用S-ORC代替传统的SRC。  相似文献   

为研究有机朗肯循环(ORC)热源温度变化引起的循环热效率、(火用)效率、发电效率等性能的变化情况,搭建以R245fa为循环工质的ORC发电系统实验平台。实验结果表明:热源温度的提高使循环蒸发压力、冷凝压力升高,膨胀机入口温度、压力升高,膨胀比增大,等熵效率提升,膨胀做功能力增强,系统循环热效率、(火用)效率、发电效率均增大;在冷源温度为12℃,工质流量保持恒定的情况下,热源温度从87.5℃上升至108.1℃时,循环热效率由4.1%提升到7.1%,系统(火用)效率由17.2%提升到30.0%,系统发电效率由4.1%提升到7.3%。  相似文献   

在考虑换热器压降及散热损失的情况下建立中低温地热驱动的有机朗肯循环(ORC)发电系统模型并通过500 kW示范工程进行验证。模型选取5种有机工质,研究换热器压降在不同热源温度、蒸发温度和冷凝温度下对系统性能的影响。研究结果表明随着热源温度以及蒸发温度的升高,压降对系统净发电量以及净发电效率的影响逐渐降低,但随着冷凝温度的升高,压降对系统净发电量的影响逐渐升高。其中,采用R227ea的系统受换热器压降影响最小,采用R123的系统受影响最大。  相似文献   

纯低温余热发电系统的优化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建立纯低温余热发电系统的热力学模型,计算分析了过热蒸汽压力、进口烟气温度和节点温差等因素对纯低温余热发电系统发电性能的影响.结果表明:在设计纯低温余热发电系统时,存在一优化过热蒸汽压力,使得纯低温余热发电系统的单位烟气发电功率最大;随着进口烟气温度的升高,系统单位烟气发电功率增大,对应的优化过热蒸汽压力升高;而随着节点温差的增大,系统单位烟气发电功率减小,对应的优化过热蒸汽压力降低.  相似文献   

为提高我国中低温地热资源的能量转换利用率,提出了两级地热闪蒸和地热闪蒸-双工质联合发电方式,以单位热水发电量、热效率和产气率为性能指标,通过数值计算,分析地热水温度对两种不同地热发电系统性能指标以及地热尾水温度的影响,并对两种发电系统的选用条件作了论述。  相似文献   

一种地热与太阳能联合发电系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种地热与太阳能联合发电系统,可用于地热和太阳能资源丰富的地区.该系统的特点是基于双流地热发电循环,通过增加太阳能过热器来增加系统发电量.太阳能过热环节采用槽式集热器.对异丁烷(P600a)和丁烷(R600)两种工质在不同太阳能利用分数下的发电功率和发电效率进行了比较,发现对于带有过热装置的朗肯循环(ORC),选择R600a为工质性能更佳.研究表明太阳能过热环节对于提高系统发电功率具有较大贡献,但对增加系统发电效率改善不大.还针对具有固定集热面积(1000m2)的太阳能地热发电系统应用于西藏地区可行性进行了分析,发现这种地热太阳能联合发电系统相比于常规地热发电系统,发电能力可提高约10%,对解决该地区的供电紧张状况能够起到一定的作用.  相似文献   

基于Ebsilon软件,对某中低温地热发电系统的闪蒸式发电、纯有机朗肯循环以及有机回热朗肯循环发电方式进行了计算与比较,通过筛选以R245fa作为有机朗肯循环工质的计算结果显示:纯有机朗肯循环比闪蒸式发电能源利用效率可以提高62.9%,而回热有机朗肯循环比纯有机朗肯循环的能源利用效率提高8.7%。计算结果可为中低温地热发电系统能源有效利用提供指导。  相似文献   

针对1000t/d石灰窑生产线余热发电系统进行建模分析及优化。计算结果表明:采用传统朗肯循环发电系统,实际发电功率低于900k W,进汽轮机蒸汽最佳压力范围为0.35~0.5MPa,最佳温度范围为190~220℃;采用双工质有机朗肯循环发电系统发电功率大幅度提高,以R123作为有机工质为例,进汽轮机蒸汽最佳压力3.0MPa、蒸汽温度173.3℃,理论最大输出功率1391k W。同时对有机朗肯循环系统中广泛采用的有机工质ORC循环系统进行了对比分析,为活性石灰低温余热的高效利用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is a promising technology for converting the low-grade energy to electricity. This paper presents an investigation on the parameter optimization and performance comparison of the fluids in subcritical ORC and transcritical power cycle in low-temperature (i.e. 80–100 °C) binary geothermal power system. The optimization procedure was conducted with a simulation program written in Matlab using five indicators: thermal efficiency, exergy efficiency, recovery efficiency, heat exchanger area per unit power output (APR) and the levelized energy cost (LEC). With the given heat source and heat sink conditions, performances of the working fluids were evaluated and compared under their optimized internal operation parameters. The optimum cycle design and the corresponding operation parameters were provided simultaneously. The results indicate that the choice of working fluid varies the objective function and the value of the optimized operation parameters are not all the same for different indicators. R123 in subcritical ORC system yields the highest thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of 11.1% and 54.1%, respectively. Although the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of R125 in transcritical cycle is 46.4% and 20% lower than that of R123 in subcritical ORC, it provides 20.7% larger recovery efficiency. And the LEC value is relatively low. Moreover, 22032L petroleum is saved and 74,019 kg CO2 is reduced per year when the LEC value is used as the objective function. In conclusion, R125 in transcritical power cycle shows excellent economic and environmental performance and can maximize utilization of the geothermal. It is preferable for the low-temperature geothermal ORC system. R41 also exhibits favorable performance except for its flammability.  相似文献   

