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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarisation curves assisted by Raman spectroscopy were used to study the corrosion behaviour and to characterise the corrosion products of reinforcing steel embedded in fly ash mortars with and without chloride pollution. Two alkaline solutions with different soluble silica contents were utilised to activate the fly ash. After 720 days of experimentation the reinforcing steel embedded in fly ash mortar without chlorides remained passive, while the specimens in fly ash polluted with chloride ions (0.4 and 2%) yielded current density values of the order of 2 × 10?5 A/cm2, typical of an active state. The main corrosion products identified on the steel surface were less crystallised phases of iron oxyhydroxide hydrates and goethite (α‐FeOOH) or lepidocrocite (γ‐FeOOH).  相似文献   

The characteristics of pitting corrosion of Type 304L stainless steel (SS) exposed to highly concentrated chloride solutions were studied through the evaluation of the corrosion potential, the pitting potential, the structure of the passive layer and the statistics of pitting depth and density. Both as-received and weld metal samples were studied. The weld metal sample was machined from the welding zone of a butt weld of Type 304L SS. The results showed an accelerated anodic dissolution and depressed film resistance at the welding zone, but no dramatic change on pitting corrosion was observed from the statistics of pitting during the test duration up to 720?h. The pitting corrosion resistance was significantly affected by the chloride concentration and slightly affected by the temperature under the investigated conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of silica addition on electrochemical behavior of rebar in native pH 12.5 saturated solutions prepared by leaching of Portland Type-II cement, and in solutions reduced by CO2 to pH 9. Cyclic polarizations showed that at pH 12.5 the silica additive increased the threshold concentration required for pitting from 100 to 105mM, and from 0.3 mM to 0.5 mM at pH 9. Passivation kinetic exponents were consistently larger for solutions with either pH when silica was present. The silica additive provided the passive film with generally increased resistance and lower capacitance, as confirmed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Charge carrier densities calculated from Mott-Schottky plots were on the order of 1020 (cm-3), increasing significantly after the passive film breakdown. Raman spectroscopy of rebar samples immersed in saturated cement solutions showed films predominantly composed of iron oxyhydroxides with a new shoulder attributed to amorphous silica.  相似文献   

Corrosion monitoring station was installed at ‘Geotermia Mazowiecka’ geothermal plant in Poland. Linear polarisation resistance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques were applied to estimate the corrosion rate and the surface changes of K55 carbon steel, L80-13CR and 316 stainless steels directly in the geothermal water flux. The enhanced corrosion of K55 carbon steel and corrosion rate of L80-13CR and 316 stainless steels was observed. The formation of biofilm increased the resistivity of the surface.  相似文献   

Corrosion behaviour of stressed magnesium alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Potentiodynamic polarisation and impedance measurements are used to examine the corrosion aspects of some Mg-based alloys, which were previously stressed in order to established the effect of mechanical deformation on surface electrochemical reactions. A first approach was made for the unstressed alloys. The electrochemical tests were carried out in a sodium borate buffer solution.  相似文献   

Chloride contents at the steel–mortar interface that initiate steel corrosion were determined for carbon steel in alkali-activated fly ash mortar for three different exposure conditions: exposure to 1 M NaCl solution; leaching in deionized water and then exposure to 1 M NaCl solution; and leaching in deionized water, aging in air at 20°C and natural CO2 concentration, and then exposure to 1 M NaCl solution. For comparison, a Portland cement mortar, exposed to 1 M NaCl solution, was studied. The median values of the corrosion-initiating chloride contents (average over the full length of the rebar) in the alkali-activated fly ash mortar varied between 0.35 and 1.05 wt% Cl with respect to binder, consistently lower than what was obtained for the Portland cement mortar, but with no clear trend regarding the exposure conditions. For most of the alkali-activated fly ash mortar specimens, preferential corrosion at the connection between the working electrode and the external measurement setup was observed, while preferential corrosion did not occur for the Portland cement mortar. Scanning electron microscopy and auxiliary experiments in synthetic solutions indicated that this behavior was caused by inhomogeneities at the steel–mortar interface in the alkali-activated mortar, likely due to its peculiar rheological properties in the fresh state.  相似文献   

