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The performance of conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms for the solution of the system of linear equations that results from the finite-differencing of the neutron diffusion equation was analyzed on SIMD, MIMD, and mixed-mode parallel machines. A block preconditioner based on the incomplete Cholesky factorization was used to accelerate the conjugate gradient search. The issues involved in mapping both the unpreconditioned and preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms onto the mixed-mode PASM prototype, the SIMD MasPar MP-1, and the MIMD Intel Paragon XP/S are discussed. On PASM , the mixed-mode implementation outperformed either SIMD or MIMD alone. Theoretical performance predictions were analyzed and compared with the experimental results on the MasPar MP-1 and the Paragon XP/S. Other issues addressed include the impact on execution time of the number of processors used, the effect of the interprocessor communication network on performance, and the relationship of the number of processors to the quality of the preconditioning. Applications studies such as this are necessary in the development of software tools for mapping algorithms onto either a single parallel machine or a heterogeneous suite of parallel machines.  相似文献   

An experimental analysis of the architecture of an SIMD/MIMD parallel processing system is presented. Detailed implementations of parallel fast Fourier transform (FFT) programs were used to examine the performance of the prototype of the PASM (Partitionable SIMD/MIMD) parallel processing system. Detailed execution-time measurements using specialized timing hardware were made for the complete FFT and for components of SIMD, MIMD, and barrier-synchronized MIMD implementations. The component measurements isolated the effects of floating-point arithmetic operations, interconnection network transfer operations, and program control overhead. The measurements allow an accurate extrapolation of the execution time, speedup, and efficiency of the MIMD, SIMD, and barrier-synchronized MIMD programs to a full 1024-processor PASM system. This constitutes one of the first results of this kind, in which controlled experiments on fixed hardware were used to make comparisons of these fundamental modes of computing. Overall, the experimental results demonstrate the value of mixed-mode SIMD/MIMD computing and its suitability for computational intensive algorithms such as the FET  相似文献   

Real-time image analysis requires the use of massively parallel machines. Conventional parallel machines consist of an array of identical processors organized in either single instruction multiple data (SIMD) or multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD) configurations. Machines of this type generally only operate effectively on parts of the image analysis problem. SIMD on the low level processing and MIMD on the high level processing. In this paper we describe the Warwick Pyramid Machine, an architecture consisting of both SIMD and MIMD parts in a multiple-SIMD (MSIMD) organization which can operate effectively at all levels of the image analysis problem.  相似文献   

PASM is a proposed large-scale distributed/parallel processing system which can be partitioned into independent SIMD/MIMD machines of various sizes. One design problem for systems such as PASM is task scheduling. The use of multiple FIFO queues for nonpreemptive task scheduling is described. Four multiple-queue scheduling algorithms with different placement policies are presented and applied to the PASM parallel processing system. Simulation of a queueing network model is used to compare the performance of the algorithms. Their performance is also considered in the case where there are faulty control units and processors. The multiple-queue scheduling algorithms can be adapted for inclusion in other multiple-SIMD and partitionable SIMD/MIMD systems that use similar types of interconnection networks to those being considered for PASM.  相似文献   

Data-parallel implementations of the computationally intensive task of solving multiple quadratic forms (MQFs) have been examined. Coupled and uncoupled parallel methods are investigated, where coupling relates to the degree of interaction among the processors. Also, the impact of partitioning a large MQF problem into smaller non-interacting subtasks is studied. Trade-offs among the implementations for various data-size/machine-size ratios are categorized in terms of complex arithmetic operation counts, communication overhead, and memory storage requirements. Furthermore, the impact on performance of the mode of parallelism used is considered, specifically, SIMD versus MIMD versus SIMD/MIMD mixed-mode. From the complexity analyses, it is shown that none of the algorithms presented in this paper is best for all data-size/machine-size ratios. Thus, to achieve scalability (i.e., good performance as the number of processors available in a machine increases), instead of using a single algorithm, the approach discussed is to have a set of algorithms from which the most appropriate algorithm or combination of algorithms is selected based on the ratio calculated from the scaled machine size. The analytical results have been verified by experiments on the MasPar MP-1 (SIMD), nCUBE 2 (MIMD), and PASM (mixed-mode) prototype.  相似文献   

