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Resistance–temperature ( R – T ) characteristics were measured directly at single-grain boundaries in 0.1-mol%-niobium-doped barium titanate bicrystals that had been fabricated from polycrystalline sinters, to determine a geometrical grain-boundary character dependence of the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) effect. Both random boundaries and low-Σ boundaries exhibit a similar grain-boundary character dependence of the PTCR effect through a simple geometrical analysis, using the coincidence of reciprocal lattice points. Differences of the R – T characteristics in individual boundaries have been explained in terms of the formation of a potential barrier that is associated with the oxidation of grain boundaries during cooling, after sintering or annealing. The grain-boundary character is likely to affect the diffusivity of O2− ions and, hence, is crucial to the formation of the potential barrier.  相似文献   

BaTiO3 ceramics doped with different La concentrations (0–12 mol%) were prepared by sintering under the reducing conditions of a nitrogen atmosphere containing 1% hydrogen. The critical donor concentration that causes blocking of the exaggerated grain growth was observed to be ∼10 mol% La. The samples, which were semiconducting after sintering under reducing conditions, were subsequently reoxidized by annealing in air to induce the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) effect. After reoxidation at 1150°C a noticeable PTCR effect was observed in the samples doped with La concentrations as high as 2.5 mol%. The room-temperature resistivity after reoxidation was found to increase with increasing donor concentration due to an increase in the thickness of the insulating layers at the grain boundaries. TEM analysis showed that reoxidation of the samples caused precipitation of the Ti-rich compound Ba6Ti17O40 inside the doped BaTiO3-matrix grains.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) of positive-temperature-coefficient (PTC) BaTiO3 thermistors shows that the grain-boundary oxygen content in as-received (oxidatively cooled) materials is slightly enriched compared to quenched samples, and the acceptor-rich space-charge present at high temperatures is retained upon cooling. The defect density of the space charge is approximately equal to the acceptor state density at PTC boundaries determined by electrical measurements. Accordingly, it is proposed that the electrical barrier forms when acceptor defects already segregated in the ionic space charge at high temperature become active interface states when compensating donor defects in the grain-boundary core are oxidized. These acceptor defects appear to be primarily barium vacancies, but need not form upon cooling in the manner proposed by Daniels and Wernicke. Acceptor solutes when present can also contribute to barrier formation through space-charge segregation; the increase in interface state density upon addition of Mn is consistent with the magnitude of the expected segregation.  相似文献   

A sharp positive temperature coefficient of resistivity effect for undoped, fluorinated BaTiO3−x samples was observed. The qualitative agreement between the behavior of BaTiO3−x and La-doped BaTiO3, with respect to the trap density at the boundaries, suggests that in the absence of counterdopants such as Mn, the main origin of surface acceptor states is chemisorbed gases. Impedance analysis indicates that, under the conditions of the present work, fluorine seems not to diffuse in significant amounts into the lattice. The treatment of the fluorinated samples in inert/reducing atmospheres did not markedly decrease the resistivity jump, suggesting that fluorine might be chemisorbed more strongly than oxygen. The composition of two different liquid phases, produced by excess titania and silica additions, did not have an important effect on the resulting properties.  相似文献   

Positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) was attained in heavily niobium-doped BaTiO3 through the addition of BaTiO3 seed particles. The seed particles containing a double twin grew during heat treatment, and a uniform microstructure composed of large, coarse grains was obtained. The incorporation of niobium into the grain via grain growth probably caused the semiconducting and PTCR character of the niobium-doped BaTiO3.  相似文献   

The presently developed two-stage process involves diping the prefired porous disks of n -BaTiO3 in nonaqueous solutions containing Al-buty rate, Ti-isopropoxide, and tetraethyl silicate and subsequent sintering. This leads to uniform distribution of the grain-boundary layer (GBL) modifiers (Al2O3+ TiO2+ SiO2) and better control of the grain size as well as the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity characteristics. The technique is particularly suited for GBL modifiers in low concentrations (< 1%).  相似文献   

