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We have investigated the role of DNA ends during gap repair by homologous recombination. Mouse cells were transfected with a gapped plasmid carrying distinctive ends: on one side mouse LINE-1 repetitive sequences (L1Md-A2), and on the other rat LINE-1 sequences (L1Rn-3). The gap could be repaired by homologous recombination with endogenous mouse genomic LINE-1 elements, which are on average 95% and 85% homologous to L1Md-A2 and L1Rn-3 ends, respectively. Both L1Md-A2 and L1Rn-3 ends were found to initiate gap repair with equal efficiency. However, there were two types of gap repair products--precise and imprecise--the occurrence of which appears to depend on which end had been used for initiation and thus which end was left available for subsequent steps in recombination. These results, together with sequence analysis of recombinants obtained with plasmids having either mouse or rat LINE-1 sequences flanking the gap, strongly suggest that the two DNA ends played different roles in recombinational gap repair. One end was used to initiate the gap repair process, while the other end was involved at later steps, in the resolution of the recombination event.  相似文献   

We have used glycerol to study the relationship between hydroxyl radicals, one of the primary radiolytic products, and the production of DNA double-strand breaks in selected E. coli strains. Our results suggest that when bacteria are irradiated at doses up to about 120 Gray, hydroxyl radicals produce DNA lesions, but not double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Ku protein binds to DNA ends and is a cofactor for the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Both of these components are involved in DNA double-strand break repair, but it has not been clear if they function indirectly, by sensing DNA damage and activating other factors, or if they are more directly involved in the processing and rejoining of DNA breaks. We demonstrate that intermolecular ligation of DNA fragments is highly dependent on Ku under conditions designed to mimic those existing in the cell. This effect of Ku is specific to eukaryotic DNA ligases. Ku protein, therefore, has an activity consistent with a direct role in rejoining DNA breaks and independent of DNA-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were measured within a 3.2-Mbp NotI fragment on chromosome 21 of cells of a normal human fibroblast cell line. Correct rejoining of DSBs was followed by measuring reconstitution of the original-size NotI fragment, and this was compared to total rejoining as measured by a conventional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis technique (FAR assay). After 80 Gy of particle irradiations with LETs in the range of 7-150 keV/microm, it was found that the repair kinetics was generally slower after irradiation with high-LET particles compared to X irradiation and that a larger proportion of the breaks remained unrepaired after 24 h. On the other hand, the misrejoining frequency as measured by the difference between correct and total rejoining after 24 h did not change with LET, but was approximately the same for all radiations at this dose, equal to 25-30% of the initial breaks. This result is discussed in relation to formation of chromosomal aberrations, deletion mutations and other biological end points.  相似文献   

We have expressed the RecD subunit of the RecBCD enzyme from Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with a 31-amino acid NH2-terminal extension including 6 consecutive histidine residues (HisRecD). The overexpressed fusion protein can be purified in urea-denatured form by metal chelate affinity chromatography. The mixture of renatured HisRecD protein and the RecB and RecC proteins has a high level of ATP-dependent nuclease activity with either single- or double-stranded DNA, enhanced DNA unwinding activity, enhanced ATP hydrolysis activity in the presence of a small DNA oligomer cosubstrate, and chi-cutting activity. These are all characteristics of the RecBCD holoenzyme. The HisRecD protein by itself hydrolyzes ATP in the presence of high concentrations of single-stranded DNA (polydeoxythymidine). The activity is unstable at 37 degrees C, but is measurable at room temperature (about 23 degrees C). The HisRecD has very little ATPase activity in the presence of a much shorter single-stranded DNA (oligodeoxy(thymidine)12). HisRecD hydrolyzes ATP more efficiently than GTP and UTP, and has very little activity with CTP. We also purified a fusion protein containing a Lys to Gln mutation in the putative ATP-binding site of RecD. This mutant protein has no ATPase activity, indicating that the observed ATP hydrolysis activity is intrinsic to the RecD protein itself.  相似文献   

