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BACKGROUND: An apparently large disparity still exists between developed and developing countries in historical trends of the amounts of nitrogen (N) fertilizers consumed, and the same situation holds true in China. The situation of either N overuse or underuse has become one of the major limiting factors in agricultural production and economic development in China. The issue of food security in N‐poor regions has been given the greatest attention internationally. Balanced and appropriate use of N fertilizer for enriching soil fertility is an effective step in preventing soil degradation, ensuring food security, and further contributing to poverty alleviation and rural economic development in the N‐poor regions. RESULTS: Based on the China Statistical Yearbook (2007), there could be scope for improvement of N use efficiency (NUE) in N‐rich regions by reducing N fertilizer input to an optimal level (≤180 kg N ha?1), and also potential for increasing yield in the N‐poor regions by further increasing N fertilizer supply (up to 116 kg N ha?1). For the N‐rich regions, the average estimated potential of N saving and NUE increase could be about 15% and 23%, respectively, while for the N‐poor regions the average estimated potential for yield increase could be 21% on a regional scale, when N input is increased by 13%. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that to achieve the goals of regional yield improvement, it is necessary to readjust and optimize regional distribution of N fertilizer use between the N‐poor and N‐rich regions in China, in combination with other nutrient management practices. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) efficiency is one of the key drivers of environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural production systems. An N balance model was developed, evaluated, and validated to assess N use efficiency and N surplus and to predict N losses from contrasting grass-based dairy production systems in Ireland. Data from a 5-yr study were used to evaluate and validate the model. Grass-based and high-concentrate production systems combined with 3 divergent strains of Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cows—high-production North American (HP), high-durability North American (HD), and New Zealand (NZ)—were evaluated. As concentrate input increased, N surplus per hectare increased and N use efficiency per hectare decreased (23 and 10%, respectively). When the N required to rear replacement animals to maintain the production system was considered, the N surplus of the HP genetic strain was greater (156 kg of N/cow) than that of the HD (140 kg of N/cow) or the NZ (128 kg of N/cow). The model estimated N leaching of 8.1 mg of NO3-N/L, similar to that measured by others at the same site. The model creates awareness of methods and indicators available to assess the most suitable and environmentally sustainable grass based dairy production systems.  相似文献   

A huge amount of nitrogenous fertilizer is used to increase crop production. This leads to an increase in the cost of production, and to human and environmental problems. It is therefore necessary to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and to design agronomic, biotechnological and breeding strategies for better fertilizer use. Nitrogen use efficiency relies primarily on how plants extract, uptake, transport, assimilate, and remobilize nitrogen. Many plants use nitrate as a preferred nitrogen source. It acts as a signaling molecule in the various important physiological processes required for growth and development. As nitrate is the main source of nitrogen in the soil, root nitrate transporters are important subjects for study. The latest reports have also discussed how nitrate transporter and assimilation genes can be used as molecular tools to improve NUE in crops. The purpose of this review is to describe the mechanisms and functions of nitrate as a specific factor that can be addressed to increase NUE. Improving factors such as nitrate uptake, transport, assimilation, and remobilization through activation by signaling, sensing, and regulatory processes will improve plant growth and NUE. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

