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近年来,钙钛矿太阳电池(Perovskite solar cells,PSCs)以其优异的光电转换性能和溶液制备成本低等优势受到了科研工作者和产业界人士的广泛关注,被认为是新一代薄膜太阳电池技术中的杰出代表.目前,钙钛矿太阳电池的光电转换效率(Power conversion efficiency,PCE)已经从2009年报道的3.8%迅速提升到现在的22.7%,达到商业化多晶硅、碲化镉、铜铟镓硒等太阳电池水平.目前,溶液旋涂法是实验室制备钙钛矿太阳电池的常用方法.虽然旋涂法操作简单、成膜速度快、重复性好,然而该法缺点也很明显:(1)材料浪费严重;(2)不具备图案化功能;(3)不适用于工业化的连续生产.因此,溶液旋涂技术无法满足钙钛矿太阳电池今后大规模工业化生产所需的大面积、低成本等制造要求.从实验室小面积器件制备转变到可大面积的产业化制备以及降低钙钛矿太阳电池的生产成本,将是钙钛矿太阳电池产业化过程中的一个重要课题.在钙钛矿太阳电池的制备方法中,印刷技术因具有材料利用率高、成本低、工艺效率高、可大面积制备、适用于柔性基底等特点而备受关注.基于印刷工艺制备的小面积钙钛矿太阳电池效率已接近20%,大面积(>10 cm2)钙钛矿太阳电池效率在10%~16%之间,大面积柔性钙钛矿太阳电池效率为10%左右.然而,从实验室小器件转变到大规模工业化生产依旧存在许多问题亟待解决.例如:(1)为了加快钙钛矿材料的结晶,在钙钛矿薄膜退火过程中通常采用溶剂工程或惰性气体辅助的方式,这将导致印刷的大面积钙钛矿薄膜质量难以控制以及重复性降低;(2)退火过程中较高的退火温度会限制柔性基底和界面材料的选择;(3)钙钛矿材料本身对空气湿度敏感,需提高钙钛矿层制备过程的环境适应性,降低制备工艺本身对环境条件的限制等.基于此,完善钙钛矿太阳电池的印刷制备工艺并使其适用于工业化生产显得十分重要.本文综述了基于喷墨打印(Inkj et-printing)、喷涂(Spray-coating)、狭缝涂布(Slot-die coating)、刮涂(Doctor-blading)等印刷技术制备钙钛矿太阳电池的研究进展,并对印刷技术制备钙钛矿太阳电池的前景进行了展望. 相似文献
采用苯胺为分散剂合成纳米银胶溶液,并在此基础上引发苯胺的原位复合,制备出银/聚苯胺(Ag/PANI)纳米复合材料。通过傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、X射线衍射分析仪、扫描电镜、透射电镜和电化学分析仪对产物进行了分析与检测。研究结果表明,Ag/PANI纳米复合材料中形成了聚苯胺在外、银纳米粒子在内的包覆结构,纳米复合粒子为类球形状形貌。引入纳米银粒子后,制备的Ag/PANI纳米复合材料的电化学活性和比容量较PANI有了很大提高。Ag/PANI纳米复合材料的腐蚀电流密度为72.1μA/cm2,比PANI的腐蚀电流密度106μA/cm2降低了33.9μA/cm2,纳米复合材料防腐性能得到显著提高。 相似文献
钙钛矿太阳电池以其优异的性能和发展潜力而成为新能源领域研究热点, 但仍然存在缺陷密度大、稳定性差等不足。本研究通过实验对比多种常见氨基酸的掺杂效果后, 将小分子有机物L-精氨酸引入钙钛矿前驱体溶液, 并通过二元两步法制备钙钛矿太阳电池。L-精氨酸掺杂提升了器件的光电性能, 光电效率由18.81%提升到21.86%。L-精氨酸通过降低钙钛矿层缺陷密度(由4.83×1016 cm-3降低到3.45×1016 cm-3), 减少了载流子非辐射复合, 延长了载流子的平均寿命, 且钙钛矿晶粒尺寸增大、晶界减少、薄膜吸光能力增强且稳定性提升, 迟滞效应得到抑制。这是由于L-精氨酸的多种基团与钙钛矿材料作用钝化了缺陷造成的。本研究为钙钛矿太阳电池的性能优化提供了一种借鉴方法。 相似文献
采用液相氧化沉淀法制备纳米氧化高银颗粒.以硝酸银为原料,氢氧化钠为沉淀剂,过硫酸钾为氧化剂,控制pH值为11,反应温度为80℃,在磁力搅拌器上反应30min,静置3h后,离心洗涤数次,70℃真空干燥3h,得到黑色纳米氧化高银颗粒.通过X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)对纳米氧化高银颗粒的形貌和结构进行表征;采用异养菌测试瓶法,用制备的氧化高银和粒径为30nm的纳米银对金黄色葡萄球菌进行抗菌性能测试.结果表明:制得的球形纳米颗粒粒径为10~30ntn;纳米氧化高银颗粒比纳米银具有更强的杀菌性能. 相似文献
高效钙钛矿太阳电池的测量需求日益提升,已成为光伏界的主要研究热点之一。其关键电性能(特别是转换效率)一般使用稳态太阳模拟器、平板式温控平台和相应电测系统。在1个太阳常数光强的照射下,样品的精确温控是关键电参数准确测量的必要条件。本文介绍了一种针对其关键电性能测量的温控装置,并对不同的电性能测量结果进行分析。实验表明:该装置具有优越的性能,为测量者依据相关国际标准进行可复现测量提供了新方案。 相似文献
Kong Liu Yulin Wu Chao Li Yang Sun Qicong Li Cheng Yang Xiaohao Jia Md. Rasidul Islam Zhijie Wang Shengchun Qu Zhanguo Wang 《Advanced Materials Technologies》2021,6(12):2001207
In recent years, there has been increased research and rapid development in perovskite solar cells. Uniformity, repeatability, and reliability of electrode patterns formed by shadow-mask technologies are factors that play an important role in efficient experimental studies for achieving high-throughput samples and high-performance devices. In this study, some new principles of mask design are investigated to overcome the drawbacks of conventional mask. High precision patterns are obtained by fabricating shadow-masks with stainless steel plates via a photochemical etching process. An assembly concept design is proposed for shadow-mask kits to improve versatility and avoid edge chamfer. The highly accurate active area and precise replication of the aperture patterns are obtained by improving the alignment between the samples and the mask patterns. The perovskite solar cell arrays are fabricated on a single substrate and a uniform performance is achieved due to the balanced distribution of electrodes. Thin shadow-masks with smooth surfaces are employed to diminish the shadowing effect and a power conversion efficiency of 20.85% with a high fill factor of 81.6% is obtained in an inverted perovskite solar cell. The versatility and high quality of our shadow-mask kits can further promote research in the area of thin-film and photovoltaic technologies. 相似文献
