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空间机器人的虚假环境建模及其仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
参考1997年11月日本发射成功的世界上第一颗机器人卫星ETS-VⅡ,在Indigo2工作站上利用建模工具Alias和开发软件Performer开发了机器人卫星的三维虚拟环境模型及其仿真系统。该系统仿真主要完成以下操作:1.自动地释放折叠在起的机器人手臂;2.对任务板上的螺栓进行拧紧和拧开;3.对任务板上的部件进行插拔操作(如计算机电路板等);4.捕捉目标卫星;5捕捉浮游的球形目标。初步取得了较好  相似文献   

2002.5.26-29/韩国汉城会展中心/www.firacongress.net主办单位 :韩国机器人足球协会协办单位 :日本机器人学会中国人工智能协会韩国科技部韩国贸易、企业、能源部韩国微型机器人设计教育中心韩国控制 ,自动化 ,及系统工程研究韩国精密仪器工程学会大会宗旨和内容 :2002国际机器人足联欢迎全世界从事娱乐型(entertainment)/教育型 (education)/服务型 (service)/野外作业型 (field)/个人用机器人 (personalrobots)以及各类智能机器人 (int…  相似文献   

目的是研究异构多机器人系统中机器人之间的协作过程.基于足球比赛案例,将异构多机器人系统的任务分为找球、跟随、踢球等几个作业.以人形机器人和轮式机器人作为研究对象,并赋予不同的功能,对机器人能力进行建模.讨论如何以优化的方案分配给执行任务的机器人,并建立了一种参考模型.最后,以流程图方式说明了机器人的行为控制.实践表明,由具有不同能力的机器人共同协作可以更加有效地完成任务.  相似文献   

基于市场法及能力分类的多机器人任务分配方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
柳林  季秀才  郑志强 《机器人》2006,28(3):337-343
针对多机器人系统研究中如何有效地实现复杂任务的分布式动态分配这个基础性问题,提出了一种对这类问题进行形式化描述的一般方法.该方法从能力分类的角度出发,提出了机器人及任务能力向量的概念,并对多机器人任务分配问题进行了形式化描述,讨论了单个及多个机器人合作完成任务的能力条件.基于这种形式化描述方法,提出了一种采用市场机制的完全分布式的多机器人任务分配方法.仿真实验结果表明该方法能够有效地实现多机器人复杂任务的动态分布式分配.  相似文献   

介绍了基于场地分区技术的决策系统在足球机器人比赛中的应用.利用场地分区技术,把比赛场地分成防守区、进攻区、中问区三个大区域,在每个大区域内又细分成多个决策区.由态势分析层-分解任务层-角色分配层-动作执行层构成的决策系统根据比赛场上机器人和球的相关信息,进行场景分析、任务分解、分配角色、执行动作等一系列的决策判断,得到机器人能够识别的指令,完成决策出机器人动作命令的任务.实验结果表明,该系统能快速稳定地指挥机器人进行比赛.  相似文献   

介绍了基于场地分区技术的决策系统在足球机器人比赛中的应用。利用场地分区技术,把比赛场地分成防守区、进攻区、中间区三个大区域,在每个大区域内又细分成多个决策区。由态势分析层-分解任务层-角色分配层-动作执行层构成的决策系统根据比赛场上机器人和球的相关信息,进行场景分析、任务分解、分配角色、执行动作等一系列的决策判断,得到机器人能够识别的指令,完成决策出机器人动作命令的任务。实验结果表明,该系统能快速稳定地指挥机器人进行比赛。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于目标分解的机器人导航系统,机器人通过激光或声纳传感器获得地图信息,并以此为基础,系统控制机器人按照事先规划路径的分解任务导航,最终利用视觉传感器发现目标球并加以捕获。分析仿真和实际环境实验数据存在差异的原因,证明系统实现了预期目标。  相似文献   

据统计,人们六成以上的信息是由视觉获得的,可见视觉对于人感知外界环境的重要性.对于足球机器人来说,视觉系统是它唯一感知环境的“器官”.没有视觉系统,它便一无所知,无所事事。 足球机器人视觉系统是由置于球场上方2米的摄像头及相关软硬件构成的.它的主要任务是不断地、快速地采集、处理赛场上的彩色图像,并通过不断地辨识橘黄色的高尔夫球(足球)和机器人外罩顶部的色标,及时得到场上运动物体(包括双方6个小车和一个小球)的有关数据,并将这些数据传给主机,供主机上的决策子系统进行分析决策使用。 在机器人足球比赛过…  相似文献   

