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10月14日是世界标准日,国家标准委在浙江、北京两地分别举办了2009年长三角世界标准日论坛和国务院有关部门、行业协会等参加的世界标准日座谈会。两地活动紧紧围绕“标准应对全球气候变化”的主题,大力宣传标准化工作在推动节能减排、保护生态环境、应对气候变化、服务科学发展中的重要作用,增强标准化工作者的荣誉感和责任感,增强全民标准化意识。  相似文献   

杨泽世 《标准生活》2013,(10):14-16
今年世界标准日的主题是"国际标准推动积极改变"(InternationalStandardsEnsure PositiveChange),ISO/IEC/ITU世界三大国际标准化组织联合发出了贺词,从应对当前世界经济复苏和有效应对全球气候变化问题的平衡,到营造良好商业氛围,刺激经济增长,减缓并适应气候变化等多个方面分析了国际标准近年来推动积极改变所发挥的作用。在当前中国经济、社会和环境快速发展的时期,如何看待标准推动积极改变,是全体标准化工作者,乃至社会各界、国际同仁关注的重大问题。笔者认为,正确理解标准推动积极  相似文献   

智慧城市的标准化建设任重而道远.为应对不断变化的社会经济形势与可持续发展挑战,应进一步加强智慧城市内涵与特征的认识,充分发挥标准化在资源整合、业务协同、示范推广等方面的作用,积极实施智慧城市标准化建设模式研究、标准需求的调研与急需标准的制定、关键性前沿标准的介入以及智慧城市标准化人才培养等创新策略,推进智慧城市建设的健康发展.  相似文献   

联合国气候变化峰会9月22日在纽约联合国总部举行,中国国家主席胡锦涛出席峰会开幕式并发表了题为《携手应对气候变化挑战》的重要讲话。胡锦涛主席说,全球气候变化深刻影响着人类生存和发展,是各国共同面临的重大挑战。气候变化是人类发展进程中出现的问题,既受自然因素影响,也受人类活动影响,既是环境问题,更是发展问题,同各国发展阶段、生活方式、人口规模、资源禀赋以及国际产业分工等因素密切相关。当前,我们在共同应对气候变化方面应该坚持共同但有区别的责任原则。  相似文献   

李新 《世界标准信息》2005,(12):138-139
在经济全球化日益发展的今天,标准已经广泛而深入地影响到国际贸易的各个方面,以标准和知识产权相结合的方式谋取国际垄断的问题也越来越突出。而机床业作为中国制造业的基础,因标准问题在国际纠纷中处于劣势的局面也受到专家的重视。因此,做好标准化工作,已经成为提高整个行业水平和市场竞争能力、应对入世后的机遇与挑战的必经之路。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和信息技术的发展,标准化在国际经济和科技竞争中占据着越来越突出的战略地位,标准已经成为国际产业尤其是高新技术产业竞争的制高点,以标准化手段为主要内容的技术性贸易措施是当前国际贸易非关税壁垒的主要表现形式.为应对经济全球化给标准化带来的新挑战,一些发达国家和地区、国际主要标准化组织纷纷出台了标准化发展战略,我国也将制定发布国家标准化发展纲要.深圳以高新技术产业立市,又是外贸出口大市,其经济发展与国际市场息息相关,迫切需要实施标准化战略以增强产业发展后劲、应对国际市场竞争带来的挑战.  相似文献   

北国已经冰天雪地,而深冬的穗城依然处处郁郁葱葱。2012年12月13日~14日,第二届中国节能减排标准化论坛在广州白云国际会议中心隆重召开。来自中国标准化研究院、国家应对气候变化与国际合作中心、清华大学、中国社会科学院、世界资源研究所、美国可持续发展社区协会、广州市标准化研究院等国内外相关机构的专家学者以及来自全国节能减排标准化技术联盟  相似文献   

当今世界,企业面临着各种挑战,比如全球一体化、市场需求的饱和等等。管理体系在帮助企业有效应对挑战方面,起到了非常积极的作用,特别是一些新的标准的产生,如最新的ISO22301标准可帮助企业应对业务连续性的问题。但与此同时,企业也面临了很多的困惑,其问题在于:管理体系标准层出不穷,不同体系建立的  相似文献   

