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Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from participants listening to or reading sentences that were correct, contained a violation of the required syntactic category, or contained a syntactic-category ambiguity. When sentences were presented auditorily (Experiment 1), there was an early left anterior negativity for syntactic-category violations, but not for syntactic-category ambiguities. Both anomaly types elicited a late centroparietally distributed positivity. When sentences were presented visually word by word (Experiment 2), again an early left anterior negativity was found only for syntactic-category violations, and both types of anomalies elicited a late positivity. The combined data are taken to be consistent with a 2-stage model of parsing, including a 1st stage, during which an initial phrase structure is built and a 2nd stage, during which thematic role assignment and, if necessary, reanalysis takes place. Disruptions to the 1st stage of syntactic parsing appear to be correlated with an early left anterior negativity, whereas disruptions to the 2nd stage might be correlated with a late posterior distributed positivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during the test phase of recognition memory tests for words and pictures of objects. ERPs elicited by recognized items contained a temporo-parietally distributed positive shift (the parietal old/new effect), which was strongly left lateralized regardless of stimulus type. This finding suggests that the lateral distribution of the parietal old/new effect is unrelated to the lateralization of the memory functions supported by the medial temporal lobe memory system. The ERPs to pictures, but not to words, also demonstrated frontally distributed old/new effects, which shifted over time from a left- to a right-sided maximum. These effects may reflect the richer informational content associated with episodic memory for pictures.  相似文献   

A divided visual field (DVF) procedure was used to investigate the scalp distribution of the event-related potential (ERP) repetition effect. ERPs were recorded from 27 scalp sites whilst subjects (n = 20) discriminated between words and non-words presented to either the left (LVF) or the right (RVF) visual field. A proportion of the words were repeated on the trial immediately following their first presentation. In two within-field repetition conditions the two encounters with a word occurred in the same visual field (LVF or RVF). In two across-field repetition conditions, the two encounters with a word occurred in different visual fields. For both words and non-words, task performance was better for RVF presentations than for LVF presentations. In each repetition condition there was a positive-going shift in the ERP elicited by repeated words compared to that elicited by words on their first presentation. This ERP repetition effect was equivalent in magnitude and lateralised to the right hemisphere to an equivalent degree in all four repetition conditions. It is suggested that the ERP effects largely reflect the processing of visual form thought to occur predominately in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The effects of age on behavioural performance and event-related potentials recorded during a working memory task using digits presented either acoustically or visually, were studied in 37 healthy subjects with an age range from 19 to 71 years. With increasing age, psychological tests showed a progressive decline in visuo-spatial performance and both auditory and visual reaction times (RT) increased. There were multiple and varying effects of age on both early and late ERP components. For both auditory and visual responses, increasing age was associated with an increased amplitude of early positive waves (auditory P100 and visual P145) and, in the oldest subjects, significant delays of the major late positive waves. Other changes were modality-specific with a progressive shift of amplitude maxima in the early negative waves of the visual ERPs (from an N190 peak maximal at Pz in the young, to an N270 peak maximal at Cz in the older subjects) and an altered amplitude distribution of late potentials (after the P250 wave) in the auditory responses. The age at which ERP changes occurred varied-significant latency prolongations and increases in the amplitude of the major frontal positive waves occurred only in the oldest subjects, whereas a redistribution of late auditory ERPs also occurred in the intermediate age group. There was no interaction between age and increasing memory load, suggesting that there is no specific effect of age on memory scanning in this age range for these levels of task difficulty. Thus, although performance in working memory was apparently unaffected by age, as judged by behavioural parameters (apart from slowing of the reaction times), ERPs revealed significant changes in both early and late electrical brain processes associated with working memory as age increases. These changes which were not symptomatically manifest and only revealed by sensitive tests, may represent subtle dysfunction of working memory (or associated processes) which does not prevent the successful completion of our task, compensatory mechanisms (which are essential to successfully complete the task), or a combination of both age-induced dysfunction and compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this study, the processes associated with retrieving object forms and object locations from working memory were examined with the use of simultaneously recorded event-related potential (ERP) activity. Subjects memorized object forms and their spatial locations and made either object-based or location-based recognition judgments. In Experiment 1, recognition performance was higher for object locations than for object forms. Old responses evoked more positive-going ERP activity between 0.3 and 1.8 sec poststimulus than did new responses. The topographic distribution of these old/new effects in the P300 time interval was task specific, with object-based recognition judgments being associated with anteriorly focused effects and location-based judgments with posteriorly focused effects. Late old/new effects were dominant at right frontal recordings. Using an interference paradigm, it was shown in Experiment 2 that visual representations were used to rehearse both object forms and object locations in working memory. The results of Experiment 3 indicated that the observed differential topographic distributions of the old/new effects in the P300 time interval are unlikely to reflect differences between easy and difficult recognition judgments. More specific effects were obtained for a subgroup of subjects for which the processing characteristics during location-based judgments presumably were similar to those in Experiment 1. These data, together with those from Experiment 1, indicate that different brain areas are engaged in retrieving object forms and object locations from working memory. Further analyses support the view that retrieval of object forms relies on conceptual semantic representation, whereas retrieving object locations is based on structural representations of spatial information. The effects in the later time intervals may play a functional role in post-retrieval processing, such as recollecting information from the study episode or other processes operating on the products of the retrieval process, and presumably are mediated by right frontal cortical areas. The results support the view of functionally dissociable object and spatial visual working memory systems.  相似文献   

