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This paper studies vehicle routing problems on asymmetric metrics. Our starting point is the directed k-TSP problem: given an asymmetric metric (V,d), a root rV and a target k≤|V|, compute the minimum length tour that contains r and at least k other vertices. We present a polynomial time O(\fraclog2 nloglogn·logk)O(\frac{\log^{2} n}{\log\log n}\cdot\log k)-approximation algorithm for this problem. We use this algorithm for directed k-TSP to obtain an O(\fraclog2 nloglogn)O(\frac{\log^{2} n}{\log\log n})-approximation algorithm for the directed orienteering problem. This answers positively, the question of poly-logarithmic approximability of directed orienteering, an open problem from Blum et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 37(2):653–670, 2007). The previously best known results were quasi-polynomial time algorithms with approximation guarantees of O(log 2 k) for directed k-TSP, and O(log n) for directed orienteering (Chekuri and Pal in IEEE Symposium on Foundations in Computer Science, pp. 245–253, 2005). Using the algorithm for directed orienteering within the framework of Blum et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 37(2):653–670, 2007) and Bansal et al. (ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pp. 166–174, 2004), we also obtain poly-logarithmic approximation algorithms for the directed versions of discounted-reward TSP and vehicle routing problem with time-windows.  相似文献   

The polynomial-time solvable k-hurdle problem is a natural generalization of the classical s-t minimum cut problem where we must select a minimum-cost subset S of the edges of a graph such that |pS|≥k for every s-t path p. In this paper, we describe a set of approximation algorithms for “k-hurdle” variants of the NP-hard multiway cut and multicut problems. For the k-hurdle multiway cut problem with r terminals, we give two results, the first being a pseudo-approximation algorithm that outputs a (k−1)-hurdle solution whose cost is at most that of an optimal solution for k hurdles. Secondly, we provide a 2(1-\frac1r)2(1-\frac{1}{r})-approximation algorithm based on rounding the solution of a linear program, for which we give a simple randomized half-integrality proof that works for both edge and vertex k-hurdle multiway cuts that generalizes the half-integrality results of Garg et al. for the vertex multiway cut problem. We also describe an approximation-preserving reduction from vertex cover as evidence that it may be difficult to achieve a better approximation ratio than 2(1-\frac1r)2(1-\frac{1}{r}). For the k-hurdle multicut problem in an n-vertex graph, we provide an algorithm that, for any constant ε>0, outputs a ⌈(1−ε)k⌉-hurdle solution of cost at most O(log n) times that of an optimal k-hurdle solution, and we obtain a 2-approximation algorithm for trees.  相似文献   

We present a simple O(m+n 6/ε 12) time (1+ε)-approximation algorithm for finding a minimum-cost sequence of lines to cut a convex n-gon out of a convex m-gon.  相似文献   

We study two related network design problems with two cost functions. In the buy-at-bulk k-Steiner tree problem we are given a graph G(V,E) with a set of terminals TV including a particular vertex s called the root, and an integer k≤|T|. There are two cost functions on the edges of G, a buy cost b:E→ℝ+ and a distance cost r:E→ℝ+. The goal is to find a subtree H of G rooted at s with at least k terminals so that the cost ∑ eH b(e)+∑ tTs dist(t,s) is minimized, where dist(t,s) is the distance from t to s in H with respect to the r cost. We present an O(log 4 n)-approximation algorithm for the buy-at-bulk k-Steiner tree problem. The second and closely related one is bicriteria approximation algorithm for Shallow-light k-Steiner trees. In the shallow-light k-Steiner tree problem we are given a graph G with edge costs b(e) and distance costs r(e), and an integer k. Our goal is to find a minimum cost (under b-cost) k-Steiner tree such that the diameter under r-cost is at most some given bound D. We develop an (O(log n),O(log 3 n))-approximation algorithm for a relaxed version of Shallow-light k-Steiner tree where the solution has at least terminals. Using this we obtain an (O(log 2 n),O(log 4 n))-approximation algorithm for the shallow-light k-Steiner tree and an O(log 4 n)-approximation algorithm for the buy-at-bulk k-Steiner tree problem. Our results are recently used to give the first polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for the non-uniform multicommodity buy-at-bulk problem (Chekuri, C., et al. in Proceedings of 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS’06), pp. 677–686, 2006). A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX) 2006, LNCS 4110, pp. 153–163, 2006. M.T. Hajiaghayi supported in part by IPM under grant number CS1383-2-02. M.R. Salavatipour supported by NSERC grant No. G121210990, and a faculty start-up grant from University of Alberta.  相似文献   