贺毅 《中国标准化》2009,(10):14-16
一、前言 今年10月14日是第40届世界标准日,三大国际标准化组织ISO、IEC、ITU联合发表祝辞——“标准应对全球气侯变化”,这充分说明国际标准化组织特别关注标准在保护环境、节能减排、应对气候变化方面所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

世界贸易组织(WTO)6月发布2005年《世界贸易报告——探讨贸易、标准与WTO的关系》,《报告》指出:“此次报告的核心问题是标准和国际贸易”。这是世界贸易报告首次明确将标准化问题提到国际贸易议程的显著地位,表明标准化问题如信息和通讯标准、食品安全标准及环境标准已经成为国际贸易关注的新焦点。 9月5日.商务部.国家质检总局、国家认监委、国家标准委在北京联合主办“标准化与国际贸易:世界贸易的焦点2005年《世界贸易报告》解读研讨会”。 这是一次学术权威.政界要员和企业精英共聚一堂的会议。通过对在通讯与信息产业,食品安全以及环境保护的标准化进程的探讨,寻求国际经贸大环境下中国标准化战略走向,寻求标准在垄断与竞争之间的均衡发展,分析从技术立国到知识产权立国的时代变革,深刻剖析中国标准战略所面临的挑战与期待,从而优化政府和产业决策水平,更好地推动中国深度参与全球经济。 研讨会着眼于标准化对世界贸易.全球经济的深度影响.以全方位的战略视野解读这一深刻变革,并预测新的标准秩序与经济秩序;预见及展望中国标准化的机遇与挑战。国家标准委主任李忠海指出,研讨会“对我国标准把握标准及与之相关的枝术法规.合格评定程序在经济、社会和国际贸易中的重要地位和作用,有效地应对国外技术壁垒.研究、制定和实施我国的标准化及相关领域的发展战略,促进我国对外经济贸易的发展,都具有十分重要的意义。” 这次研讨会是互动性极强的高层次思想交流平台,是政府决策者.企业界与媒体等各界精美解读世界经济.贸易,了解中国标准化战略发展趋势,预视未来的最佳连径。此次会议举办,标志着中国标准化发展战略将进入一个崭新的阶段。 国家标准委主任李忠海.WTO秘书处经济贸易司参赞Robert Teh.商务部部长助理易小准的发言。从不同的角度全面解读了2005年《世界贸易报告》。  相似文献   

The eastern Mediterranean faces a severe water crisis: water supply decreases due to climate change, while demand increases due to rapid population growth. The GLOWA Jordan River project generates science-based management strategies for maximizing water productivity under global climate change. We use a novel definition of water productivity as the full range of services provided by landscapes per unit blue (surface) and green (in plants and soil) water. Our combined results from climatological, ecological, economic and hydrological studies suggest that, in Israel, certain landscapes provide high returns as ecosystem services for little input of additional blue water. Specifically, cultural services such as recreation may by far exceed that of food production. Interestingly, some highly valued landscapes (e.g. rangeland) appear resistant to climate change, making them an ideal candidate for adaptive land management. Vice versa, expanding irrigated agriculture is unlikely to be sustainable under global climate change. We advocate the inclusion of a large range of ecosystem services into integrated land and water resources management. The focus on cultural services and integration of irrigation demand will lead to entirely different but productive water and land allocation schemes that may be suitable for withstanding the problems caused by climate change.  相似文献   

The 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change commits signatories to preventing 'dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system', leaving unspecified the level of global warming that is dangerous. In the late 1990s, a limit of 2°C global warming above preindustrial temperature was proposed as a 'guard rail' below which most of the dangerous climate impacts could be avoided. The 2009 Copenhagen Accord recognized the scientific view 'that the increase in global temperature should be below 2 degrees Celsius' despite growing views that this might be too high. At the same time, the continued rise in greenhouse gas emissions in the past decade and the delays in a comprehensive global emissions reduction agreement have made achieving this target extremely difficult, arguably impossible, raising the likelihood of global temperature rises of 3°C or 4°C within this century. Yet, there are few studies that assess the potential impacts and consequences of a warming of 4°C or greater in a systematic manner. Papers in this themed issue provide an initial picture of the challenges facing a world that warms by 4°C or more, and the difficulties ahead if warming is to be limited to 2°C with any reasonable certainty. Across many sectors--coastal cities, agriculture, water stress, ecosystems, migration--the impacts and adaptation challenges at 4°C will be larger than at 2°C. In some cases, such as farming in sub-Saharan Africa, a +4°C warming could result in the collapse of systems or require transformational adaptation out of systems, as we understand them today. The potential severity of impacts and the behavioural, institutional, societal and economic challenges involved in coping with these impacts argue for renewed efforts to reduce emissions, using all available mechanisms, to minimize the chances of high-end climate change. Yet at the same time, there is a need for accelerated and focused research that improves understanding of how the climate system might behave under a +4°C warming, what the impacts of such changes might be and how best to adapt to what would be unprecedented changes in the world we live in.  相似文献   

