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CAD/CAM软件市场策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

微机CAD/CAM软件新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算机硬件技术的进步为微机CAD/CAM的应用提供了可能。本文简要介绍了在微机平台上开展CAD/CAM应用所出现的新技术和发展方向。  相似文献   

六大机械CAD/CAM/CAE软件公司产品简介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了当今全球六大机械CAD/CAM/CAE软件公司的基本情况以及各公司主导产品的主要特点。  相似文献   

三维CAD/CAM软件评测总结   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

本文从国内外的应用情况出发,叙述了CAD/CAM技术的发展过程,指出了我国在应用CAD技术上当前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论在CAD/CAM领域中计算机/工作站的应用及开发环境中的几个问题:(1)目前CAD/CAM应用领域的需求;(2)应用及开发环境涉及的内容;(3)精简指令集计算机/工作站的特点;(4)当前计算机/工作站市场分析;(5)CAD/CAM工作站选型的基本做法。  相似文献   

模具CAD/CAM是在CAD和CAM独立发展的基础之上,在模具生产当中使用计算机技术,让模具的生产有了一个飞跃。阐述了此种技术的发展情况、软件的特性、软件所具有的优势,探讨了在模具的生产中使用CAD/CAM的原因。通过分析当前CAD/CAM的开发情况及具体的应用,指出了在实际开发中所存在的问题。  相似文献   

根据二次开发的特点,本文讨论了二次开发CAD在用软件时应遵循的原则,并进一步研究了参数化CAD、成组CAD、交互式CAD以及智能CAD应用软件的工作原理、开发方法、应用场合及各自的特点。此文对具体进行CAD应用软件的二次开发具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

在机械传动装置中,广泛地应用着齿轮传动。外啮合圆柱齿轮、内啮合圆柱齿轮、圆维齿轮和蜗轮蜗杆传动是齿轮传动的基本形式。我们在长期工作研究的基础上,建立了一套CAD软件。该软件可自动进行以上四种传动形式的优化设计,可通过人机交互完成齿轮的结构设计,用有限元分析计算齿轮的强度,并可在绘图机上绘制齿轮的工作图。该软件适用性强、使用方便,经过简单的修改便可用于其它机械产品的CAD。  相似文献   

The number of Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) programs and their capabilities has risen greatly in recent times. The programming efforts continue to be significant as each application developer strives to integrate more functionality. This paper describes a study on module integration in CAD/CAM/CAE software that considers how software can be structured to enable and ease the integration. This paper deals specifically with the issue of which object-oriented data structure is best for integration to minimize code execution times, memory usage, and programming effort. That is, we are interested in identifying the ideal base class for information objects. The study compares scene-graph and Information Model representations, compares two object referencing approaches (by path and direct object references), four modes of information interpretation, and three integration schemes. The study concludes that the ideal system combines scene-graph and Information Model approaches into one new flexible approach in which the information object base class contains a generically traversable array holding schema and user attributes. In general, objects should be referenced by a path from the hierarchy root object. Object information should be interpreted into an application context by a third object or interface. New information objects from a secondary representation should be embedded into the information hierarchy of the primary representation when they do not need to reference other objects, otherwise multiple inheritance or Component Object Modeling should be used to combine the corresponding objects from multiple representations into a single new object.
Bernhard BettigEmail: Phone: +1-906-4871897

本文介绍了基于Windows的通用型变频器CAD软件、软件实现了变频器主电路参数的设计、电路图形的输。入、编辑、电路性能的仿真、输出、数据库管理、辅助工具、帮助、系统演示等功能,软件具有开发平台先进、功能丰富、界面友好、算法先进等一系列特点。  相似文献   

CAD/CAM集成系统中CAD模型信息的检取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中讨论了目前的CAD/CAM集成系统中信息的传递和交换,介绍了三维CAD软件Solid Edge的开放应用程序接口的体系结构,并给出了基于Solid Edge平台的CAM系统开发中检取CAD模型信息的方案。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a collaborative CAD/CAM system (COCADCAM). COCADCAM extends an existing single-location CAD/CAM system to a multi-location CAD/CAM application so that two geographically dispersed CAD/CAM users can work together on a three-dimensional CAD-geometry coediting and CAD-related tasks collaboratively and dynamically. COCADCAM dynamically supports CAD data communication that are not available in traditional single-location CAD/CAM. The dynamic data communication is achieved through the development of networking algorithms and CAD/CAM functions in this paper. The networking algorithms based on UNIX Interprocess Communication (IPC), the Network File System (NFS), and a connection-oriented client and server model under the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite. The CAD/CAM functions included surface modelling, simulation of a milling toolpath, and post-processing of an NC program following collaborative CAD-geometry coediting, which are directly or indirectly supported by the Application Programming Interface (API) of the CAD/CAM software. The networking algorithms and CAD/CAM functions together can facilitate an environment for CAD-geometry coediting and related tasks such as design, analysis and manufacture. COCADCAM has been successfully implemented through local area network (LAN) and the Internet; a remote machining cell is also linked so that the generated NC program based on a coedited free-form surface can be used for the physical machining operation. The algorithm proposed by COCADCAM can be referenced for the extension of other single-location CAD/CAM systems to multi-location applications.  相似文献   

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