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A nonprobabilistic reliability-based topology optimization (NRBTO) method for truss structures with interval uncertainties (or unknown-but-bounded uncertainties) is proposed in this paper. The cross-sectional areas of levers are defined as design variables, while the material properties and external loads are regard as interval parameters. A modified perturbation method is applied to calculate structural response bounds, which are the prerequisite to obtain structural reliability. A deviation distance between the current limit state plane and the objective limit state plane, of which the expression is explicit, is defined as the nonprobabilistic reliability index, which serves as a constraint function in the optimization model. Compared with the deterministic topology optimization problem, the proposed NRBTO formulation is still a single-loop optimization problem, as the reliability index is explicit. The sensitivity results are obtained from an analytical approach as well as a direct difference method. Eventually, the NRBTO problem is solved by a sequential quadratic programming method. Two numerical examples are used to testify the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show significant effects of uncertainties to the topology configuration of truss structures.  相似文献   

Shaojun Xie  Xiaoping Du 《工程优选》2013,45(12):2109-2126
In practical design problems, interval variables exist. Many existing methods can handle only independent interval variables. Some interval variables, however, are dependent. In this work, dependent interval variables constrained within a multi-ellipsoid convex set are considered and incorporated into reliability-based design optimization (RBDO). An efficient RBDO method is proposed by employing the sequential single-loop procedure, which separates the coupled reliability analysis procedure from the deterministic optimization procedure. In the reliability analysis procedure, a single-loop optimization for the inverse reliability analysis is performed, and an efficient inverse reliability analysis method for searching for the worst-case most probable point (WMPP) is developed. The search method contains two stages. The first stage deals the situation where the WMPP is on the boundary of the feasible region, while the second stage accommodates the situation where the WMPP is inside the feasible region by interpolation. Three examples are used for a demonstration.  相似文献   

The application of design-point-based reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) methods is hindered by the challenge of multiple-design-point problems. In this article, to improve the commonality of design-point-based RBDO methods, a novel multiple-design-point (MDP) approach is developed. The MDP approach uses the trace of the design points from consequent reliability analysis iterations to identify whether there are multiple design points, then all of the design points are used to calculate shifting vectors for the sequential optimization and reliability assessment method, and the corresponding probabilistic constraints are moved to the feasible region along these multiple shifting vectors at the same time. With multiple shifted probabilistic constraints, the design feasibility associated with this probabilistic constraint will be satisfied. Two mathematical examples, a speed reducer design and a honeycomb crashworthiness design, are presented to validate the effectiveness of the MDP method. The results show that the MDP approach is effective for handling multiple-design-point problems.  相似文献   

This paper will develop a new robust topology optimization (RTO) method based on level sets for structures subject to hybrid uncertainties, with a more efficient Karhunen-Loève hyperbolic Polynomial Chaos–Chebyshev Interval method to conduct the hybrid uncertain analysis. The loadings and material properties are considered hybrid uncertainties in structures. The parameters with sufficient information are regarded as random fields, while the parameters without sufficient information are treated as intervals. The Karhunen-Loève expansion is applied to discretize random fields into a finite number of random variables, and then, the original hybrid uncertainty analysis is transformed into a new process with random and interval parameters, to which the hyperbolic Polynomial Chaos–Chebyshev Interval is employed for the uncertainty analysis. RTO is formulated to minimize a weighted sum of the mean and standard variance of the structural objective function under the worst-case scenario. Several numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed RTO, and Monte Carlo simulation is used to validate the numerical accuracy of our proposed method.  相似文献   

Amin Toghi Eshghi 《工程优选》2013,45(12):2011-2029
Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) requires the evaluation of probabilistic constraints (or reliability), which can be very time consuming. Therefore, a practical solution for efficient reliability analysis is needed. The response surface method (RSM) and dimension reduction (DR) are two well-known approximation methods that construct the probabilistic limit state functions for reliability analysis. This article proposes a new RSM-based approximation approach, named the adaptive improved response surface method (AIRSM), which uses the moving least-squares method in conjunction with a new weight function. AIRSM is tested with two simplified designs of experiments: saturated design and central composite design. Its performance on reliability analysis is compared with DR in terms of efficiency and accuracy in multiple RBDO test problems.  相似文献   