After UV doses that disrupt DNA replication, the recovery of replication at replication forks in Escherichia coli requires a functional copy of the recF gene. In recF mutants, replication fails to recover and extensive degradation of the nascent DNA occurs, suggesting that recF function is needed to stabilize the disrupted replication forks and facilitate the process of recovery. We show here that the ability of recF to promote the recovery of replication requires that the disrupting lesions be removed. In the absence of excision repair, recF+ cells protect the nascent DNA at replication forks, but replication does not resume. The classical view is that recombination proteins operate in pathways that are independent from DNA repair, and therefore the functions of Rec proteins have been studied in repair-deficient cells. However, mutations in either uvr or recF result in failure to recover replication at UV doses from which wild-type cells recover efficiently, suggesting that recF and excision repair contribute to a common pathway in the recovery of replication.  相似文献   

We had reported that a double-strand gap (ca. 300 bp long) in a duplex DNA is repaired through gene conversion copying a homologous duplex in a recB21 recC22 sbcA23 strain of Escherichia coli, as predicted on the basis of the double-strand break repair models. We have now examined various mutants for this repair capacity. (i) The recE159 mutation abolishes the reaction in the recB21C22 sbcA23 background. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that exonuclease VIII exposes a 3'-ended single strand from a double-strand break. (ii) Two recA alleles, including a complete deletion, fail to block the repair in this recBC sbcA background. (iii) Mutations in two more SOS-inducible genes, recN and recQ, do not decrease the repair. In addition, a lexA (Ind-) mutation, which blocks SOS induction, does not block the reaction. (iv) The recJ, recF, recO, and recR gene functions are nonessential in this background. (v) The RecBCD enzyme does not abolish the gap repair. We then examined genetic backgrounds other than recBC sbcA, in which the RecE pathway is not active. We failed to detect the double-strand gap repair in a rec+, a recA1, or a recB21 C22 strain, nor did we find the gap repair activity in a recD mutant or in a recB21 C22 sbcB15 sbcC201 mutant. We also failed to detect conservative repair of a simple double-strand break, which was made by restriction cleavage of an inserted linker oligonucleotide, in these backgrounds. We conclude that the RecBCD, RecBCD-, and RecF pathways cannot promote conservative double-strand break repair as the RecE and lambda Red pathways can.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) in the rejoining of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (dsb). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study employed previously described in vitro assays that utilize nuclei or 'naked' DNA prepared from agarose-embedded cells as a substrate and S-HeLa cell extracts as a source of enzymes. Rejoining of dsb in these assays is absolutely dependent on cell extract and it proceeds, under optimal reaction conditions, to an extent similar to that observed in intact cells. Results were confirmed in a plasmid-based assay for in vitro rejoining of dsb. RESULTS: It is shown that concentrations of wortmannin completely inhibiting DNA-PK activity profoundly affect the rejoining of dsb in vivo, but have no effect on dsb rejoining in vitro. Furthermore, fractionation of cell extracts using ammonium sulphate precipitation, generates protein fractions that are able to support dsb rejoining, despite the fact that they do not contain detectable amounts of either DNA-PKcs or Ku80. Efficient rejoining of dsb in vitro is also observed with extracts of MO59J cells that lack DNA-PK activity. Finally, rejoining of dsb remains unaffected by wortmannin in a plasmid-based assay, and is also detectable with extracts of MO59J cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are in contrast with genetic studies demonstrating a requirement for DNA-PK activity for efficient rejoining of dsb in vivo. The difference between in vitro and in vivo results may not be attributed to chromatin structure since wortmannin was without an effect when using nuclei as a substrate. It is speculated that the differences between in vivo and in vitro results can be explained either by assuming the operation of multiple pathways in dsb rejoining, some of which do not require DNA-PK, or by postulating a purely regulatory/damage-sensing role for DNA-PK in intact cells but no direct involvement in dsb rejoining.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old male with unspecific symptoms and normal physical examination had right cardiac enlargement on chest X-ray. Two-dimensional echocardiographic and thoracic computed tomography demonstrated an intracardiac mass. The tumor was surgically resected and the pathological diagnosis was mixed-type epicardial hemangioma. We discuss this case and review the literature.  相似文献   