Let P be a set of n weighted points. We study approximation algorithms for the following two continuous facility-location problems. In the first problem we want to place m unit disks, for a given constant m≥1, such that the total weight of the points from P inside the union of the disks is maximized. We present algorithms that compute, for any fixed ε>0, a (1−ε)-approximation to the optimal solution in O(nlog n) time. In the second problem we want to place a single disk with center in a given constant-complexity region X such that the total weight of the points from P inside the disk is minimized. Here we present an algorithm that computes, for any fixed ε>0, in O(nlog 2 n) expected time a disk that is, with high probability, a (1+ε)-approximation to the optimal solution. A preliminary version of this work has appeared in Approximation and Online Algorithms—WAOA 2006, LNCS, vol. 4368.  相似文献   

A pair (T,C) of a tree T and a coloring C is called a colored tree. Given a colored tree (T,C) any coloring C′ of T is called a recoloring of T. Given a weight function on the vertices of the tree the recoloring distance of a recoloring is the total weight of recolored vertices. A coloring of a tree is convex if for any two vertices u and v that are colored by the same color c, every vertex on the path from u to v is also colored by c. In the minimum convex recoloring problem we are given a colored tree and a weight function and our goal is to find a convex recoloring of minimum recoloring distance. The minimum convex recoloring problem naturally arises in the context of phylogenetic trees. Given a set of related species the goal of phylogenetic reconstruction is to construct a tree that would best describe the evolution of this set of species. In this context a convex coloring corresponds to perfect phylogeny. Since perfect phylogeny is not always possible the next best thing is to find a tree which is as close to convex as possible, or, in other words, a tree with minimum recoloring distance. We present a (2+ε)-approximation algorithm for the minimum convex recoloring problem, whose running time is O(n 2+n(1/ε)241/ε ). This result improves the previously known 3-approximation algorithm for this NP-hard problem. We also present an algorithm for computing an optimal convex recoloring whose running time is , where n * is the number of colors that violate convexity in the input tree, and Δ is the maximum degree of vertices in the tree. The parameterized complexity of this algorithm is O(n 2+nk⋅2 k ).  相似文献   

Power optimization is a central issue in wireless network design. Given a graph with costs on the edges, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge incident to it, and the power of a graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Motivated by applications in wireless networks, we consider several fundamental undirected network design problems under the power minimization criteria. Given a graph G=(V,E)\mathcal{G}=(V,\mathcal{E}) with edge costs {c(e):e∈ℰ} and degree requirements {r(v):vV}, the Minimum-Power Edge-Multi-Cover\textsf{Minimum-Power Edge-Multi-Cover} (MPEMC\textsf{MPEMC} ) problem is to find a minimum-power subgraph G of G\mathcal{G} so that the degree of every node v in G is at least r(v). We give an O(log n)-approximation algorithms for MPEMC\textsf{MPEMC} , improving the previous ratio O(log 4 n). This is used to derive an O(log n+α)-approximation algorithm for the undirected $\textsf{Minimum-Power $\textsf{Minimum-Power ($\textsf{MP$\textsf{MP ) problem, where α is the best known ratio for the min-cost variant of the problem. Currently, _boxclosen-k)\alpha=O(\log k\cdot \log\frac{n}{n-k}) which is O(log k) unless k=no(n), and is O(log 2 k)=O(log 2 n) for k=no(n). Our result shows that the min-power and the min-cost versions of the $\textsf{$\textsf{ problem are equivalent with respect to approximation, unless the min-cost variant admits an o(log n)-approximation, which seems to be out of reach at the moment.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is a pair of new approximation algorithms for certain integer programs. First, for covering integer programs {min cx:Axb,0xd} where A has at most k nonzeroes per row, we give a k-approximation algorithm. (We assume A,b,c,d are nonnegative.) For any k≥2 and ε>0, if P≠NP this ratio cannot be improved to k−1−ε, and under the unique games conjecture this ratio cannot be improved to kε. One key idea is to replace individual constraints by others that have better rounding properties but the same nonnegative integral solutions; another critical ingredient is knapsack-cover inequalities. Second, for packing integer programs {max cx:Axb,0xd} where A has at most k nonzeroes per column, we give a (2k 2+2)-approximation algorithm. Our approach builds on the iterated LP relaxation framework. In addition, we obtain improved approximations for the second problem when k=2, and for both problems when every A ij is small compared to b i . Finally, we demonstrate a 17/16-inapproximability for covering integer programs with at most two nonzeroes per column.  相似文献   

