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Many considerations influence the design of offshore oil and gas processing facilities such as type of platform, weight and space limitations, environmental conditions, government regulations, drilling support, enhanced recovery, and logistics of supply and market factors. Some of these factors have major impacts on the design and make offshore facilities different from those on land. This paper discusses some typical case scenarios with particular emphasis on processing crude oil in a cold ocean environment such as the Grand Banks off Newfoundland or Beaufort Sea. It describes certain basic requirements for the process design on offshore platforms. Every design is unique for its particular situation.  相似文献   

随着膜生物技术的推广应用,海上采油平台对生活污水处理装置由WCB型向MBR(膜生物反应器)型升级改造.MBR技术是生物处理和膜分离相结合的一种高效污水处理新工艺,具有生化效率高、出水水质稳定、占地面积小和易自动控制等优点.渤海某平台升级改造处理后的生活污水COD等各项指标达到了回注标准,从而实现了生活污水的零排放目标.  相似文献   

室内评价埕北稠油催化改质降粘的实验效果,筛选出最优改质降粘催化剂,考察催化剂用量、反应温度、反应时间、供氢剂种类及用量对稠油改质降粘的影响。结果表明,采用有机酸锰催化剂和甲苯供氢剂,在催化剂用量为稠油质量的0.10%、反应温度240 ℃、反应时间24 h、水油质量比1∶3和甲苯用量为稠油质量的5%条件下,稠油粘度由2 740 mPa·s降至780 mPa·s,改质降粘率达到71.5%。  相似文献   

鉴于海上低渗油田开发的重要性和紧迫性,介绍了海上低渗油田膜精细注水处理技术,对其核心部件膜材料进行详细介绍,探讨了不同精细过滤膜材料的特性和研究方向,指出了海上低渗油田膜精细注水处理技术开发过程中仍需重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to study the heat transfer performance of an impinging jet in a cross flow. Several parameters including the jet-to-cross-flow mass ratio (X=2%-8%), the Reynolds number (Red=1434-5735) and the jet diameter (d=2-4 mm) were explored. The heat transfer enhancement factor was found to increase with the jet-to-cross-flow mass ratio and the Reynolds number, but decrease with the jet diameter when other parameters maintain fixed. The presence of a cross flow was observed to degrade the heat transfer performance in respect to the effect of impinging jet to the target surface only. In addition, an impinging jet was confirmed to be capable of en-hancing the heat transfer process in considerable amplitude even though the jet was not designed to impinge on the target surface.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production from heavy oil in the presence of calcium hydroxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new hydrogen production method, the HyPr-RING process was applied to a vacuum residue of Arabian light crude oil to clarify the effects of added water, calcium hydroxide, which absorbs carbon dioxide, and the reaction temperature. It was determined that when a sufficient amount of calcium hydroxide was present, it provided enough water to produce hydrogen and additional water was not necessary. To consume all of the carbon dioxide in 1 mol of carbon from the feedstock, 25 mol% of calcium hydroxide was needed and hydrogen production was saturated at 50 mol%. Carbon conversion was dependent mainly on the temperature and was slightly dependent on water and pressure. The reaction pressure was as low as 4.2 MPa. Thermal decomposition of the feedstock was the dominant reaction below 600 °C, which produced methane.  相似文献   

张晓华  姜岩  岳希权  张贤明 《化工进展》2016,35(7):2033-2040
第三次采油技术的发展促进了表面活性剂在油田生产中成熟而稳定的应用。与化学合成表面活性剂相比,生物表面活性剂具有无毒等优势,在近些年呈现出热点研究态势,部分成果业已得到应用。本文从生物表面活性剂的驱油机理、纯化、应用3个方面进行论述,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。在驱油机理方面,主要通过降低油水界面张力、乳化残油以及润湿性反转3种作用,保障开采后期的油藏采收率。在纯化方面,单一方法制备生物表面活性剂技术已经较为成熟,但这些方法均具有一定局限性;采用两种或多种方法联用,既可以降低纯化成本又可以提高产率,成为未来生物表面活性剂纯化技术的发展趋势。在应用方面,主要体现在与化学表面活性剂进行复配后定向注入油藏进行驱油;此外,近年来也开发出利用高效营养剂激活本源微生物,诱导其产生表面活性物质继而富集、驱油的新技术。  相似文献   