Recently the concept of dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder) has attracted increasing public and scientific interest. However, it is rarely diagnosed in the clinical setting. the reported case of a 47-year-old woman with a history of child abuse demonstrates the problems of differential diagnosis. A number of psychopathologic symptoms pointed to a multiple personality disorder, but in the follow-up psychotic symptoms such as delusions, possible hallucinations and bizarre behavior clearly emerged. The differential diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder includes paranoid schizophrenia, as in the case described, borderline personality disorder, hysteria, simulation and the false memory syndrome. Finally, social and cultural factors have to be considered.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between homologous recombination and DNA replication in Escherichia coli, we monitored the behavior of phage lambda chromosomes, repressed or not for lambda gene activities. Recombination in our system is stimulated both by DNA replication and by experimentally introduced double-strand ends, supporting the idea that DNA replication generates occasional double-strand ends. We report that the RecBC recombinational pathway of E. coli uses double-strand ends to prime DNA synthesis, implying a circular relationship between DNA replication and recombination and suggesting that the primary role of recombination is in the repair of disintegrated replication forks arising during vegetative reproduction.  相似文献   

The photochemical (lambda < 400 nm) decomposition of some monocyclic and polycyclic nitramines produces .NO2, which can be detected in the respective nitramine crystals at 77 K by EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance). In solutions of perdeutero-dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO-d6) the .NO2 produced by photolytic decomposition of dissolved nitramines can be spintrapped by the solvent to give a radical having the structure CD3-(SO2)-(NO.)-CD3. In this article, we examine this reaction for two nitramines: cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) and hexanitrohexaazaisowurzitane (HNIW), which are energetic materials. The decay of the spin-adduct radical (I) follows first-order kinetics for both nitramines studied, having a rate constant (k) of congruent to 7.1 x 10(-4) s-1. The net growth in spin concentration of (1) measured from EPR spectra is fitted by a first-order rate equation taking into account the simultaneous competitive decay rate of spin adduct (I). Using the rate data and EPR spin concentration data, the ratio of free .NO2 produced per parent nitramine molecule is estimated as 1:1 for RDX and 4:1 for HNIW. Biological implications of trapping of .NO2 by dimethyl sulfoxide are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of human seminal fluid on cervical paracellular resistance. DESIGN: Experimental study. SETTING: Healthy volunteers in an academic research environment; cultures of human CaSki cells on filters, with phenotypic characteristics of the endocervix. PATIENT(S): Healthy men donating sperm to a sperm bank. INTERVENTION(S): Seminal fluid was obtained as the discarded fluid from ejaculates. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Changes in transepithelial electrical resistance across CaSki cells on filters were determined in an Ussing chamber from successive measurements of the short-circuit current and the transepithelial potential difference. Changes in the dilution potential (and hence in the ratio of Cl- to Na+ mobilities) were determined after lowering the NaCl concentration in the luminal solution. RESULT(S): Seminal fluid increased transepithelial electrical resistance acutely (t1/2, 2 minutes), reversibly, and in a dose-related manner (ED50, 1%). The effect of seminal fluid was abolished when the extracellular calcium level was lowered, and the increase in transepithelial electrical resistance correlated with a decrease in the ratio Cl- to Na+ mobilities, indicating an increase in the resistance of the tight junctional complex. The increase in transepithelial electrical resistance in response to seminal fluid was nonadditive to that of sn-1,2-dioctanoyl diglyceride (a stable diacylglyceride and activator of protein kinase C), and it was abolished by prolonged preincubation with the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (to downregulate protein kinase C) or with staurosporin (to inhibit protein kinase C), suggesting that seminal fluid acts through a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism. Slower (t1/2, 3.3 minutes) increases in transepithelial electrical resistance occurred when seminal fluid was added only to the luminal or the subluminal solution. Treatment with pertussis toxin, adenosine triphosphatase, or trypsin had no effect on the changes in transepithelial electrical resistance. Seminal fluid increased cytosolic calcium, but changes in cytosolic calcium are not important for the increases in transepithelial electrical resistance, suggesting that the effect of seminal fluid is not receptor-mediated. Preliminary studies indicate that the factor(s) in seminal fluid that increases transepithelial electrical resistance is a labile, low molecular weight (< 10 kd) lipid. CONCLUSION(S): Seminal fluid may regulate cervical mucus production in vivo by modulating endocervical permeability.  相似文献   

The bacteria Escherichia coli contains several exonucleases acting on both double- and single-stranded DNA, and in both a 5'--> 3' and a 3' --> 5' direction. These enzymes are involved in replicative, repair and recombination functions. A new exonuclease recently identified in E. coli, termed exonuclease IX, acts preferentially on single-stranded DNA as a 3'--> 5' exonuclease and also functions as a 3' phosphodiesterase on DNA containing 3' incised apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites to remove the product trans-4-hydroxy-2-pentenal-5-phosphate. We now demonstrate that the enzyme is also able to remove 3' phosphoglycolate end groups from DNA. This activity may have an important role in DNA base excision repair in E. coli.  相似文献   