始兴烟区旱地烤烟氮素利用及生态经济适宜施氮量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决氮肥施用不合理引起的氮肥利用率低及环境恶化等问题,以烤烟品种K326为材料,研究了不同施氮水平对烤烟氮素利用率及经济性状的影响。结果表明,适当增施氮肥有利于提高烤烟产量及产值,以195 kg/hm2(N3)处理产量最高,150 kg/hm2(N2)处理产值最大。随着施氮水平的增加烤烟的氮肥偏生产力(NPFP)、氮肥吸收利用率(NRE)逐渐减小,烟叶生产效率(NTPE)、氮肥生理利用率(NPE)、氮肥农学利用率(NAE)先增加后减小,施氮水平为150 kg/hm2(N2)时,NTPE、NPE、NAE最大,此时烤烟的氮肥利用率最高。通过环境经济学的 Coase 原理和边际收益分析,综合烟叶产量、经济和生态效益,当前始兴烟区旱地烤烟适宜氮肥用量为115.10~162.13kg/hm2,相应的产量为2381.42~2677.72 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Understanding the nitrogen (N) use efficiency and N input/output balance in the agricultural system is crucial for best management of N fertilisers in China. RESULTS In the last 60 years, N fertiliser consumption correlated positively with grain production. During that period the partial factor productivity of N (PFPN) declined greatly from more than 1000 kg grain kg?1 N in the 1950s to nearly 30 kg grain kg?1 N in 2008. This change in PFPN could be largely explained by the increase in N rate. The average agronomic efficiency of fertiliser N (AEN) for rice, wheat and maize during 2000‐2010 was 12.6, 8.3 and 11.5 kg kg?1 respectively, which was similar to that in the early 1980s but lower than that in the early 1960s. Estimation based on statistical data showed that a total of 49.16 × 106 t of N was input into Chinese agriculture, of which chemical N, organic fertiliser N, biological fixed N and other sources accounted for 58.2, 24.3, 10.5 and 7.0% respectively. Nitrogen was surplus in all regions, the total N surplus being 10.6 × 106 t (60.6 kg ha?1). CONCLUSION The great challenge is to balance the use of current N fertilisers between regions and crops to improve N use efficiency while maintaining or increasing crop production under the high‐intensity agricultural system of China. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to measure performance responses and to evaluate indictors of N utilization in late-lactation cows fed diets with incremental reductions in crude protein (CP) concentration. Holstein cows (n = 128; 224 ± 54 d in milk) were stratified by parity and days pregnant (86 ± 25 d) and randomly assigned to 1 of 16 pens in a randomized complete block design. For 3 wk, all cows received a covariate diet containing 16.9% CP [dry matter (DM) basis]. For the subsequent 12 wk, pens were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments that contained 16.2, 14.4, 13.1, or 11.8% CP (DM basis). Diets were offered once daily and contained 32.5% corn silage, 32.5% alfalfa silage, 13.5% high-moisture corn, and 21.5% concentrate mix. A reduction in dietary CP was achieved by replacing soybean meal with soy hulls in the concentrate mix (DM basis). Dry matter intake, milk urea N (MUN; mg/dL), and the yield of milk urea N (g/d) decreased linearly with dietary CP. Compared with a 16.2% CP diet, a 14.4% CP diet did not alter milk yield throughout the study, but the 13.1 and 11.8% CP diets reduced milk yield after 4 and 1 wk, respectively. Furthermore, milk protein percentage was reduced for all dietary CP less than 16.2%, but this negative effect was temporary and disappeared after 7 wk for the 14.4% CP diet. In contrast, MUN adjusted to a new steady state within 1 wk for all dietary treatments. Modeling quadratic responses with a plateau led to predictions of no reduction in fat- and protein-corrected milk (32.6 kg/d) and yields of fat (1.31 kg/d), lactose (1.49 kg/d), and true protein (1.12 kg/d) until dietary CP decreased below 15.5, 15.3, 15.9, and 16.2%, respectively. In this study, MUN and the yield of MUN were highly correlated with N intake, milk protein yield, and fat- and protein-corrected milk. Surprisingly, N use efficiency (milk protein N/intake N) was not correlated with any variables related to N utilization and reached an apparent upper limit of approximately 30%. Although this observation may be associated with feeding diets deficient in metabolizable protein, late-lactation cows in this study adjusted to low dietary CP concentration better than anticipated as milk production was 2.6, 3.6, 6.4, and 8.0 kg/d higher than National Research Council (2001)-predicted metabolizable protein-allowable milk for dietary CP of 16.2, 14.4, 13.1, and 11.8%, respectively.  相似文献   

控释肥对烤烟光合特性和产质量与氮钾利用率的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了寻求研制优质、高效、环保的烟草控释肥料所需的参考依据,采用田间试验研究了控释肥和烟草专用复合肥对烤烟光合特性、产量与质量及氮钾利用率的影响。结果表明:(1)当施氮量由90 kg/hm2提高到150 kg/hm2时,烤烟产量和产值均显著增加,上等烟比例和均价略有下降,各叶位烤后烟叶全钾含量提高或显著提高,烟碱含量显著提高,总糖与还原糖含量显著下降;(2)与烟草专用复合肥相比,控释肥可提高烤烟旺长期以后的叶片叶绿素含量,提高旺长期烟叶净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度,但对蒸腾速率无明显影响;(3)与烟草专用复合肥比较,控释肥能使烤烟产量提高3%~7%,产值提高9%~16%,各叶位烤后烟叶全钾含量提高或显著提高,烟碱含量变化不明显,总糖与还原糖含量降低。(4)控释肥有利于提高烤烟氮肥、钾肥利用率,在施氮90 kg/hm2和150 kg/hm2条件下氮肥利用率分别提高21.1和8.7个百分点,施钾180 kg/hm2和300 kg/hm2条件下钾肥利用率分别提高9.4和8.6个百分点。可见,控释肥可改善烤烟中后期光合特性,增加产量与产值,改善烤后烟叶品质,提高氮钾利用率。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):5044-5061