Edmonds  Pruhs 《Algorithmica》2008,36(3):315-330
Abstract. We investigate server scheduling policies to minimize average user perceived latency in pull-based client-server systems (systems where multiple clients request data from a server) where the server answers requests on a multicast/ broadcast channel. We first show that there is no O(1) -competitive algorithm for this problem. We then give a method to convert any nonclairvoyant unicast scheduling algorithm A to nonclairvoyant multicast scheduling algorithm B . We show that if A works well, when jobs can have parallel and sequential phases, then B works well if it is given twice the resources. More formally, if A is an s -speed c -approximation unicast algorithm, then its counterpart algorithm B is a 2s -speed c -approximation multicast algorithm. It is already known [5] that Equi-partition, which devotes an equal amount of processing power to each job, is a (2 + ε) -speed O(1 + 1/ε) -approximation algorithm for unicast scheduling of such jobs. Hence, it follows that the algorithm {BEQUI}, which broadcasts all requested files at a rate proportional to the number of outstanding requests for that file, is a (4 + ε) -speed O(1 + 1/ε) -approximation algorithm. We give another algorithm BEQUI-EDF and show that BEQUI-EDF is also a (4 + ε) -speed O(1 + 1/ε) -approximation algorithm. However, BEQUI-EDF has the advantage that the maximum number of preemptions is linear in the number of requests, and the advantage that no preemptions occur if the data items have unit size.  相似文献   

Let S be a set of n taxa. Given a parameter k and a set of quartet topologies Q over S such that there is exactly one topology for every subset of four taxa, the parameterized Minimum Quartet Inconsistency (MQI) problem is to decide whether we can find an evolutionary tree inducing a set of quartet topologies that differs from the given set in at most k quartet topologies. The best fixed-parameter algorithm devised so far for the parameterized MQI problem runs in time O(4 k n+n 4). In this paper, first we present an O(3.0446 k n+n 4) fixed-parameter algorithm and an O(2.0162 k n 3+n 5) fixed-parameter algorithm for the parameterized MQI problem. Finally, we give an O *((1+ε) k ) fixed-parameter algorithm, where ε>0 is an arbitrarily small constant.  相似文献   