Among the multitude of concrete structure pathologies, corrosion of rebars is one of the most important problems of concrete durability. In the context of sustainable development, it appears of primary importance to develop new means to protect the rebars against corrosion. This study aims to develop a new eco‐friendly and corrosion‐inhibiting admixture based on EPS 180 exopolysaccharides, biopolymers used in coatings already studied for the corrosion inhibition on steel in seawater. C15 rebars embedded in CEMI and CEMV cement paste containing EPS 180 were immersed in natural seawater and their electrochemical behaviour was studied using open circuit potential measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. These tests highlight the decrease of the cathodic reaction kinetics due to the EPS 180 action at the rebars surface, and the absence of effect on the passive layer. Capillary imbibition tests carried out on cement paste and mortars showed that although limiting the imbibition kinetics for cement pastes, the EPS 180 did not influence the water imbibition of mortars. Tests comparing capillary imbibition of soaked cement pastes and mortars with EPS 180 solution and the same samples containing the EPS 180 admixture highlight that the corrosion inhibition induced by EPS 180 admixture is more due to the modification of the cement – rebars interface than to the clogging of the cement porous network.  相似文献   

During the characterization of sediments formed in pipelines transporting hydrocarbons, the knowledge of the microbiological diversity becomes very interesting, especially when it is related to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). The presence of microorganisms is considered as one of the factors that affect the corrosion processes occurring at the pipeline; therefore, their corrosiveness must be determined. In this way, the identification of new species affecting the MIC processes is still considered relevant. In this work, the effect of Clostridium celerecrescens upon the corrosion of API KL 52 steel was evaluated. This microorganism was isolated and identified from the sediments collected during the inner cleaning procedures of a gas pipeline. The polarization resistance (PR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were considered to estimate the microorganism behavior during the corrosion process. The results were complemented with a metal surface analysis, using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The resistance values induced by the presence of the microorganisms clearly indicated that C. celerecrescens has an effect on the corrosion process occurring at the API XL 52 steel surface.  相似文献   

通过热扩散工艺在自行研制的钢筋原坯表面形成一层化学成分满足不锈钢要求且耐蚀性能优异的"类不锈钢"表面层。采用XRD、SEM及EDS对热扩散层的相结构、表面形貌和截面成分分布进行了分析和表征。通过浸泡加速腐蚀试验、动电位极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱研究了HRB400、316L以及"类不锈钢"钢筋试样在含氯离子混凝土模拟孔隙液中的腐蚀行为及规律。结果表明,热扩散层主要由Cr_(23)C_6、Fe-Cr和Cr_2N等相组成。在含有氯离子的混凝土模拟孔隙液中,"类不锈钢"钢筋的耐蚀性比HRB400提高了287.4倍,比316L提高了1.4倍。"类不锈钢"钢筋的腐蚀电流密度是HRB400的1/299,是316L的1/223。"类不锈钢"钢筋的极化电阻R_p值是HRB400的28.7倍,是316L的4.5倍。因此,"类不锈钢"钢筋在混凝土模拟孔隙液中的耐氯离子腐蚀性能优于316L和HRB400。  相似文献   

This study investigated the susceptibility to pitting corrosion of 316L in CO2 and N2 environments at temperatures from 30 to 80°C in 3?wt-% NaCl at pH 4. Results from cyclic polarisation technique confirm greater pitting susceptibility of 316L in the CO2 environment. Electronic properties and composition of the passive film were identified by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Mott–Schottky, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Increasing temperature negatively affects the passive film stability, and its influences are amplified in the presence of CO2 as compared to N2. In the CO2 environment, the passive film becomes porous with the increasing temperature leading to higher defects (donor/acceptor densities).  相似文献   

In this work, the corrosion behaviour of metal matrix composite plain carbon steel–B4C was studied in 3·5 wt-%NaCl solution. The composite was locally produced as weld band on plain carbon steel by means of gas tungsten arc welding process and using nickel as wetting agent. Samples from weld band, heat affected zone and base regions were extracted precisely, and electrochemical techniques including open circuit potential, linear polarisation resistance, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarisation in combination with SEM-EDX surface analysis and microhardness were used for characterisation. The results showed that hardness value of made composite increased significantly to 642 HV10. However, the corrosion resistance of composite region during 7 days (168 h) of exposure to 3·5 wt-%NaCl solution was slightly reduced. This was attributed to the fact that B4C particles play as cathode site for oxygen reduction; therefore, they increase the corrosion rate slightly.  相似文献   