Our aim was to explore whether changes in plasma essential AA (EAA) concentration ([EAA]p) or profile (defined here as the molar proportion of individual [EAA]p relative to the total [EAA]p) may serve as an indicator of the EAA status of a cow. We undertook a meta-analysis with the objectives to determine if different plasma EAA profiles exist among cows and to explore the association of [EAA]p or the profile of EAA with lactating cow performance and measures of N utilization. We hypothesized the existence of differences in [EAA]p and different plasma EAA profile for cows with greater milk output, feed efficiency, and greater N use efficiency (NUE; milk true protein-N:N intake) compared with cows with lower milk output, feed efficiency, and lower NUE. The data set included 22 feeding trials and 96 dietary treatments. First, a mixed-effect model analysis was used to predict [EAA]p in response to the categorical fixed effect of EAA, continuous fixed effect of National Research Council model-predicted metabolizable protein (MP) supply, continuous fixed effect of body weight, the fixed effect of EAA and MP supply interaction, the fixed effect of EAA and body weight interaction, and the random effect of study. Then, residuals of the model were standardized based on Z-score and clustered using the hierarchical method (Euclidean distance and Ward's minimum variance method) resulting in 2 clusters. Finally, a fixed-effect model was used to evaluate the significance with which clusters were associated with [EAA]p, cow performance, feed efficiency, and NUE. The total concentration of [EAA]p was lower (784 vs. 983 µM) and the concentration of each EAA was on average 22 µM lower for cows in cluster 1 compared with cluster 2 with the smallest and greatest difference found for Met (4 µM) and Val (59 µM), respectively. The percentage difference in [EAA]p was the smallest for Thr (?5.3%) and the greatest for Leu (?37.1%). There was no difference between clusters for Arg, His, and Met molar proportions; however, cows in cluster 1 had a lower molar proportion of Leu and a tendency for lower molar proportion of Val compared with cows in cluster 2. Additionally, cows in cluster 1 had greater molar proportions of Ile, Lys, and Thr and a tendency for greater molar proportion of Phe compared with cows in cluster 2. The fixed-effect model analysis indicated that cows in cluster 1 had higher milk energy output (+3.2 Mcal/d), true protein yield (+87 g/d) and fat yield (+236 g/d), feed efficiency (milk Mcal:dry matter intake; +8% unit), and a tendency for greater MP efficiency (Milk true protein/MP supply; +2.3% unit) than cows in cluster 2. These results suggested greater use of EAA by the mammary gland (as reflected by greater milk protein synthesis) and lower hepatic catabolism of AA (as reflected by a tendency to greater MP efficiency) in cows of cluster 1 compared with cluster 2. Our findings should be evaluated further, including whether the relative molar proportions of plasma EAA might serve as a holistic indicator of the EAA status of cows as related to their productivity, feed efficiency and N utilization.  相似文献   

Asparagine (Asn) and nitric oxide (NO) can enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stress, but their interaction is not well understood. Cotton is a vital resource for the textile industry, but its yield is reduced by drought stress, which could threaten its global supply in a warming and stressful world. Improving cotton's drought tolerance is crucial for supporting the textile industry. Two simultaneous field experiments were conducted to study the effect of Asn and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO donor, on cotton's drought tolerance. Two irrigation treatments were applied: control (C: 100% A pan) and drought stress (50% A pan). The plants were also sprayed with two plant stimulants before imposing drought stress: Mock control, 20 mM Asn, and 0.2 mM SNP, either alone or together. Drought stress impaired plant growth, photosynthesis, yield, nitrogen metabolism, and antioxidant defense, while increasing oxidative stress and free amino acid levels. However, Asn and SNP treatments alleviated these negative effects and improved antioxidant enzyme activity, plant growth, yield, and nitrogen content. The Asn + SNP treatment also increased irrigation water productivity under water-limited conditions, suggesting its potential for enhancing water use efficiency in cotton production. The combined treatment was more effective than the single treatments, indicating a synergistic effect of Asn and SNP in enhancing drought tolerance in cotton. These results imply that Asn and SNP could be useful tools for sustaining cotton production under drought conditions by boosting nitrogen metabolism and antioxidant defense, thereby contributing to the global supply of cotton and supporting the textile industry.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(12):9581-9596