C. Jiang  H.C. Xie  Z.G. Zhang  X. Han 《工程优选》2013,45(12):1637-1650
This study considers the design variable uncertainty in the actual manufacturing process for a product or structure and proposes a new interval optimization method based on tolerance design, which can provide not only an optimal design but also the allowable maximal manufacturing errors that the design can bear. The design variables' manufacturing errors are depicted using the interval method, and an interval optimization model for the structure is constructed. A dimensionless design tolerance index is defined to describe the overall uncertainty of all design variables, and by combining the nominal objective function, a deterministic two-objective optimization model is built. The possibility degree of interval is used to represent the reliability of the constraints under uncertainty, through which the model is transformed to a deterministic optimization problem. Three numerical examples are investigated to verify the effectiveness of the present method.  相似文献   

David Yoo  Ikjin Lee 《工程优选》2017,49(5):796-814
When interblade coupling is weak, the dynamic response of a bladed disk is very sensitive to the presence of uncertainties. Excessive response variation can be very harmful. Previous studies have indicated that introducing blade-to-blade difference in nominal design, known as intentional mistuning, could reduce the level of response variation. In this research, an efficient computational framework that yields the optimal design of intentional mistuning is developed to maximize the bladed disk reliability. Both the random uncertainty of blades and the interval uncertainty of disk connections are considered. The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is applied to find the worst case response under interval uncertainty, and Monte Carlo simulation is employed to account for the random mistuning effect. A gradient-based approach is then established to find the minimum design modification needed to achieve a designated reliability level. Case studies are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The reliability index approach (RIA) is one of the effective tools for solving the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) probabilistic model, which models the uncertainties with probability constraints. However, its wide application in engineering is limited due to low efficiency and convergence problems. The RIA-based modified reliability index approach (MRIA) appears to be very robust and accurate than RIA but yields inefficient for the most probable point (MPP) search with highly nonlinear probabilistic constraints. In this study, an enhanced modified reliability index approach (EMRIA) is developed to improve the efficiency and robustness of searching for MPP and is utilized for RBDO. In the EMRIA, an innovative active set using rigorous inequality is applied to construct the region of exploring for MPP, where the unnecessary probabilistic constraint could be eliminated adaptively during the iterative process. Moreover, the double loop strategy (DLS) is integrated into the EMRIA to strengthen the efficiency and robustness of large-scale RBDO problems. Two numerical examples demonstrated that the EMRIA is an efficient and robust method for MPP search in comparison with current first-order reliability methods. Six RBDO problems quoted also indicate that DLS-based EMRIA has good performance to solve complex RBDO problems.  相似文献   

The mechanical components subjected cyclic load unusually fail due to fatigue. The traditional deterministic design method still has the risk of failure while the safety factor method sometimes is overconservative and uneconomic. In this study, reliability-based design optimization is applied in structural design of components under low cycle fatigue. A constitutive model (Jiang and Sehitoglu model) was written into user-defined material subroutine of finite element software to make simulation more accurate. In addition, an adaptive least squares support vector machines (LS-SVM)-based response surface method is employed to improve the efficiency of design process. After constructing the implicit life model, a hybrid directional step method is employed to implement the performance measure approach. Finally, a simple case (thickness optimization for cantilever tube) is used to demonstrate the whole procedure of proposed design procedure.  相似文献   

Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) has been used for optimizing engineering systems with uncertainties in design variables and system parameters. RBDO involves reliability analysis, which requires a large amount of computational effort, so it is important to select an efficient method for reliability analysis. Of the many methods for reliability analysis, a moment method, which is called the fourth moment method, is known to be less expensive for moderate size problems and requires neither iteration nor the computation of derivatives. Despite these advantages, previous research on RBDO has been mainly based on the first-order reliability method and relatively little attention has been paid to moment-based RBDO. This article considers difficulties in implementing the moment method into RBDO; they are solved using a kriging metamodel with an active constraint strategy. Three numerical examples are tested and the results show that the proposed method is efficient and accurate.  相似文献   

