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布依族酒歌   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
贵阳市花溪素有高原明珠之美誉。在这块富饶美丽的土地上居住着近30万各族人民。其中,43245人是勤劳勇敢,聪明智慧的布依族同胞,他们和汉、苗等兄弟民族一道开发了这块宝地,使这颗“高原明珠”闪烁生辉,名扬九州,使之在改革开放,大力发展旅游业的今天不断吸...  相似文献   

曲水流觞绍兴情   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茹拥政 《中国酒》2003,(4):58-59
大凡喝酒者,总是在室内就着佳肴饮用,但有一种酒,却是要到大自然中去,崇山峻岭边,茂林修竹旁,在清溪旁席地而坐,将盛了酒的觞放入溪流中,由上游徐徐浮水而下,经过弯弯曲曲的溪水,在石块上磕磕碰碰,若觞在谁面前打转或停下,谁就要即兴赋诗并饮酒,作不出诗的就要罚酒。这就是酒乡绍兴著名的酒俗——曲水流觞。东晋永和九年暮春三月的一次文人雅聚。王羲之借酒的神助,即兴赋诗成就了传世名篇《兰亭集序》,同时也让“曲水流觞”饮酒咏诗的雅俗长传不衰。  相似文献   

作者在论述凉州美酒悠久历史的同时,对其历史分期和酒业长盛不衰的气貌、地貌、水貌、资源、经济、科学文化等进行了研究与探讨;并对凉州的酒俗、酒文化也进行了论述。(陆月霜)  相似文献   

水族酒文化及旅游功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水族以其口感香醇的水族酒、丰富多彩的酒俗向外界展现了自身的魅力.水族的酒文化还是丰富的高品位旅游资源,充分认识其娱乐、观赏、参与、食用等旅游功能,在"多彩贵州"的推出和发展地方旅游业实践中,应强化将水族酒文化同发展地方旅游结合起来,从产酒地域、酿酒工艺、饮酒习俗等方面进行系统的开发,使其在贵州民族文化旅游业中充分发挥应有的作用.  相似文献   

傅建伟 《中国酒》2008,(3):16-17
绍兴酒不仅仅是闻名遐迩、传统经典,更是与绍兴人民的生活息息相关,扎根生辉。今儿不说其他,就连绍兴许多俗语土话也跟酒有渊源,细究起来,颇为深矣,且不乏其道理。俗语,绍兴人把其称作为“炼话”,即是经过提炼的话语,简练、生动、风趣、辛辣,是绍兴人特别权知幽默的语言艺术。正像鲁迅先生所说:“方言土语里,很有些意味深长的话,我们那里叫‘炼话’,用起来很有意思的,恰如文言里的用典故,听者也觉得趣味津津。”正是这些酒俗谚语,从另一个层面丰富了绍兴的酒文化。  相似文献   

九阡酒是产自贵州省三都水族自治县九阡镇的一种具有鲜明水族文化特征的酒种,在水族人民生活中扮演着重要的角色.但九阡酒未能与贵州酒产业一起快速发展,其发展还相对滞后.本文对九阡酒的生产工艺、酒文化等方面进行介绍,以提高九阡酒的认识度和知名度,并对九阡酒产业发展提出策略分析.  相似文献   

一代奸雄曹操在他的《短歌行》中说:"何以解忧?惟有杜康。"中国人有句俗话,叫做"无酒不成席"!还有一句俗话,叫做"无酒不成敬意"!自从杜康发明了这种琼浆玉液以来,不知有多少人喝酒喝到了出神入化、飘飘欲仙、醉生梦死的境界。十多年前,就有人计算过,中国人一年喝进肚子里的酒,有一个太湖的水之多,量可谓惊人。  相似文献   

勤山 《烹调知识》2013,(10):60-61
贵州是少数民族聚居的地方,奇特的山水养育着世世代代生长在这个地方的各个少数民族。热情好客的少数民族不但能歌善舞,也好酒,常常用酒来表达自己对客人的欢迎。在这源远流长的酒的历史中,蕴含着悠远的酒文化,而酒礼酒俗更是酒文化中不可缺少的部分。  相似文献   

现代酒企应注重丰富和发展中国酒文化,深度挖掘“酒礼”、“酒德”,并坚持“古为今用,洋为中用”的方向。  相似文献   

彭瑛  张白平 《酿酒》2010,37(6):93-95
蛋门巴族是一个生活在喜马拉雅山峡谷古老而年轻的民族,有着独特的酒文化习俗,特别是其迎客的"三口一杯"习俗与新娘的"夫家三道茶"及婚礼上新娘的舅舅对酒的挑剔责难习俗饶有情趣。而门巴族的萨玛酒歌更是门巴族文学中一朵散发着浓郁酒香的文学奇葩,使门巴族的酒文化得到以升华。  相似文献   