Dairy cow responses to dietary crude protein (CP) may depend on stage of lactation. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 4 concentrations of dietary CP on dry matter intake (DMI), production performance, net energy for lactation (NEL) output in milk, feed efficiency (FE: milk NEL/DMI), and nitrogen use efficiency (100 × milk protein-N/N intake) when fed to cows grouped as early, mid-early, mid-late, and late lactation. Our secondary objective was to determine the range of CP concentration at which production responses were not negatively affected across days in milk (DIM). Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 64) were stratified by DIM [initial average ± standard deviation: 86 ± 14.9 (early), 119 ± 10.0 (mid-early), 167 ± 22.2 (mid-late), and 239 ± 11.1 (late)] and then randomly assigned within DIM group to receive 1 of 4 total mixed rations containing 13.6, 15.2, 16.7, and 18.3% CP (dry matter basis) according to a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments. Cows were individually fed a covariate diet for 14 d, followed by 56 d of treatment diets. Milk yield and DMI were recorded daily and milk components were analyzed weekly for 2 consecutive days at 3 daily milkings. Data were analyzed using a categorical mixed-effect model to evaluate the effects of CP concentration and DIM using linear, quadratic, and cubic contrasts, and their interactions. Additionally, a mixed-effect cubic regression model was fit with DIM, dietary CP concentration, and their interaction as continuous independent variables. Dietary CP concentration deemed optimal across DIM was determined as the range of CP for which the dependent responses did not differ from the predicted maximum. With advancing stage of lactation, DMI, milk NEL output, and FE decreased linearly (from 30.4 to 28.4 kg/d for DMI, from 33.2 to 23.3 Mcal/d for NEL output, and from 1.09 to 0.82 Mcal milk NEL/kg DMI for FE for early and late lactation cows, respectively). Responses to dietary CP concentration were linear, quadratic, and cubic with the greatest values observed when cows were fed the 16.7% CP diet across DIM (30.8 kg/d, 31.0 Mcal/d, and 1.01 Mcal/kg for DMI, milk NEL output, and FE, respectively). There was an interaction between dietary CP concentration and stage of lactation for DMI, milk NEL output, milk component yield, and FE, which was due to the decline in response to additional CP as lactation progressed. Compared with the 16.7% CP diet, feeding the 18.3% CP diet decreased milk NEL 0.81 and 5.3 Mcal/d for early and late lactation cows, respectively, indicating that feeding a higher CP concentration in late lactation had a negative effect on cow performance. Nitrogen use efficiency declined linearly with increasing CP concentration and DIM. Regression analysis suggested that dietary CP ranging from 16.3 to 17.4% maintained production in early and mid-early lactation. However, dietary CP could be reduced to between 15.7 and 17.1% in late lactation. This research suggested that there are distinct ranges of dietary CP concentrations that maintain cow performance at each stage of lactation.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the effects of rumen N balance (RNB), dietary protein source, and their interaction on feed intake, N partitioning, and rumen microbial crude protein (MCP) synthesis in lactating dairy cows. Twenty-four lactating Holstein cows were included in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design comprising four 20-d periods, each with 12 d of adaptation to the experimental diets and 8 d of sampling. The dietary treatments followed a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement (i.e., 4 treatments) with 2 main protein sources [faba bean grain (FB) and SoyPass (SP; Beweka Kraftfutterwerk GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany)] offered at 2 dietary RNB levels each [0 g/kg of dry matter, DM (RNB0) and ?3.2 g/kg of DM (RNB?)]