To decrease random parameters’ influence on the drum brake reliability, the reliability-based robust optimization design (RBROD) of the electric vehicle brake is proposed. Based on the assumption that the maximum temperature of the brake cannot exceed the allowable temperature, a performance function model of thermal–mechanical coupling reliability of drum brakes is established by the adaptive Kriging method, and the analysis of reliability sensitivity and RBROD are conducted. The accuracy of the proposed model is verified by temperature measurement experiment under emergency braking condition. The robust optimization design improves the drum brake reliability to 0.99998 and reduce the influence of the design parameters on the reliability, with the absolute values of the reliability sensitivity and the weight of the drum brake are significantly smaller. Therefore, the objectives of reliability design, robustness design, and optimization design are simultaneously achieved by the proposed methods. Besides, the relative error of the proposed method is 0.373%, the number of function evaluations is 39, and the comparison with four meta-model methods show that the proposed method holds high-accuracy and high-efficiency. This study provides a high-precision theoretical explanation for the robust optimization design of drum brake.  相似文献   

This paper will develop a new robust topology optimization method for the concurrent design of cellular composites with an array of identical microstructures subject to random‐interval hybrid uncertainties. A concurrent topology optimization framework is formulated to optimize both the composite macrostructure and the material microstructure. The robust objective function is defined based on the interval mean and interval variance of the corresponding objective function. A new uncertain propagation approach, termed as a hybrid univariate dimension reduction method, is proposed to estimate the interval mean and variance. The sensitivity information of the robust objective function can be obtained after the uncertainty analysis. Several numerical examples are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed robust topology optimization method.  相似文献   

This article investigates multi-objective optimization under reliability constraints with applications in vehicle structural design. To improve computational efficiency, an improved multi-objective system reliability-based design optimization (MOSRBDO) method is developed, and used to explore the lightweight and high-performance design of a concept car body under uncertainty. A parametric model knowledge base is established, followed by the construction of a fully parametric concept car body of a multi-purpose vehicle (FPCCB-MPV) based on the knowledge base. The structural shape, gauge and topology optimization are then designed on the basis of FPCCB-MPV. The numerical implementation of MOSRBDO employs the double-loop method with design optimization in the outer loop and system reliability analysis in the inner loop. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization is used as the outer loop optimization solver. An improved multi-modal radial-based importance sampling (MRBIS) method is utilized as the system reliability solver for multi-constraint analysis in the inner loop. The accuracy and efficiency of the MRBIS method are demonstrated on three widely used test problems. In conclusion, MOSRBDO has been successfully applied for the design of a full parametric concept car body. The results show that the improved MOSRBDO method is more effective and efficient than the traditional MOSRBDO while achieving the same accuracy, and that the optimized body-in-white structure signifies a noticeable improvement from the baseline model.  相似文献   

A new nonprobabilistic reliability-based topology optimization method for continuum structures with displacement constraints is proposed in this paper, in which the optimal layout consists of solid material and truss-like microstructure material simultaneously. The unknown-but-bounded uncertainties that exist in material properties, external loads, and safety displacements are considered. By utilizing the representative volume element analysis, rules of macro-micro stiffness performance equivalence can be confirmed. A solid material and truss-like microstructure material structure integrated design interpolation model is firstly constructed, in which design domain elements can be conducted to select solid material or truss-like microstructure material by a combination of the finite element method in the topology optimization process. Moreover, a new nonprobabilistic reliability measuring index, namely, the optimization feature distance is defined by making use of the area-ratio ideas. Furthermore, the adjoint vector method is employed to obtain the sensitivity information between the reliability measure and design variables. By utilizing the method of moving asymptotes, the investigated optimization problem can be iteratively solved. The effectiveness of the developed methodology is eventually demonstrated by two examples.  相似文献   