The minimum k-terminal cut problem is of considerable theoretical interest and arises in several applied areas such as parallel and distributed computing, VLSI circuit design, and networking. In this paper we present two new approximation and exact algorithms for this problem on an n-vertex undirected weighted planar graph G. For the case when the k terminals are covered by the boundaries of m > 1 faces of G, we give a min{O(n 2 log n logm), O(m 2 n 1.5 log2 n + k n)} time algorithm with a (2–2/k)-approximation ratio (clearly, m \le k). For the case when all k terminals are covered by the boundary of one face of G, we give an O(n k3 + (n log n)k 2) time exact algorithm, or a linear time exact algorithm if k = 3, for computing an optimal k-terminal cut. Our algorithms are based on interesting observations and improve the previous algorithms when they are applied to planar graphs. To our best knowledge, no previous approximation algorithms specifically for solving the k-terminal cut problem on planar graphs were known before. The (2–2/k)-approximation algorithm of Dahlhaus et al. (for general graphs) takes O(k n 2 log n) time when applied to planar graphs. Our approximation algorithm for planar graphs runs faster than that of Dahlhaus et al. by at least an O(k/logm) factor (m \le k).  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of dynamic transitive closure with lookahead. We present a randomized one-sided error algorithm with updates and queries in O(n ω(1,1,ε)−ε ) time given a lookahead of n ε operations, where ω(1,1,ε) is the exponent of multiplication of n×n matrix by n×n ε matrix. For ε≤0.294 we obtain an algorithm with queries and updates in O(n 2−ε ) time, whereas for ε=1 the time is O(n ω−1). This is essentially optimal as it implies an O(n ω ) algorithm for boolean matrix multiplication. We also consider the offline transitive closure in planar graphs. For this problem, we show an algorithm that requires O(n\fracw2)O(n^{\frac{\omega}{2}}) time to process n\frac12n^{\frac{1}{2}} operations. We also show a modification of these algorithms that gives faster amortized queries. Finally, we give faster algorithms for restricted type of updates, so called element updates. All of the presented algorithms are randomized with one-sided error. All our algorithms are based on dynamic algorithms with lookahead for matrix inverse, which are of independent interest.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of designing truthful mechanisms for scheduling n tasks on a set of m parallel related machines in order to minimize the makespan. In what follows, we consider that each task is owned by a selfish agent. This is a variant of the KP-model introduced by Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou (Proc. of STACS 1999, pp. 404–413, 1999) (and of the CKN-model of Christodoulou et al. in Proc. of ICALP 2004, pp. 345–357, 2004) in which the agents cannot choose the machine on which their tasks will be executed. This is done by a centralized authority, the scheduler. However, the agents may manipulate the scheduler by providing false information regarding the length of their tasks. We introduce the notion of increasing algorithm and a simple reduction that transforms any increasing algorithm into a truthful one. Furthermore, we show that some of the classical scheduling algorithms are indeed increasing: the LPT algorithm, the PTAS of Graham (SIAM J. Appl. Math. 17(2):416–429, 1969) in the case of two machines, as well as a simple PTAS for the case of m machines, with m a fixed constant. Our results yield a randomized r(1+ε)-approximation algorithm where r is the ratio between the largest and the smallest speed of the related machines. Furthermore, by combining our approach with the classical result of Shmoys et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 24(6):1313–1331, 1995), we obtain a randomized 2r(1+ε)-competitive algorithm. It has to be noticed that these results are obtained without payments, unlike most of the existing works in the field of Mechanism Design. Finally, we show that if payments are allowed then our approach gives a (1+ε)-algorithm for the off-line case with related machines.  相似文献   

In this work we give two new constructions of ε-biased generators. Our first construction significantly extends a result of Mossel et al. (Random Structures and Algorithms 2006, pages 56-81), and our second construction answers an open question of Dodis and Smith (STOC 2005, pages 654-663). In particular we obtain the following results:
1.  For every ko(log n) we construct an ε-biased generator G : {0, 1}m ? {0, 1}nG : \{0, 1\}^{m} \rightarrow \{0, 1\}^n that is implementable by degree k polynomials (namely, every output bit of the generator is a degree k polynomial in the input bits). For any constant k we get that n = W(m/log(1/ e))kn = \Omega(m/{\rm log}(1/ \epsilon))^k, which is nearly optimal. Our result also separates degree k generators from generators in NC0k, showing that the stretch of the former can be much larger than the stretch of the latter. The problem of constructing degree k generators was introduced by Mossel et al. who gave a construction only for the case of k = 2.
2.  We construct a family of asymptotically good binary codes such that the codes in our family are also ε-biased sets for an exponentially small ε. Our encoding algorithm runs in polynomial time in the block length of the code. Moreover, these codes have a polynomial time decoding algorithm. This answers an open question of Dodis and Smith.
The paper also contains an appendix by Venkatesan Guruswami that provides an explicit construction of a family of error correcting codes of rate 1/2 that has efficient encoding and decoding algorithms and whose dual codes are also good codes.  相似文献   

Y. Nekrich 《Algorithmica》2007,49(2):94-108
In this paper we present new space efficient dynamic data structures for orthogonal range reporting. The described data structures support planar range reporting queries in time O(log n+klog log (4n/(k+1))) and space O(nlog log n), or in time O(log n+k) and space O(nlog  ε n) for any ε>0. Both data structures can be constructed in O(nlog n) time and support insert and delete operations in amortized time O(log 2 n) and O(log nlog log n) respectively. These results match the corresponding upper space bounds of Chazelle (SIAM J. Comput. 17, 427–462, 1988) for the static case. We also present a dynamic data structure for d-dimensional range reporting with search time O(log  d−1 n+k), update time O(log  d n), and space O(nlog  d−2+ε n) for any ε>0. The model of computation used in our paper is a unit cost RAM with word size log n. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005. Work partially supported by IST grant 14036 (RAND-APX).  相似文献   