We describe a compiler and run-time system that allow data-parallel programs to execute on a network of heterogeneous UNIX workstations. The programming language supported is Dataparallel C, a SIMD language with virtual processors and a global name space. This parallel programming environment allows the user to take advantage of the power of multiple workstations without adding any message-passing calls to the source program. Because the performance of Individual workstations in a multi-user environment may change during the execution of a Dataparallel C program, the run-time system automatically performs dynamic load balancing. We present experimental results that demonstrate the usefulness of dynamic load-balancing In a multi-user environment These results suggest that initially allocating the same amount of work to each processor and letting the dynamic load balancing algorithm adjust the load during program execution yields very good performance. Hence neither the compiler nor the run-time system need a priori knowledge of the speeds of the machines that will participate in a program execution.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the implementation of an ADI method for solving the diffusion equation on three parallel/vector computers. The computers were chosen so as to encompass a variety of architectures. They are the MPP, an SIMD machine with 16-Kbit serial processors; Flex/32, an MIMD machine with 20 processors; and Cray/2, an MIMD machine with four vector processors. The Gaussian elimination algorithm is used to solve a set of tridiagonal systems on the Flex/32 and Cray/2 while the cyclic elimination algorithm is used to solve these systems on the MPP. The implementation of the method is discussed in relation to these architectures and measures of the performance on each machine are given. Simple performance models are used to describe the performance. These models highlight the bottlenecks and limiting factors for this algorithm on these architectures. Finally conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

Features of an explicitly parallel programming language targeted for reconfigurable parallel processing systems, where the machine's N processing elements (PEs) are capable of operating in both the SIMD and SPMD modes of parallelism, are described. The SPMD (single program-multiple data) mode of parallelism is a subset of the MIMD mode where all processors execute the same program. By providing all aspects of the language with an SIMD mode version and an SPMD mode version that are syntactically and semantically equivalent, the language facilitates experimentation with and exploitation of hybrid SIMD/SPMD machines. Language constructs (and their implementations) for data management, data-dependent control-flow, and PE-address-dependent control-flow are presented. These constructs are based on experience gained from programming a parallel machine prototype and are being incorporated into a compiler under development. Much of the research presented is applicable to general SIMD machines and MIMD machines  相似文献   

Search of discrete spaces is important in combinatorial optimization. Such problems arise in artificial intelligence, computer vision, operations research, and other areas. For realistic problems, the search spaces to be processed are usually huge, necessitating long computation times, pruning heuristics, or massively parallel processing. We present an algorithm that reduces the computation time for graph matching by employing both branch-and-bound pruning of the search tree and massively-parallel search of the as-yet-unpruned portions of the space. Most research on parallel search has assumed that a multiple-instruction-stream/multiple-data-stream (MIMD) parallel computer is available. Since massively parallel stream (SIMD) computers are much less expensive than MIMD systems with equal numbers of processors, the question arises as to whether SIMD systems can efficiently handle state-space search problems. We demonstrate that the answer is yes, and in particular, that graph matching has a natural and efficient implementation on SIMD machines  相似文献   

Parallel processing is an area of growing interest to the computer science and engineering communities. This paper is an introduction to some of the concepts involved in the design and use of large-scale parallel systems. Parallel machines that are classified as SIMD (synchronous) and MIMD (asynchronous) systems, composed of a large number of microprocessors, are explored. Parallel algorithms are examined, using image smoothing, recursive doubling and contour tracing as examples. Single stage and multistage networks are discussed. The single stage Cube, PM21, Four Nearest Neighbor and Shuffle-Exchange networks are presented, and the multistage Cube network is described. Case studies of three microprocessor-based systems are given as examples of parallel machine designs, specifically the MPP SIMD machine, the Ultracomputer MIMD system, and the PASM SIMD/MIMD machine.  相似文献   

