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Uniform diffraction coefficients for an astigmatic electromagnetic wave normally incident on a wedge having curved faces with given surface impedances are derived from the earlier work of Maliuzhinets. These coefficients are to be used with standard formulas in the geometrical theory of diffraction to predict diffraction effects from structures having impedance surfaces terminating in an edge. 相似文献
Time-domain equivalent edge currents for transient scattering 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Time-domain equivalent edge currents (TD-EEC) are developed for the transient scattering analysis. The development is based an the Fourier inversion of frequency domain equivalent edge current expressions. The time-domain diffracted fields are expressed in terms of a contour integral along the diffracting edges for any arbitrary input pulse shape, thereby yielding finite results at the caustics of diffracted rays. The approach also eliminates the need for the evaluation of a convolution integral in the time domain geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) analysis. The results are compared with the first order GTD results for the transient scattering analysis for a circular disk 相似文献
Equivalent edge currents, derived from the edge diffraction theory for a half-plane, are used to obtain the radiation patterns of a parabeloidal reflector antenna when illuminated by a source at the focus. Cylindrical wave diffraction coefficients are used. The method avoids infinities at caustics and shadow boundaries thus giving solutions which are finite everywhere. A slope-wave equivalent current correction term is applied when the illumination is tapered towards the edge of the reflector. Comparisons are given with the physical optics approach and experimental results. 相似文献
Formulas of diffraction field of lossy wedges with less than 180?wedge angle are derived on the basis of the Fresnel-Kirchhoff wave theory and their numerical results are compared with those of the heuristic lossy wedge diffraction coefficient given by Luebbers (1984), showing good agreement between the two types of numerical results which have different bases in theory. The agreement shows that the lossy wedge diffraction coefficient as an extension of UTD is quite reasonable. 相似文献
The physical theory of diffraction (PTD) has been expanded for the case of slope diffraction, when an incident wave is zero but its derivative is not zero in the direction of a perfectly conducting scattering edge. High frequency asymptotics are found both for elementary edge waves and for the total edge waves scattered by arbitrary curved edges. Great attention is given to fields created by the nonuniform (diffraction) component of edge currents. These fields are usually called ptd corrections to the Physical Optics approach. These corrections are found for diffraction fields in ray regions and in diffraction regions such as the vicinities of shadow boundaries, smooth caustics, and foci. 相似文献
Diffraction of an arbitrary electromagnetic optical field by a conducting curved wedge is considered. The diffracted field according to Keller's geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) can be expressed in a particularly simple form by making use of rotations of the incident and reflected fields about the edge. In this manner only a single scalar diffraction coefficient is involved. Near to shadow boundaries where the GTD solution is not valid, a uniform theory based on the Ansatz of Lewis, Boersma, and Ahluwalia is described. The dominant terms, to the order ofk^{-1/2} included, are used to compute the field exactly on the shadow boundaries. In contrast with the uniform theory of Kouyoumjian and Pathak, some extra terms occur: one depends on the edge curvature and wedge angle; another on the angular rate of change of the incident or reflected field at the point of observation. 相似文献
Time-domain version of the physical theory of diffraction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A time-domain version of the equivalent edge current (EEC) formulation of the physical theory of diffraction is derived. The time-domain EECs (TD-EECs) apply to the far-field analysis of diffraction by edges of perfectly conducting three dimensional (3-D) structures with planar faces illuminated by a time-domain plane wave. By adding the field predicted by the TD-EECs to the time-domain physical optics (TD-PO) field, a significant improvement is obtained compared to what can be achieved by using TD-PO alone. The TD-EECs are expressed as the integral of the time-domain fringe wave current (the exact current minus the TD-PO current) on the canonical wedge along truncated incremental strips. Closed-form expressions for the TD-EECs are obtained in the half-plane case by analytically carrying out the integration along the truncated incremental strip directly in the time domain. In the general wedge case, closed-form expressions for the TD-EECs are obtained by transforming the corresponding frequency-domain EECs to the time-domain. The TD-EECs are tested numerically on the triangular cylinder and the results are compared with those obtained using the method of moments in combination with the inverse fast Fourier transform 相似文献
A solution finite for all directions of illumination and observation is derived for the physical optics (PO) components of equivalent edge currents. The solution is based on the uniform asymptotic theory of endpoint evaluation of integrals. An extension taking into account the variation of the surface metric with the distance from the edge is presented, and a similar extension for including slope diffraction is indicated. The expressions derived complement the results of our previous work on elimination of infinities from the fringe components of equivalent currents. 相似文献
New expressions are derived for the fringe current components of the equivalent edge currents. They are obtained by asymptotic endpoint evaluation of the fringe current radiation integral over the "ray coordinate" measured along the diffracted ray grazing the surface of the local wedge. The resulting expressions, unlike the previous ones, are finite for all aspects of illumination and observation, except for the special case where the direction of observation is the continuation of a glancing incident ray propagating "inwards" with respect to the wedge surface (the Ufimtsev singularity). 相似文献
An approach for including higher order edge diffraction in the equivalent edge current (EEC) method is proposed. This approach, which applies to monostatic as well as bistatic radar configurations with perfectly conducting polygonal plates, involves three distinct sets of EECs. All of these sets of EECs contain very few singularity problems. In order to obtain an approximation to the scattered field, the three sets are added and integrated along the circumference of the scatterer. This procedure is straightfoward, and since most singularity problems have been eliminated, it is numerically well behaved. The approach is applied to a configuration involving a square plate. Substantial improvements were achieved. The calculations also illustrate that the edge interaction can be significant, although the direction of incidence is far from the plane of the scatterer 相似文献