Consideration of abrupt climate change has generally been incorporated neither in analyses of climate-change impacts nor in the design of climate adaptation strategies. Yet the possibility of abrupt climate change triggered by human perturbation of the climate system is used to support the position of both those who urge stronger and earlier mitigative action than is currently being contemplated and those who argue that the unknowns in the Earth system are too large to justify such early action. This paper explores the question of abrupt climate change in terms of its potential implications for society, focusing on the UK and northwest Europe in particular. The nature of abrupt climate change and the different ways in which it has been defined and perceived are examined. Using the example of the collapse of the thermohaline circulation (THC), the suggested implications for society of abrupt climate change are reviewed; previous work has been largely speculative and has generally considered the implications only from economic and ecological perspectives. Some observations about the implications from a more social and behavioural science perspective are made. If abrupt climate change simply implies changes in the occurrence or intensity of extreme weather events, or an accelerated unidirectional change in climate, the design of adaptation to climate change can proceed within the existing paradigm, with appropriate adjustments. Limits to adaptation in some sectors or regions may be reached, and the costs of appropriate adaptive behaviour may be large, but strategy can develop on the basis of a predicted long-term unidirectional change in climate. It would be more challenging, however, if abrupt climate change implied a directional change in climate, as, for example, may well occur in northwest Europe following a collapse of the THC. There are two fundamental problems for society associated with such an outcome: first, the future changes in climate currently being anticipated and prepared for may reverse and, second, the probability of such a scenario occurring remains fundamentally unknown. The implications of both problems for climate policy and for decision making have not been researched. It is premature to argue therefore that abrupt climate change - in the sense referred to here - imposes unacceptable costs on society or the world economy, represents a catastrophic impact of climate change or constitutes a dangerous change in climate that should be avoided at all reasonable cost. We conclude by examining the implications of this contention for future research and policy formation.  相似文献   

In the context of the current serious problems related to energy demand and climate change, substantial progress has been made in developing a sustainable energy system. Electrochemical hydrogen–water conversion is an ideal energy system that can produce fuels via sustainable, fossil-free pathways. However, the energy conversion efficiency of two functioning technologies in this energy system—namely, water electrolysis and the fuel cell—still has great scope for improvement. This review analyzes the energy dissipation of water electrolysis and the fuel cell in the hydrogen–water energy system and discusses the key barriers in the hydrogen- and oxygen-involving reactions that occur on the catalyst surface. By means of the scaling relations between reactive intermediates and their apparent catalytic performance, this article summarizes the frameworks of the catalytic activity trends, providing insights into the design of highly active electrocatalysts for the involved reactions. A series of structural engineering methodologies (including nanoarchitecture, facet engineering, polymorph engineering, amorphization, defect engineering, element doping, interface engineering, and alloying) and their applications based on catalytic performance are then introduced, with an emphasis on the rational guidance from previous theoretical and experimental studies. The key scientific problems in the electrochemical hydrogen–water conversion system are outlined, and future directions are proposed for developing advanced catalysts for technologies with high energy-conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

Global CO(2) emissions are understood to be the largest contributor to anthropogenic climate change, and have, to date, been highly correlated with economic output. However, there is likely to be a negative feedback between climate change and human wealth: economic growth is typically associated with an increase in CO(2) emissions and global warming, but the resulting climate change may lead to damages that suppress economic growth. This climate-economy feedback is assumed to be weak in standard climate change assessments. When the feedback is incorporated in a transparently simple model it reveals possible emergent behaviour in the coupled climate-economy system. Formulae are derived for the critical rates of growth of global CO(2) emissions that cause damped or long-term boom-bust oscillations in human wealth, thereby preventing a soft landing of the climate-economy system. On the basis of this model, historical rates of economic growth and decarbonization appear to put the climate-economy system in a potentially damaging oscillatory regime.  相似文献   