In the present paper we discuss a general approach to solve boundary value problems numerically in a parallel environment. The basic algorithm consists of two steps: the local step, where all the P available processors work in parallel, and the global step, where one processor solves a tridiagonal linear system of the order P. The main advantages of this approach are twofold: First, this suggested approach is very flexible, especially in the local step, and thus the algorithm can be used with any number of processors and with any of the SIMD or MIMD machines. Second, the communication complexity is very small and thus can be used as easily with shared memory machines. Several examples uing this strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

王桂彬  杜静  唐滔 《软件学报》2013,24(10):2460-2472
高功耗已成为制约高性能计算机发展的重要问题之一.近年来,大量研究关注于如何在满足系统功耗约束的条件下优化系统执行性能.然而,已有方法大都针对同构系统,未考虑异构处理器之间的功耗或速度差异,难以高效应用于基于加速器的异构系统.对当前异构并行系统执行模型进行了抽象,并提出了融合两级功耗控制机制的系统功耗管理框架,自顶向下依次为系统级功耗控制器和异构处理引擎功耗控制器.在异构处理引擎功耗控制中,针对类OpenMP 并行循环,首先分析了异构多处理器在满足功耗约束条件下达到性能最优的条件.基于该结果,给出了功耗受限的并行循环划分算法,该方法通过协调并行循环调度和动态电压频率调节技术以优化异构并行处理.在系统级功耗控制中,建立了异构处理引擎效能评估方法,以此作为功耗划分的依据,在兼顾并发应用公平性的同时,提高系统整体执行效能.最后,基于典型CPU-GPU 异构系统验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

It is an established trend that CPU development takes advantage of Moore's Law to improve in parallelism much more than in scalar execution speed. This results in higher hardware thread counts (MIMD) and improved vector units (SIMD), of which the MIMD developments have received the focus of library research and development in recent years. To make use of the latest hardware improvements, SIMD must receive a stronger focus of API research and development because the computational power can no longer be neglected and often auto‐vectorizing compilers cannot generate the necessary SIMD code, as will be shown in this paper. Nowadays, the SIMD capabilities are sufficiently significant to warrant vectorization of algorithms requiring more conditional execution than was originally expected for Streaming SIMD Extension to handle. The Vc library ( http://compeng.uni‐frankfurt.de/?vc ) was designed to support developers in the creation of portable vectorized code. Its capabilities and performance have been thoroughly tested. Vc provides portability of the source code, allowing full utilization of the hardware's SIMD capabilities, without introducing any overhead. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms, based on a distributed memory machine model, for an exhaustive search technique for motion vector estimation in video compression are being designed and evaluated. Results from the execution on a 16,384 processor MasPar MP-1 (an SIMD machine), a 140 node Intel Paragon XP/S and a 16 node IBM SP2 (two M IMD machines), and the 16 processor PASM prototype (a partitionable SIMD/MIMD mixed-mode machine) are presented. The trade-offs of using different modes of parallelism (SIMD, SPMD, and mixed-mode) and different data partitioning schemes (the rectangular and stripe subimage methods) are examined. The analytical and experimental results shown in this application study will help practitioners to predict and contrast the performance of different approaches to parallel implementation of this important video compression technique. The results presented are also applicable to a large class of image and video processing tasks. Case studies, such as the one presented here, are a necessary step in developing software tools for mapping an application task onto a single parallel machine and for mapping a set of independent application tasks, or the subtasks of a single application task, onto a heterogeneous suite of parallel machines.  相似文献   

