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嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序开发   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
阐述在嵌入式Linux环境下设备驱动程序的开发,详细探讨了嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序的通用模块框架和具体开发流程,说明了驱动程序与内核的关系,归纳嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序的共性.解析Linux设备驱动程序模块的概念,进一步分析了驱动模块的初始化和卸载这两个关键函数.通过实例论述如何设计和编写模块化的嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序,以及解释驱动程序的关键代码.最后归纳了开发嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序的核心思想.  相似文献   

This work addresses the problem of profiling drivers based on their driving features. A purpose-built hardware integrated with a software tool is used to record data from multiple drivers. The recorded data is then profiled using clustering techniques. k-means has been used for clustering and the results are counterchecked with Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and Model Based Clustering (MBC). Based on the results of clustering, a classifier, i.e., an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is trained to classify a driver during driving in one of the four discovered clusters (profiles). The performance of ANN is compared with that of a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Comparison of the clustering techniques shows that different subsets of the recorded dataset with a diverse combination of attributes provide approximately the same number of profiles, i.e., four. Analysis of features shows that average speed, maximum speed, number of times brakes were applied, and number of times horn was used provide the information regarding drivers’ driving behavior, which is useful for clustering. Both one versus one (SVM) and one versus rest (SVM) method for classification have been applied. Average accuracy and average mean square error achieved in the case of ANN was 84.2 % and 0.05 respectively. Whereas the average performance for SVM was 47 %, the maximum performance was 86 % using RBF kernel. The proposed system can be used in modern vehicles for early warning system, based on drivers’ driving features, to avoid accidents.  相似文献   

Making E-business pay: eight key drivers for operational success   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How does a company achieve high levels of operational performance in e-business? It invests in e-business drivers, key factors to maximize e-business value, related to technology, business processes, and readiness of customers and suppliers to achieve operational excellence. At the Center for Research in Electronic Commerce, University of Texas at Austin, we conducted a large-scale study to assess e-business value in small, medium, and large companies across the US and Europe. This study, sponsored by Dell Computer, identifies the critical links between e-business drivers, financial indicators, and operational excellence measures. The extensive survey of manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and wholesalers reveals that investing in e-business drivers pays off.  相似文献   

中断处理是嵌入式Hnux操作系统的核心任务之一,提高应用程序效率的关键技术是在设备驱动程序中使用中断方式.本文介绍了ARM Linux中断处理过程,研究了Linux下设备驱动程序及其中断服务程序的开发方法和技巧,并实例介绍了键盘中断的服务程序开发方法.  相似文献   

The Linux Driver Verification system is designed for static analysis of the source code of Linux kernel space device drivers. In this paper, we describe the architecture of the verification system, including the integration of third-party tools for static verification of C programs. We consider characteristics of the Linux drivers source code that are important from the viewpoint of verification algorithms and give examples of comparative analysis of different verification tools, as well as different versions and configurations of a given tool.  相似文献   

A novel MEMS display device comprising a light separator and MEMS light shutters is introduced. This device is operable both in transmissive mode using internal light source and in reflective mode using external sun light. In transmissive mode, the light separator directs internal backlight illuminated on its incident surface into a plural of small openings (grooves) on the viewing surface. The MEMS light shutters are used to control the color and intensity of light at individual pixels. Internal light utilization efficiency of this display is the greatest compared to any other transmissive displays. The device is capable of having true black background, hence a very high contrast ratio. In reflective mode, MEMS shutters direct part of the sun light for image display. MEMS shutters have fast response time, making the new device suitable for vivid motion picture display, and operable at very low voltages, suitable for mobile device applications.  相似文献   

This paper shows how formal characterizations of causality and of the method of comparative statics, long used in econometrics, thermodynamics and other domains, can be applied to clarify and make rigorous the qualitative causal calculus recently proposed by de Kleer and Brown [2]. The formalization shows exactly what assumptions are required to carry out causal analysis of a system of interdependent variables in equilibrium and to propagate disturbances through such a system. The intuitive concepts of causality captured by de Kleer and Brown provide a rough approximation to the standard analytic techniques that are used in the treatment of simultaneous algebraic and differential equations.  相似文献   

The Linux operating system is quickly becoming a standard, attracting a wide user community and supporting a broad variety of applications and devices. Other vendors, such as Sun, have provided Linux‐compatible system call interfaces to their kernels, but are constrained by the lack of device support. To address this problem, we present a system (called PITS) to build device drivers, in this case for Solaris x86, from Linux source code. To accomplish this goal, we designed tools and Linux kernel emulation code to handle the myriad incompatibilities. These incompatibilities require the ability to resolve symbol conflicts, emulate internal Linux kernel data structures, handle module initialization, and generate module dependencies. With our method, we show that converting Linux device drivers is possible, but has a few technical difficulties. Issues arise with sparse documentation, external user interfaces, and modular driver implementations. There are also fundamental differences between the two operating systems, such as interrupt and DMA handling. We describe each of these issues and their current solutions to build a functional driver in the Solaris environment. Using the IOzone file system benchmark, we also demonstrate comparable performance between our generated SCSI driver set and their corresponding native counterparts. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