Shortest path problems can be solved very efficiently when a directed graph is nearly acyclic. Earlier results defined a graph decomposition, now called the 1-dominator set, which consists of a unique collection of acyclic structures with each single acyclic structure dominated by a single associated trigger vertex. In this framework, a specialised shortest path algorithm only spends delete-min operations on trigger vertices, thereby making the computation of shortest paths through non-trigger vertices easier. A previously presented algorithm computed the 1-dominator set in O(mn) worst-case time, which allowed it to be integrated as part of an O(mn+nrlogr) time all-pairs algorithm. Here m and n respectively denote the number of edges and vertices in the graph, while r denotes the number of trigger vertices. A new algorithm presented in this paper computes the 1-dominator set in just O(m) time. This can be integrated as part of the O(m+rlogr) time spent solving single-source, improving on the value of r obtained by the earlier tree-decomposition single-source algorithm. In addition, a new bidirectional form of 1-dominator set is presented, which further improves the value of r by defining acyclic structures in both directions over edges in the graph. The bidirectional 1-dominator set can similarly be computed in O(m) time and included as part of the O(m+rlogr) time spent computing single-source. This paper also presents a new all-pairs algorithm under the more general framework where r is defined as the size of any predetermined feedback vertex set of the graph, improving the previous all-pairs time complexity from O(mn+nr2) to O(mn+r3).  相似文献   

This paper is composed of two parts. In the first part, an improved algorithm is presented for the problem of finding length-bounded two vertex-disjoint paths in an undirected planar graph. The presented algorithm requires O(n3bmin) time and O(n2bmin) space, where bmin is the smaller of the two given length bounds. In the second part of this paper, we consider the minmax k vertex-disjoint paths problem on a directed acyclic graph, where k?2 is a constant. An improved algorithm and a faster approximation scheme are presented. The presented algorithm requires O(nk+1Mk−1) time and O(nkMk−1) space, and the presented approximation scheme requires O((1/?)k−1n2klogk−1M) time and O((1/?)k−1n2k−1logk−1M) space, where ? is the given approximation parameter and M is the length of the longest path in an optimal solution.  相似文献   

A modified fast approximation algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem with improved complexity is presented, based on the schemes of Ibarra, Kim and Babat. By using a new partition of items, the algorithm solves the n -item 0-1 knapsack problem to any relative error tolerance ε > 0 in the scaled profit space P * /K = O ( 1/ ε 1+δ ) with time O(n log(1/ ε )+1/ ε^{2+2δ}) and space O(n +1/ ɛ^{2+δ}), where P^{*} and b are the maximal profit and the weight capacity of the knapsack problem, respectively, K is a problem-dependent scaling factor, δ={α}/(1+α) and α=O( log b ). This algorithm reduces the exponent of the complexity bound in [5].  相似文献   

We study local, distributed algorithms for the capacitated minimum dominating set (CapMDS) problem, which arises in various distributed network applications. Given a network graph G=(V,E), and a capacity cap(v)∈ℕ for each node vV, the CapMDS problem asks for a subset SV of minimal cardinality, such that every network node not in S is covered by at least one neighbor in S, and every node vS covers at most cap(v) of its neighbors. We prove that in general graphs and even with uniform capacities, the problem is inherently non-local, i.e., every distributed algorithm achieving a non-trivial approximation ratio must have a time complexity that essentially grows linearly with the network diameter. On the other hand, if for some parameter ε>0, capacities can be violated by a factor of 1+ε, CapMDS becomes much more local. Particularly, based on a novel distributed randomized rounding technique, we present a distributed bi-criteria algorithm that achieves an O(log Δ)-approximation in time O(log 3 n+log (n)/ε), where n and Δ denote the number of nodes and the maximal degree in G, respectively. Finally, we prove that in geometric network graphs typically arising in wireless settings, the uniform problem can be approximated within a constant factor in logarithmic time, whereas the non-uniform problem remains entirely non-local.  相似文献   

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