Lead-halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have attracted tremendous attention during the past few years owing to their extraordinary electronic and photonic properties.To improve the performances of PSCs,many researchers have focused on the compositional engineering,solvent engineering,and film fabrication methodologies.Interfacial engineering of PSCs has become a burgeoning field in which researchers aim to deeply understand the mechanisms of cells and thereby increase the efficiency and stability of PSCs.This review focuses on the interface tailoring of lead-halide PSCs,including the modification of each layer of the cell structure (i.e.,perovskite absorber,electron-transport layers,and holetransport layers) and the interfacial materials that can be introduced into the PSCs. 相似文献
钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSCs)转换效率已从2009年的3.8%上升到2017年的22.7%,其快速的发展可能使光伏工业进入革命新阶段。空穴传输材料(HTM)是构成高效钙钛矿太阳能电池的重要组成部分,开发和设计导电性好、成本低、稳定性好的空穴传输层材料对钙钛矿太阳能电池的研究显得非常重要。本文将近几年应用于钙钛矿太阳能电池中较高效的空穴传输材料归纳为有机小分子类、有机聚合物类和无机材料类,同时也介绍了无空穴传输层的钙钛矿电池。详细评述了基于各类空穴传输材料的钙钛矿太阳能电池的光电性能及稳定性,重点讨论了HOMO能级、空穴迁移率、添加剂的掺杂等因素对钙钛矿太阳能电池的影响。最后指出了空穴传输材料未来的研究重点和发展趋势。 相似文献
钙钛矿太阳能电池的飞速发展及其在构筑一体化和可穿戴器件中的应用前景激发了人们对于彩色钙钛矿太阳能电池的浓厚兴趣,但如何将可见光宽波段吸收且具有高吸光系数的钙钛矿材料构筑成高性能的彩色太阳能电池仍是一个挑战.本文利用TiO2纳米碗阵列作为结构化的电子传输层,并在纳米碗内均匀填充一层CH3NH3PbI3钙钛矿薄膜,成功制备了具有鲜艳结构色的钙钛矿@TiO2纳米碗阵列薄膜,其结构色具有显著的角度依赖特征.通过路易斯酸碱加合物法制备得到基于醋酸铅的新型晶态中间体薄膜,使得高质量的CH3NH3PbI3钙钛矿薄膜能够在纳米碗内均匀填充.利用该钙钛矿@TiO2纳米碗薄膜可以制备出具有鲜艳结构色的平面异质结钙钛矿太阳能电池,其最高光电转化效率可以达到16.94%,平均效率达到15.47%,均高于现已报道的彩色钙钛矿太阳能电池的转化效率. 相似文献
Yong Wang Yuetian Chen Taiyang Zhang Xingtao Wang Yixin Zhao 《Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)》2020,32(45):2001025
Research on chemically stable inorganic perovskites has achieved rapid progress in terms of high efficiency exceeding 19% and high thermal stabilities, making it one of the most promising candidates for thermodynamically stable and high-efficiency perovskite solar cells. Among those inorganic perovskites, CsPbI3 with good chemical components stability possesses the suitable bandgap (≈1.7 eV) for single-junction and tandem solar cells. Comparing to the anisotropic organic cations, the isotropic cesium cation without hydrogen bond and cation orientation renders CsPbI3 exhibit unique optoelectronic properties. However, the unideal tolerance factor of CsPbI3 induces the challenges of different crystal phase competition and room temperature phase stability. Herein, the latest important developments regarding understanding of the crystal structure and phase of CsPbI3 perovskite are presented. The development of various solution chemistry approaches for depositing high-quality phase-pure CsPbI3 perovskite is summarized. Furthermore, some important phase stabilization strategies for black phase CsPbI3 are discussed. The latest experimental and theoretical studies on the fundamental physical properties of photoactive phase CsPbI3 have deepened the understanding of inorganic perovskites. The future development and research directions toward achieving highly stable CsPbI3 materials will further advance inorganic perovskite for highly stable and efficient photovoltaics. 相似文献
有机-无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池因具有光吸收强、载流子扩散长度长等优点,近年来在光伏领域吸引了广泛的关注,其中,无机NiO薄膜在电池结构中作为空穴传输层已发展成为钙钛矿电池研究的重要方向。采用溶液旋涂法制备了NiO薄膜,系统优化了不同烧结温度和不同浓度条件下NiO薄膜对钙钛矿电池性能的影响。采用扫描电镜、X射线衍射、紫外-可见分光光度计、电流-电压测试、光量子效率等方法分别观察和分析了NiO薄膜以及相应电池的光电性能。结果表明:溶液旋涂法制备的NiO薄膜具有良好的覆盖性、非常低的表面粗糙度,当制备NiO的预制溶液浓度为0.05mol/L,NiO的烧结温度为500℃时,获得了最优的电池性能,最高电池转换效率为14.62%。 相似文献