In two experiments, large letters H or Z composed of small letters (also H or Z) were presented. Subjects had to make a two-choice motor response (e.g. H--left key, Z--right key). A cue presented 500 ms before the letter indicated which level (global or local) was relevant. In Experiment I, a third letter (T) sometimes appeared either at the cued or the non-cued level; in the former case, subjects had to shift their attention and to respond to stimulus features located at the non-cued level. The interference effect (RT delay in response to incongruent stimuli as compared to congruent ones) was larger when the local, rather than global, level was cued. A slow anterior negativity preceding globally-cued stimuli and shorter N1 and P2 ERP component latencies to these stimuli indicated better preparation for processing of global, as compared to local, stimulus features. The shift from local to global focus yielded a larger increase of RT, error rate, and of the P600 latency than the global-to-local shift. The P600 latency changes were parallel to those of RT. In Experiment II, the attentional shift was provoked by stimulus color red-colored letters meant that the cue was invalid, and thus, subjects had to respond to the non-cued level. Neither the interference nor the attentional shift demonstrated any asymmetry between the global and local levels. ERPs also did not differ substantially after local and global cues. In the condition demanding a shift of focus (invalid cue, incongruent letter), a positive deflection of the lateralized readiness potential indicated the activation of the wrong response channel. The large RT increment in this condition was not accompanied by an increase of the P600 latency. Two possible mechanisms of attentional shift may be proposed, the first related to perceptual processes (e.g. an additional visual search), and the second, to the competition between two response intentions.  相似文献   

The central effects of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) are discussed controversially. In animal models, it has been shown that ASA can interact with the central serotonergic and catecholaminergic neuronal system. However, the relevance of this interaction for humans is still unknown. We performed a study on the influence of ASA on central cognitive processing. In 25 healthy subjects (age 21-56 years), visually evoked event-related potentials (ERP) and reaction time under IV ASA medication were recorded. ERP were evoked by an oddball paradigm. As compared to placebo, ASA decreased the latency of the P3 component significantly in a time interval of 20-40 min after administration. The latency of the N2 component was significantly decreased about 25 min after administration; the latency of the exogenous P2 component was not influenced by ASA. The mean choice reaction time was significantly decreased by ASA 35 min after administration. At this time point, there was a significant correlation between decrease in reaction time and increase in ASA plasma level. The data show that IV administration of ASA has an accelerating effect on the endogenous components of visual ERP and on reaction time. This finding suggests that ASA can influence central cognitive processing, possibly by ASA induced changes of neurotransmitters. Since serotonin can be released by ASA and serotonin release leads to a decrease of ERP latencies. we assume that ASA most likely influences cognitive processing via the central serotonergic transmitter system.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a dot enumeration task so as to investigate electrophysiologic correlates of early visuospatial processing in schizophrenia. Twenty-eight patients having a diagnosis of schizophrenia (n?=?19) or schizoaffective disorder (n?=?9) and 28 controls were tested. Patients showed poorer dot enumeration than did controls and also had markedly reduced early negative ERPs, which began about 150 ms after stimulus onset at the peak of the N1 potential and reached its maximum about 275 ms at the N2 peak. The N1 reduction in patients was greatest over left parietal sites for stimuli in the right visual field. The marked N1 and N2 reductions in patients are supportive of models postulating deficits in early visuospatial attention and allocation of conceptual resources in schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Young adult subjects attended selectively to brief noise bursts delivered in free field via a horizontal array of seven loudspeakers spaced apart by 9 degrees of angle. Frequent "standard" stimuli (90%) and infrequent "target/deviant" stimuli (10%) of increased bandwidth were delivered at a fast rate in a random sequence equiprobably from each speaker. In separate runs, the subjects' task was to selectively attend to the leftmost, center, or rightmost speaker and to press a button to the infrequent "target" stimuli occurring at the designated spatial location. Behavioral detection rates and concurrently recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) indicated that auditory attention was deployed as a finely tuned gradient around the attended sound source, thus providing support for gradient models of auditory spatial attention. Furthermore, the ERP data suggested that the spatial focusing of attention was achieved in two distinct stages, with an early more broadly tuned filtering of inputs occurring over the first 80-200 msec after stimulus onset, followed by a more narrowly focused selection of attended-location deviants that began at around 250 msec and closely resembled the behavioral gradient of target detections.  相似文献   