This paper presents bitonic sorting schemes for special-purpose parallel architectures such as sorting networks and for general-purpose parallel architectures such as SIMD and/or MIMD computers. First, bitonic sorting algorithms for shared-memory SIMD and/or MIMD computers are developed. Shared-memory accesses through the interconnection network of shared memory SIMD and/or MIMD computers can be very time consuming. A scheme is introduced which reduces the number of such accesses. This scheme is based on the parity strategy which is the main idea of the paper. By reducing the communication through the network, a performance improvement is achieved. Second, a recirculating bitonic sorting network is presented, which is composed of one level of N/2 comparators plus an Ω-network of (log N-1) switch levels. This network reduces the cost complexity to O(N log N) compared with the O(N log2 N) of the original bitonic sorting network, while preserving the same time complexity. Finally, a simplified multistage bitonic sorting network, is presented. For simplifying the interlevel wiring, the parity strategy is used, so N/2 keys are wired straight through the network  相似文献   

One of the challenges for parallel compilers and compiler-related tools is, given a machine-independent parallel language, to generate executable code for a variety of computational models, and to identify those specific parallel modes for which a program is well-suited. One portion of this problem, developing a method for estimating the relative execution time of a data-parallel algorithm in an environment capable of the SIMD and SPMD (MIMD) modes of parallelism, is presented. Given a data-parallel program in a language whose syntax is mode-independent and empirical information about instruction execution time characteristics, the goal is to use static source-code analysis to determine an implementation that results in an optimal execution time for a mixed-mode machine capable of SIMD and SPMD parallelism. Statistical information about individual operation execution times and paths of execution through a parallel program is assumed. A secondary goal of this study is to indicate language, algorithm, and machine characteristics that must be researched to learn how to provide the information needed to obtain an optimal assignment of parallel modes to program segments.  相似文献   

模板匹配是进行滤波、边缘检测、目标识别和图像匹配的一种基本和有效的方法。但是模板匹配是一种密集型运算,在单处理机上实现耗时较多,但是如采用并行阵列计算机,硬软件成本也会相应提高。所幸Intel处理器提供了MMX/SSE/SSE2指令集,支持指令级SIMD操作。可将模板匹配主要运算部分进行SIMD并行化,在Linux平台下编程实现单处理机上的并行处理。测试结果表明:SIMD大大加快了模板匹配的速度。  相似文献   

This paper examines measures for evaluating the performance of algorithms for single instruction stream–multiple data stream (SIMD) machines. The SIMD mode of parallelism involves using a large number of processors synchronized together. All processors execute the same instruction at the same time; however, each processor operates on a different data item. The complexity of parallel algorithms is, in general, a function of the machine size (number of processors), problem size, and type of interconnection network used to provide communications among the processors. Measures which quantify the effect of changing the machine-size/problem-size/network-type relationships are therefore needed. A number of such measures are presented and are applied to an example SIMD algorithm from the image processing problem domain. The measures discussed and compared include execution time, speed, parallel efficiency, overhead ratio, processor utilization, redundancy, cost effectiveness, speed-up of the parallel algorithm over the corresponding serial algorithm, and an additive measure called "sprice" which assigns a weighted value to computations and processors.  相似文献   

异构多核处理器体系结构设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多核技术成为当今处理器发展的重要方向,异构多核处理器由于可将不同类型的计算任务分配到不同类型的处理器核上并行处理,从而为不同需求的应用提供更加灵活、高效的处理机制而成为当今研究的热点.本文从体系结构的角度探讨了异构多核处理器设计中的关键点,从内核结构、互连方式、存储系统、操作系统支持、测试与验证、动态电压调节等方面分析...  相似文献   

Cluster algorithms have application in diverse areas, including statistical mechanics of polymer solutions, spin models in physics, and the study of ecological systems. Most parallel cluster labeling algorithms are designed for SIMD and MIMD multiprocessors and based on relaxation methods. We present a parallel 3-D cluster labeling algorithm based on mapping tables, for distributed memory environments. The proposed algorithm focuses on minimizing interprocess communication to enhance execution performance on workstation networks. We implemented the algorithm with the aid of theEcliPSeparallel replication toolkit, exploiting special tree-combining and data reduction features of the system. We report on performance results for experiments conducted on workstation clusters.  相似文献   

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