陈俊文  陈庆  朱曦  赵伏锐 《广东化工》2014,(9):56-57,76
为保证海底管道在位稳定性,常在管道外表面涂敷混凝土配重层。对于管道的热力计算,有必要研究混凝土配重层对传热系数的影响。文章基于传热和对流理论,根据常用计算模型,推导了海底管道传热模型,借助计算软件,探讨了混凝土配重对海底管道温降的影响。文章的研究成果,有助于海底管道热力分析的参考的借鉴。  相似文献   

对旧的胎面联动生产线控制系统进行改造,设计了2种方案,最后选用可编程控制器控制开关量,用同步控制器控制模拟量。文中给出详细的控制接线原理图。经实践,此套系统调试简便、工作可靠。  相似文献   

胡斐  陆晓峰  朱晓磊 《化工进展》2015,34(9):3232-3237
某石化公司炼油厂第二套常减压装置中换热器的热交换介质为高黏度的原油及其附属产品,在对流换热过程中传热系数低,动能消耗大。针对这一现状,本文设计了一种换热管内插间歇半扭带,利用计算流体力学软件Fluent对内插间歇半扭带换热管在实际工况下的换热过程进行数值模拟,与光滑管、内插连续扭带换热管进行了对比,并给出了间歇半扭带传热元件的优化设计参数。结果表明:内插间歇半扭带大幅提高了换热管内流体的努塞尔数Nu,同时也使换热管内摩擦阻力系数f增大;间歇半扭带换热管的换热效率η比内插连续扭带换热管提高8%~12%;当间歇半扭带的扭曲率y为10、连接杆长度s为345mm时,换热效率η最高,达到2.06。研究结果为该常减压装置换热器强化传热的研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Heat transfer at the inner wall for co-current vertical air-water mixture flow has been investigated in a 161.5 mm diameter pumping tube of an air-lift system. The experimental heat transfer coefficients were found to be significantly higher than those calculated from a single liquid phase correlation for the same liquid flow rate. The enhancement of heat transfer was found to be related to the flow pattern. A decrease of the heat transfer coefficient was observed in the transition region from slug flow to churn flow. Hydrodynamic and heat transfer models have been used to describe heat transfer during the slug flow regime and a correlation is proposed for the heat transfer coefficient in the liquid plug behind the gas bubble.  相似文献   

以润滑油为工质,采用数值方法对圆管内插同轴交叉等腰梯形涡产生器的管内流动与传热进行了数值模拟,分析了不同结构参数如扭率(Tr=3,4,5,6)、间距比(Ss/W=0.8,0.9,1.1,1.2)和基带宽度比(Wb/W=0.30,0.45,0.60,0.75)对圆管内插同轴交叉等腰梯形涡产生器的管内流动与传热特性的影响。结果表明:在相同Re下,平均Nusselt数Num、二次流强度Se、强化传热因子JF均随扭率和间距比的减小而增大,而其与基带宽度比的变化没有明显规律,阻力系数f随着扭率的减小和基带宽度比的增大而增大,间距比对f的影响甚微。在相同结构参数下,JFSe均随Re的增大而增大。在Re=50~1000范围内,相比于光滑圆管,内插不同结构参数的同轴交叉涡产生器的Num增加了32.8%~208.6%,f增加了3.38~8.92倍,JF最大可达1.434。NumSe呈幂函数相关,内插同轴交叉翼型涡产生器管内的二次流强度决定了其对流换热强度。  相似文献   

Water/oil flow characteristics in a water-wet capillary were simulated at the pore scale to increase our understanding on immiscible flow and enhanced oil recovery. Volume of fluid method was used to capture the interface between oil and water and a pore-throat connecting structure was established to investigate the effects of viscosity, interfacial tension (IFT) and capillary number (Ca). The results show that during a water displacement process, an initial continuous oil phase can be snapped off in the water-wet pore due to the capillary effect. By altering the viscosity of the displacing fluid and the IFT between the wetting and non-wetting phases, the snapped-off phenomenon can be eliminated or reduced during the displacement. A stable displacement can be obtained under high Ca number conditions. Different displacement effects can be obtained at the same Ca number due to its significant influence on the flow state, i.e., snapped-off flow, transient flow and stable flow, and ultralow IFT alone would not ensure a very high recovery rate due to the fingering flow occurrence. A flow chart relating flow states and the corresponding oil recovery factor is established.  相似文献   