. The RNB was calculated as the difference between dietary crude protein (CP) intake and the rumen outflow of undegraded feed CP and MCP and divided by 6.25. Composition of concentrate mixtures was adjusted to create diets with desired RNB levels. Each of these protein sources supplied ≥35% of total dietary CP. Both diets for each protein source were isoenergetic but differed in CP concentrations. The DM intake (kg/d) was lower for RNB? than for RNB0 in diets containing FB, whereas no differences were seen between the RNB levels for SP diets. The RNB? decreased N intake and urinary N excretion but increased milk N use efficiency in both FB and SP diets, with greater differences between the RNB levels for FB diets than for SP diets. Similarly, duodenal MCP synthesis (g/kg of digestible organic matter intake) estimated from purine derivatives in the urine was lower for RNB? than for RNB0 in FB diets but similar between the RNB levels in diets containing SP. Low RNB of approximately ?65 g/d (approximately ?3.2 g/kg of DM) in diets reduced feed intake, N balance, and performance in high-yielding dairy cows with possibly more pronounced effects in diets containing rapidly degradable protein sources.  相似文献   

施氮量与基追比例对烟叶品质及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过3年的田间试验,研究了不同施氮量和基追比例对烟叶化学成分、感官质量及氮肥利用率等的影响。结果表明,降低施氮量增加了烟叶的总糖、还原糖含量和糖碱比,降低了总植物碱、总氮、钾含量及钾氯比,改善了烟叶感官质量;降低施氮量显著降低了氮素积累量、来自肥料和土壤的氮量,显著提高了氮肥利用率。相同施氮量,随追肥比例增加,2009和2012年度烟叶的总糖、还原糖含量及糖碱比先增加后降低,总植物碱、总氮含量先降低后增加;2010年烟叶总糖、还原糖含量及糖碱比降低,总植物碱和总氮含量提高。2009、2010年度感官质量分别以追肥比例为70%和50%的处理最佳;2012年度高施氮量以追肥比例为70%处理最佳,低施氮量以50%处理最好。增加追肥比例显著提高了氮肥利用率。通过3年研究发现,施氮量从90 kg/hm2降至45~60 kg/hm2,追肥比例增至50%~70%可改善烟叶感官质量及提高氮肥利用率。  相似文献   

Increasing the application of nitrogen fertilizer is the main approach to increase rice production, but it also brings problems of environmental pollution and increases agricultural production costs. Cultivating high-yielding and high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) rice varieties is an important approach to solving this problem. The rice varieties carrying dep1 (dense and erect panicle 1) have both high grain yield and high NUE. However, their plant traits have not been fully explored. In this study, two rice near-isogenic lines carrying dep1 (NIL-DEP1 and NIL-dep1) were grown in paddy fields under 0, 120 and 270 kg N ha−1. We analyzed agronomic traits of panicle type, plant type, leaves and roots, and physiological traits of vascular bundles, photosynthetic rate and carbon and nitrogen transport. The results showed that the NIL-dep1 exhibited higher grain yield and NUE than NIL-DEP1, mainly due to the higher spikelet number per panicle, grain filling percentage and dry matter production. Compared with NIL-DEP1, NIL-dep1 had improved flag leaf morpho–physiological traits, including erect flag leaves, greater leaf thickness and specific leaf weight, higher root dry weight, root length, root volume and root surface area, and a better canopy structure, as reflected by a lower light interception percent and canopy extinction coefficient, leading to better photosynthetic performance and dry matter production. In addition, NIL-dep1 exhibited better vascular bundle traits of peduncle and enhanced dry matter, stem carbon and nitrogen translocation during grain filling. In conclusion, NIL-dep1 had high grain yield and NUE by improved agronomic and physiological traits and increasing carbon and nitrogen translocation during grain filling. These traits mentioned above could be used to select and breed high grain yield with high NUE rice varieties.  相似文献   

为了改善制浆造纸废水处理系统营养盐氮磷投加量大、劳动强度高、吸收率低、加药泵与输送管道易堵塞等问题,在污水处理生化系统中投加营养多相增效磷有效替代磷酸二铵,投加营养多相增效氮有效替代尿素。试验结果表明:采用北京某公司的多相增效磷和多相增效氮替代磷酸二铵和尿素作为污水处理系统营养补充剂,可促进好氧系统微生物活性增加,污泥沉降效果进一步改善,CODC r去除效果更好,处理成本明显下降,同时减轻劳动人员的工作强度。  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine the effects of readily rumen-available carbohydrate source (refined starch vs. dextrose), the level of rumen-degradable protein (RDP), and their interaction on lactation performance, ruminal measurements, enteric methane (CH4) emission, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen (N) balance in lactating dairy cows. Eighteen mid-lactation multiparous Holstein cows were used in this split-plot study. The main plots were created by randomly assigning 9 cows to diets of 11 or 9% RDP obtained by altering the percentage of soybean meal, expeller soybean meal, and blood meal in the diet. All diets included 16.4% crude protein. In the subplots, the effects of 0:10, 5:5, and 10:0 refined starch:dextrose ratio (% of dietary dry matter) were determined in three 3 × 3 Latin squares by randomly assigning the 9 cows in each RDP level into squares. Each