Jingxuan Chen;Donglin Jia;Rongshan Zhuang;Yong Hua;Xiaoliang Zhang; 《Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)》2024,36(1):2306854
Perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) have emerged as one of the most promising candidates for next-generation solar cells owing to its remarkable optoelectronic properties and solution processability. However, the optoelectronic properties of PQDs suffer from severe degradation in storage due to the dynamically binding ligands, predominantly affecting photovoltaic applications. Herein, an in situ defect healing treatment (DHT) is reported to effectively rejuvenate aged PQDs. Systematically, experimental studies and theoretical calculations are performed to fundamentally understand the causes leading to the recovered optoelectronic properties of aged PQDs. The results reveal that the I3− anions produced from tetra-n-octylammonium iodide and iodine could strongly anchor on the surface matrix defects of aged PQDs, substantially diminishing the nonradiative recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. Meanwhile, an DHT could also renovate the morphology of aged PQDs and thus improve the stacking orientation of PQD solids, substantially ameliorating charge carrier transport within PQD solids. Consequently, by using a DHT, the PQD solar cell (PQDSC) yields a high efficiency of up to 15.88%, which is comparable with the PQDSCs fabricated using fresh PQDs. Meanwhile, the stability of PQDSCs fabricated using the rejuvenated PQDs is also largely improved. 相似文献
铜膜碘化法制备p型CuI薄膜及其用作空穴传输层的反型钙钛矿电池性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
γ相碘化亚铜(γ-CuI)是一种带隙为3.1 eV的p型半导体材料, 适合应用于发光二极管和太阳能电池等光电子器件。本研究利用简单的铜膜碘化法制备了CuI薄膜, 探究了碘化时间、温度及铜/碘比等生长条件对其透明导电性能的影响。在最优碘化时间(30 min)和碘化温度(120℃)下, 制备出了高透过率(可见光范围>75%)、导电性能好(电阻率4.4×10-2 Ω·cm)的CuI薄膜。利用CuI薄膜作为空穴传输层, 组装了CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/PCBM反型平面钙钛矿电池, 获得的最高光电转换效率为8.35%, 讨论了CuI薄膜透明导电性能对钙钛矿电池光电转换效率的影响机理。 相似文献
Peng Zhang Jiang Wu Ting Zhang Yafei Wang Detao Liu Hao Chen Long Ji Chunhua Liu Waseem Ahmad Zhi David Chen Shibin Li 《Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)》2018,30(3)
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have developed rapidly over the past few years, and the power conversion efficiency of PSCs has exceeded 20%. Such high performance can be attributed to the unique properties of perovskite materials, such as high absorption over the visible range and long diffusion length. Due to the different diffusion lengths of holes and electrons, electron transporting materials (ETMs) used in PSCs play a critical role in PSCs performance. As an alternative to TiO2 ETM, ZnO materials have similar physical properties to TiO2 but with much higher electron mobility. In addition, there are many simple and facile methods to fabricate ZnO nanomaterials with low cost and energy consumption. This review focuses on recent developments in the use of ZnO ETM for PSCs. The fabrication methods of ZnO materials are briefly introduced. The influence of different ZnO ETMs on performance of PSCs is then reviewed. The limitations of ZnO ETM‐based PSCs and some solutions to these challenges are also discussed. The review provides a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the influence of different ZnO ETMs on PSCs performance and potentially motivates further development of PSCs by extending the knowledge of ZnO‐based PSCs to TiO2‐based PSCs. 相似文献