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Im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierungen von Gebäuden ist das vom USGBC (US Green Building Council) entwickelte LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) in Europa und Deutschland ein fester Begriff [1]. Während inzwischen das System LEED‐NC, also für Neubauten und Generalsanierungen, sehr bekannt ist und am häufigsten angewandt wird, sind neun weitere LEED‐Zertifizierungssysteme entweder auf dem Markt oder in Entwicklung. Diese ermöglichen es u. a. auch, bestehende Gebäude zu zertifizieren und auf die Anforderungen spezieller Gebäudenutzungen, wie Krankenhaus, Schule oder Einzelhandel, einzugehen. The expanding variety of building types for LEED certification is continuously. In Europe and Germany, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), developed by the USGBC (US Green Building Council), plays a major role in Green Building certifications [1]. Although the system LEED‐NC for new construction and major renovations is commonly known and mostly used, 9 additional LEED certification systems are either available or currently in development. Besides others, those systems allow the certification of existing buildings and account for buildings with specific requirements, such as hospitals, schools or retail.  相似文献   

Schwimmende Architektur, ein nicht eindeutiger Fachbegriff, wird zunehmend auch in Deutschland thematisiert. Punktuell entstehen exklusive Wohnbauten wie auch einfache schwimmende Ferienhäuser. Infolge spezifischer Randbedingungen auf dem Wasser sowohl für die Schwimmkörper als auch für deren Aufbauten ergeben sich zusätzliche Chancen und Risiken. Der Beitrag behandelt beispielhaft bauphysikalische Bezüge. Entwicklungstendenzen der Weltbevölkerung hinsichtlich Wachstum und Verteilung bei gleichzeitig steigendem Meeresspiegel erfordern künftig ein verstärktes wissenschaftliches Interesse und Engagement der Bauphysik auch für schwimmende Bauten. Floating architecture and the responsibility of building physics for floating buildings. Floating architecture, a new and still unambiguous technical term is increasingly being addressed as subject in Germany. Point by popint exclusive buildings are constructed such as simple floating houses for holidays. As a result of specific boundary conditions of the water area for the pontoons as well as for their construction additional chances and risks are given. The paper represents examples with regard to the building physics. Development trends of the world population concerning growth and distribution coupled with rising sea levels call for an increased scientific interest and engagement of the building physics for floating architecture in future too.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment in the construction sector. Under the impression of an increasing demand for sustainability thinking in the building and construction sector, the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is constantly gaining relevance. LCA is a method to quantify and assess the environmental impacts of technical systems – in the building and construction sector, these could be both, building products or complete buildings – over their entire life cycle. In the construction sector, LCAs of building products have been well established, while LCAs of entire buildings are just now becoming more common. The German certificate for sustainable buildings strongly promotes this development by including Life Cycle Thinking into the rating of the sustainability of buildings. Due to this development, planners and other stakeholders in the construction industry have to face the necessity of life cycle based environmental optimization of a building already during the planning phase of the building. With the cooperation of LCA experts and experts in the field of assistance in the planning and construction process, dedicated and feasible solutions for this task can be developed. This article provides an overview on LCA in the building and construction sector and presents a possible approach to the question of planning‐integrated environmental optimization of buildings.  相似文献   