In the reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) model, the mean values of uncertain variables are usually applied as design variables, and the cost is optimized subject to prescribed probabilistic constraints as defined by a nonlinear mathematical programming problem. Therefore, an RBDO solution that reduces the structural weight in non-critical regions provides not only an improved design, but also a higher level of confidence in the design. Solving such nested optimization problems is extremely expensive for large-scale multidisciplinary systems that are likewise computationally intensive. This article focuses on the study of a particular problem representing the failure mode of structural vibration analysis. A new method is proposed, called safest point, that can efficiently give the reliability-based optimum solution under frequency constraints, and then several probability distributions are developed, which are mathematically nonlinear functions, for the proposed method. Finally, the efficiency of the extended approach is demonstrated for probability distributions such as log-normal and uniform distributions, and its applicability to the design of structures undergoing fluid–structure interaction phenomena, especially the design process of aeroelastic structures, is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Shaojun Xie  Xiaoping Du 《工程优选》2016,48(9):1459-1473
Random and interval variables often coexist. Interval variables make reliability analysis much more computationally intensive. This work develops a new hybrid reliability analysis method so that the probability analysis (PA) loop and interval analysis (IA) loop are decomposed into two separate loops. An efficient PA algorithm is employed, and a new efficient IA method is developed. The new IA method consists of two stages. The first stage is for monotonic limit-state functions. If the limit-state function is not monotonic, the second stage is triggered. In the second stage, the limit-state function is sequentially approximated with a second order form, and the gradient projection method is applied to solve the extreme responses of the limit-state function with respect to the interval variables. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method are demonstrated by three examples.  相似文献   

Jaekwan Shin 《工程优选》2013,45(5):622-641
This article presents reliability analysis and reliability-based optimization of roadway minimum radius design based on vehicle dynamics, mainly focusing on exit ramps and interchanges. The performance functions are formulated as failure modes of vehicle rollover and sideslip. To accurately describe the failure modes, analytical models for rollover and sideslip are derived considering nonlinear characteristics of vehicle behaviour using the commercial software TruckSim. The probability of an accident is evaluated using the first-order reliability method and numerical studies are conducted using a single-unit truck model. To propose a practical application for the study, the reliability analysis for the minimum radius recommended by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials is conducted. The results show that, even if there are deviations from assumed design conditions of the current design guideline, the proposed design method can guarantee given target margins of safety against rollover and sideslip. Based on the reliability analysis, reliability-based design optimization is carried out and the results indicate new recommendations for minimum radii satisfying given target reliability levels.  相似文献   

Clutch judder has serious impacts on the noise, vibration and harshness performance. In this article, a simplified dynamic model with nonlinear friction torque is developed to simulate clutch judder, and the stability and dynamic response of the clutch are analysed. The real part of the judder modal eigenvalue, the moment when the clutch enters the stick state and the fluctuation level of the driving part of the clutch are treated as the evaluation indices. An uncertain hybrid model with random and interval variables is used to describe the uncertainty of parameters and a hybrid perturbation vertex method is formulated to compute the uncertainty. Furthermore, parameters with high sensitivities are used as design variables and uncertainty-based optimization is conducted to reduce clutch judder. The optimization results strongly validate that the proposed method is very effective in improving the robustness of the clutch judder performance.  相似文献   

Tan Fengjie  Tom Lahmer 《工程优选》2018,50(9):1470-1482
Comparing existing design methodologies for arch-type dams, model-based shape optimization can effectively reduce construction costs and leverage the properties of construction materials. To apply means of shape optimization, suitable variables need to be chosen to formulate the objective function, which is here the volume of the arch dam. A genetic algorithm is adopted as the optimization method, which allows a global search. The reliability index is considered as the main constraint. Its computation is realized by adaptive Kriging Monte Carlo simulation, which visibly increases the analysis efficiency compared with traditional Monte Carlo simulations. Constraints, such as the reliability index and further with respect to the geometry, are taken into consideration by a penalty formulation. By means of this approach, a reliability-based design can be found which ensures both the safety and serviceability of a newly designed arch-type dam.  相似文献   

This article proposes an uncertain multi-objective multidisciplinary design optimization methodology, which employs the interval model to represent the uncertainties of uncertain-but-bounded parameters. The interval number programming method is applied to transform each uncertain objective function into two deterministic objective functions, and a satisfaction degree of intervals is used to convert both the uncertain inequality and equality constraints to deterministic inequality constraints. In doing so, an unconstrained deterministic optimization problem will be constructed in association with the penalty function method. The design will be finally formulated as a nested three-loop optimization, a class of highly challenging problems in the area of engineering design optimization. An advanced hierarchical optimization scheme is developed to solve the proposed optimization problem based on the multidisciplinary feasible strategy, which is a well-studied method able to reduce the dimensions of multidisciplinary design optimization problems by using the design variables as independent optimization variables. In the hierarchical optimization system, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, sequential quadratic programming method and Gauss–Seidel iterative approach are applied to the outer, middle and inner loops of the optimization problem, respectively. Typical numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

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