单一任务机器人 只工作不休息 当前机器人的发展趋势与中规中距的机器无异,其中多数还是像IRobot公司的Roomba真空吸尘器机器人那样,只能履行单一任务,这样的例子还包括Friendly Robotlcs公司生产的RL1000 Robomower草坪修整机器人.有了它.草坪主人也尽可以抽心地去看电视了,它目前售价是1800美元.  相似文献   

聂仙丽  蒋平  陈辉堂 《机器人》2003,25(4):308-312
本文在机器人具备基本运动技能的基础上[1],采用基于指令教导的学习方法.通 过自然语言教会机器人完成抽象化任务,并以程序体方式保存所学知识,也即通过自然语言 对话自动生成程序流.通过让机器人完成导航等任务,验证所提自然语言编程方法的可行性 .  相似文献   

基于智能摄像机的高速视觉系统及其目标跟踪算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了一种基于智能摄像机的分布式并行处理的高速视觉系统,并应用该系统跟踪快速运动的乒乓球;同时提出了一套针对灰度图像的快速、有效的乒乓球识别跟踪算法.该算法能够在变化的背景下跟踪运动的乒乓球,具有较小的运算量及较好的鲁棒性.为了进一步提高视觉系统的实时性,还运用了动态窗口.实验结果表明,本系统能够快速识别跟踪运动的乒乓球,对于640480像素的8位灰度图像,采集与处理速度最快可以达到6ms.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an extended version of the ping–pong protocol and study its security. The proposed protocol incorporates the usage of mutually unbiased bases in the control mode. We show that, by increasing the number of bases, it is possible to improve the security of this protocol. We also provide the upper bounds on eavesdropping average non-detection probability and propose a control mode modification that increases the attack detection probability.  相似文献   

针对FPGA访问USB设备存在传输速率低、资源消耗大、开发复杂的缺点,提出了一种将ARM处理器与FPGA相结合实现高速访问USB设备的方案。该方案利用ARM处理器的USB Host读取USB设备数据并缓存于高速内存,采用乒乓机制通过SRAM接口将数据传给FPGA。经测试,数据传输速率可以达到48Mbps。该方案具有开发难度小,资源占用率低和传输速率高的特点,适合于FPGA高速读取大量外部数据。  相似文献   

A BASIC program to assist the instruction of steady-state enzyme kinetics has been developed for the IBM PC microcomputer. Its purpose is to simulate laboratory experiments in order to minimize the time required to obtain kinetic data from which students deduce kinetic mechanisms and determine kinetic constants of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The program randomly selects a kinetic scheme from various sequential, ping pong, and iso reaction sequences as well as values for the kinetic constants. The scheme and kinetic constants are unknown to the student at this time; the only thing he or she knows is the stoichiometry of the catalyzed reaction which can have two or three substrates and products. The student is prompted to enter values for concentrations of substrates and products; several different concentrations for each substrate and product can be entered in a single experiment. The program then calculates, displays and prints (if desired) the corresponding initial steady-state velocities. The student can perform as many experiments as desired until enough information is obtained to determine the kinetic mechanism and to calculate values for the kinetic constants.  相似文献   

Algorithms for the maximum flow problem can be grouped into two categories: augmenting path algorithms [Ford LR, Fulkerson DR. Flows in networks. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ: 1962], and preflow push algorithms [Goldberg AV, Tarjan RE. A new approach to the maximum flow problem. In: Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM symposium on theory of computing, 1986; p. 136–46]. Preflow push algorithms are characterized by a drawback known as ping pong effect. In this paper we present a technique that allows to avoid such an effect and can be considered as an approach combining the augmenting path and preflow push methods. An extended experimentation shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate network sleep mode schemes for reducing energy consumption of radio access networks. We first propose, using Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), an optimal controller that associates to each traffic an activation/deactivation policy that maximizes a multiple objective function of the Quality of Service (QoS) and the energy consumption. We focus on a practical implementation issue, namely the ping pong effect resulting in unnecessary ON/OFF oscillations, that may affect the stability of the system. We illustrate our results numerically using theoretical models of the radio access network, and apply the developed mechanisms on a large-scale network simulator. Knowing that an offline optimization is not suitable for a large-scale network nor does it fit all traffic configurations, we propose, using an online controller that derives dynamically the optimal policy based on the dynamics of users in the cell. The design of our online controller is based on a simple -greedy algorithm and learns the optimal threshold policy for activation/deactivation of network resources.  相似文献   