The relation between mental ability and auditory discrimination ability was examined by recording event-related potentials from 60 women during an auditory oddball task with backward masking. Across conditions that varied in intensity and in the interval between the target and masking stimuli, the higher ability (HA) group exhibited greater response accuracy, shorter response times, larger P3 amplitude, and shorter P3 latency to target stimuli than the lower ability (LA) group. When instructed to ignore the stimuli, the HA group exhibited shorter mismatch negativity latency to deviant tones than the LA group. The greater speed and accuracy of auditory discrimination for the HA group, observed here with multiple measures, is not a consequence of response strategy, test-taking ability, or attention deployment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether color and shape, tied to a single object in space, (1) are identified and selected in series or in parallel, (2) are identified and selected in a dependent, self-terminating manner or in an independent and exhaustive manner, and (3) are conjoined by a feature integration process before or only after an initial stage of separate attribute analyses has finished. We measured response time and the selection negativity (SN) derived from event-related brain potentials when participants responded to a unique conjunction of color and shape in a go/no-go target detection task. The discriminability of the color and the shape of the conjunction was manipulated in three conditions. When color and shape were easy to discriminate, the SNs to color and shape started at the same time. When one attribute was less discriminable the SN to that attribute started later, but not the SN to the complementary attribute. This suggests that color and shape are identified and selected in parallel. In all three discriminability conditions, the SNs to color and shape were initially independent but later interacted. This suggests that color and shape are initially selected independently and exhaustively, after which their conjunction is analyzed. The SN to local shape features started later than that to the conjunction of color and global shape features, which suggests that feature integration can start before the analyses of the separate attributes have finished.  相似文献   