The current threat of global warming and the public demand for confident projections of climate change pose the ultimate challenge to science: predicting the future behaviour of a system of such overwhelming complexity as the Earth's climate. This Theme Issue addresses two practical problems that make even prediction of the statistical properties of the climate, when treated as the attractor of a chaotic system (the weather), so challenging. The first is that even for the most detailed models, these statistical properties of the attractor show systematic biases. The second is that the attractor may undergo sudden large-scale changes on a time scale that is fast compared with the gradual change of the forcing (the so-called climate tipping).  相似文献   

随着目前住宅能耗的增加,住宅节能变得越来越重要。本文针对住宅的几种主要能耗形式,结合北方节能住宅小区的实际需要,设计一种适合北方寒冷高湿气候条件下兼有制冷、制热、制热水和新风等多功能的户式热泵系统,并进行相关测试试验。针对北方寒冷地区气候条件下,需要兼顾冷热工况,系统需要跨越较大的温度范围工作等设计难点进行分析。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quantification of the likely effect of anthropogenic climate change on the water resources of Jordan by the end of the twenty-first century. Specifically, a suite of hydrological models are used in conjunction with modelled outcomes from a regional climate model, HadRM3, and a weather generator to determine how future flows in the upper River Jordan and in the Wadi Faynan may change. The results indicate that groundwater will play an important role in the water security of the country as irrigation demands increase. Given future projections of reduced winter rainfall and increased near-surface air temperatures, the already low groundwater recharge will decrease further. Interestingly, the modelled discharge at the Wadi Faynan indicates that extreme flood flows will increase in magnitude, despite a decrease in the mean annual rainfall. Simulations projected no increase in flood magnitude in the upper River Jordan. Discussion focuses on the utility of the modelling framework, the problems of making quantitative forecasts and the implications of reduced water availability in Jordan.  相似文献   

The grand challenges of climate change demand a new paradigm of urban design that takes the performance of urban systems into account, such as energy and water efficiency. Traditional urban design methods focus on the form-making process and lack performance dimensions. Geodesign is an emerging approach that emphasizes the links between systems thinking, digital technology, and geographic context. This paper presents the research results of the first phase of a larger research collaboration and proposes an extended geodesign method for a district-scale urban design to integrate systems of renewable energy production, energy consumption, and storm water management, as well as a measurement of human experiences in cities. The method incorporates geographic information system (GIS), parametric modeling techniques, and multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) tools that enable collaborative design decision-making. The method is tested and refined in a test case with the objective of designing a near-zero-energy urban district. Our final method has three characteristics. ① Integrated geodesign and parametric design: It uses a parametric design approach to generate focal-scale district prototypes by means of a custom procedural algorithm, and applies geodesign to evaluate the performances of design proposals. ② A focus on design flow: It elaborates how to define problems, what information is selected, and what criteria are used in making design decisions. ③ Multi-objective optimization: The test case produces indicators from performance modeling and derives principles through a multi-objective computational experiment to inform how the design can be improved. This paper concludes with issues and next steps in modeling urban design and infrastructure systems based on MDO tools.  相似文献   

Water availability in +2°C and +4°C worlds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the parties to the UNFCCC agreed in the December 2009 Copenhagen Accord that a 2°C global warming over pre-industrial levels should be avoided, current commitments on greenhouse gas emissions reductions from these same parties will lead to a 50?:?50 chance of warming greater than 3.5°C. Here, we evaluate the differences in impacts and adaptation issues for water resources in worlds corresponding to the policy objective (+2°C) and possible reality (+4°C). We simulate the differences in impacts on surface run-off and water resource availability using a global hydrological model driven by ensembles of climate models with global temperature increases of 2°C and 4°C. We combine these with UN-based population growth scenarios to explore the relative importance of population change and climate change for water availability. We find that the projected changes in global surface run-off from the ensemble show an increase in spatial coherence and magnitude for a +4°C world compared with a +2°C one. In a +2°C world, population growth in most large river basins tends to override climate change as a driver of water stress, while in a +4°C world, climate change becomes more dominant, even compensating for population effects where climate change increases run-off. However, in some basins where climate change has positive effects, the seasonality of surface run-off becomes increasingly amplified in a +4°C climate.  相似文献   

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