Oguz Arslan   《Energy》2011,36(5):2528-2534
Recent technical developments have made it possible to generate electricity from geothermal resources of low and medium enthalpy. One of these technologies is the Kalina Cycle System. In this study, electricity generation from Simav geothermal field was investigated using the Kalina cycle system-34 (KCS-34). However, the design of these technologies requires more proficiency and longer times within complex calculations. An artificial neural network (ANN) is a new tool used to make a decision for the optimum working conditions of the processes within the expertise. In this study, the back-propagation learning algorithm with three different variants, namely Levenberg-Marguardt (LM), Pola-Ribiere Conjugate Gradient (CGP), and Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG), were used in the network so that the best approach could be found. The most suitable algorithm found was LM with 7 neurons in a single hidden layer. The obtained weights were used in optimization process by coupling the life-cycle-cost concepts.  相似文献   

In present work, the basic, dual-pressure and dual-fluid ORCs and Kalina cycle for power generation from the geothermal fluid reservoir are compared from energy, exergy and exergoeconomic viewpoints. To do so, first thermodynamic models are applied to the considered cycles; then by developing cost flow rate balance and auxiliary equations using SPECO method for all components, the cost flow rate and unit cost of exergy for each stream are calculated. The results show that the turbine in basic and Kalina cycles and low pressure turbine in dual-pressure and dual-fluid ORCs have the maximum value of sum of total cost rate associated with exergy destruction and total capital investment cost rate. Thus, more attention should be paid for these components from the exergoeconomic viewpoint. The cycles are optimized to obtain maximum produced electrical power in the cycles as well as minimum unit cost of produced power. The optimization results show that among the considered cycles, dual-pressure ORC has the maximum value of produced electrical power. This is 15.22%, 35.09% and 43.48% more than the corresponding values for the basic ORC, dual-fluid ORC and Kalina cycle, respectively in optimal condition. Also Kalina cycle has the minimum value of unit cost of power produced and its value in optimum state is 26.23%%, 52.09% and 66.74% less than the corresponding values for the basic ORC, dual-pressure ORC and dual-fluid ORC, respectively in optimal condition. Finally a parametric study is carried out to assess the effects on thermodynamic and exergoeconomic parameters of the considered cycles of operating pressures and ammonia mass concentration.  相似文献   

低温地热有机朗肯循环(ORC)工质选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对低温(60~150℃)地热有机朗肯循环(ORC)系统,以净输出电功和系统能量损失作为评价指标,分析不同地热流体温度下有机工质R290,R134a,R600a,R600,R601a的做功能力,确定最佳循环工质.分析结果表明:对于湿流体工质,由于临界温度较低,当地热流体温度高于其临界温度20℃时,不存在最佳蒸发温度:对于60~80℃的地热流体,工质R601a的最大净输出电功最大;对于90~120℃的地热流体,工质R134a的最大净输出电功最大;对于125~150℃的地热流体,工质R290的净输出电功最大.这些结果为中低温地热利用提供设计依据.  相似文献   

In the context of heat recovery for electric power generation, Kalina cycle (a thermodynamic cycle using as working fluid a mixture of water and ammonia) and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) represent two different eligible technologies. In this work a comparison between the thermodynamic performances of Kalina cycle and an ORC cycle, using hexamethyldisiloxane as working fluid, was conducted for the case of heat recovery from two Diesel engines, each one with an electrical power of 8900 kWe. The maximum net electric power that can be produced exploiting the heat source constituted by the exhaust gases mass flow (35 kg/s for both engines, at 346 °C) was calculated for the two thermodynamic cycles. Owing to the relatively low useful power, for the Kalina cycle a relatively simple plant layout was assumed. Supposing reasonable design parameters and a logarithmic mean temperature difference in the heat recovery exchanger of 50 °C, a net electric power of 1615 kW and of 1603 kW respectively for the Kalina and for the ORC cycle was calculated.Although the obtained useful powers are actually equal in value, the Kalina cycle requires a very high maximum pressure in order to obtain high thermodynamic performances (in our case, 100 bar against about 10 bar for the ORC cycle). So, the adoption of Kalina cycle, at least for low power level and medium–high temperature thermal sources, seems not to be justified because the gain in performance with respect to a properly optimized ORC is very small and must be obtained with a complicated plant scheme, large surface heat exchangers and particular high pressure resistant and no-corrosion materials.  相似文献   