period lasted 4 wk, with the last 2 wk allotted for sample collection. Carbohydrate source × RDP level interaction tended to influence dry matter intake (DMI), the concentration of urinary N, and urinary urea-N. Replacing refined starch with dextrose increased DMI, the molar percentage of ruminal butyrate and valerate, daily CH4 production (g/d), and fecal N and decreased the molar percentage of ruminal branched-chain volatile fatty acids, feed efficiency (fat- and protein-corrected milk/DMI), and N use efficiency (milk N/intake N) but did not influence nutrient digestibility. Enteric CH4 production was negatively related to the molar percentage of ruminal propionate but positively related to the molar percentage of ruminal butyrate. Treatments did not influence milk production responses, but cows fed 9% RDP diets had lower ruminal ammonia concentration (7.2 vs. 12.3 mg/dL) and tended to excrete less urinary purine derivatives (428 vs. 493 mmol/d) compared with cows fed 11% RDP diets, suggesting lower ruminal synthesis of microbial protein. Reducing the level of RDP in iso-nitrogenous diets had no effect on nutrient apparent total-tract digestibility, manure excretion and composition, N balance, and CH4 production. In this study, treatments did not affect yield (20.0 g of CH4/kg of DMI) or intensity (13.1 g of CH4/kg of fat- and protein-corrected milk), but methane production (g of CH4/d) was 7.0% lower and N use efficiency (conversion of intake N into milk protein) was 7.8% higher for cows fed a diet of 28.1% starch and 4.6% water-soluble carbohydrate compared with diets with lower starch and higher water-soluble carbohydrate contents.  相似文献   

Nitrate plays a major role in the yield and quality of tobacco plants. This work explored the nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) and how it can be affected by grafting. Two experiments were designed: in the first, using six commercial tobacco cultivars, the best cultivar for the NUE was selected and analysed for foliar NO3? content, total N, nicotine and nitrate reductase (NR) activity. The results showed the cultivar H‐20 to have the best performance on NUE. It was further featured by the highest NR activity and total N and by the lowest NO3? and nicotine content, resulting in the highest foliar leaf biomass production and quality. In the second experiment it was tested whether the cultivar H‐20 could be used as rootstock to improve the NUE of the other cultivars under study. The results showed that the grafted plants had improved the NO3? assimilation with respect to non‐grafted plants. Hence grafting tobacco plants can be used as a quick and effective method to improve NUE, which has beneficial implications for human health and for a reduction in environmental pollution. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Previous work has shown that an early (i.e. pre-flowering) source limitation achieved with either hand or mechanical basal shoot zone defoliation is effective in controlling yield while improving grape composition in several environments and Vitis vinifera genotypes. Our study was designed to determine whether similar results can be reproduced by using a film-forming anti-transpirant. Methods and Results: The entire canopies of field grown cvs. Sangiovese and Ciliegiolo vines were treated twice pre-flowering with the anti-transpirant Vapor Gard® (Intrachem Bio Italia, Grassobbio, BG, Italy) (T) and compared with an unsprayed control (C). Leaf assimilation and transpiration in both cultivars showed similar reductions (30–70%) for several weeks after spraying as compared with control vines, while intrinsic water use efficiency increased in treated vines soon after first application and after veraison. In Sangiovese, treated vines showed reduced yield, berry weight, bunch compactness and, on a 2-year basis, lower vigour and unchanged vine capacity every year. At harvest, treated vines showed higher °Brix in all seasons and higher anthocyanin concentration in 2 out of 3 years. Results of a 2-year run in Ciliegiolo mimicked those of Sangiovese in terms of yield regulation. Conclusions: Early season applications of a film-forming anti-transpirant caused a leaf function limitation strong enough to reduce yield and bunch compactness through smaller final berry size. Significance of the Study: Anti-transpirant applications can be proposed as a much easier way than manual or mechanical leaf removal to induce crop regulation through early source limitation.  相似文献   

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