Abstract: While the antimicrobial effectiveness of wine is well documented, relative contributions of the wine components to its antimicrobial activity is controversial. To separate the role of wine phenolics, ethanol, and pH from other wine constituents, the antimicrobial effects of intact wine were compared to that of phenols-stripped wine, dealcoholized wine, ethanol, and low pH applied separately and in combination, against 2 common foodborne pathogens, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and Escherichia coli. All samples were biochemically characterized with respect to their total phenolics and resveratrol content, antioxidant capacity, ethanol content, and pH. Antioxidative activity of the samples corresponded to their total phenolics content. Except for respective controls, pH and ethanol content were similar in all samples. The order of antibacterial activity of the samples was: intact wine > phenols-stripped wine > dealcoholized wine > combination of ethanol and low pH > low pH > ethanol. Separate application of ethanol or low pH showed negligible antibacterial activity while their combination showed synergistic effect. Antibacterial activity of the samples could not be related to their total phenolics and resveratrol content, antioxidant capacity, ethanol content, or pH. Our study indicates that antimicrobial activity of complex solutions such as intact wine cannot be exclusively attributed to its phenolic or nonphenolic constituents, nor can the antimicrobial activity of wine be predicted on the basis of its particular components.  相似文献   

傅金泉 《酿酒科技》2005,(12):95-96,99
衢州酿酒历史久远,有丰富的酒文化及优质的水资源和糯米资源。在新石器时代遗址中已发掘出印纹陶酒器;在西周时期,衢州的酿酒业和制陶业已相当发达;在宋代,衢州酒业里设有专门管理酒务的官员,酒税一直是历代封建朝廷的主要财源之一。石室酒是衢州的历史名酒,该酒营养丰富,有益健康。  相似文献   

用红姑娘为主原料,经分选,破碎,接入人工培养果酒酵母进行发酵,调配而成的低度红姑娘酒,具有滋补保健功能.  相似文献   

The adsorption and desorption equilibrium moisture contents of green chilli were determined experimentally in relative humidity range of 11‐97% and at the temperatures of 20, 30, 40 and 50°C. The experimental procedure used was a dynamic method with periodically recording of sample mass. The effect of temperature on adsorption and desorption isotherms was found significant. Hystereses were observed for entire range of relative humidity and hysteresis loops decreased with the increase of temperature. Nine sorption isotherm models were fitted the experimental data at the temperatures of 20, 30, 40 and 50 °C. The modified Smith equation was the best fitted equation to the experimental data for relative humidity range of 11‐97% for the adsorption and desorption isotherms of green chilli.  相似文献   

好包装能提升酒的品位,还有保持及提高酒质量的重要功能。随着酒业的迅速发展,以及消费群体的扩大,国际上酒包装的新材料,新容器相继得到开发和应用,以各自的功能与优势取胜市场。  相似文献   

史前文化时期的酿酒(二)--谷芽酒的酿造及演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的先民在仰韶时期(公元前5000年~公元前3000年),就利用小口尖底瓮保温发酵酿制谷芽酒,并在该容器内澄清、饮用。到了大汶口时期(公元前4300年~公元前2400年),酿酒有了较大发展,饮酒之风很盛行,出土了数量较多的大件酿酒发酵窖器——大口尖底陶尊及多姿多彩的酒具,表明了酒已具有礼仪功能。这时期谷芽酒的饮用方法已进步到用饮酒器饮用清酒了。酿酒技术及酒文化已由黄河下游扩展到淮河流域。  相似文献   

天然低度菠萝酒加工技术研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
王玲 《酿酒科技》1999,(6):78-78,80
以新鲜菠萝为原料,果肉破碎取汁后加入适量蜂蜜并主活性干酵母,经控温发酵等特殊工艺处理,可制各糖分含量高、酒精底低、风味独特的纯天然菠萝酒。  相似文献   

Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the ability of experienced wine tasters to consistently assign quality scores to both red and white wines. Methods and Results: Wine quality scores were collected over a 15‐year period from 571 experienced wine tasters. Consistency was measured by correlating the scores given to duplicate presentations of wines, calculating the pooled variation in repeat scores and assessing their ability to allocate duplicate presentations of the same wine to the same quality category. Although the majority of tasters showed statistically significant consistency, their individual abilities varied considerably and, in general, their ability to consistently score one wine type was a poor predictor of their consistency in scoring the other. Tasters were better able to allocate duplicate presentations of red wines to the same category than white wines, and red wine consistency was improved by combining the scores of three assessors as is done in the Australian wine show system. Conclusions: The ability of experienced wine tasters to consistently rate wines for overall quality varied greatly between individuals, but was generally better for red wines than for whites. Consistency was improved by combining the scores from a small team of tasters. Significance of the Study: The study demonstrates the need to conduct replicate tastings when assessing wines for quality as adequate taster repeatability cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, using the combined score of a small team of tasters generally results in more consistent quality assessments.  相似文献   

根据蓝莓汁初始糖度,酿制12°干红蓝莓酒时将补糖量调整至21%,SO2添加量调整为40mg/L。同时,添加活性干酵母粉,其接种量为0.20%,在25℃条件下控温发酵6d,主发酵结束转入低温陈酿,能够酿制残糖较低、酸度适中、酒体协调、口感醇厚、果香适宜,色泽为深宝石红,具有蓝莓特有典型风格的蓝莓干红酒。  相似文献   

菠萝干酒生产工艺的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
以菠萝为原料生产菠萝干酒 ,可以提高菠萝的经济价值 ,综合利用菠萝下脚料 ,减轻环境污染 ,具有开发价值。以不同酸度、糖度、发酵温度做发酵试验 ,结果表明 ,初始发酵糖度20~22Bx、酸度0.8%、发酵温度24~28℃为佳。菠萝酒具有典型的菠萝香味 ,且口感好。(一平)  相似文献   

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