Treatment of singularities in the physical theory of diffraction 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The diffraction coefficients describing scattering from an edged body in the physical theory of diffraction are reformulated so as to provide improved behavior in the neighborhood of singularities. Numerical results show that as singularities are approached, the reformulated coefficients are better behaved than the original by several orders of magnitude. 相似文献
Edge diffraction theory is used in analyzing the radiation characteristics of typical horn antennas. The far-sidelobe and backlobe radiation has been solved without employing field equivalence principles which are impractical in the problem. A corner reflector with a magnetic line source located at the vertex is proposed as a model for the principalE -plane radiation of horn antennas. A complete pattern, including multiple interactions and images of induced line sources, is obtained in infinite series form. Diffraction mechanisms are used for appropriate approximations in the computations. The computed patterns are in excellent agreement with measured patterns of typical horn antennas. Radiation intensity of the backlobe relative to mainlobe intensity is obtained as a back-to-front ratio and plotted as a function of antenna dimensions. 相似文献
Shadowing caused by humped runways at some airports significantly attenuates the guidance signals of the microwave landing system as the aircraft approaches the touchdown point. Application of wedge diffraction theory provides an estimate of this effect. A wedge diffraction factor is presented which relates the signal strength in the shadow to that for line-of-sight on a flat runway. Computations are confirmed by measurements at two airports. 相似文献
The authors derive a diffraction coefficient which is suitable for calculating the filed diffracted by the vertices of perfectly conducting objects. This diffraction coefficient is used to calculate the field scattered by the corner of a metallic sheet. Two diffraction coefficients, one for edges and one for vertices, are derived by solving the appropriate canonical problems using the physical optics (PO) approximation. The diffraction coefficients are calculated by first using the PO approximation which consists of calculating the total field on the surface of an object from the incident field according to the laws of geometrical optics, and then calculating the scattered field by employing this total surface field in a vector diffraction integral. The validity of the diffraction coefficients has been investigated by comparing their predictions with experimental measurements of the scattered field from a single corner of a rectangular metal sheet, and good agreement was found 相似文献
The canonical problem of pulsed field diffraction by a perfectly conducting wedge is analyzed via the spectral theory of transients (STT). In this approach the field is expressed directly in the time domain as a spectral integral of pulsed plane waves. Closed-form expressions are obtained by analytic evaluation of this integral, thereby explaining explicitly in the time domain how spectral contributions add up to construct the field. For impulsive excitation the final results are identical with those obtained previously via time-harmonic spectral integral techniques. Via the STT, the authors also derive new solutions for a finite (i.e., nonimpulsive) incident pulse. Approximate uniform diffraction functions are derived to explain the field structure near the wavefront and in various transition zones. They are the time-domain counterparts of the diffraction coefficients of the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) and the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD). An important feature of the STT technique is that it can-be extended to solve the problem of wedge diffraction of pulsed beam fields (i.e., space-time wavepackets) 相似文献
For pt.I see ibid., vol.38, no.9, p.1350-8 (1990). Asymptotic formulas that can be used to calculate diffraction losses in a multireflector antenna without having to integrate rapidly varying fields over the reflector surfaces and the aperture are presented. Two kinds of losses caused by edge diffraction are considered: the reduction in antenna efficiency and the increase in spillover. The asymptotic formulas are obtained from the standard transition region field introduced in part I and are expressed in terms at the Δρ defined there 相似文献
On considering multipole sources, the effect of pattern variation at an edge is evaluated and applied to determine the correction for an edge illuminated at a shadow boundary. 相似文献
Backscatter analysis of dihedral corner reflectors using physical optics and the physical theory of diffraction 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Physical optics (PO) and the physical theory of diffraction (PTD) are used to determine the backscatter cross sections of dihedral corner reflectors in the azimuthal plane for the vertical and horizontal polarizations. The analysis incorporates single, double, and triple reflections; single diffractions; and reflection-diffractions. Two techniques for analyzing these backscatter mechanisms are contrasted. In the first method, geometrical optics (GO) is used in place of physical optics at initial reflections to maintain the planar nature of the reflected wave and subsequently reduce the complexity of the analysis. The objective is to avoid any surface integrations which cannot be performed in closed form. This technique is popular because it is inherently simple and is readily amenable to computer solutions. In the second method, physical optics is used at nearly every reflection to maximize the accuracy of the PTD solution at the expense of a rapid increase in complexity. In this technique, many of the integrations cannot be easily performed, and numerical techniques must be utilized. However, this technique can yield significant improvements in accuracy. In this paper, the induced surface current densities and the resulting cross section patterns are illustrated for these two methods. Experimental measurements confirm the accuracy of the analytical calculations for dihedral corner reflectors with right, acute, and obtuse interior angles. 相似文献
Shyh-Kang Jeng 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1998,46(4):551-558
This paper proposes a method to compute the near-field RCS and Doppler spectrum of a target when the distances to the antennas are comparable to the target size. By dealing with a small piece of the target surface at a time, the transmitting antenna, and the receiving antenna are in the far-field zone of the small piece of the induced currents. The electromagnetic field produced by this small piece of induced currents can be written as a spherical wave. Sum up all spherical waves produced by every small piece of induced currents and we can obtain the total scattered field at the receiving antenna. The physical theory of diffraction (PTD) and the method of shooting and bouncing rays (SBR) are modified to evaluate the received signals. Numerical results based on these techniques are obtained and discussed. The formulation applies the simple concepts of “equivalent” image and vector effective height, which are believed to be novel 相似文献