详细介绍了一种基于COM组件技术的组态软件I/O设备驱动程序的设计方法。在分析了设计原理的基础上,给出了一种以太网数据服务器驱动程序的具体实现。COM组件驱动程序的进程内运行方式和被所有驱动程序组件支持的统一的协议接口,在组态软件和设备驱动程序之间建立了一条高效、无缝的通信连接,同时使整个驱动程序框架拥有非常好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

Researchers are exploring the world of distributed computing, in which users in various locations can work with the same set of geographically dispersed resources. These efforts have led to such high-profile technologies as peer-to-peer (P2P), pervasive, and nomadic computing. A critical part of this research is developing consistent approaches to distributed-computing operating environments, which must work consistently across many platforms and technologies. Major efforts in this area include Globe, Opus, and Project Oxygen. None of the three represents radically new technologies, but instead each applies existing technologies in a novel way.  相似文献   

Domain-specific languages (DSL) have many potential advantages in terms of software engineering, ranging from increased productivity to the application of formal methods. Although they have been used in practice for decades, there has been little study of methodology or implementation tools for the DSL approach. We present our DSL approach and its application to a realistic domain: the generation of video display device drivers. The article focuses on the validation of our proposed framework for domain-specific languages, from design to implementation. The framework leads to a flexible design and structure, and provides automatic generation of efficient implementations of DSL programs. Additionally, we describe an example of a complete DSL for video display adaptors and the benefits of the DSL approach for this application. This demonstrates some of the generally claimed benefits of using DSLs: increased productivity, higher-level abstraction, and easier verification. This DSL has been fully implemented with our approach and is available. Compose project URL: http://www.irisa.fr/compose/gal  相似文献   

基于C/S体系结构的Linux设备驱动程序设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析飞思卡尔公司多功能电源管理器件MC13783的工作原理,提出一种基于C/S体系结构的设备驱动程序框架,并基于此框架在嵌入式Linux上设计并实现了MC13783驱动的系统功能.实际使用结果表明,设计的驱动程序能充分满足实际应用需求.  相似文献   

Zhou  H. P.  Itoh  M.  Kitazaki  S. 《Cognition, Technology & Work》2020,22(2):321-334
Cognition, Technology & Work - Proper understanding of automation limitations is vital in order for drivers to deal with unexpected critical situations. The present study focuses on...  相似文献   

With the increasing use of high-speed Internet technologies, the concept of cloud computing has become more popular. In cloud computing, users work with Web-based, rather than local, storage and software. These applications are accessible via a browser and look and act like desktop programs.  相似文献   

在ARM硬件平台上,建立嵌入式Linux开发环境并对系统进行成功移植;通过对基于PC机的RPC服务器源代码的分析和研究,在ARM平台上构建RPC服务器;实现在ARM平台上的成功运行仪器发现机制,并基于VXI-11协议对该机制进行了测试和验证;参考SCPI命令标准制定简化的指令集,通过嵌入式Linux线程的编程完成命令解析机制的研发;开发网络接口驱动程序和A/D采集驱动程序;分析VISA函数与RPC消息的对应关系,使用Web浏览仪器软件实现客户端对服务器端仪器模块的操作和访问.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of online car-hailing, the related crashes have become a key issue with public concern. Identifying and predicting aggressive driving behaviors is critical to reduce traffic crashes. In this study, we propose a method to recognize aggressive driving behavior based on association classification, with multisource features being employed, including driver emotion, vehicle kinematic characteristics, and road environment. The model performs best in a 10-fold cross-test when the minimum support and minimum confidence are set as 0.01 and 0.8, respectively. Besides, we also compare the performance of aggressive driving behavior recognition classifiers constructed using association classification with other rule-based classification methods, including ID3, C4.5, CART, and Random Forest. The results show that association classification performs better than other classification competitors. Thirty-six if–then rules generated by the association classification are used to analyze the influencing factors and associated mechanisms of aggressive driving behavior. It is found that aggressive driving behavior is highly correlated with driver anger and disgust emotions. Aggressive driving behavior is more likely to occur when no passengers are in the car than the case with passengers. Driver entertainment behavior and passenger interference also affect driving behavior. Moreover, drivers are prone to aggressive driving when making a U-turn. This research not only proposed a new identification method for aggressive driving behavior but also provided a comprehensive understanding of the associated influencing factors which thus benefit the further research and development of safety assistance driving devices.  相似文献   

随着多核芯片的广泛应用,开发线程级并行变得至关重要。事务可以使编程者通过非常简单的多线程编程模型来实现并行,事务存储(TM)可以简单地实现事务执行的原子性和独立性。本文介绍了目前的主流事务存储系统TCC、LogTM、PTM,分析了各自的系统结构和相应的操作系统支持,并在此基础之上揭示了事务存储系统的硬件设计和操作系统支持之间的关系,最终总结得到了TM发展的一些基本规律和特点。  相似文献   

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