在分析分布共享存储系统中假共享及多写算法对系统性能影响的基础上,提出了一种简单有效的有限多写方法-直接收集方法,DC方法兼收单写和多写算法的优点,实现了单写与多写的自动衔接,同时取消了通常多写方法中的Twin和Diff,简化了多写的实现。文中还给出了与传统的单写与多写方法的比较测试结果。  相似文献   

In quantum key distribution, one conservatively assumes that the eavesdropper Eve is restricted only by physical laws, whereas the legitimate parties, namely the sender Alice and receiver Bob, are subject to realistic constraints, such as noise due to environment-induced decoherence. In practice, Eve too may be bound by the limits imposed by noise, which can give rise to the possibility that decoherence works to the advantage of the legitimate parties. A particular scenario of this type is one where Eve can’t replace the noisy communication channel with an ideal one, but her eavesdropping channel itself remains noiseless. Here, we point out such a situation, where the security of the ping–pong protocol (modified to a key distribution scheme) against a noise-restricted adversary improves under a non-unital noisy channel, but deteriorates under unital channels. This highlights the surprising fact that, contrary to the conventional expectation, noise can be helpful to quantum information processing. Furthermore, we point out that the measurement outcome data in the context of the non-unital channel can’t be simulated by classical noise locally added by the legitimate users.  相似文献   

An optical-based motion sensing system has been developed for real-time sensing of instrument motion in micromanipulation. The main components of the system consist of a pair of position sensitive detectors (PSDs), lenses, an infrared (IR) diode that illuminates the workspace of the system, a non-reflective intraocular shaft, and a white reflective ball attached at the end of the shaft. The system calculates 3D displacement of the ball inside the workspace using the centroid position of the IR rays that are reflected from the ball and strike the PSDs. In order to eliminate inherent nonlinearity of the system, calibration using a feedforward neural network is proposed and presented. Handling of different ambient light and environment light conditions not to affect the system accuracy is described. Analyses of the whole optical system and effect of instrument orientation on the system accuracy are presented. Sensing resolution, dynamic accuracies at a few different frequencies, and static accuracies at a few different orientations of the instrument are reported. The system and the analyses are useful in assessing performance of hand-held microsurgical instruments and operator performance in micromanipulation tasks.  相似文献   

Omnidirectional mobile robots offer interesting features for industrial and service applications, in particular, when operating in tight spaces. Compared to car-like nonholonomic vehicles, they provide a higher degree of maneuverability, and often require less complex path planning and control schemes. Three different types of holonomic wheels that enable omnidirectional motion have been proposed in literature: universal, Mecanum, and ball wheel mechanisms. A problem commonly associated with the first two wheel types is that they induce vibrations in the system due to the discontinuous contact points. In this article, a ball wheel mechanism with superior features including slip measurement, free-wheel modus and attrition sensing is presented. The first prototype was built using additive manufacturing. The requirements for the design and possible improvements for future versions are discussed. Based on the presented ball wheel drive, a design for an omnidirectional mobile robot platform driven by three redundant ball wheel units is proposed. The velocity kinematic model of this mobile base is also addressed. Moreover, motion planning for an individual ball drive is demonstrated by means of an online trajectory generation scheme. The pseudocode of the trajectory planning algorithm implemented in LabVIEW is then presented. Finally, the motion characteristics of the ball drive mechanism are tested and its functionality is evaluated in detail. Measurements obtained from these tests show that the slip between the ball wheel and the ground can be estimated quite accurately. Hence, it is expected that these improved dead-reckoning estimates will result in a higher positioning accuracy of the final base.  相似文献   

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