稠油降粘剂QS-1是由多种非离子表面活性剂和助剂组成的复合体系,它对延长油田旗胜35块稠油有很好的降粘效果。本文介绍了QS-1的性能和现场应用实例。  相似文献   

An analytical model for predicting the oil production rate in the steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) process is presented in this article. The suggested correlation is found based on Butler's original work. It considers the most effective parameters of the process that emphasize the influence of gravity drainage and that are grouped together in the form of the Rayleigh's number. The present model introduces three coefficients (i, j, and k) into the equation, which are determined by minimizing an objective function based on the difference between the six experimental SAGD datasets and the calculated results. The tool chosen for the minimization is the genetic algorithm (GA). After the initial evaluation, the same approach is used for other reservoir characteristics to ensure the robustness of the new equation. Having considered various simulation outcomes with an average error of 8.9% makes this model a credible one for predicting the SAGD production rates. The novelty of the new predictive model lies within its unique approach, making it quite fast and applicable to a wide range of reservoirs with low associated estimation inaccuracies.  相似文献   

The reacting flow fields in reactive miscible viscous fingering in a Hele‐Shaw cell studied by Nagatsu and Ueda had not been completely elucidated, mainly because one cannot exactly recognize where and when the reaction takes place in the reactive fingering pattern. We developed a novel experimental method that allowed us to identify the reaction region in the fingering pattern employed in the previous studies. The novel method involves switching of the less‐viscous liquid injected in both the nonreactive and reactive experiments. By using the novel method, we succeeded in showing how the reaction region in the fingering pattern was affected by the initial reactant concentrations, the Péclet number, and time. We propose physical models of the reacting flow field in the cell's gap direction that can explain the obtained experimental results. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009  相似文献   

研究了热粘液中引入挥发性冷剂进行汽化冷却的传热过程。在一垂直圆形循环管中,引入冷剂酒精液滴于热浓糖溶液中,获得了糖液的汽化冷却曲线:分析了冷剂通入量对瞬间主体温度及容积传热速率的影响,并以“界面汽化热阱”的概念对传热机理进行了分析。冷剂在热粘液中汽化,是以泡滴的形态进行的。由于酒精与糖液是互溶的,在圆形管中对于泡滴的形态以及酒精与浓糖溶液间的界面难以观察清楚,因而设计了一套便于观察、拍照和分析的由两块玻璃板组成的窄缝且外侧带有保温夹套的实验设备(类似于Hele.Shaw盒)。在该设备中,对不互溶冷剂及可互溶冷剂在热浓糖溶液中汽化时形成泡滴的状态进行了比较,并分析了它们具有不同状态的原因。  相似文献   

提出一种新型扭曲三叶管纵流油冷却器强化传热方案,对其壳程的传热与压降特性与扭曲椭圆管油冷却器和传统折流板油冷却器进行了实验对比分析。结果显示,在相同油流量下,扭曲三叶管油冷却器壳程的传热系数、压降和传热系数比压降值(h/?p)分别比传统折流板油冷却器高138.7%~90.5%、19.6%~37.8%和77.2%~130.4%;分别比扭曲椭圆油冷却器高257.8%~298.6%、140.5%~158.4%和40.1%~65.7%,表明扭曲三叶管油冷却器具有很好的强化传热效果。并对其强化传热机理进行了分析,在壳程雷诺数(Re)为80~550的范围内,拟合获得了扭曲三叶管和扭曲椭圆管两种纵流油冷却器壳程努塞尔数(Nu)和摩擦因子(f)关联式。  相似文献   

结合渤海绥中某注聚油田采出液处理出现的问题,深入剖析了该油田产出液处理能力下降的原因,确定物流温度达不到设计要求、含聚污油泥水二次污染、设备适就性差、清水剂与聚合物不配伍等因素是导致该油田产出液处理能力下降的主要因素。从处理设备结构优化改造和药剂优化等方面开展治理措施研究,为全面解决海上注聚油田采出液处理问题进行探索,并提出今后技术发展的方向。  相似文献   

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