The resistivity of Ba(1– y )(1– x )Sr y (1– x )La x TiO3ceramics with x = 0.0025 and y = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 0.9 was measured between 50 and 400 K. A resistivity anomaly corresponding to the positive temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity (PTCR) effect was observed for all compositions. The onset temperature decreased from 320 K ( y = 0.25) to 70 K ( y = 0.9). The extent of the PTCR effect was significantly enhanced for the strontium-rich composition and reached ∼8 orders of magnitude for y = 0.9. These results strongly suggested the possibility to fabricate PTCR devices based on (Sr,Ba)TiO3 ceramics for application at cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

The effects of excess free barium ions in aqueous barium titanate slip on the resulting BaTiO3 tape properties were investigated in terms of the slip behavior, green/sintered tape density and morphology, and dielectric properties. The excess free barium ions expressed by means of the Ba/Ti ratio adversely affected most tape properties. Increase in the slip viscosity, green porosity, and agglomeration along with a decrease in mechanical properties and green/sintered density were found with the increase in the Ba/Ti ratio. However, dielectric permittivity was increased with increase in the Ba/Ti ratio. An effort was made to correlate these phenomena with Ba2+ leaching in water for realistic multilayer ceramic capacitor applications.  相似文献   

A drastic drop of the electrical resistivity was observed on a ferroelectric insulator BaTiO3 surface, after KrFlaser irradiation in air at atmospheric pressure. The temperature dependence of the resistivity was employed to demonstrate semiconducting behavior. Such behavior was seen when the resistance was measured in nitrogen. When measured in air, the semiconducting layer was oxidized and the insulating behavior restored.  相似文献   

Lead titanate ceramics were successfully made into semiconductors exhibiting anomalous positive temperature coefficients of resistivity (PTCR) about 3 orders of magnitude above the Curie point (480° to 490°C). The PTCR characteristics of the materials prepared were found to be unstable and to show a significant degradation in both room-temperature resistivity and magnitude of the PTCR effect with time. The instability of the PTCR characteristics observed in the present materials is considered to be related to the morphologies of their grain structures.  相似文献   

The role of liquid phase in the enhancement of the PTCR (positive temperature coefficient of resistance) effect in (Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 (BST) with the addition of AST (4Al2O3· 9SiO2· 3TiO2) is investigated in this paper. The AST–BST samples were characterized with optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and impedance spectroscopy. Microscopic observations showed that slower cooling might facilitate the precipitation of the (Ba,Sr)TiO3 phase from the liquid phase on matrix grains since the amount of liquid phase was reduced with a decreasing cooling rate. Impedance spectroscopy indicated that this variation accompanied the change in the intrinsic properties of grain boundaries, which could not be explained by well-known oxidation effects. With the aid of a brick-layer model and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), it appeared that the change in electrical characteristics of grain boundaries with decreasing cooling rate originated from the precipitation of (Ba,Sr)TiO3. Finally, the effect of precipitated (Ba,Sr)TiO3 on the PTCR characteristics is discussed in terms of the acceptor-state density and the polarization state at grain boundaries.  相似文献   

When properly doped, barium titanate ceramics display positive temperature coefficient resistance (PTCR) behavior. This has been proved to be a Schottky barrier type of grain-boundary effect. However there has not yet been a complete point-to-point comparison between the experimental data and theory for the entire set of the material nonlinear dielectric properties. In this study, a methodology has been developed which allows the study of the depletion layer dielectric properties while the PTCR effect is being investigated. An equivalent dielectric constant, the value of which is to be determined from this experiment, is treated as an average of the dielectric properties of the depletion layer and is used to analyze the grain-boundary resistance and capacitance data based on a simple double-depletion-layer model. The theoretical relationship between this equivalent dielectric constant and the material dielectric properties is also explored in this study.  相似文献   

Grain growth and semiconductivity of donor-doped BaTiO3ceramics with an excess of BaO and additions of SiO2or B2O3were studied. The microstructures and electrical measurements on sintered samples revealed that their electrical properties are related to the microstructure development of the sintered samples. Samples heated with an excess of BaO developed a normal microstructure during sintering, as a consequence of normal grain growth (NGG), and were yellow and insulating. In contrast, samples with an excess of BaO and an addition of SiO2or B2O3exhibited anomalous grain growth (AGG) and were dark blue and semiconducting after sintering. When some BaTiO3seed grains were embedded in a sample of donor-doped BaTiO3with an excess of BaO (without SiO2or B2O3), AGG was observed, i.e., some seed grains grew into large grains and were blue and semiconducting. An explanation is given for why AGG is responsible for the oxygen release and the formation of semiconducting grains in donor-doped BaTiO3and not NGG.  相似文献   