世界地热发电现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志茂  朱彤 《太阳能》2007,(8):10-14
地热发电技术经过几十年的发展已经取得了很大的进展,目前欧美一些发达国家正在积极探索地热发电新技术,但是我国的地热发电经过第一次开发之后基本上处于停滞状态,主要是受到资源和技术两方面的限制,今后的地热事业应该将解决腐蚀、结垢、回灌作为发展重点和方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, thermodynamic analysis is carried out for a geothermal Kalina cycle employed in Husavic power plant. Afterwards, the optimum operating conditions in which the cycle is at its best performance are calculated. In order to reach the optimum thermal and exergy efficiencies of the cycle, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, a new powerful multi-objective and multi-modal optimization algorithm, is conducted. Regarding the mechanism of ABC algorithm, convergence speed and precision of solutions have been remarkably improved when compared to those of GA, PSO and DE algorithms. Such a relative improvement is indicated by a limit parameter and declining probability of premature convergence. In this research, exergy efficiency including chemical and physical exergies and thermal efficiency are chosen as the objective functions of ABC algorithm where optimum values of the efficiencies for the Kalina cycle are found to be 48.18 and 20.36%, respectively, while the empirical thermal efficiency of the cycle is about 14%. At the optimum thermal and exergy efficiencies, total exergy destruction rates are respectively 4.17 and 3.48 MW. Finally, effects of the separator inlet pressure, temperature, basic ammonia mass fraction and mass flow rate on the first and second law efficiencies are investigated.  相似文献   

为提高基本ORC(有机朗肯循环)系统换热器内冷热流体换热温差匹配程度,提升系统热力性能,提出一种ORC-R(热源自调节有机朗肯循环发电)系统,基于热力学第一定律和第二定律,建立了系统的数学模型并编制计算机程序进行分析,研究表明:当热源与有机工质换热温差不匹配时,采用热源自调节方式可有效提升基本ORC系统热力性能;热源自调节系数不同,ORC-R系统热力性能提升程度不同,存在随热源温度不同而有所变化的极限调节值;同时,ORC-R系统较基本ORC系统达到性能最优值时的蒸发温度降低,ORC-R系统净输出功、火用效率随热源自调节系数增加呈现先增加后减小的变化规律,可找到热源自调节系数的最佳值使ORC-R系统热力性能达到最优;热源温度Tg=373、383、393和403 K时,ORC-R系统净输出功Wnet较基本ORC系统分别增加35.52%、42.75%、51.15%和57.63%;ORC-R系统火用效率ηex分别为基本ORC系统的0.879 9倍、1.174 9倍、1.485 8倍和1.807 8倍。  相似文献   

Fifty years of geothermal power generation at Wairakei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The challenges and changes that have occurred over the last 50 years of remarkable service from the Wairakei Geothermal Power Project are reviewed. The project was initially constructed during the 1953–1963 period. Plant changes including the decommissioning of the high-pressure turbine generators, the installation of a 3.5-MW intermediate-low pressure steam turbine at the Wairakei Power Station in 1996, the commissioning of the 55 MW Poihipi Power Station in 1997, the 14 MW binary power plant at the Wairakei Power Station in 2005, and a proposed new station to be constructed in the Te Mihi area in 2011–2016 are briefly discussed. Also reviewed are steamfield aspects including steam separation processes, a pilot scheme that was designed to carry hot geothermal water some distance before flash steam generation by pressure reduction, steam production from vapor-dominated regions in the Wairakei reservoir, geothermal water injection, and cascade and direct heat uses. Finally, various aspects of the Wairakei development that have contributed to its success are described. It is anticipated that the geothermal resource will be producing beyond 2028 at generation levels 50% above the current (2008) level.  相似文献   

This paper describes the main methods of utilization of geothermal resources for electric energy production. A thorough review is also given of the general criteria adopted by ANSALDO in their design of new geothermal electric units. The objective of this design is to achieve a more rational exploitation of the source of the primary power. Along with the working characteristics of the units, the paper also describes the provisions taken to eliminate or reduce the problems arising when utilizing geothermal fluids.  相似文献   

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