Transfer of genetic material into recipient cells by transfection has been used successfully to isolate genes responsible for particular phenotypic traits. By using this strategy, DNA fragments were isolated that when transfected into appropriate uncommitted cells will commit the recipient cells to undergo adipocyte differentiation. Transgenic mice were generated with one of the active DNA clones, Clone B. The transgenic mice were expected to display an adipocyte-related phenotype; however, the animals developed melanin containing tumors at a young age. Insertion of Clone B into the mouse DNA probably interrupted a gene(s) that is involved in the regulation of cell growth, specifically regulation of cell growth in melanin-producing cells. Histopathologic analysis of these mice showed dark spots on the ear lobes of the animals as early as 10-12 d of age. By 3 mo, in addition to the ear lobes, pigmented tumors could be observed in other organs. A significant number of these transgenic mice died within 1 y of age. The melanomas developed spontaneously in these animals in the absence of any known chemical carcinogen or ultraviolet radiation. This line of mice provides a way of identifying genes involved in regulation of cell growth control and differentiation. These mice also serve as a model system to investigate the molecular, genetic, and phenotypic characterization and development of melanomas.  相似文献   

The deoxyribonucleases (DNases) have been shown genetically to be important in the vital processes of DNA repair and recombination. The NUD1 gene, which codes for an endo-exonuclease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was analyzed for its role in the DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair processes. While the nud1 strain is only slightly sensitive to ionizing radiation, expression of the HO-endonuclease to introduce a DSB at the MAT locus in that strain results in cell death. Cell survival is inversely proportional to the duration of HO-endonuclease expression. Analysis of the surviving colonies from the nud1 strain indicated that many of the survivors are sterile and that the proportion of these sterile survivors increases with the time of HO-endonuclease expression. On the other hand, the surviving colonies from the isogenic NUD1 strain are mating-proficient. Interestingly, double mutants of nud1 rad52 are more resistant to ionizing irradiation than the rad52 strain and have a cell-survival fraction of 32% for rad52-1 nud1 and 9% for rad52::URA3 nud1 following prolonged HO-endonuclease expression, indicating that nud1 has a suppressor effect on the DSB-induced lethality in rad52. Polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that many of the nud1 survivors contained small alterations within theMAT locus, suggesting that the survivors arose through the process of non-homologous end-joining. These results suggest that the endo-exonuclease acts at a DSB to promote DNA repair via the homologous recombination pathway.  相似文献   

Intrachromosomal recombination between repeated elements can result in deletion (DEL recombination) events. We investigated the inducibility of such intrachromosomal recombination events at different stages of the cell cycle and the nature of the primary DNA lesions capable of initiating these events. Two genetic systems were constructed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that select for DEL recombination events between duplicated alleles of CDC28 and TUB2. We determined effects of double-strand breaks (DSBs) and single-strand breaks (SSBs) between the duplicated alleles on DEL recombination when induced in dividing cells or cells arrested in G1 or G2. Site-specific DSBs and SSBs were produced by overexpression of the I-Sce I endonuclease and the gene II protein (gIIp), respectively. I-Sce I-induced DSBs caused an increase in DEL recombination frequencies in both dividing and cell-cycle-arrested cells, indicating that G1- and G2-arrested cells are capable of completing DSB repair. In contrast, gIIp-induced SSBs caused an increase in DEL recombination frequency only in dividing cells. To further examine these phenomena we used both gamma-irradiation, inducing DSBs as its most relevant lesion, and UV, inducing other forms of DNA damage. UV irradiation did not increase DEL recombination frequencies in G1 or G2, whereas gamma-rays increased DEL recombination frequencies in both phases. Both forms of radiation, however, induced DEL recombination in dividing cells. The results suggest that DSBs but not SSBs induce DEL recombination, probably via the single-strand annealing pathway. Further, DSBs in dividing cells may result from the replication of a UV or SSB-damaged template. Alternatively, UV induced events may occur by replication slippage after DNA polymerase pausing in front of the damage.  相似文献   

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