Fast alle Schulräume werden in Deutschland ausschließlich über Fenster mit Außenluft versorgt. Messungen haben gezeigt, dass die Belüftung der Schulräume vor allem in der kalten Jahreszeit unzureichend ist. Hybride Lüftungssysteme mit einer automatischen Unterstützung der Fensterlüftung könnten eine Möglichkeit bieten, die Häufigkeit schlechter Innenluftqualität in Schulen zu minimieren. Hierbei ist die Anordnung der dezentralen Zuluftöffnungen in den Fassaden eine der kritischsten Systemkomponenten, und es besteht gerade bei Schulgebäuden weiterer Untersuchungs‐ und Optimierungsbedarf. Im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie geförderten Verbund‐ projektes “Heizenergieeinsparung, thermische Behaglichkeit und gute Luftqualität in Schulgebäuden durch hybride Lüftungstechnik” werden die Eigenschaften von Klassenräumen im Landkreis Miesbach bezüglich der Temperierung, Belüftung und Belichtung aufgenommen. Die Begehung von 22 Schulen im Landkreis Miesbach ermöglicht für einen gesamten Landkreis die Bewertung der baulichen Gegebenheiten, welche die raumklimatischen Verhältnisse entscheidend beeinflussen. Die Belegungsdichte der Klassenräume im Landkreis Miesbach ist eher als normal bis gering einzustufen, da in ca. 80 % der Räume der Mindestwert von 2 m2 je Schüler eingehalten wird. 88 % der untersuchten Räume weisen eine mittlere bis hohe thermische Masse auf. Die meisten Klassenräume im Landkreis haben einen Fensterflächenanteil von 30 bis 60 %. Etwa 50 % der Räume besitzen keinen Sonnenschutz. Der bauliche sommerliche Wärmeschutz muss überwiegend als unzureichend bewertet werden. Etwa zwei Drittel der Klassenräume weisen eine gute bis mittlere Tageslichtversorgung auf. Die Klassenräume werden über Fenster belüftet. Die Fassaden besitzen vielfältige Öffnungsmöglichkeiten, wobei Drehkippflügel und Schwingflügel am häufigsten angetroffen werden. Equipment of classrooms with systems for maintaining temperature, for ventilation and for illumination. Most German classrooms are not equipped with mechanical ventilation systems. Natural ventilation controlled by the occupants opening the windows is the main way to provide fresh air. Measurements in real classrooms showed that the ventilation especially in cold season is insufficient. Hydrid ventilation systems with automatically controlled windows might reduce the prevalence of high carbon dioxide concentration inside the classrooms. The position of the air supply opening in the façade is the most sensible design task. There is still a big potential for optimization. In the frame of the project “Energy saving, thermal comfort and good indoor air quality in schools using hybrid ventilation” supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology the properties of classrooms in the county Miesbach/Germany regarding thermal comfort, ventilation and illumination were collected. In sum data of 106 classrooms in 22 schools were collected. The density of persons is normal to low. Approximately 80% of the rooms offer at least 2 or more square meter per pupil. 88% of the investigated classrooms are built with medium or high thermal mass. The glazed facade area is between 30 and 60% for most of the classrooms. 50% of the classrooms do not have any sun shading device. The summer overheating protection by passive means is insufficient. Two thirds of the classrooms offer a good to acceptable daylight condition. The classrooms are ventilated by opening the windows. There are different opening types of the windows and several combinations of the types in the façades. Tilt and turn windows and the horizontally pivot‐hung type are the most prevalent types.  相似文献   

Grouted Joint Connections of Monopile Support Structures – Structural and Fatigue Behaviour. This paper summarises the state of the art for grouted connections of support structures of Offshore Wind Energy Converters (OWECs). Results of numerical and experimental investigations of small and large scale tests of grouted joints which have been carried out within the research project “ForWind – TP V: Fatigue Assessment of Support Structures of Offshore Wind Energy Conversion Systems” at the Institute for Steel Construction, Leibniz Universität Hannover are presented. Furthermore the results of the numerical and experimental investigations are used for an exemplary calculation of a grouted joint connection of an OWEC located in the Baltic Sea. Besides the analysis of grouted joints with plain pipes the effects of an increased mechanical interlock due to shear keys on the fatigue design of grouted connections is demonstrated and fatigue classes for shear keys are presented.  相似文献   

Kerstin Lesny 《Bautechnik》2008,85(8):503-511
Foundations for offshore wind energy converters – Recommendations for concept and design. About 25% of the capital costs of an offshore wind farm are required for fabrication and installation of foundation structures. This relatively large percentage results from the fact that foundations have to be designed for the local site conditions within the wind farm. The possibilities for pre‐fabrication onshore are limited. Consequently, the design of safe but economic foundations is of great importance for the cost‐effectiveness of the whole wind farm. Within the present paper various foundation concepts adopted from conventional offshore engineering are compared and the selection of an appropriate foundation in respect to the conditions in North and Baltic Sea is discussed. The analysis shows that not in any case all of these foundation concepts are equally suitable. The most important criteria are the soil conditions at the respective location and the resulting fabrication and installation efforts.  相似文献   

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