A commercial submicrometer BaTiO3 powder was analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The analysis revealed the powder surfaces to be covered with a layer of physisorbed H2O and chemisorbed –OH ions. A BaCO3 residual not detected with XPS was shown to be present in the powder using X-ray diffraction, suggesting that the carbonate takes the form of discrete particles rather than of a continuous surface layer. A relaxed surface phase detected in previous XPS analyses of bulk BaTiO3 was also shown to be present. Depth profiling revealed the powder surfaces to be Ti-rich, confirming the presence of a phase, or phases, to stoichiometrically balance the barium carbonate.  相似文献   

An analytic link between the oxygen partial pressure and the concentrations of the point defects for given temperatures and A/B conditions is presented for perovskites. A clear distinction between three different conditions is made. These are the sintering conditions, an intermediate metastable state, and a low-temperature metastable state. The analytical solution for a metastable state resulting from nonequilibrated metal vacancies permits a more accurate and self-consistent approach to calculating the equilibrium constants from conductivity– P (O2) data. One of the reasons for the higher accuracy is that there is no need to divide the existence regime into subregimes with different approximations to the electroneutrality equation (Brouwer approximation). An excellent fit of the experimental conductivity data to a single function with only two adjustable parameters over all conductivity– P (O2) space is obtained. The relative importance of frozen-in metal vacancies and foreign acceptors is discussed for BaTiO3.  相似文献   

Nanosized Barium Titanate Powder by Mechanical Activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mechanical activation, without any additional heat treatment, is used to trigger the formation of a perovskite BaTiO3 phase in an oxide matrix that consists of BaO and TiO2 in a nitrogen atmosphere. The resulting BaTiO3 powder exhibits a well-established nanocrystalline structure, as indicated by phase analysis using X-ray diffractometry. A crystallite size of ∼14 nm is calculated, based on the half-width of the BaTiO3 (110) peak, using the Scherrer equation, and an average particle size of 20–30 nm is observed using transmission electron microscopy for the activation-derived BaTiO3 powder.  相似文献   

The experimental conditions for {111} twin formation in BaTiO3 were investigated. When BaTiO3 compacts without excess TiO2 were sintered either in an oxidizing atmosphere (air) or in a reducing atmosphere (95N2–5H2), no {111} twins formed within the BaTiO3 grains and no abnormal grain growth occurred. In contrast, many {111} twins were present within the abnormally grown grains in the excess-TiO2-containing BaTiO3 samples sintered in air, while no twins were observed in the excess-TiO2-containing samples sintered in 95N2–5H2. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that excess TiO2 forms a Ba6Ti17O40 phase during sintering with the space group A 2/ a in air and a Ba6Ti17O40− x phase with the space group C in 95N2–5H2. It appears therefore that excess TiO2 and an oxidizing atmosphere are necessary for {111} twin formation in BaTiO3. These results may also indicate that the interface structure between BaTiO3 and Ba6Ti17O40 influences the twin formation.  相似文献   

When BaTiO3 ceramics were sintered at relatively low temperatures (≤1250°C), the grains with reentrant edges caused by a (111) double twin grew exclusively. As a result, a microstructure with a bimodal grain-size distribution composed of platelike large grains and fine matrix grains was obtained. In contrast, at the usual sintering temperature between 1250° and 1350°C, grains containing a (111) double twin did not exhibit any growth advantage. In this case, a coarse and uniform microstructure was obtained. When this coarse-grained specimen was further heat-treated at 1365°C, the grains possessing a double twin were observed to grow exclusively again. The results were explained in terms of a coarsening process controlled by two-dimensional nucleation.  相似文献   

Dependence of the Crystal Structure on Particle Size in Barium Titanate   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The effect of the sample particle size on the crystal structure and the Curie temperature of BaTiO3 powder has been investigated in the particle size range 0.1 to 1.0 μm. The transformation from tetragonal to cubic symmetry occurs at a critical particle size of 0.12 μm at room temperature, and the Curie temperature drops below room temperature at the critical particle size.  相似文献   

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