Error-monitoring abnormalities may underlie positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Response-synchronized event-related potentials during picture-word matching yielded error- and correct-response-related negativity (ERN, CRN) and positivity (Pe, Pc) and preresponse lateralized readiness potentials (LRP) from 18 schizophrenic patients and 18 controls. Both groups responded faster to matches than nonmatches, although patients were generally slower and made more errors to nonmatches. Compared with controls, patients, particularly with paranoid subtype, had smaller ERNs and larger CRNs, which were indistinguishable. LRPs showed evidence of more response conflict before errors than before correct responses in controls but not patients. Despite ERN/CRN abnormalities, post-error slowing and Pe were normal in patients, suggesting a dissociation of ERN and error awareness. Anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortical dysfunction in schizophrenia are implicated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded to tones of different frequencies and locations in a dichotic selective attention task in which Ss responded to occasional deviant tones of a prespecified location and frequency. Attention effects were isolated as negative difference (Nd) waves by subtracting ERPs to tones with no attended features from ERPs to the same tones when they shared target frequency, location, or both cues. The N1/P90 (latency 80–200 msec), originating in a tonotopically organized generator, was enhanced for all tones in the attended ear. Nd waves, beginning at 80 msec and lasting up to 700 ms, were seen to tones with either attended feature. Nd waves to frequency and location features had different scalp distributions consistent with generation in different cortical fields. Conjunction-specific Nds began 30–50 msec after Nds to individual features. The relative timing suggests that feature conjunction began before the analysis of individual features was complete. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) can serve as markers for cognitive processing stages. Identification of those ERPs altered in schizophrenia offer information about cognitive dysfunction. Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were elicited within an oddball paradigm in 35 schizophrenic patients and compared with 35 healthy controls. N100 and P200, as well as N200, frontal P300 and parietal P300 subcomponents, were separated using dipole source analysis. The amplitudes of the N100 and the parietal P300 measured in schizophrenics were diminished. The input-related processing stages (N100 and P200) were not altered, whereas later, the deviant and task-related processes (N200, frontal P300, parietal P300 and reaction time) were significantly prolonged in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The authors tested whether individually tailored health communications receive more attention from the reader than nontailored health communications in a randomized, controlled trial among student volunteers (N = 24). They used objective measures of attention allocation during the message exposure. In a between-subjects design, participants had to read tailored or nontailored nutrition education messages and at the same time had to pay attention to specific odd auditory stimuli in a sequence of frequent auditory stimuli (odd ball paradigm). The amount of attention allocation was measured by recording event-related potentials (ERPs; i.e., N100 and P300 ERPs) and reaction times. For the tailored as opposed to the nontailored group, results revealed larger amplitudes for the N100 effect, smaller amplitudes for the P300 effect, and slower reaction times. Resource allocation theory and these results suggest that those in the tailored group allocated more attention resources to the nutrition message than those in the nontailored group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to characterize neural responses associated with emotional learning. Employing a classical conditioning paradigm in which faces were conditioned by pairing with an aversive tone (US), we compared responses evoked by conditioned (CS+) and nonconditioned (CS-) stimuli. Pairing 50% of the CS+ with the US enabled us to constrain our analysis to responses evoked by a CS+ not followed by a US. Differential evoked responses, related to conditioning, were found in the anterior cingulate and the anterior insula, regions with known involvement in emotional processing. Differential responses of the amygdalae were best characterized by a time by stimulus interaction indicating a rapid adaptation of CS+-specific responses in this region.  相似文献   

Using 6-9 yr old children, an attempt was made to replicate D. McNeill's (1970) investigation, which suggested that although semantic cues aided processing of sentences by 5-8 yr olds, syntactic cues did not. In agreement with other more recent studies, results show that children's ability to process syntactically well-formed sentences increased over the early school years. The difference between McNeill's data and later data sets probably stems from (a) unreliability owing to small samples (5 children) at each age level and (b) unreliability due to the high difficulty of sentences used for the criterion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Though case management has been recommended to improve the outcomes of patients with costly or morbid conditions, it has seldom been studied in controlled trials. We performed a randomized, controlled clinical trial of an intensive, multidisciplinary case management program for patients with chronic renal insufficiency and followed patients for 5 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We enrolled 437 primary-care patients (73% of those eligible) with chronic renal insufficiency (estimated creatinine clearance consistently < 50 mL/min with the last serum creatinine level > 1.4 mg/dL) who were attending an urban academic general internal medicine practice. The intensive case management, administered during the first 2 years after enrollment, consisted of mandatory repeated consultations in a nephrology case management clinic staffed by two nephrologists, a renal nurse, a renal dietitian, and a social worker. Control patients received usual care. Primary outcome measurements included serum creatinine level, estimated creatinine clearance, health services use, and mortality in the 5 years after enrollment. Secondary measures included use of renal sparing and potentially nephrotoxic drugs. RESULTS: There were no differences in renal function, health services use, or mortality in the first, second, or third through fifth years after enrollment. There were significantly more outpatient visits among intervention patients, mainly because of the added visits to the nephrology case management clinic. There were also no significant differences in the use of renal sparing or selected potentially nephrotoxic drugs. The annual direct costs of the intervention were $89,355 ($484 per intervention patient). CONCLUSION: This intensive, multidisciplinary case-management intervention had no effect on the outcomes of care among primary-care patients with established chronic renal insufficiency. Such expensive and intrusive interventions, despite representing state-of-the-art care, should be tested prospectively before being widely introduced into practice.  相似文献   

The results of the dexamethasone test were compared with the depression depth and pain intensity in patients with low back pain caused by degenerative changes and/or disc prolapse. In the light of these studies no correlation was demonstrated between the positive results of the dexamethasone test and depression symptoms and the intensity and duration of pain.  相似文献   

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