Corrosion of galvanised steel under an electrolytic drop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Described here for the first time is an investigation of the local corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel using an electrolytic droplet comprising chloride and sulphate ions. The maximal height of the electrolytic layer and the diameter varied between 500-1100 μm with a total diameter between 1.47-3.35 mm, respectively. These measurements were possible by using microelectrodes as reference and counter electrodes, which could be inserted into the electrolyte droplet thus forming an electrochemical microcell. Polarization curves as well as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy plots were recorded under the electrolyte droplet configuration allowing the determination of the polarisation resistance Rp and the proportionality constant k of the Stern and Geary equation. The influence of temperature, chloride concentration, pH and the thickness of the electrolytic layer on the corrosion rate of galvanised steel were studied.  相似文献   

Corrosion behavior of steel bar embedded in fly ash concrete   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steel bar embedded in concrete without fly ash and with fly ash was tested under complete immersion, in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Monitoring of open-circuit potential, polarization resistance measurement and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to evaluate the corrosion behavior of steel bar. ASTM C1202 test method was also used to estimate the concrete’s resistance to the penetration of chloride ions. The results obtained from electrochemical tests show that partial replacement of fly ash has led to an enhancement of corrosion resistance and a reduction of corrosion rate due to the decrease of permeability to chloride ions.  相似文献   

The corrosion behaviour of 6082 aluminium alloy was studied by measuring the electrochemical impedance spectra and electrode polarization curves. After the electrochemical tests, a microstructural analysis of the samples was conducted by using optical microscopy and electron scanning microscopy techniques to determine the corrosion mechanism. The results show that the Nyquist plot of the electrochemical impedance data in the NaCl solution consists of high- and low-frequency capacitive impedance loops. When ions are added to the NaCl etchant, the Nyquist plots of the electrochemical impedance data are composed of two different curves: a high-frequency capacitive impedance loop and a low-frequency inductive impedance loop. The corrosion current density increases with increasing concentration, and as a result, the corrosion resistance of the aluminium alloy decreases. The microstructures of 6082 aluminium alloy consist of Mg2Si secondary particles in a large α-Al matrix. Pitting corrosion initially occurs at the boundary between the matrix and secondary particles because the electrode potentials of the matrix and secondary particles are different. Then, corrosion paths develop along the network-like grain boundaries, and finally, massive network-like corrosion occurs throughout the entire alloy.  相似文献   

The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), was used to evaluate and compare the behavior of three different corrosion inhibitors: quaternary amine (QA), oleic imidazoline (OI) and amino coco propionic acid (ACP), on the corrosion of mild steel in 3% NaCl solutions, saturated with CO2 gas, under static conditions. Two pH values: 3.8 and 5.5 were considered. Under the conditions considered in this work, the results indicated film formation at the metal surface, probable due to the formation of iron carbonate. This condition modified the values of the resistance and double layer capacitance of the system. In general terms, the ACP inhibitor exhibited better performance, compared to the QA and OI. During the impedance measurements with OI and ACP, some deviations were observed at high frequencies, indicating probably that the inhibitors adsorption occurs in different way to the QA inhibitor and the amine adsorption is weaker than the other two inhibitors adsorption.  相似文献   

镀锡薄钢板在NaCl溶液中的腐蚀行为(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用电化学阻抗谱技术研究镀锡薄钢板在0.5mol/LNaCl溶液中的腐蚀过程,结合SEM、SPM、XRD、XPS技术表征腐蚀产物的形貌和腐蚀产物的结构。结果表明:腐蚀过程中镀锡层的电阻Rc值基本不变而电荷转移电阻Rct值下降了2个数量级,表明镀锡层基本没有发生腐蚀而基底金属碳钢则不断遭到腐蚀。镀锡薄钢板在0.5mol/LNaCl溶液中的腐蚀类型主要是对镀锡层缺陷处暴露的基底金属碳钢的腐蚀,其腐蚀产物主要是γ-FeOOH。  相似文献   

针对金属薄膜复合板的金属膜选材问题,采用电子探针、金相显微镜研究了坡莫合金膜的成分、显微组织,利用电化学技术,辅以浸泡法研究了坡莫合金在浓度为2.4 mol/L的中性氯化钠溶液中的电化学腐蚀行为,利用SEM和EDS研究了腐蚀产物和腐蚀形貌,结果表明:坡莫合金膜晶粒度8级,组织为奥氏体,腐蚀类型为局部腐蚀,主要表现为晶间...  相似文献   

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